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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,高考书面表达复习指导,By Mr Wang,第二节书面表达,(,满分,25,分,假定你是李华,你的巴基斯坦朋友,Khan (,属狗)对中国文化兴趣浓厚,他即将过生日。你在购物网站为他购买了一件礼物“狗”,请写一封邮件,告知他查收。内容,包括:,1.,生日祝福,;,2.,属相“狗”的含义;,3.,物品到达时间。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右;,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,武汉市,2018,届高三毕业生二月调考,W,riting Steps,Step 1,审题,文体、人称、时态,Step 2,构思,要点、用词、造句,Step 3,谋篇,书写、分段、排版,第二节书面表达,(,满分,25,分,假定你是李华,你的巴基斯坦朋友,Khan (,属狗)对中国文化兴趣浓厚,他即将过生日。你在购物网站为他购买了一件礼物“狗”,请写一封邮件,告知他查收。内容,包括:,1.,生日祝福,;,2.,属相“狗”的含义;,3.,物品到达时间。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右;,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,武汉市,2018,届高三毕业生二月调考,文体:告知信,人称:第一人称,要点,时态,:,一般过去时,一般现在时,一般将来时,score :21,score :23,score :24,好作文标准,句子正确:句子成分、句子结构,内容完整:增加细节、,120,字左右,行文连贯:关联词汇、逻辑词汇,高级表达:高级词汇、高级句型,书写美观:书写整洁、三段排版,一、句子怎样才算正确?,1.简单句,(simple sentence),主+系+表,/,主+谓+,(,宾,),I am Li Hua. I am writing a letter.,2.,并列句,(compound sentence),简单句,+,简单句,I am Li Hua and I am writing a letter.,3.,复合句,(complex sentence),主句,+,从句,I am Li Hua who is writing a letter.,二、怎样增加细节?,增加同位语、介词短语,I know you were born in 2006,the Year of Dog,according to Chinese tradition.,增加非谓语动词短语,So, I bought a toy for you,hoping you will be as lucky,as a dog.,增加状语从句、定语从句、名词从句,Dogs are our friends, our best companions, as well as,the most popular animals in the world,who are loyal to,human kinds.,三、如何使文章连贯?,1.表示转折关系:,but, yet, however, instead, otherwise,on the contrary, after all.,2.表示因果关系:,since, as, because, so, thus, therefore, as a result (of), as a consequence (of).,3.表示条件关系:,if, unless, on condition that, so/as long as.,三、如何使文章连贯?,4.表示时间关系:,when, while, as, after, before, since, as soon as, the moment, the minute, not until, no sooner than, hardly/scarcely when.,5.表示先后顺序:,firstlysecondlyfinally, first of all/above all/to begin withwhats more/in additionlast but not the least ;on the one hand, ; on the other hand, ,;for one thing.,for another,三、如何使文章连贯?,6,.进行举例说明:,for instance, for example, such as.,7,.表达个人看法:,in my opinion,/view, as far as Im concerned, as we know, as is known to all/us.,8.,引出话题:,As for/to sth. When it comes to (doing) sth.,besides, whats more, in addition.,9,.总结话题:,on the whole, in short, all in all, in general, in a word.,1.,使用并列句,【原文】Tom studied very hard. He passed the exam.,【修改】Tom studied very hard and/so he passed the exam.,四、如何使用高级表达?,2. 使用非谓语动词,【原文1】They went back to school. They sang and laughed.,【修改1】They went back to school, singing and laughing.,【原文2】After I had collected the information, I began to research.,【修改2】Having collected the information, I began to research.,四、如何使用高级表达?,3. 使用with复合结构,【原文1】My father sat in the sofa. A newspaper was in his hand.,【修改1】My father sat in the sofa with a newspaper in his hand.,【原文2】After I had done my homework, I went to bed.,【修改2】With my homework done, I went to bed.,四、如何使用高级表达?,4. 使用定语从句,【原文1】We love our library. It is a good place to study in.,【修改1】We love our library, which is a good place to study in.,【原文2】I went to Beijing yesterday. I saw many interesting things there.,【修改2】 I went to Beijing yesterday where I saw many interesting things.,四、如何使用高级表达?,5.使用状语从句,【原文】He got up early. He could catch the early bus.,【修改】He got up early so that,/in order that,he could catch the early bus.,四、如何使用高级表达?,6.使用名词性从句,【原文1】To his surprise, the little girl knows so many things.,【修改1】What surprises him is that the little girl knows so many things.,【原文2】As is known to us all, China has the largest population in the world.,【修改2】It is known to us all that China has the largest population in the world.,四、如何使用高级表达?,7. 使用倒装句,【原文1】We can get high marks only in this way.,【修改1】Only in this way can we get high marks.,【原文2】Although/Though he is old, he often works hard.,【修改2】Old as/though he is, he often works hard.,四、如何使用高级表达?,8. 使用强调句,【原文1】My brave dog saved my little sister.,【修改1】It was my brave dog that saved my little sister.,【原文2】I didnt go to sleep until I had finished my homework.,【修改2】It was not until I had finished my homework that I went to sleep.,四、如何使用高级表达?,9.使用虚拟语气,【原文1】I am not a bird. I cant fly in the sky.,【修改1】 If I were a bird, I could fly in the sky.,【原文2】You hadnt followed my advice, so you didnt pass the exam.,【修改2】,Had you followed my advice, you would have passed the exam.,四、如何使用高级表达?,10.,使用套话,How are you recently? Havent seen you since last time we spent a week together in Wuhan.,Im writing to tell you .,The reason why . is that .,I would be very grateful /appreciate it if you .,四、如何使用高级表达?,Tip1,:,晚词优先,1.,adj,.,困难的,黯然低分词:,difficult,闪光高分词:,challenging,2.,adj,.,美丽,的,黯然低分词:,beautiful,闪光高分词:,attractive/ appealing/ breathtaking,3.,v.,生气,黯然低分词:,get angry,闪光高分词:,be overcome / overwhelmed with anger,五、如何使用高级词汇?,Tip2: 词组优先,1.,v.,使用,黯然低分词:,use,闪光高分词:,make (good) use of/ take adavantage of,2.,adj.,有好处的,黯然低分词:,beneficial,闪光高分词:,be of (great) benefit,3.,v.,影响,黯然低分词:,affect/ influence,闪光高分词:,have an effect/influence/impact on,五、如何使用高级词汇?,Tip3: 具体化优先,1. Mr Wu is a good teacher .,2. The activity is successful.,The activity,displays our talents and enriches our lives,.,Mr Wu is a,kind , patient and knowledgeable,teacher.,五、如何使用高级词汇?,Which handwriting is beautiful?,Which handwriting is beautiful?,Which handwriting is beautiful?,Which handwriting is beautiful?,Handwriting,意大利斜体,Handwriting,衡水体,第二节书面表达,(,满分,25,分,假定你是李华,你的美国朋友,Jim,对中国传统节日感兴趣,请向他介绍一下中国的清明节,(the Tomb-sweeping Day),。,内容包括:,1.,清明节含义,;,2.,清明节活动;,3.,你的感受。,注意:,1.,词数,100,左右;,2.,可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。,Homework,Festival,节日,Activities,Lantern Festival,春节,To celebrate,the New year,we,counted down (,倒数,) for it.,Spring Festival,元宵节,Seeing,from the top of the hill,I,enjoyed the spring outing (,踏青,).,Mid-Autumn Festival,清明节,Seen,from the top of the hill,the dragon boat race,is more breathtaking.,Dragon Boat Festival,端午节,The mooncake,made,in the shape of a heart attracts many people,.,The Tomb-sweping Day,中秋节,With all the lantern riddles (,谜语,),solved, he won the first prize.,Thank you for listening!,


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