TOEFL IBT写作强化课程综合写作篇2(新东方)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,左 涵(,John,),TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,学习目的,掌握,TOEFL IBT,综合写作的有效语言表达技能,通过对综合写作范文的分析和练习,使同学们进一步巩固,TOEFL IBT,写作技能,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,目录,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,单词,/,短语,缩写,单词,/,短语,缩写,Important,IMP,Interest,INTST,Message,MSG,Maximum,MAX,Detail,DT,Minimum,MIN,Information,INFO,No Later Than,NLT,People,PL,As Much/Many As Possible,AMAP,Individual,INDIV,As Soon As Possible,ASAP,Effect,EF,Department,DEPT,Quality,QULT,Situation,SITN,Quantity,QUTY,For Your Reference,FYR,Dangerous,DGS,For Example,E.G.,听力内容缩写技巧,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,听力内容符号表达,单词,/,短语,符号,单词,/,短语,符号,Wrong, negative, something bad, incorrect, inappropriate,Right, Correct, positive, something good, appropriate, suitable,Many, lots of, a great deal of, plenty, a good many of.,Bigger/larger/better/greater/ more than,Little, few, lack, be in shortage of, in short of,Less/smaller/fewer than,Among, within, in between of, in the middle of,( ),Means, that is to say, the same as, be equal to, in other words,About, around, just, approximately, merely,Be different/identical/distinct from,Increase, raise, add,Decrease, down, reduce, lessen, cut down,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,听力内容符号表达,单词,/,短语,符号,单词,/,短语,符号,But, on the contrary, however, on the other hand, unfortunately,(转折),In particular, especially, remember, look,(强调),ESP,And, as well as, not only but also, either or, Neither nor,(并列),&,For example/instance, such as/like, say, specifically,(举例),e.g.,Because, since, for, due to, according to, come, originate, result from,(因),So, therefore, hence, result, lead to, result in, then,(果),In other words, put it this way,(解释),i.e.,In conclusion/sum, to sum up, from the above, all in all, anyway,(总结),TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,指代人物类,教授(听力部分),The lecturer/speaker/professor/lesson/listening material/talk,作者(阅读部分),The author/writer/reading material/writing/passage/text/article,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,指代原文信息及内容,According to the lecture/reading,According to the theory/concept in the lecture/reading,The reading/passage states/claims/points out that,The passage is about/surrounding/regarding to,Based on the discussion of the lecture/reading material,the passage introduces/argues/concludes that,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,总结听力,/,阅读之观点,The professor/reading makes the point that/points out/says/tells,The lecture supports/illustrates the idea that,The lecture contradicts/refutes the idea that,The speaker disagrees/disapproves/refutes/opposes,The speaker suggests/implies/puts forward,The professor explains/exemplifies/shows/illustrates,The author of the passage urges us to,The professor has made clear that,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,比较听力,/,阅读之观点,Comparing the lecture to the reading material,Different/distinctive from the reading, the lecturer,Despite the arguments made in the passage, the lecture,In the reading material, it is stated that, but, on the contrary however, in contrast,After hearing the contents of the lecture, which seems opposite to/contrary to/completely different from,Although the passage made it clear that, the lecturer holds a different view in which,其它比较类词汇,on the other hand, conversely, is the opposite of, while, whereas, nevertheless, although, meanwhile, after all, although this may be true, in spite of, despite,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,表因果关系,Because, because of, due to, in order to, since, for, therefore, in this case, thus, hence,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,指代阅读信息的抽象名词,表原因:,reason, cause, basis, ground, motive, motivation,表例子:,example, instance, paradigm, illustration,表证据:,evidence, data, fact, proof, basis, foundation, key points,表解释:,explanation, account, interpretation, elucidation,表定义:,definition, description, clarification, circumscription,表假设:,assumption, premise, presumption, supposition, postulation, hypothesis, conjecture,表结论:,conclusion, belief, idea, opinion, judgment, view, notion, argument, theory, concept,表话题:,issue, matter, topic, problem, subject, concern,表推测:,observation, prediction, estimate, optimization,表建议:,advice, appeal, proposal, plan, scheme, recommendation,表优势:,benefit, advantage, improvement,表劣势:,drawback, disadvantage, downside,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,指代听力信息的抽象名词,表(进一步)研究:,(further/closer/other/in-depth/insight) studies, researches, work,表(新)发现:,(new/fresh) finding, discovery, detection,表其他理论:,alternative explanation/theory/statement/concept,表相反例子:,counter-example/evidence,表断言:,allegation, claim, assertion,表辩驳:,charge, objection, refutation, rejection, challenge,表评论:,remark, comment,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,有效句型,The professor made the point thaton the contrary/in contrast/however, the writer demonstrated a different/challenge/contradictory idea that,Contrary to the belief in the passage thatthe professor says that,The professor refutes the viewpoint showed in the passage thatby saying that,The professor made the point that The reading, in contrast, held a different view by stating that,The listening material contradicts the reading material regarding the issue/problem of ,As regards/In terms of the listening material contradicts the reading material.,According to the lectureon the other hand/while the reading states thatThese two ideas are contradictory to each other.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,综合写作模板(观点相反),The topic for the lecture and the reading passage is _. The professor argues that _ while the reading contends that _. The lecture contradicts the reading regarding several points.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,综合写作模板,1,(观点相反),Firstly, the lecturer points out that _ which differs from the reading in that the reading states _. To illustrate his/her idea, the professor gives an example that _. The point made by the professor casts doubt on the reading.,Secondly, contrary to the belief in the passage that _, the professor claims that _ by showing that _. The point undermines the claim made in the reading.,Finally, the professor states that _. This is contrary to the claim in the passage that _. Also the professor illustrates his/her opinion by showing that _. This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates.,听力分论点,1,阅读分论点,1,听力细节,1,阅读分论点,2,听力分论点,2,听力细节,2,听力分论点,3,阅读分论点,3,听力细节,3,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,综合写作模板,2,(观点相反),The author of the reading passage has a very positive / negative attitude toward the,题目内容或话题, citing many advantages / merits / conveniences / benefits / virtues it offers. On the other hand / On the contrary / From a contradictory viewpoint / From an opposite angle, the lecturer explains how all those advantages / merits / conveniences / benefits / virtues come with a price as,演讲部分的背景或环境,.,题目内容或话题(名词短语形式), according to the author, is very useful / helpful / beneficial / advanced / valuable / important / convenient / handy / favorable in,阅读部分观点,1,. However, the lecturer explains that such an approach / idea / viewpoint / opinion / recommendation / evidence / illustration / demonstration can / may / could not,演讲部分与之对照的不同观点,1,.,演讲部分的观点陈述,.,.The reading passage points out that,阅读部分的观点,2,. The lecturer counters this point by stating that,演讲部分与之相对照的不同观点,2,.,As for the authors assertion / suggestion / recommendation / claim / statement that,阅读部分的观点,3, the lecturer does not refute these statements directly. Instead, he explains that,演讲部分与之相对照的不同观点,3,. Quite the opposite,演讲部分观点之总结句,.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作语言表达技巧,综合写作模板(观点相反),In conclusion, the points made in the lecture challenge the readings claim.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作训练,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作训练,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,演讲内容,思路整理区,1. It takes more time for a company to turn over its project to a team because someone within the group might expect a free ride and contribute nothing to the actual result of the project.,2. The success of a project is judged on the whole of the team instead of each individual because there will be no names mentioned in the end.,3. The project may encounter slow in progress because each team member feels lack of responsibility.,4. The effect of some influential members can be vital to the success of a project. First, if the influential figure is so powerful and he/she can terminate a project or an idea even though the project leads to a good direction. Second, the influential figure can also convince group members to ignore good or useful suggestions or advices, making them less creative.,5. In this case, if the project turns to failure, the influential figure wont face blame, but the whole team will.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作训练,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,综合写作训练,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,演讲内容,思路整理区,Through a thorough X-Ray examination, which found that the,colour,of the fur collar was not original and someone put it on the top of the original painting 100 years after Rembrandt had painted it.,2. The examination also found the light and shadow were also processed on the top of the original painting, which is very realistic and just like what would Rembrandt had done.,3. The wood panel which the portrait was painted on had been enlarged by others with wood pieces in order to make the painting more valuable. Hence the wood on the original panel was from the same tree that the panel of another Rembrandts painting was based on.,TOEFL IBT,写作强化课程,综合写作篇,小 结,


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