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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,2013外研版七年级英语上册期末知识点复习M1-M10课件,2013外研版七年级英语上册期末知识点复习M1-M10课件2013外研版七年级英语上册期末知识点复习M1-M10课件国家 England France Germany,语言/人 English French German6. Its + adj. +to doIts nice to meet you. 7. first name= given name (名) P7,last name= family name(姓) Its + n. +to doIts time to have lunch.,国家 England France Germany,语言/人 English French German,6. Its + adj. +to do,Its nice to meet you.,7. first name= given name (名) P7,last name= family name(姓),Its + n. +to do,Its time to have lunch.,Module 2 知识点总结,1. 家庭成员的单词 P8,2. these / those are,3. a,an,university / European,actor / hour / English book,4. What+be+ sb?,Whats sbs job?,What does /do sb do?,5. hotel manager,s, factory worker, computer room women doctors,6.a friend of mine,a photo of Miss Li,= Miss Lis photo,7. 介词总结,in,1998 / January (年份,月份),spring (四季),the morning (早下晚),Dalian (+大地点),on,Friday (星期),Friday morning (某日上下午),October 7th (具体日期),“上演” be on,at,night,7:00 (具体时间),+小地点 bus stop, police station,weekends,weekdays,8. 职业+工作地点 P10,Module 3 知识点总结,1. Whats like?,like prep. 像,v. 喜欢 + doing,2. furniture 家具的总称(不可数)+v.单,3. 数字的书写 P14 forty,4. there be 句型 就近原则,Yes, there is / are,No, there isnt / arent,5. everyone + v.单,6. some 肯定句,any 否定/疑问句,以下句型some不变any,What/ How about some?,Would you like some?,Can/ Could you ?,7. on the wall in the wall,in front of in the front of,in the tree on the tree,in the middle of,between and,on the right / left of,next to =near,8. sports hall,Module 4 知识点总结,蔬菜、水果、饮料单词,P20,液体、肉类不可数名词,fish, rice, bread,2. 名词变复数规则,3. go shopping for= buy,4. Lets + v.原,5. I have got some apples,Have you got any apples?,Yes, I have,No, I havent,I havent got any apples.,have 助动词 have got,实义动词 “吃” “上课”,I have English every day,Do you have English every day?,Yes, I do. No, I dont,I dont have English every day.,have-has,go-goes,动词单三形式变化规则,do-does,6. be bad / good for,7. too much,too many,8. a lot of + 可数名词复数,不可数名词,9. health n.,be good for your health,healthy adj.,stay healthy,10. Its important to do sth,11. get fat,12. 祈使句 v.原 P22,Module 5 知识点总结,1. have + 学科 “上课”,2. talk with / to sb /about sth,3. What lessons do you have today?,When is your Chinese?,4. be difficult for sb to do sth,5. 一般现在时: every 频度副词,I get up at 7:00,Do you get up at 7:00?,I dont get up at 7:00.,6. have breakfast,start work,have a break,in the playground,do ones homework,go to bed= go to sleep,finish school = after school,7. I,you(你),she,he,it,they,we,you(你们),my,your,her,his,its,their,our,your,me,you,her,him,it,them,us,you,myself,yourself,herself,himself,itself,themselves,ourselves,yourselves,Module 6 知识点总结,1. welcome to,2. many kinds of +可数名词复数,3. such as,4. different +可数名词复数,5. called 被称作,6. in Asia,7. a little a few,little few,8. all over the world,9. 30 kilos of,also,as well as,too,either,11. 大陆及相对应的形容词 P38,an African elephant,a European wolf,13. be good at doing,14. catch for food,15. kangaroos, monkeys, giraffes, zebras,16. shall + v.原,17.Live alone,Module 7 知识点总结,1. connect to,2. turn on=switch on,off,3. use sth to do,would like to do = want to do,4. What do I do next?,5. paper 不可数,newspaper 可数,6. open a document,save a document,write a name in the box,print-printer(打印机),7. share with,8. go on the Internet,9. make travel plans,10. listen to music,11. watch movies = go to the cinema = see a film,12. (不加介词),every,Friday night,13. search for,information (不可数名词),14. give/ send sth to sb,sb sth,buy/ cook/ get/ draw/ make sth for sb,sb sth,15. check emails,Module 8 知识点总结,1. would like to do,Would you like to do sth?,Yes, Id like to.,Sorry,Would you like some?,Yes, please.,No, thank you,2. 频度副词用how often提问,3. get some presents,4. go shopping, go swimming,5. 人 + spend (in),doing,on sth,6. as a present,7. go to the concert,8. watch matches on television,Module 9 知识点总结,1. 进行时 be +doing,2. stand in line,wait for,be on a school trip, a trip to+地点,take photos,be on sale,lie in the sun by email,3. enjoy + doing,oneself,=have a good / great time,4. a lot = very much,walk a lot (very much,X,),5. get on / off,leave work,drive home,have afternoon tea,have a drink,go to the theatre,see friends,call home,greetings from,write to,6. thank you for,doing,sth,Module 10 知识点总结,get ready for,sth,to do,2. help sb with sth,do sth,3. be at work,4. put away,5. work hard,sweep the floor,cook the meal,clean the house,hurry up,join sb,make lanterns,6. at Spring Festival,7. on the same day,8. sweep away bad luck,9. watch a programme,10. on Christmas Day,11. 连词 and, but, or, because, so,谢谢观赏,


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