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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语报刊语言的语法特征,灵活采用省略句式,酌情镶嵌插入语,句型松散,富有弹性,巧用时态,不拘呼应,前置定语,种类繁多,注明出处,形式多样,灵活采用省略句式,介词,On,的省略,Suchinda Kraprayon resigned Sunday as prime minister to take responsibility for bloody repression of democracy protest,连词,that,的省略,Butros Ghali said the rich nations were,to blame for the rising of the earths,temperature,酌情镶嵌插入语,(,parenthesis,),代替从句,The Indian National Congress,at the time,a predominantly upper-class Hindu organization,tried,to make common cause with local Muslims.,Washington Hotel,part of Washingtons exclusive and,notorious Watergate complex, has been sold to the,investment bank Blackstone Group.,插入同位语,(appositive),为使句子简洁精炼,尽可能多的传递信息英语新闻记者经常插入同位语,The group of five Senator,led by Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho, the committee chairman,is on a six-day visit to china.,Mr. Fernan,the law professor, cites his hometown,San Fabian, a small community south of Manila, as an example.,Practice: Combine the following sentences into one sentence, using parentheses when necessary.,1. His tenant is an entrepreneur,The entrepreeneurs company makes shark-fin antennae.,A shark-fin antenna is an increasingly popular car part.,His tenant is just the sort of person one would expect to,live in trendy suburbs such as Royal Oak or Ferndale.,2,. Mrs.Clinton had suggested she wanted to wait before deciding about her future.,It was in speech after Tuesday nights primaries.,His tenant is an entrepreneur whose company makes shark-fin antennae, an increasingly popular car part, just the sort of person one would expect to live in trendy suburbs such as Royal Oak or Ferndale.,Mrs Clinton has, in a speech after Tuesday nights primaries, suggested she wanted to wait before deciding about her future.,3.,Mrs. Clintons decision came as some of her prominent supporters announced they were now backing Mr. Obama.,Among them is former vice president Walter F. Mondale.,4. The Centaur Bar serves 18 kinds of Martinis to a well dressed, racially diverse upbeat group young professionals.,The bar is in a bold art-deco setting.,Mrs. Clintons decision came as some of her prominent supportersincluding former vice president Walter F. Mondale-announced they were now backing Mr.Obama.,The Centaur Bar. in a bold art-deco setting, serves 18 kinds of Martinis to a well dressed, racially diverse upbeat group of young professionals.,句型松散,富有弹性,合并句子,(sentence-combining),新闻记者力求将丰富的信息压缩在有限的篇幅中,Andrew P.Rourke, the Republican Candidate for,governor,said yesterday that he would withdraw from a televised debate with Governor Cuomo if the candidate of the New Alliance Party, which he accused of extremist views, participates.,分裂不定式,split infinitive,It may be days before investigators can begin to carefully sift through the tons of debris for clues to the bomber.,The Indian Army had warned earlier that its,troops would shoot at anyone who tried to illegally enter Indian territory.,Make a list of things that the news report mentions about him in terms of Who, What,When, Where, and Why,.,Warwickshire police announced late last night that Arthur Prentice, a 35-year-old lorry driver of Babblesthorpe, Cambridgeshire, wanted in connection with the disappearance of 17-year-old Glenys Dennis from her home in Cambridge last March, had been arrested in the Solihull area of Birmingham and was helping polices with their enquiries.,Who: Arthur Prentice, 35-year-old, a lorry driver,What: He was arrested by the police.,Where: He was from Bannlesthrip, Cambridgeshire,When: His arrest was disclosed late last night.,Why: He was wanted in connection with the,disappearance of a girl.,前置定语,种类繁多,英语新闻写作中,记者往往灵活使用多重前置定语(,heavy use of attributes),且构成方式多样。现举例如下:,Highly-sophisticated technology,高端技术,Hard-won result,来之不易的成果,Richly-paid job,薪水丰厚的工作,Newly-found coal mine,新发现的煤矿,副词,+,过去分词,disaster-hit area,man-made lake,examination-directed education,knowledge-based economy,Poverty-stricken area,State-owned enterprise,Web-enabled phone,名词,+,过去分词,灾区,人工湖,应试教育,知识经济,贫困地区,国有企业,网络电话,arm-reduction talks,North-south dialog,hunger-strike sitdown,Supply-demand imbalance,Million-dollar humanitarian aid,名词,+,名词,裁军谈判,南北对话,绝食静坐,供需失衡,百万美元的人道主义援助,Cancer-causing drugs,peace-keeping force,energy-saving device,Oil-producing country,Policy-making body,In Beijing, FON calls upon student participation for,their regular tree-planting and bird-watching trip,to the citys outskirts.,名词,+,现在分词,无息贷款,资本密集型国家,免提电话,步行街,厌战的士兵,贫油国,名词,+,形容词,interest-free loan,Capital-intensive country,Hand-free phone,Vehicle-free promenade,war-weary soldiers,Oil-poor country,形容词,+,过去分词,Deep-rooted social and economic problems,Quick-frozen food,Foreign-owned enterprise,Short-term coup,根深蒂固的社会和,经济问题,速冻食品,外资企业,短暂政变,门户开放政策,隆重欢迎,最高级会谈,长期低利息贷款,形容词,+,名词,open-door policy,red-carpet welcome,Top-level talk,Long-term, low-interest,loan,高级官员,由来已久的问题,内容广泛的报告,到处蔓延的禽流感,形容词,+,现在分词,High-ranking official,Long-standing issue,wide-ranging report,Wide-spread bird,flu,hit-and-run case,off-and-on war,Up-and-down relation,Touch-and-go tension,Wait-and-see policy,前后由连词,and,连接的词组,交通事故逃逸案,断断续续的战争,时好时坏的关系,一触即发的紧张局势,坐守观望的政策,Practice,emerging-market countries,energy-rich country,Fastest-growing big economies,Renewable-and-alternative-energy,manufacturers,5. stay-at-home mother,6. stock-manipulation case,7. coin-operated laundry,8. present-day visitors,9. US-led Middle East conference,10. growth-at-all-cost 1970s,市场新兴国家,能源丰富的国家,增长最快的经济大国,运用可再生且可替代,能源的生产商,5.,全职妈妈,6.,操控股市的案例,7.,投币洗衣机,8.,当今的游客,9.,由美国主导的中东会议,10.,不惜一切代价达到经,济增长目标的,1970s,


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