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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Module,3,My First Ride on a Train,Goals,1.,To arouse Ss interest in learning about,travel.,2.To get Students to read and understand the text.,3.To get Ss to learn some,reading skills and summarize,in this period.,1,travel,2,1.,seeing,strange and different things 2.,meeting,people with different interests 3.,keeping,us fit and healthy (,有助于身体健康,) 4.,enjoying,beautiful scenery (,欣赏各地美景,) 5.,understanding,how people live 6.,visiting,places of interest (,浏览名城和名胜,) 7.,tasting,different foods 8.,getting ideas of,the conditions and customs of other people (,了解各地风土人情,) 9.,arousing,the love for our motherland,(,激起对祖国的热爱,),10.,gaining,knowledge of geography and history 11.,making,one less narrow minded (,使人心胸开阔,) 12.,increas,ing,knowledge,13.,mak,ing,new friends,Advantages of travel,3,vehicles(交通工具),How do people travel?,4,transportation,bicycle,helicopter,ferry,motorbike,ship,taxi,tram,bus,plane,high-speed rail,maglev train,磁悬浮列车,speed boat,快艇,hot air balloon,热气球,airship,飞艇,subway,地铁,5,train,6,tram,7,ferry,8,ship,9,Means of transportation,on foot,by bike/motorbike/bicycle,by bus/car,by train,by boat/ship/sea/water,by plane/air,by horse,take,a,bus/car/train,10,To London,Beijing,Dalian,Yantai,Chongqing,Chengdu,Guangzhou,Shanghai,Why ?,means of transportation,?,I will,travel from_to_by/on_ , b,ecause,_.,11,Pacific ocean,India ocean,New zealand,Philippines,12,Opera House,kangaroo,Koala Bear,Australia,13,The national emblem,(国徽),of Australia,Emu(鸸鹋),14,国花,golden,wattle,在澳大利亚,金合欢是最具代表性的植物,是国花。金合欢别名叫相思树。属豆科的有刺灌术或小乔木, 二回羽状复叶, 头状花序簇生于叶腋,盛开时,好像金色的绒球一般。在澳大利亚,你稍加留意就会发现,居民的庭院不是用墙围起来,而是用金合欢作刺篱,种在房屋周围,非常别致。花开时节,花篱似一金色屏障,带着浓郁的花香,令人沉醉。,15,the City Of Sydney,16,Sydney Opera House,17,Olympic Stadium,18,Sydney University,19,1. Do you know how many people live there?,More than 20 million,20,2. Do you know the name of the capital city?,Canberra,21,Capital: Canberra,22,3. Where do you think most of the people live, in the central part of the country or on the coast?,On the east coast and the southeast coast,23,4. What do you think the central part of the country is like?,Desert,24,5. What Australian animals do you know about?,Kangaroo,koala bear,platypus,dingo,25,Module,3,My First Ride on a Train,Reading,26,words,abandoned camels cassette clouds colourful desert diamonds distance experts famous farms fields food government law meal midnight passengers products recently sand scenery shine shoot soil supply weather,choose the right words, area of land where it is always dry _,2.valuable stones _,3.people who travel on a train, bus or plane _, find this on beaches _,5.white or grey things made of water in the sky _,6.where plants grow _,clouds,sand,passengers,diamonds,desert,fields,/soil,/farms,27,阅读方法,基本上可分为四种。,第1种是,找读,(,scanning reading skill,),第2种是,略读,(,skimming reading skill,),第3种是,泛读,(,extensive reading skill,),第4种是,精读,(,intensive reading skill,),28,Reading comprehension,Step,1,Fast,reading,Scan the text and,c,omplete the following table according to the content of the text.,Sydney,Alice Springs,Ghan,Recently,colorful,29,Step 2 Listen to the tape,and,find the answers.,1.What means of transportation were used in the Middle part of Australia? _,A. horses,B. camels,C. train,D. all of the above,30,2. Australians used camels instead of horses, because_.,A. horses didnt like the hot weather and sand,B. they bought some camels from Afghanistan.,C. Camels were much better than horses for traveling a long distance,D. Both A and C,31,3. Australians used to travel on camels for _.,A. business,B. tour,C. farming,D. animal training,32,4. The writer talked a lot about camels, because_.,A. camels are of great use in traveling and quite helpful for man,B. she was planning to travel on a camel with her friend soon,C. readers are often interested in stories about animals,D. the writer wanted to explain why the train was called Ghan.,33,The meals _ by experts were great and the _ was very _.,They first saw fields _ dark red soil, and then the _.,There were even some _ farms _ more than a hundred years ago.,cooked,scenery,colourful,desert,with,abandoned,built,Read the second paragraph:,Step,3,Careful-,reading,Read the text,carefully,and,find out some detailed information.,34,During the day, she _ by the window, _,_ _,it, reading books or _ to some cassettes. _,_, she watched the stars _ like diamonds.,sat,looking out of,At night,shining,listening,Read the third paragraph:,35,The reason _the train is called the Ghan is that _ camels from Afghanistan _ once _,_,carry food and other supplies. _,_ _, a new railway line was built and the camels _needed _,_,.,why,trained,were,used to,In the 1920s,werent,any more,Read the last three paragraphs:,36,Step 4,Summarize the general idea of each paragraph.,Para 1.,Para 2.,Para 3.,Para 4.,Para 5.,Para 6.,Information about the writer and her train ride.,The scenery along the railway,.,What the writer did on the train,.,Why is the train called the Ghan?,The use of camels.,The fate of the camels nowadays,.,37,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,Paragraph 6,Paragraph 6,Paragraph 1,Paragraph 2,Paragraph 3,Paragraph 4,Paragraph 5,She tells,She describes,She,explains,A. the origin (起源)of the Ghan train and the means(方法) of transport for traveling a long distance in the past .,B. when and where their travel took place.,the scenery of all the journey,.,38,a child visiting her grandmother,What is the passage about?,a train ride to Sydney,taking the train to Australia,traveling to the central part of Australia,39,How t,o write a travel experience,1. Tell,when,where,and how,your,travel took place.,2. Describe,the scenery of all the journey,.,3. Explain some interesting or unforgettable things in the,journey,.,Tips:,I,first travelled a long,distance by,_,_,when,I was,_,. I went with,_,from,_,_,to,_,.,40,Homework,Write a short passage about,The first journey of my life,41,


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