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start out right away.,I am coming right away.,I will do it right away.,4,well n.,井,4,,,well n.,井,adj.,健康的,良好的(,very well,),adv.,好,充分地,满意地,,vt.,(液体)涌出,流出,vi.,涌出,流出(常与,out, over, up,连用),well up,夺眶而出,well over with joy,满怀喜悦,课文例句,:,The farmers noticed that the,well,walls had deep cracks in them.,农夫注意到,水井的井壁上有深深的裂缝。,5,5,,,crack n.,裂缝,裂纹,v.,使,.,开裂,破裂,1,The glass will,_,if you pour boiled water into it .,一倒进去滚开水,这个玻璃杯就会破裂。,引申:指人的身体或精神,“,垮掉,”,。,eg: Shes calm and strong, and she is just not going to crack.,她镇定而且坚强,绝不会垮掉。,crack常与on, up, down on等搭配使用,crack down on,表示“对采取严厉措施”。,eg:,警察真要,对,那些随便停放汽车的司机,采取严厉措施,了。,The police are really beginning to crack down on drivers,who park their cars just where they like.,crack,2,There is a crack in this window.,这扇窗户上有个裂纹。,6,6,,,smelly adj.,发臭的,有臭味的,脚臭:,臭豆腐,:,eg,.课文例句:,1,,,a smelly gas came out of the cracks.,裂缝里冒出臭气。,2,He had,extremely,smelly feet.,他的脚奇臭无比,3,The,public convenience,were horribly smelly.,公共厕所气味难闻.,smelly feet,smelly bean curd / smelly tofu,7,yard,n.,院子,farm,n.,农田,农场,farmyard n.,农场,农家,课文例句:,农家大院里的鸡,甚至猪都紧张得不想吃食。,In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs,were,too nervous to eat.,8,pipe n.,导管,管,n.管子;烟斗;管乐器,vt.以管输送;装管道;吹奏;,vi.吹奏管乐;尖叫,例句:,1,,He rammed the tobacco into his,pipe,.,他把烟丝塞进烟斗。,2,,In the city, the,water pipes,in some buildings cracked and burst.,在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂开来。,3,,A,gas pipe,was explosive.,一个煤气管爆炸了.,4,,He is playing a tune on his,pipe.,他在用笛子吹奏一支曲子.,9,burst vi.(burst,burst)爆裂,爆发,n.突然爆裂,爆发,burst out表示“爆发”,一般在其后接动名词,,V-ing,而burst into表示“突然发作”,后面一般接名词;,n.,burst into tears,burst out crying,burst out into tears,“忽然哭出来”,burst out into crying,;,burst out laughing,burst into laughter “忽然笑出来”,burst有时也可表示“充满,装满”,常与介词with连用。,1,她突然哭了,跑出了厨房。,She burst into tears and ran,from the kitchen.,2,全班突然大笑起来。,T,he,whole,class burst out,laughing.,我充满喜悦。,I am bursting with joy.,10,million n.百万,hundred 百,thousand 千,billion,十亿,trillion,万亿,11,event,n.大事;事件;项目,例句:,1,,,天津港爆炸是今年最重大的事件。,The blast of Tianjin is the most important,event,in,this year.,2,但是,唐山市的一百万居民几乎都没有把这些情况当,一回事,当天晚上照常睡着了。,But the one million people of the city, who thought,little of these,events, were asleep as usual that night.,3,你报名参加了哪几项比赛?,Which events have you entered for?,12,1引导表语从句, 常与as,look,seem,feel,taste,smell,sound等系动词连用。,as if,仿佛,好像,She,looks,as if she were ten years younger,她看起来好像年轻了十岁。,It,seems,as if our team is going to win,看来我们队要胜了。,It,looks,as if a tornado swept through your room.,好像有龙卷风席卷过你的房间。,It,looks,as if theyre looking for something.,他们看起来好像在找什么东西。,2. 引导方式状语从句,表示“好像。一样”。,She loves the boy,as if,she were his mother,她爱这男孩,就好像她是他的妈妈一样。,The child talked to us,as if,he were a grown-up,那孩子跟我们谈起话来,像个成年人似的。,She spoke to me,as if,she knew me.,她和我说话的神情,好像她早就认识我。,You answered the question,as if,you did not know this rule.你回答的问题好像不知道这个规则似的。,3,,as if 从句用虚拟语气的情况。,从句 谓语动词,(1)与现在事实相反, 用一般过去时。,(2)与过去事实相反, 用“had+过去分词”,(3)与将来事实相反, 用“would/could/might+动词原形”。,如果句子的情况是真实的,那么只要保持时态一致即可,,13,(1),You look as if you,didn,t,care,你看上去好像并不在乎。,He talks as if he knew where she,was,他说话的样子,好像他知道她在哪里似的。,When a pencil is partly in a glass of water,it looks as if it,were,broken.,当一支铅笔部分地放在水中时,它看上去像是折断了。,(2),He talks about Rome as if he,had been,there before,他说起罗马来好像他以前去过罗马似的。,The girl listened as if she,had been turned,to stone,那女孩倾听着,一动也不动,像已经变成了石头似的。,Everythings in my childhood crowded in my mind as if they,had just happened.,童年发生的一切都挤在我的脑海,仿佛就像刚刚发生的一样。,14,as if,仿佛,好像,1,,It looks as if it will rain before long.,看起来一会儿就要下雨了。,before long,不久以后,long before,很久以前,2,,It seems as if he knows everything.,他似乎是个万事通。,15,(3),He opened his mouth as if he,would,say something,他张开嘴好像要说什么。,It looks as if it,might,snow,看来好像要下雪了。,it seems as if it,is,raining。外面看起来象是下雨了。(确实是下雨了),it seems as if it,were,raining。外面看起来好像下雨一样。(虚拟语气,似乎,其实并没有下雨),16,区分:,at an end 完结,结束;耗尽,at the end. 最后。,in the end 终于,在最后,at an end 完结,结束;耗尽,词组:,at the end of,在,.,的尽头,by the end of,到,.,为止,come to an end,最后,终于,on end,连续,持续,put an end to,使,.,结束,end in,以,.,结尾,eg:,It seems as if the,world was at an end.,17,18,


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