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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,阅读理解之意义猜测题,根据语境猜测生词或短语的意思,或者推断熟词生义,是考生必须掌握的一项重要阅读技能。,这类题包括猜测单词、短语、句子的意思和判断指代内容。题干中通常含有,mean, refer to,或者,be replaced by,等单词或短语。,解题指导,1,.,同义法,常在词或短语之间有并列连词,and,或,or,,它们连接的两项内容在含义上是接近的或递进的,由此可以推测。,2.,反义法,如,hot and cold, give and receive,等,或前句为肯定,后句为否定。总之,词与词之间都起着互为线索的作用。,考查方式,3.,释义法,对文章中的生词用定语,(,从句,),、表语甚至于用逗号、破折号等标点符号引出并加以解释说明。,4.,情景推断法、代词替代法等,5.,此类题的提问形式一般有:,(1)The word “ABC” in the passage probably means_.,(2)The underlined word “ABC” in the passage refers to/means_.,(3)Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word in the second paragraph?,(4)The underlined sentence in the last paragraph means_.,(5)The word “it (them)” in the first paragraph refers to _.,(6)Which of the following is nearest/closest in meaning to “.”,?,1,.,文中找线索或信息词。,2.,根据熟悉的词及词义判断新单词的意思。,3.,根据上下文判断新词汇在特定句中确切的意思。,解题技巧,解答这类试题最重要的方法是理解含生词部分的上下文,(,也就是人们常说的语境,),来推测其意思。以下是可供参考的几个小技巧:,1.,根据近义词关系,一是要看由,and,或,or,连接的同义词词组;二是看在进一步解释的过程中使用的同义词。作者可能会用一个近义词或者同义词去解释另一个更难的词,,以便使它的文字意思更清楚,近义词往往,A,.,词义猜测题,出现在同一句或者同一段落中。,如,:,At the beginning they did not have enough,capital,to start a business, nor were they able to borrow the amount of money they needed from the bank.(,),解析,:,根据,nor,结构后的,money, bank,可以推测,capital,在这里不是指首都而是指,“,资金,”,。,2.,根据反义词关系,作者常常用反义词来使文章更具表现力,我们可以利用反义词作为线索去猜句中出现的生词的意思。一是看表转折关系的连词或副词,如,but,,,while,,,however,等;二是看与,not,搭配的或表示否定意义的词语。,如:,(1) He is so,homely, not at all as handsome as his brother. (,),解析,:,根据,not at all . Handsome,我们不难推测出,homely,的意思,即,“,不英俊的、不漂亮的,”,意思。,(2) Metal expands when heated and,contracts,when cooled. (,),解析,:,从句子结构看,,expand,与,contract,相对应,,when heated,与,when cooled,相对应。因为加热与使冷却是相反的动作,那么,expand,与,contract,也应该是相反的。,3.,根据同位或解释关系,当作者不能肯定读者能够理解他的意思时,他会用另外一种方式陈述自己的观点。,此时,可以通过生词后的定语,(,定语从句或分词短语等,),、表语、同位语、逗号、括号、破折号等的解释说明来推测其意思。常见的用来表示同位或解释关系的词或短语有:,is,,,means,,,or.(,即,或者,说,),;,that is(,也就是说,),;,that is to say(,也就是说,),;,in other words(,换句话说,),;,to put it another way(,换句话说,),;,be called,;,., which,;,., where,;,.is/are known as (,被称为,),;,.can be defined as(,可被定义为,),等。,如:,(1) But sometimes, no rain falls for a long, long time. Then there is a dry period, or,drought,. (,),解析,:,从此句的上文我们得知很久不下雨,于是便有一段干旱的时期,即,drought,,由此可见,drought,的意思为“久旱”,“旱灾”。而,a dry period,和,drought,是同义语。,(2) It will be very hard but also very,brittle,that is , it will break easily.,解析,:,从后面的,that is,解释中我们可以了解到,brittle,是,“,脆的,”,意思。,4.,根据转折或对比关系,由上下句之间的转折或对比关系来推测词义或者通过同义词和反义词的关系猜词。,如:,She is usually,prompt,for all her class, but today she arrived in the middle of her first class. (,),解析,:,but,一词表转折,因此,but,前后的意思正相反。后半句的意思是她今天“第一节课上了一半才来”,因此反向推理,可得出她平时一向“准时”的结论。,5.,根据因果关系,根据前后的因果关系来推断其中的某个生词或短语的意思。既可由因推果,也可由果推因。通过因果关系猜词,首先是找出生词与上下文之间的逻辑关系,然后才能猜词。有时文章借助关联词,如,: because, as, since, for, so, thus, as a result, of course, therefore,等表示前因后果。,如:,(1) You shouldnt have,blamed,him for that,,,for it wasnt his fault.(,),解析,:,通过,for,引出的句子所表示的原因,(,那不是他的错,),,可猜出,blame,的词义是,“,责备,”,。,(2) The lack of movement caused the muscles to weaken. Sometimes the weakness was,permanent,. So the player could never play the sport again. (,),解析,:,从,so,后面的结果,“,永远不能再运动,”,中,可以推测,permanent,的意思为,“,永远的,永久的,”,。,6.,根据列举的实例,根据,such as, for example,等后列举的实例也可推测出前面某个词语的意思。,如,:,Cars must have certain safety,devices,such as seat belt, headlights, and good brakes. (,),解析,:,根据,such as,后面列举的内容可知,devices,应该为,“,装置,”,的意思。,7.,根据并列同类关系,一般说来,并列的几个事物应属同类事物, 由此可推测其中一个的大概意思。,如:,Bananas, oranges,pineapples, coconuts,and some other kind of fruit grow in warm areas. (,),解析,:,假如,pineapples,和,coconuts,是生词,我们可以从这两个词在句中所处的位置来判断它们大致的意思。从句中不难看出,pineapples,,,coconuts,和,bananas,,,oranges,是同类关系,同属,fruit,类,因此它们是两样水果,准确地说,是菠萝和椰子。,8.,根据描述猜词,描述即作者为帮助读者更深更感性地了解某人或某物而对该人或该物作出的外在相貌或内在特征的描写。,如:,The,penguin,is a kind of sea bird living in the South Pole. It is fat and walks in a funny way. Although it cannot fly, it can swim in the icy water to catch the fish. ( ),解析,:,从例句的描述中可以得知,penguin,是一种生活在南极的鸟类,(,企鹅,),。后面更详尽地描述了该鸟类的生活习性。,B,.,指代判断题,一般说来,代词的指代内容大多在这一句的前、后句中,(,特别是前句,),,或者前几个句子中,找到指代的内容后把它放在那个代词的位置上,看一看这句话是否合理,与前后的内容是否一致,然后再判定它是否为正确答案。,(2011,年高考,),Can dogs and cats live in perfect harmony in the same home? People who are thinking about adopting a dog as a friend for their cats are worried that they will fight. A recent research has found a new recipe of success.,According to the study,,,if the cat is adopted before the dog,,,and if they are introduced when still,A,.,词义猜测题,真题再现,young (less than 6 months for cats,,,a year for dogs),,,it is highly probable that the two pets will get along,swimmingly,.,Twothirds,of the homes interviewed reported a positive relationship between their cat and dog.,31. The underlined word swimmingly in,Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to _.,A,early B,sweetly,C,quickly D,smoothly,解析,:,意义猜测题。第一句提出问题,“,猫狗能否同屋和谐相处?,”,,第二句讲人们,“,担心猫狗打架,”,,第三句说最新的研究发现成功解决猫狗打架的,“,新秘方,(a new recipe of success),”,,接下来就应是,“,秘方,”,了,即,swimmingly,所在句便是讲发现的,“,秘方,”,,本句前面是条件,有了这些条件,(,即,“,秘方,”,),,两者就会,“,相处好,”,了;再由本句后面一句中的,a positive relationship between their cat and dog,可以进一步确定猫狗,“,相处得好,”,,故选,D,。,(2012,年高考,),“Have a nice day. Next!” This version of the expression is spoken by a salesgirl at the supermarket who is rushing me and my groceries out the door. The words come out in the same tone (,腔调,)with a fixed procedure.,They are spoken at me, not to me.,Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone elses is the managements attempt to increase business.,27. What does the underlined sentence in the Paragraph mean,?,(,),A. The salesgirl is rude.,B. The salesgirl is bored.,C. The salesgirl cares about me.,D. The salesgirl says the words as a routine.,解析,:,意义猜测题。由该段最后一句,“,Obviously, the concern for my day and everyone elses is the managements attempt to increase business.,”,可知。此外,此题也可以通过分析其它三个选项得出答案,,A,,,B,,,C,三个选项文章均未提及,属于无中生有。,(2012,年高考,),Well, at last we have,copper bottomed,research that supports demand feeding and points out the weaknesses of strictly timed feeding. The research finds out that babies who are fed on demand do better at school at age 5, 7, 11 and 14, than babies fed according to the clock. By the age of 8, their IQ(,智商,)scores are four to five percent higher than babies fed by a rigid timetable. This research comes from,Oxford and Essex University using a sample (,样本,)of 10,419 children born in the early 1990s, taking account of parental education, family income, a childs sex and age, the mothers health and feeding style. These results dont surprise me. Feeding according to schedule runs the risk of harming the rapidly growing brain by taking no account of sinking blood sugar levels.,I hope this research will put an end to advocating strictly timed baby feeding practices.,33. The word,copperbottomed,in the passage closest in meaning to _.,A. basic B. reliable,C. surprising D. interesting,解析,:,意义猜测题。由试验结果的具体描述可知。另外,也可代入四个选项的意思,,A,为,“,基本的,”,,,B,为,“,可靠的,”,,,C,为,“,令人惊讶的,”,,,D,为,“,有趣的,”,,只有,B,最适合。,(2013,年高考,),Using a web camera equipped in Jennifers Los Angeles apartment, the monitor in Phoenix tracked how frequently her eyes moved from the computer screen and listened for the secret sounds of a possible helper in the room. Her Internet access was locked remotely to prevent Internet searches, and her typing style was analyzed to make sure she was who she said she was. Did she enter her student number at the same speed as she had in the past? Or was she slowing down?,In the battle against cheating, this is the,cutting edge,and a key to encourage honesty in the booming field of online education.,42. The underlined expression cutting edge in Paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to_.,A. advanced,techique,B. sharpening tool,C. effective rule,D. dividing line,解析,:,词义推断题。由第一段的具体描述来看,这是防止作弊的先进技术,选,A,项。其他选项,“,磨锐刀具,”,、,“,有效的规则,”,和,“,分界线,”,都不合语境。,(2013,年高考,),However,,,to succeed in life,,,one first needs to set a goal and then gradually make it more practical. And,,,in addition to,that,,,in order to generally good at something,,,one needs to spend at least 10,000 hours studying and practicing. To become great at certain things,,,itll require even more time,,,time that most people wont put in.,B.,指代判断题,32. The underlined word “that” refers to_.,A. being good at something,B. setting a practical goal,C. putting in more time,D. succeeding in life,解析,:,代词指代题。代词是意义衔接的手段之一,此处的代词,that,替代前句中的,set a goal and then gradually make it more practical,,故选,B,。,


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