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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Lecture Six,Entire Agreement,国际,贸易,合同种类繁多,内容因人因事各异,但基本结构与常用条款相对统一与固定,具有格式化的特点。一般来说,可以分为首部、正文、尾部:,(1)当事人的名称或姓名、国籍、主管营业所;(2)签订合同的日期和地点;(3)合同的类型、标的之种类与范围;(4)标的物的质量、标准、规格和数量;(5)履行的期限、地点和方式;(6)价格条件、支付金额、支付方式和各种附带费用;(7)合同能否转让,如能转让,则说明转让的条件;(8)违反合同的赔偿及其他责任;(9)争议的解决方法;(10)合同使用的文字及其效力 。,首部/约首(The Head/Non-operative Part),任何一份国际,贸易,合同的首部都是用于说明合同的“人、事、时、地”四个要素,包括:,(1)封面(Cover of the Contract),国际,贸易,合同应加封面,,,以示正式并达到保存合同的目的,,,封面内容通常应包括当事人、合同标题、签订日期,。,(2) 合同标题( Title of the Contract),在说明合同类型,,,合同正文前面应有标题,,,该标题应与封面标题完全一致,。,(3) 合同编号(Contract,/,Agreement Number),合同编号一般置于合同标题的下方或右下方,,,也可以将合同编号置于标题的右上方,,,即合同第一页的右上角,,,合同编号方式可以由合同各方自行协商确定,,,没有统一格式,。,(4)前提(Commencement),,,包括两部分内容:合同当事人基本信息,如合同双方名称、国籍、营业地点、住所等;有关合同签订的基本信息,比如合同号、签订日期、地点。这些内容通常通过格式化的条款来表达,:,1)This Contract is made and entered into on April 7, 2004(签订日期)in Beijing City(地点), by and between Beijing Motor Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party A), incorporated and existing under the Company Law of the PRC with its domicile at Beijing, and Dream Sales Limited Company(hereinafter referred to as Party B), incorporated and existing under the Newyork Corporations Code, USA with its domicile at Newyork City(合同当事人基本信息).,2) THIS AGREEMENT is made on _ in _ by and among:,Cherry Automobile Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of the Peoples Republic of China (“PRC”), with its Head Office at No.1, Cherry Road, Northeast District, Wuhu City, 601122 (hereinafter referred to as the Party A);,Xinhua Automotive Finance (China) Limited, a company duly established under the laws of PRC, with its Head Office at 32nd Floor, Shanghai Information Tower, 211 Century Avenue, Pudong New District, Shanghai 200120 (hereinafter referred to as the Party B); and,Noka Sales Co.Ltd., a company duly established under the laws of PRC, with its Head Office at _ (hereinafter referred to as the Party C).,(5),鉴于条款(Whereas Clause),1),Whereas.,NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:,2),.,In consideration of the mutual covenant, it is agreed by and between Party A and Party B as follows:,该句衔接合同正文与前言,规范当事方权利义务的条款自此开始。,合同正文(Operative Part),该部分规定合同各方具体权利义务,由条款,(Clause),组成。国际,贸易,合同种类不同,在该部分的内容也就不同,不过,大致可以将合同正文分成一般性条款与该类合同具有的特殊条款。,(1)一般性条款,通常为绝大多数国际商事合同所必备,也可以称为共通条款,正文中的一般性条款通常包括如定义条款、声明与保证条款、合同修改条款、通知条款、不可抗力条款、违约责任以及补救条款、适用法律以及合同争议解决途径条款、合同期限条款等。,1.,定义条款,(Definition Clause),正文部分最引人注目的是定义条款。定义条款对合同中频繁出现又含义复杂的用语做出界定,既有助于合同内容的表达的简洁性与准确性,,又,可以避免合同双上的误解和歧解。经常在合同中做出定义的用语有,product (产品),exclusive territory(独占地区),licensed product (许可产品),trademark,(,商标,),,know-how(专有技术),industrial property right (工业产权),technical documentation,(技术资料),等等。定义往往与合同双方的权利和义务有很大关系,不可掉以轻心。当然,较短的合同一般无需单独另立“定义条款”,而采用其他方式加以,界定,和规定。,该条款用于对界定或描述在合同里频繁出现或者含义复杂的概念或术语的意义,使得合同结构简洁,避免解释合同时歧义发生。,(1),For the purpose of this Contract, the following terms shall have the meanings defined below:,“Document”,Document shall include an amendment or supplement to, or replacement of that document.,(,2,),In this Contract, the following terms have the following meaning unless the context otherwise requires:,在进行定义条款翻译时应注意,在定义条款已下定义的词语在以后出现时,首字母应大写,表明所使用的是定义条款中的概念。,2.,陈述、保证和承诺条款(Representation, Warranties and Undertakings),有时该部分也简称为“Representation and Warranties ”,合同各方以此就某些基本事实的真实性向对方做出保证和承诺。,该部分也是许多国际贸易合同正文中的条款,用于说明合同各方对某些基本事实的陈述并保证其陈述,构成合同签订与生效的前提。,如:Seller represents and warrants that it will deliver to Buyer a complete,correct and valid system, capable of accomplishing the technical targets specified in Product Description and Specifications,as demonstrated by Successful Completion of the Acceptance testing of the System.,Successful Completion shall be deemed as conclusive proof that the System is complete, correct and valid, and capable of accomplishing the technical targets set forth in the Specifications.,卖方声明并保证,卖方将向买方交付完整、准确、有效的系统。该系统能够达到在产品说明和,规格,的技术指标,并由系统验收测试的成功完成予以证明。成功完成应被视为系统完整、准确、有效并能达到规格所述技术指标的决定性证据。,3.,法律适用与争议解决条款(Governing Law and Dispute Resolution/Settlement),有关该的表达还可视需要细分为:A、法律适用条款(Governing Law or Choice of Law)B、争议解决条款(Dispute Resolution/Settlement)C、仲裁调解条款(Arbitration and Mediation) 该部分就合同适用的法律以及争议发生时采用的解决方式与解决争端地点做出规定。,4.,不可抗力,、通知,条款(Force Majeure and Notice),为避免纠纷,尽量减轻或免除,一,方违约责任,国际,贸易,合同的当事方会通过“不可抗力条款,”,列举可能出现的不可抗力事件。此类条款通常复杂冗长。为了避免不必要的纠纷和损失,国际贸易合同会在不可抗力条款中尽可能多地列举可能出现的不可力,使这类条款滴水不漏,但句子冗长臃肿,难以卒读。,如:,It is strictly understood that the Sellers can not be held responsible for non-delivery or delayed delivery of the goods ordered if the situation is caused by Force Majeure, such as war, rebellion, fire, strike, new levies imposed by government, mistakes in telegrams, inability of, or refusal by the manufacturers to fulfill this Contract or any other causes beyond Sellers control,严格明确卖方对于自己无法控制的不可抗力,如战争、造反、火灾、罢工、政府新征税、电报错误、生产厂商无能力或拒绝按合同生产致使已定货物不能发货或延迟发货概不负责。,通知条款(Notice),通知义务是合同当事方重要的附随义务,合同一方在为一定合同行为之前应履行此义务,通知对方。该条款通常列明通知送达的方式、有效的条件以及生效的时间、送达的地址等内容。,Any notice required to be given hereunder shall be considered properly given if sent by registered airmail or courier or by facsimile to the address of the other Party indicated below or to such other address as the addressee shall have furnished in writing to the addresser and shall take effect on the date of dispatch.,据本协议要求发出的通知,若用航空挂号信寄往、或以快递或传真发往另一方的下列所示地址或收件人以书面形式向发件人提供的其他地址,应视为有效送达,并在发送之日生效。,5.,保密条款(Confidentiality,/,Non-disclosure,/,No Publicity ),保密条款要求合同当事人对合同文本内容以及合同签订以及履行过程中知悉的信息承担保密义务。,如:,If the party to whom Information has been disclosed proposes to disclose that Information to any unafilliated consultant or agent , it shall obtain the prior written consent of the party from whom the Information was originally received,and shall arrange for the execution of the consultant or agent of non-disclosure agreement in a form satisfactory to the party from whom the Information was originally received.,获披露“信息”一方想要将“信息”披露给非附属的顾问或代理机构,须首先经由“信息”原披露方的书面同意,并且须以为“信息”原披露方所满意的形式与该顾问或代理机构签署有关保密协议。,6.,合同终止和解除条款(Termination and Rescission),请注意,因一方的违约行为使得另一方撤销合同,不再履行合同义务,作为一种违约救济方法,通常称作解除合同,使用“Rescission“,而“合同终止“通常指约定或法律规定的合同当事人权利义务的了结、结束,可以是正常情况下的权利义务的了结、结束,比如义务已经按照约定履行,或者债务相互抵消,也可能是因为非正常情况,比如因违约而解除合同(具体可见合同法91条),所以,”合同终止“意义范围要大于” 解除合同“,在翻译时使用”Termination“。不论是终止还是解除合同,都可在本条款中约定相应的条件或情形。,约尾/合同最后条款(Final Clause),国际,贸易,合同的尾部,又可称为“约尾/合同最后条款“,通常包括以下内容,:,(1)合同文本数量、合同文字和效力(Languages and Counterparts),This Contract is executed in English and Chinese,both of which being equally valid. In case of any conflict, discrepancy of interpretation, the Chinese version shall prevail.,本合同用中文和,英,文写成,两种文字具有同等效力。上述两种文本如解释有矛盾,以中文本为准。,(2)结尾语,通常出现在当事人签字之前,表明签字人有此权限。,In Witness whereof , the Parties hereto have caused this Contract to be executed by duly authorized representative of both Parties on the date and year first written above.,本合同由双方授权的代表,于本合同之首记载的日期订立,特此为证。,(3)合同附件,国际商事合同内容通常比较繁杂,在签订之时或在履行过程当中会在合同之外签订为数不少的附件、补充条款或对合同进行修改,此类文件通常是被并入合同,作为其一部分,具有同等效力。,(3)签字盖章,国际,贸易,合同通常有专门的签字盖章页,即在正文未满一页的情况下,也需要另起一页作为签字盖章之用,为防止在正文留白之处擅自增添内容,通常在合同正文结束后用括号注明“The Remainder of this Page is intentionally Left Blank”,签字页顶部用括号标明“Execution Page”字样。,IN WITNESS WHEREOF, both Parties hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its authorized representative for service of process or its authorized agent at_(place of execution),For and on behalf of,Party A:,By:_,Title: Authorized Representative for Service of Process /Authorized Agent,Date:_,For and on behalf of,Party B:,By:_,Title: Authorized Representative for Service of Process /Authorized Agent,Date:_,Practice,(1),Party B guarantees that the technical documents to be supplied by Party B are the latest technical information which has been put into practical use by Party B,乙方保证所提供的技术资料是乙方经过实际使用的最新技术资料。,(2)Acceptance tests will be carried out and, unless otherwise agreed, will be made at the Buyers works and during normal working hours. If the technical requirements of the tests are not specified in the Contract, the tests will be carried out in accordance with the general practice obtaining in the appropriate branch of the industry in the Country where the Plant is manufactured,除另有约定外,验收测试应在买方工厂并在正常工作时间内进行。如果合同中没有规定测试的技术条件,测试应按设备制造所在国相应的工业部门所要求的惯例进行。,(3),All drawings, designs, specifications and all other technical information made available under this Contact by Party B shall be kept strictly confidential by Party A who shall not sell, transfer or divulge it in anyone except those of its own employees who will be using it in the manufacture of the Product,.,乙方根据本协议所提供的一切图纸、设计、说明书及其他技术资料,甲方均须严格保密,未,经,乙方的书面同意,甲方不得以任何方式出售、转让或泄露给任何人,但不包括甲方生产合同产品使用技术资料的雇员。,Homework,(1),Should the Sellers fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract, with the exception of Force Majeure specified in Clause 18 to this Contract, the buyers shall agree to postpone the delivery on condition that the Sellers agree to pay a penalty which shall be deducted by the paying bank from the payment under negotiation,.,(2),This Contract is made out in duplicate in Chinese and in English Language, one Chinese original copy and one English original copy for each Party, both texts being equally authentic. This contract shall come into force from the date it is signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. The annexes as listed in Article 10 shall form an integral part to this Contract,Any amendment andor supplement to this contract will be valid only after the authorized representatives of both parties have signed written documents, forming integral parts of the Contract,


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