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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Job Interview,Introduction,Text A-Get the Job You Want,Introduction,Opportunities will always be the people who are prepared,What,Should,we do before the interview?,First,to,gather information about recruitment company,Unaware of the company which you will interview for is a very serious matter. When the interviewers ask you, you say nothing. It not only shows you do not attach importance to this interview, but also shows you do not attach importance to this company. Whats worse, they will think that youre not a down-to-earth person.,Second, collect,the Information of interviewers,We know some information, this will help to give a good impression on the interviewers. It can also match up to create a common topic and win the chance to practice.,Third,prepare for your own information,Resume,In addition to making a perfect and excellent personal resume, we need to pay attention to,the content of the resume listed whether meet the job requirements,.,Fourth,Check,out the location and have mock interviews,Find out the way before the interview, to avoid get lost or be late on the day of the interview. Have,a mock interview, it will reflect your performance in the interview from multiple perspectives and help you know the problems existing in the interview process.,Last, psychological adjustment before the interview,Keeping a good peace of mind is important.,Sorting out clothes, gives a decent impression on others.,Text A,Get the Job You Want,Structure,The text can be divided into three parts,Parts,Paragraphs,Main Ideas,Part One,Paras.1-6,An ill-prepared college graduate failed his interview.,Part Two,Paras.7-27,Four pieces of advice on being a successful interviewee.,Part Three,Paras.28-31,Everyone should make his or her own tracks in whatever he or she does.,Part One,(paras.1-6),(1). I run a manufacturing company with about 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself.,I like talking to potential salespeople, because theyre our link to customers.,employee,职员,员工,employer,老板,雇主,(2).When a recent college graduate came into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job,I asked him what he had done to prepare for the interview.,He said hed read something about us somewhere.,(3).Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation to find out more about us? No.,Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No.,(4).Had he checked with his university to see if there were any graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview?,Had he asked any friends to,grill,him in a mock interview?,Did he go to the library to find newspaper,clippings,on us?,grill,Sowhenyoufry,bake,grill,orroastpotatoesyoucould begeneratingpotentially harmfulcarcinogens.,k:sindn,因此当你油炸、烘烤、烧烤或者炒土豆时,有可能会产生有害的致癌物。,Vt.,烧烤,盘问,n.,拷问,烧烤架,I rememberwegavethespeakerveryhard time.Nowitsmyturntobe on the grill.,记得当时我们提了许多让演讲者很为难的问题,现在轮到我来接受烘烤了。,剪下,;,修剪毛发,(,或羊毛,) ;,缩短,削减,删去,削弱,(,影响等,),Words and phrases,:,at a clip,一次,video clip,视频剪辑;视讯片段,hair clip,发夹,Clip joint,黑店;夜总会,They clipped their visit by three days.,他们把访问时间缩短了三天。,He clipped his words when speaking.,他说话时把一些词语省略了。,clip,(5).Did he write a letter,beforehand,to tell us about,himself,what,he was doing to prepare for the interview and why hed be right for the job?,Was he planning to,follow up,the interview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us?,Would the letter be,in our hands,within 24 hours of the meeting, possibly even,hand-delivered,?,beforehand,事先,tell beforehand,预言,be beforehand with,预先,提前,Synonyms(,同义词) :,in advance,previously,pre-arranged,Nooneexpectedthisbeforehand.,Thebestapproachisto take out some money,beforhand,andthenleave your cardat home.,最佳的途径是预先规划出一些钱,同时购物时要把卡放在家里。,follow up,采取进一步行动,Afteraskingthis,youcanfollowupwithotherquestions.,The MissionsaysChinaisevaluatingthereport,andwillfollowupin accordance with thedisputesettlementprocess.,代表团称,中国正在评估该份报告,而且会继续跟踪争端解决的过程。,in our hands,在某人手中,为某人所拥有,We see that wecantakeourfatesinour handsand createafutureforhumanity that willbe betterthanthepast, or thepresent.,我们坚信,命运掌握在人类自己手中;我们坚信,人类能创造一个比过去、现在都更加美好的未来。,“,Withgraininourhandsthereis noneed topanic,” according to Chinasprime minister,Wen,Jiabao,.,“,手中有粮,心中不慌。” 中国总理温家宝如是说。,out of hand,无法控制,托收,告终,立即,hand-delivered,亲手送交,专人送递,Last year,whenshemovedback toLos Angeles,Ms.Jarvishand- deliveredthe lastpackagetoherfriend.,去年,当她搬回洛杉矶时,嘉维斯女士把最后一封包裹亲手交给了她的朋友。,(6).The answer to every question was the same: no.,That left me with only one other question:,How well prepared would this person be if he were to call on a,prospective,customer for us?,I already knew the answer.,Prospective,可能成为的;预期的,prospective customer,潜在顾客,prospective oil,石油储量,prospective earnings,预期收益,Wereceiveprospectiveresultsintheexperiment.,我们在实验中得到了预期的结果。,Prospectiveemployerslike toseewhat youhavewritten.,未来的老板愿意看你所写过的东西。,Thats all!,Thank you,


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