新视野商务英语unit6 retailing

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,First insights into businessUnit 6 Retailing,Overview,Objectives,Warm-up,Key vocabulary,Lead-in,Listening,Reading,Speaking: how to make a telephone,Objectives,When the learners finish learning this unit, they should be able to,collect information on retailing,provide information on retailing,know about skills on how to making a phone,Warm-up,Can you tell me which shopping methods are there ?,Key vocabulary,Retailing is the provision of,to the customer.,buy goods directly from the,or from a,(the middleman), and make their income from the, or difference, between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell the goods at to the,. A,is the place where customers can purchase goods, e.g., a,or a,. Nowadays, many customers are shopping from home: shopping by,or,is becoming very popular.,Key vocabulary,Retailing is the provision of,goods or services,to the customer.,Retailers,buy goods directly from the,manufacturer,or from a,wholesaler,(the middleman), and make their income from the,margin, or difference, between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell the goods at to the,consumer,. A,retail outlet,is the place where customers can purchase goods, e.g., a,supermarket,or a,department store,. Nowadays, many customers are shopping from home: shopping by,the internet,TV shopping channels,or,mail-order catalogues,is becoming very popular.,Key vocabulary,provision:,提供, 供应,of,sth,to,sb,e.g. The provision of a new library has been of great benefit to the students.,新图书馆的设立对学生大有好处。,retail:,零售,retailer,wholesale:,批发,wholesaler,Retailing: includes all of the activates involved in selling goods or services directly to final consumers for personal , no business use,A retailer is any business enterprise whose sales volume comes primarily from retailing.,Wholesaler : ?,3.margin,书页的空白处,余地,差数,差额,利润:,profit margin,毛利润,边缘,4. retail outlet:,零售处,零售渠道,5. purchase: buy,6. department store:,百货商店,7.TV shopping channels:,电视购物频道,8. mail-order catalogue:,邮购目录,Lead-in,Work in pairs. Look at the bar chart which shows reasons why people dont like shopping. Discuss these questions.,1. What are the two main reasons people dont like shopping?,2. What can retailers do about these two problems in your opinion?,3. Can you tell me the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping ?,Pronunciation,Listen to these sentences. How is,the,pronounced?,You can order at any time of,the,day.,The,Internet offers you great choice.,Its,the,new way to shop.,2. Complete the sentences.,Before a consonant,the,is pronounced : /,/,Before a vowel,the,is pronounced:,/,i,/,When it is stressed or emphatic,the,is pronounced:,/,i,/,Listening,1.Frequency of visits to IKEA:,_,2.Opinion of IKEA products:,_,3.Opinion of IKEA stores:,_,4. Types of products she buys:,_,5. Aspects of shopping at IKEA she doesnt like:,_,6.Next trip:,_,About twice per year,Very good range of products, good quality, environmentally sound,Nice to try out the products and see them, layout of stores is very good,easy for people with children,Functional items, e.g. bookcases, lamps,texiles,and bed linen,Very crowed, long queues at the checkouts,January-for the sales call shops in the UK hold sales in early January,Reading:,Checkout counter: the pay desk in a self-service,Barcode: a pattern of thick and thin lines that represents information,Manufacture: a firm which makes or produces goods.,Till display: an electronic screen which shows you how much to pay.,Supplier: an agent who provides goods and services.,Stock: all the goods a retail out let keeps to sell to its customers,3.Read the text carefully and label this barcode.,2._,1._,3._ 4._,978,0582,33454,0,The code for a,book,Manufacturer suppliers code,Product/package size,Check digit,4. What do these numbers from the text refer to?,13:,50:,880:,00183:,Number of digits in a barcode,The country code for the UK and Ireland,The country code for south Korea,The manufactures code for Cadbury,Business communication: telephoning,Receptionist caller,Smith, Thomas & Manton,Can I help you? Or,Good morning, Smith, Thomas,& Manton.,Can/could I speak to please?,Or,Id like to speak to ,Or,Extension 8248 please.,Being connected,The lines busy. Will you hold?,One moment, please.,Or,Hold the line please. Ill put,you through,Cant get through?,No, thanks. Ill call back later.,Or,Could I leave a message for him/her?,Or,Could you put me through to his/her,secretary?,Or,Can you ask him/her to call,me back?,Getting through,Hello. Barry Smith speaking.,My name is (the first call only),Or,Its,Chenchen,Ju,here.,Useful language for telephoning,Answering the phone,Hello, John Waite speaking,Good morning,Datatech,Ltd.,Making contact,Id like to speak to,Zofia,Janik,.,Could I have the sales department please?,Messages,Would you like to leave a message ?,Can I leave a message ?,Identifying yourself,This is/My names Julio Blanco.,Saying telephone numbers,Say numbers separately. Pause between groups. Say oh for 0 in the UK. Say zero for 0 in the USA.,0 2 0 7 3 2 5 4 2 6 1,oh two oh seven three two five four two six one,Making excuses,Im sorry, hes in a meeting.,Im afraid shes not available.,Stating your purpose,Im calling about your invoice.,Im returning his call.,The reason Im calling is ,Checking,Could you spell that ?,Can I read that back to you ?,Asking for information,Could I have your name ?,Can I take your number ?,Showing understanding,Right,Ok. Thats fine.,Promising action,Ill make sure he gets the message.,Ill tell her when she gets back.,Ending a call,Thanks for your help. Goodbye.,Thanks for calling.,Homework and checklist for Unit 6,1.Name five different types of retail outlet.,2.What information do bar codes contain? Why are they important?,3.Which of these nouns can we use the indefinite article with? Why?,4.Which of these nouns can we use the indefinite article with? Why?,


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