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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 910,过去时,1.,动词要用过去式,2.,标志性词:,last+time,time+ago,yesterday,重点短语,1. clean ones room,打扫某人的房间,2. go to the beach/pool/mountains,去海滩,/,泳池,/,山里,3. go to sp.,去某地(玩或做事),4. last weekend/week/month,上个周末,/,星期,/,月,5. On,Sataurday,morning /,evening / night / afternoon,在星期六的上午,/,晚上,/,夜里,/,下午,6. visit sb.,拜访,/,看望某人,7. do some homework/sports,做作业,/,运动,8. study for the science/math test,为理科,/,数学考试学习(复习),重点短语,9. stay at home,留在家里,10. have a party,举行派对,11. do some reading,阅书;进行阅读,12. practice English,练习英语,13. play the guitar,弹吉他,14. study geography,学地理,15. spend the weekend,度过周末,16. middle school,中学,17. at No.3 Middle School,在第三中学,18. for most kids,对于大多数孩子来说,19. have a (really) busy weekend,有个(相当)忙的周末,20. cook dinner for me,为我做晚餐,21. read a book about history,读一本关于历史的书,22. talk show,访谈节目,重点短语,23. see an interesting talk show,看一场有趣的脱口秀节目,24. write a new song,写首新歌,25. enjoy ones weekend,享受(喜欢)某人的周末,26. go for a walk (with sb.),(和某人一起)去散步,27. sit down,坐下,28. watch sb. do,sth,.,看某人做某事(的全过程),29. wasnt = was not,不是(过去时),30. have no dog and no family,没有狗也没有家人,31. not want to do anything,不想做任何事,32. look tired,看起来很累,33. play soccer on my computer,在电脑上提足球,34. watch an exercise video,看一盘体操录像带,35. listen to the baseball game,听棒球赛,36. have lots of things to do,有许多是要做,重点短语,1. go to New York City,去纽约市,2. summer camp,夏令营,3. go to summer camp,去参加夏令营,4. visit museums,参观博物馆,5. visit sp.,参观(走访)某地,6. go on ones vacation,进行某人的假期,7. go to Central Park,去中心公园,8. study for exams,为考试学习(复习),didnt = did not,不;没(否定词助动,词的过去时),9. think of,思考;考虑,10. a bus trip,一次(长途)汽车旅行,11. be awful,很讨厌的;糟糕的,12. all day,整天,13. go to a beautiful beach,去漂亮的海滩(玩),14. have great fun doing,sth,.,做某事很开心;高兴地做某事,重点短语,11. be awful,很讨厌的;糟糕的,12. all day,整天,13. go to a beautiful beach,去漂亮的海滩(玩),14. have great fun doing,sth,.,做某事很开心;高兴地做某事,15. play in the water,在水里玩,16. go to a museum,去博物馆,17. find sb. doing,sth,.,发现某人正在做某事,18. in the corner,在角落里,19. help sb. do,sth,.,帮助某人做某事,20. make sb. feel + adj.,使某人觉得,重点短语,21. make sb. do,sth,.,促使某人做某事,22. walk back to sp.,走回某地,23. decide to do,sth,.,决定做某事,24. all morning,整个上午,25. have Sichuan food for dinner,晚餐吃川菜,26. the Great Wall,万里长城,27. the Palace Museum,故宫博物馆,28.,Tianan,Men Square,天安门广场,29. make questions about,sth,.,对某方面提问;提关于某方面的问题,30. ask sb.,sth,.,问某人某事,31. discuss (,sth,.) with sb.,和某人讨论(某事),32. the best place for a vacation,去度假的最好地方,33. write a report on,sth,.,写一篇关于某方面的报道,34. stay here,留在这儿,35. go out,出去,重点句型,1.What did you do?,你做了什么?,I played tennis.,我打过网球。,2. What about your friend?,你的朋友怎么样?,What about ? ,怎么样?,3.How was your weekend?,你的周末怎样?,It was great/OK.,很棒,/,很不错。,It wasnt very good.,不大好。,4.We asked sb. what he did last weekend.,我们问某人他上周周末干了什么事。,5. Do you think everyone enjoys their,weekends?,你认为每个人都喜欢他们的周末吗?,6. It was time to go home.,是时候回家了。,It is / was time to do,sth,.,是该做某事了。,重点句型,1. Where did you go on vacation?,你去哪儿度假了?,I went to the mountains.,我去爬山了。,2. Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park?,你,/,他,/,她,/,他们去中心公园了吗?,Yes, I/he/she/they did.,是的,我,/,他,/,她,/,他们去了。,No, I/he/she/they didnt.,不,我,/,他,/,她,/,他们没去。,3. How was your vacation?,你的假期怎么样?,It was pretty good .,相当好。,4.How was the weather?,(那时的)天气怎么样?,It was hot and humid.,闷热而潮湿。,5.How were the beaches?,沙滩怎么样?,They were fantastic.,太好了。,6.How were the people?,人们怎么样?,They were unfriendly.,他们不大友善。,7.Great weather!,好棒的天气呀!,8.The shops were too crowded.,这艘船太拥挤了。,9. He was lost.,他迷路(走丢)了。,10.That made me feel very happy.,那使我感到非常高兴。,11.I didnt have any money for a taxi.,我没有那么多钱打车(坐出租车)。,重点句型,( ) 31. I often watched them _soccer at school last year.,A. play B. plays C. played D. to play,( ) 32. _they _tennis after school yesterday?,A. Do; play B. Did; play C. Do; played D. Does; play,( ) 33. The boy practices _basketball every day.,A. plays B. to play C. played D. playing,( ) 34. On Sunday morning I helped my mother _the cooking.,A. do B. did C. does D. doing,( ) 35. It was a fine day. We decided _volleyball.,A. playing B. play C. to play D. played,( ) 36. When I came into the classroom, I found some students _loudly.,A. talk B. talks C. talking D. talked,( ) 37 Our teachers always make us _ a lot of homework.,A. to do B. do C. does D. doing,( ) 38. We had great fun _English.,A . learn B. to learn C. learning D. learned,( ) 39. The policeman helped the boy _the hotel.,A. found B. find C. finds D. finding,( ) 40. -_were the beaches? They were beautiful but crowded.,A. How B. What C. Where D.,21. He _to the zoo yesterday.,A. goes B. go C. went D. is going,( ) 22. It _rainy the day before yesterday.,A. was B. am C. is D. were,( ) 23. There _a tall tree in front of the house ten years ago.,A. has B. had C. were D. was,( ) 24. When I was a student, I _to school early every day.,A. go B. went C. come D. am going,( ) 25. China _the WTO in 2001.,A. join B. joins C. joined D. joining,( ) 26. He _to the library and read a book about history.,A. went B. go C. goes D. is going,( ) 27. Jim _at home last Friday.,A. am B. is C. are D. was,( ) 28. Where did your brother _last night?,A. goes B. go C. going D. went,( ) 29. We went to the beach _a rainy morning.,A. in B. at C. on D. for,( ) 30. We asked some students _last week.,A. what they did B. what did they do C. what they do D. what do they do,按要求做题:,(10,分,),61. There were many students in the library last week. (,一般疑问句,),_ _many students in the library last week?,62. They stopped working at 7:00 yesterday. (,否定句,),They _ _working at 7:00 yesterday.,63. The students,played basketball,last Friday. (,划线提问,),What _the students_ last Friday?,64. Does he play basketball every day? (,用,last Sunday,来改写句子,),_he _basketball last Sunday?,65. The store was crowded. (,划线提问,),_ _ the store?,用所给单词的适当形式填空:,(10,分,),66. Tom _ (get) up at 6:30 yesterday morning.,67. It _ (be) rainy the day before yesterday.,68. The story made me _(feel) very sad.,69. They decided _(play) soccer last night.,70. I found my daughter _(do) her homework when I,came back last night.,71. The students had great fun _(play) soccer last night.,72. Yesterday was a _ day. (sun),73. His mother is friendly to us, but his father is _,(friend).,74. The bus trip was _ (relax). We had a good time.,75. I helped the lost boy _(find) his father.,句型转换,1.Hed like a,large,bowl of porridge.(,对划线部分提问,),_ _ bowl of porridge would he like?,2.She is,tall with long black hair,.(,对划线部分提问,),_does she_ _?,3. Shed like,beef and onion noodles,for lunch.,(,就划线部分提问,),_ _ she _ for lunch?,4. Marys hair is blonde straight.,(改为同义句),Mary _ blonde and straight _.,5. She likes dumplings, fish and apple juice.(,改为否定句,),She _ like dumplings, fish _ apple juice.,按要求做题:,(10,分,),61. He is,of medium height with a beard,. (,划线提问,),_ he _?,62. He isnt a good boy. (,用,I think,连成一句,),I _ _ he _ a good boy.,63. Hed like a medium bowl.,(一般疑问句),he _a medium bowl?,64. He would like to drink tea. (,同义句,),He _ to drink tea.,65. Shed like,some noodles,. (,划线提问,),_ _ she like?,


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