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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit2 Music,Music is,the universal language of mankind.,Pre-reading,Famous Sayings,Word Pretest,In-reading,Music,s History May Show a Path to Future Peace,Post-reading,Fast Reading,Topic & Homework,Content,Music,washes away from,the soul the dust of everyday life.,音乐可以冲洗掉日常生活落在灵魂上的尘埃。,Without music, life would be a mistake.,- Friedrich Nietzsche,没有音乐,生命将是一个错误。,Were it not,for music, we might in these days say, the Beautiful is dead.,若非音乐,我们今日可说,美丽的东西都死了。,Lead-in,Do you like music?,3. What kind of music do you like best ?,2. Do you often listen to the music?,Types of Music,(1) Traditional music,classical,Light,dancing,(2) Pop music,Country,music folk music,Rock and roll,R&B,Rap,Electron,Enya,Damien Rice,Eric Clapton,Tracy Clapton,Text 1,Musics History May Show a Path to Future Peace,1,st,Reading 3 min,Skim the text and find out the main idea,The different types of music are closely related with the development of society.,2,nd,Reading 5 minutes,Scan the passage and answer,T or F questions,in P20.,Scan the passage and finish,multiple choice 1-3, and 5,in P21,3,rd,Reading 3 minutes answer the following questions,1. Who brought the folk music?,2. Are country music sad or happy?,3. What do folk songs mainly talk about?,4. Who is the king of rock and roll? Why did he become popular at that time?,5. What are the names of popular black music?,6. Whats the character of Punk?,7. When did MTV start?,Structure,Chronological order,时间次序,(music history),1. country and folk music,2.,rocknroll,3. soul, disco and rap,4. new and old,Part I Country and folk music,Origin,Favored by,Feelings it expresses,period,Country music,Folk music,British Isles,Mixed with the blues,Its like country songs,but it is more traditional and serious,Farmers,Workers,Working people,workers,Sad stories and broken,hearts of love,Troubles such as economic problems,lives of ordinary people. Problems of,American,1920s,1930s,1950s,1960s,Culture Notes,The Appalachian Mountains ,p,leitjn,Hillbilly:,Hillbilly music VS Folk music,1930s:,called,the Appalachians,阿巴拉契亚山脉, a,system of mountains,in southeastern U.S.,a term referring to certain people who dwell in,rural,mountainous,areas of the U.S., primarily,Appalachia,.,FIRST SETTLERS: Scotch-Irish,Great depression in US,Country music in 1920s,Representative figure-Jimmie Rodgers:,An American country singer in the early 20th century known most widely for his rhythmic yodeling(,布鲁斯风格的真假声唱法,).,Among the first country music superstars and pioneers, Rodgers was also known as,The Father of Country Music,.,My Little Old Home Down in New Orleans,Jimmie Rodgers,(1897-1933),Folk music in 1930s,Born in Oklahoma, a witty poet, orator,best known as an American,singer-songwriter,and,folk musician, whose musical legacy includes hundreds of political,traditional,and childrens songs,ballads,(,民谣,) and,improvised works(,即兴作品,),.,Today people regard his,ballads,as,historic and deeply humanistic accounts,of the disasters in the 1930s and the struggle for,migrant,workers rights, and as powerful images of the urban poor.,This Land is Your Land,Woodie,Guthrie,(1912-1967),In the 1950s,Martin Luther King,Lead peaceful marches,Marchers-We shall Overcome,Joan Baez -Folk Queen,(1941-,),We shall overcome,we shall overcome,we shall overcome someday.Oh, deep in my heart I do believe.That we shall overcome someday.We shall live in peace,we shall live in peace,we shall live in peace someday.Oh, deep in my heart I do believe.That we shall overcome someday.Well walk hand in hand,well walk hand in hand,well walk hand in hand someday.Oh, deep in my heart I do believe.That we shall overcome someday.,Martin Luther King(1929-1968),the Nobel Prize winner,one of the principal leaders of the American civil rights movement,a prominent advocate of,nonviolent protest,.,challenge to,segregation,and,racial discrimination,in the 1950s and 1960s,After his,assassination,in 1968, King became a symbol of protest in the,struggle for racial justice,.,Bob Dylan(1941-),American musician and songwriter,one important figure in contemporary folk music and rock music.,Dylan,s songs of social protest, such as,“,Blowing in the Wind,”,(1962) associated with the civil rights movement in the United States.,recognized as a rock icon and a gifted, prolific songwriter.,Part II,Rockn, roll,Origin,favored by,cause,representative,Rocknroll,R&B,American teenagers,Strong dance,beat,Elvis Presley,White man with the black sound and,the black feel.,Elvis Presley,(1935-1977),American singer and actor,King of Rock and Role,one of the first,mass idols,of American popular culture.,one of the most popular and,influential,entertainers of the 20th century.,renowned as an early,pioneer,of rock music, fusing the sounds of country music and rhythm-and-blues influences with what was then the new rock-and-roll style.,“,Heartbreak Hotel,” recorded in Nashville in January 1956, was one of his most popular early songs.,Part III Soul, disco, and rap,origin,Favored by,period,Soul,Disco,Rap music,R&B,Black people,In the 1960s,Soul music,Latin rhythms,Most Americans,In the 1980s,Fast street talk,Combined with,music,Young black people,In the 1980s,Soul music,type of popular modern Black American music, derived from gospel, blues and jazz, that expresses strong emotion,灵乐(美国现代黑人通俗音乐, 源自福音音乐 布鲁斯音乐和爵士乐, 表达浓烈的情感),Culture notes,Harlem,哈莱姆,A district of Manhattan; now largely a Black ghetto.,A major,African-American,residential, cultural and business center.,defined by a series of,boom-and-bust,cycles,(,繁荣萧条周期,).,Black residents began to arrive en masse in 1904, with numbers fed by the,Great Migration,.,In the 1920s-30s, the focus of the ,Harlem Renaissance, an,outpouring of artistic and professional works,.,In the 1940s, job losses in the time of,Great Depression,and deindustrialization(,工业化解除,),of New York City after,World War II,rates of,crime and poverty increased significantly,.,New Yorks revival in the late 20th century has led to,renewal in Harlem,as well. By 1995, Harlem was experiencing social and economic,gentrification,(,改造,).,Soul in 1960s,Ray Charles(1930-2004),An American musician/,“The only true genius in show business”,A pioneer in the genre of,soul music,during the 1950s by fusing,rhythm and blues,gospel, and,blues,styles into his early recordings.,He helped integrate,country,and,pop music,during the 1960s with his,crossover,success,on his,Modern Sounds,albums.,Michael Jackson(1958-2009),Whitney Houston(1963-2012.2.11),I will always love you,The Bodyguard,Rap Talking,Fast street talk, with a strong rhythm.,PartIV,New and old,Punk or new wave (rock music) 1970s,1970s,1980s new way of listening to music,1981 MTV,Punk or New Wave,Punk, movement of,disaffected youth,of,the late 1970s, manifesting itself in fashions and music designed to,shock,or intimidate.,Punk music began in New York City and London and stressed,aggressive and fast performance, often within a three-chord, three-minute format, as exemplified by British punk group,the Sex Pistols,and New York punk group,the Ramones.,In early 1970s, Soft rock:,The Carpenters.,open up (L48),(a) (cause sth to) be available for development, production, etc (使某物)供开发, 生产:,open up undeveloped land, new territory, etc,开发未开发的地区等,金庸的武侠小说开拓了想像力新天地.,The Wuxia novels written by Jin Yong opened up new worlds of the imagination.,(b) (cause sth to) begin business (使某事物)开业, 开张:,open up a new restaurant,开一家新餐厅,Structure of Text 1,Country and,Folk Music,Rock n Roll,Soul, Disco, Rap,New and Old,Music History May,Show a Path to Future Peace,Future?,Thank,you,


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