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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Welcome to our school,Grammar,1,It,is our school.,I,teach English here.,You,study here.,We,love our school.,2,He,is Your Maths teacher,Mr. Shen.,She,is your Chinese,teacher, Miss Ren.,They,are very kind ,they,are good teachers,3,It,is our school.,You,study here.,I,teach English here.,We,love our school.,He,is your Maths teacher.,She,is your Chinese teacher.,They,are kind ,they,are good teachers.,(,它,),What do these red words mean?,(,你,/,你们,),(,我,),(,我们,),(,他,),(,她,),(,他们,),4,presentation,Personal Pronouns (Subject Forms),人称代词主格,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,我,我们,你,你们,他,她,它,他们,I,we,you,you,he,she,it,they,5,My name is Millie.,_ live in Beijing.,I,Are _ in Class 1, Grade 7, Simon?,you,(,I,指,Millie,),(,You,指,Simon),Herere pictures of Millieschool life. Complete the sentences with correct,subject forms.,Then talk about what the pronouns refer to (,指代,) .,6,Simon loves football,_ is in the football team.,He,( He,指,Simon ),7,Kitty is cute.,_ loves dancing.,She,(She,指,Kitty),8,Here are,my friends and I,. _ are in Grade 7.,We,( We,指,my friends and I),9,Look ,Sandy and Amy,are over,there.,_ are playing badminton.,They,( They,指,Sandy and Amy ),10,This is our new library,.,_ is big and,modern,.,It,(It,指,library),11,Explanation (,一,):,The usage of,Personal Pronouns,(,subject forms,),人称代词,主格,的用法,We can use,subject form,to replace it,When the noun for people or thing is the subject,.,(我们用,主格,来代替这些表示人或事物的、并在句中作主语的名词。),Eg: 1. Lucy and I are twins.,We,are from the USA.,2,.,Look at these flowers.,They,are beautiful.,12,_ is clean and bright,.,It,Our classroom,13,_ cleans the blackboard every day.,She,Qianyou,14,_ is doing homework.,He,Zongfei,15,_,are running,.,They,Guojin Chenxinghua Huangyubo,16,_,have Reading Class in the library.,We,Our library,17,t,Practice,:,Fill in the blanks with Personal Pronouns,1.Do you know the girl in the photo? _is Sandy,2.“Millie” is my English name, but _ am a,Chinese girl,.,3. I live with my grandparents. _ look after me,very well.,4.Simon was born in Shanghai, but _lives in,Beijing with his parents now.,5.Daniel and I live near each other and_usually,go to school together.,6.Boys and girls. I have a piece of good news. _,is about our class trip.,7.Can_ come this afternoon, Andy?,She,I,They,he,we,It,you,18,It,is our school.,You,are students.,I,am an English teacher.,We,are good students.,He,is your Maths teacher.,She,s your Chinese teacher.,They,are kind ,they,are good teachers.,Do you like,it,?,Tell me the Chinese meaning of red words :,Teachers help,you,with your study.,You can ask,me,some questions,Let,us,help others with their study.,You can call,him,Mr. Shen.,Please,say hello to,her,.,Students all like,them,.,19,人称代词主格,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,我,我们,你,你们,他,她,它,他们,在下面的表格中填上相应的代词,I,we,you,you,he,she,it,they,Summary,20,Personal Pronouns (Object Forms),人称代词宾格,第一人称,第二人称,第三人称,单数,复数,单数,复数,单数,复数,我,我们,你,你们,他,她,它,他们,presentation,me,us,you,him,her,it,them,you,21,Personal pronouns (subject form and object form),(,人称代词,),(主格) (宾格),Subject form,Object form,I,me,you,you,he,him,she,her,it,it,we,us,you,you,they,them,Singular,(单数),Plural,(复数),22,Millie and her mother are in the classroom now.Complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns.,Millie: Mum,look at the pictures of my friends on the wall.,Mum: OK.Let me see.Is this Daniel?,Millie: Yes,it is. Daniel is clever._ is good at Maths.,Mum: Is that Simon,Millie?,Millie: Yes,Mum.Simon is tall._is in our school,football team.,Mum: This is Kitty,I think.,Millie: No.This is Amy. _has short hair. Thats Kitty.,_has long hair.,Mum: Oh yes. _ are good friends,right?,Millie: Yes,Mum._ are all very nice._love them.,He,He,She,She,You,They,I,23,It,is our school.,You,are students.,I,am an,English teacher,.,We,are good students.,He,is your,Maths teacher,.,She,s your,Chinese teacher,.,They,are kind ,they,are good teachers.,Do you like,it,?,What do these red words refer to?,Teachers help,you,with your study.,You can ask,me,some questions,You can call,him,Mr. Shen.,Please,say hello to,her,.,Students all like,them,.,Let,us,help others with their study,.,24,Explanation (,二,):,The usage of,Personal Pronouns,(,object forms,),人称代词,宾格,的用法,We can use,object form,to replace it,When the noun for people or thing is the object,(,我们用,宾格,来代替这些表示人或事物的、并在句中作宾语的名词。,。),(,放在动词,介词之后),Eg: 1. Jack is a lovely dog. Everyone likes,it,.,2,.,Helen is my cousin. I often play with,her,.,25,Exercise,:,Finish the sentences with correct Object Forms,You have an ipad, right? Can you show _ (,它,) to _(,我,)?,Swimming is good. It can make _(,你,) strong.,I have many friends. I often play with _(,他们,).,Millie likes reading very much. I often meet_(,她,) in the library.,This computer game is interesting. Many boys enjoy _(,它,) very much.,Mr.Chen is our teacher. He teaches _ (,我们,) Chinese.,My father likes music. So my son often sing songs for_(,他,).,it,me,you,them,her,it,us,him,26,中考题型链接,根据汉语意思填入相应的单词:,1. _ cant carry the box. Can you help _?(,我),2. Mike has a sister. _,(她),often looks after _ .,(他),3. _ are partners. The teacher often asks _ to read dialogues. (,我们,),I,me,She,him,We,us,27,4. Do _ often watch TV?,No. Mum asks _ not to watch TV too much. (,他们),5. Jack likes reading books. _ is a member of the Reading Club. Do you know _? (,他),they,them,He,him,28,选择填空,1. _ are good friends.,A. I and Dick B. Me and Dick,C. Dick and me D. Dick and I,2. I am Mary and this is Amy. _ are in Class1, Grade 7.,A. They B. We C. Ours D. Our,3. I like reading. I think _ are helpful and lovely.,A. they B. its C. it D. its,4. Simon is in the school football team. _ is the best team in our city. _ all play football quite well.,A. It, They,B. It, you C. She, They D. He, We,1.D 2.B 3. C 4. A,29,Daniel is talking to his grandfather on the phone. Complete their conversation with the correct personal pronouns.,Im at a new school,Grandpa. Let me,tell you about _.,Mr Wu is our English teacher.We all like _.,I have some new friends.I like to,play with _,after class.,Im not good at English. Sometimes Millie,helps,_.,Is Grandma at home now? I want to,say hello to _.,Pardon? Daniel, I cant hear _ well on the phone.,it,him,them,me,her,you,30,2. tell sb. about sth.,告诉某人关于某事的情况,Languge points,1.,Let me see.,让我看看。,let sb. do sth,让某人做某事,tell sb. Sth. = tell sth. to sb.,tell sb.to do sth.,否定,tell sb. not to do sth.,3. play with sb.,和某人一起玩,4.help sb. with sth.=help sb.(to) do sth.,帮助某人做某事,5.Say hello to sb.,向某人问好,31,Good-bye,Thank you!,32,Sample conversation:,S1,:Hello! This is,Wanglin,speaking.,S2,:Hi,Lin. This is,Zhangjie,.,You,are in a new school. How is,it,?,S1,: Oh,it,s,big,. But,it,s,beautiful,.,S2,:,You,make many friends,right?,S1,: Yes.,They,are,nice,.,Hanmei,is our monitor.,She,often helps,me,with my study.,We,all,like,her,.,S2,: What about your teachers? Are,they,terrible?,S1,: No,they,are very kind. And my favourite teacher is,Miss yang,.,She,teaches,us,Chinese,.,S2,:,I,like,it,too. And,I,also like,history,.,They,are,interesting,.,S1,: Would,you,like to visit my school next week?,S2,: Ok,I,ll call,you,again. Bye !,S1,: Bye !,33,Sample conversation:,S1,:Hello! This is speaking.,S2,:Hi,This is,I,hear,you,are in a new school. How is,it,?,S1,: Oh,it,s. But,it,s .,S2,:,You,make many friends,right?,S1,: Of course.,They,are nice. is our monitor.,She,/,He,often helps,me,with my study.,We,all,like,her,/,him,.,S2,: What about your teachers? Are,they,terrible?,S1,: No,they,are very kind. And my favourite teacher is,She,/,He,teaches,us,S2,:,I,like,it,too. And,I,also like .,They,are interesting.,S1,: Would,you,like to visit my school next week?,S2,: Ok,I,ll call,you,again. Bye !,S1,: Bye !,34,主格和宾格之区别,:,一般动词,前,用主格,主格常位于句首。,动词(或介词),后,用宾格。,巧记口诀:主在谓语,(,动词,),前,宾在动介后。,Explanation (,三,):,35,选择填空,1. I am Mary and this is Amy. _ are in Class1.,A. They B. We C. Ours D. Our,2. I like working with Tom. I think _ is helpful and lovely.,A. him B. his C. hes D. he,3. Simon is in the football team. _ is the best team in our city. _ all play football well.,A. It, They,B. It, you,C. She, They D. He, We,4. _ are good friends.,A. I and Dick B. Me and Dick,C. Dick and me D. Dick and I,36,


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