外研社中职英语基础模块修订版PPT UNIT5

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 5,Whats your travel plan?,1. What are they doing?,2. Where would you like to go for a holiday?,Look at the picture and discuss:,Youll be able to:,1. talk about travel plans;,2. introduce tourist attractions.,Warming up,听录音,将下列词语与图片匹配。,Listen and match.,1,Key sentences:,old town,beach,mountain,desert,grassland,city,Warming up,old town,古镇,Warming up,desert,沙漠,Warming up,beach,沙滩,Warming up,grassland,草原,Warming up,city,城市,Warming up,mountain,山,山脉,2. We took a tour of the city yesterday.,I took lots of photos on my desert tour.,我在沙漠旅行时拍了很多照片。,昨天我们游览了这个城市。,Warming up,讨论并选出旅游前需要重点考虑,Discuss and tick.,2,where to go,how much to spend,how to get there,what to take,where to stay,what to visit,travel,plan,的三个问题。,Listening and Speaking,plan,holiday,mind,weather,report,n,.,计划,n,.,假期,n,.,心思,想法,n,.,天气,n,.,报道,听录音,学习下列词语。,Listen and learn.,1,trip,backpack,sunhat,walking stick,n,.,旅行,n,.,背包,n,.,太阳帽,遮阳帽,手杖,David:,Hi, Amy. Do you have any plan for the coming holiday?,Amy:,Not yet. Whats in your mind?,David:,How about going to,Suzhou,? We can visit some beautiful,gardens there.,Amy:,Thats a good idea. What about the weather there?,David:,Weather reports say it will be,sunny,during the holiday.,Amy:,That sounds great!,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,听录音,练习谈论旅游计划。,Listen and practice.,2,晴朗的。表示天气的形容词还有,cloudy,snowy,foggy,等,。,戴维:你好,埃米。假期快到了,你有什么计划吗?,埃米:还没有,你有什么想法?,戴维:去苏州如何?在那儿我们能看到不少漂亮的园林。,埃米:是个好主意。那里的天气如何?,戴维:天气预报说,假期期间那边天气晴好。,埃米:听起来太棒了!,Listening and Speaking,再听录音,根据提示表演对话。,Listen again and act.,3,Sanya,; a beautiful beach; cloudy,Listening and Speaking,S1:,Hi, S2. Do you have any plan for the coming holiday?,S2:,Not yet. Whats in your mind?,S1:,How about going to,Sanya,? We can see a beautiful,beach there.,S2:,Thats a good idea. What about the weather there?,S1:,Weather reports say it will be cloudy during the holiday.,S2:,That sounds great!,Jack:,Hi, Lisa. Do you have any plan for the weekend?,Lisa:,Not yet. Any suggestions?,Jack:,Susan and I are going on a hike tomorrow morning.,Would,you like to join us?,Lisa:,Sounds great! What do I need to prepare for the trip?,Jack:,You need a backpack, a pair of sneakers, a jacket, some,food and water. You may also need a sunhat.,Lisa:,OK. Do I need a pair of sunglasses?,Jack:,Sure. You could also bring,a walking stick,if you like.,Listening and Speaking,参考译文,听录音,练习谈论旅游准备。,Listen and practice.,4,go on a hike,:去远足,类似的还有,go on a holiday, go on a trip,等。,手杖,其中,walking,是动名词,作定语,修饰名词,stick,。,杰克:嗨,莉萨,周末你有什么计划吗?,莉萨:没有。你有什么建议?,杰克:我和苏珊打算明天上午去远足。你愿意和我们一,起去吗?,莉萨:太好了!我需要做些什么准备呢?,杰克:你需要准备双背肩包,帆布鞋,夹克,还要带些,食物和水,可能还需要一顶遮阳帽。,莉萨:好的,我需要准备一副太阳镜吗?,杰克:当然。如果你愿意的话,还可以带上一根手杖。,Listening and Speaking,再听录音,选出莉萨需要,Listen again and tick.,5,准备的东西。,Reading and Writing,参考译文,读下文,了解两种不同的旅游方式。,Read and learn.,1,If you are planning for a trip now, you have two choices. One is the,package tour,; the other is the,DIY tour,. On a package tour, you dont need to worry about your schedule, but you have to hurry along to follow the tour guide. You cant stay longer at the places you might like and take more pictures. On a DIY tour, on the other hand, you have more freedom. You can select your own travel partners.,However, since you are a stranger to the place, you may easily get lost.,a package,tour,:跟团旅游,;,a DIY,tour,:自助游,。,since,:既然,由于,。,又如:,Since,you have known the news, I have nothing to tell,.,既然你已经知道这条新闻,我就没有可以说的了,。,如果你正在计划去旅行,那你有两种选择。一是参加团队游,另一个就是自助游。参加团队游,你不必担心行程,但是你得一直匆匆忙忙地跟着导游走,也不能在你喜欢的地方和你想多拍些照片的地方多做停留。另一个选择就是自助游,你有更多的自由,也能够选择你的旅行伙伴。但是,因为你对旅游地比较陌生,可能很容易迷路。,Reading and Writing,再读上文,列举两种旅游,Read again and fill.,2,方式的利弊。,Package tour,DIY tour,You dont need to worry,about your schedule.,You have to hurry along to,follow the tour guide.,You cant stay longer at the places you might like and take more pictures.,DIY tour,You have more freedom.,You can select your own travel partners.,You may easily get lost.,Read and learn.,读下文,了解以下三位同学想去的地方。,Reading and Writing,3,Lily,She wants to get close to nature. She likes beautiful mountains and rivers, so she chooses,Guilin,in,Guangxi,Zhuang,Autonomous Region.,她想亲近大自然。她喜欢漂亮的山川和河流,因此她选择到广西壮族自治区的桂林去旅行。,莉莉,Read and learn.,读下文,了解以下三位同学想去的地方。,Reading and Writing,3,Xiao Ming,He is interested in modern and distinctive architecture. He is also interested in sports, so he wants to visit the Birds Nest in Beijing.,他对现代的、有特色的建筑感兴趣,也对运动感兴趣,因此他想去参观北京的鸟巢。,小明,Read and learn.,读下文,了解以下三位同学想去的地方。,Reading and Writing,3,David,He wants to know more about Chinese history, culture and arts, so he chooses to visit the Capital Museum in Beijing.,他想要了解更多的中国历史、文化和艺术,因此他选择参观北京的首都博物馆。,戴维,Reading and Writing,Discuss and fill.,讨论,为以上三位同学推荐其他旅游景点。,4,The Palace Museum,The Great Wall,Mount,Taishan,National Museum of China,The West Lake,Jiuzhaigou,National Park,The Palace Museum,National Museum of China,David,The Great Wall,National Museum of China,Xiao Ming,Mount,Taishan,Jiuzhaigou,National Park,The West Lake,Lily,Places to go,Name,Read and learn.,读下面的旅游小贴士。,Reading and Writing,5,If you are planning a trip to a foreign city, but dont know the local language, a little English might be helpful. You should also know some local customs. And always remember that smiling is the best language.,如果正计划到国外的某个城市去旅行,但是你不会当地的语言,那么一点点英文会给你带来很大帮助。你还应当了解一些当地的习俗,但一定要记住,微笑是最好的语言。,Read and learn.,读下面的旅游小贴士。,Reading and Writing,5,If youre planning to go to the seaside, remember to take sunscreen, a sunhat and a pair of sunglasses. A swimsuit is also necessary. If you want to taste some seafood, make sure it is fresh.,如果你计划去海边,记得带上防晒霜、遮阳帽和太阳镜。泳衣也是必不可少的。如果你想尝尝海鲜,那一定要确保是新鲜的。,Read and learn.,读下面的旅游小贴士。,Reading and Writing,5,If you are going to climb a mountain, dont forget to take some warm clothes and a walking stick. Dont take too many things with you while climbing. If you want to watch the sunrise on a mountain top, a good camera is also a must.,如果你打算去爬山,记得穿上暖和的衣服,带上手杖。爬山的时候,不要带太多东西。如果你想在山顶看日出,一台好的相机是必须的。,Discuss and list.,讨论,为下列人员提供旅游小贴士。,Reading and Writing,6,Joe will take a grassland tour with his family during the May Day holidays. Give some tips to him and his family.,More Activities,Weifang,International Kite Festival is held annually in,Weifang, Shandong province. The festival draws thousands of visitors each year. During the festival, you can see kites of all shapes,colours,and sizes. You can also see traditional kites and modern kites from different regions and countries. Come and fly your kite some day!,参考译文,Read and learn.,读下文,了解特色旅游项目。,1,潍坊国际风筝节每年在山东省潍坊市举办。这个节日每年都吸引成千上万的游客。在风筝节期间,你可以看到各种形状、颜色和尺寸的风筝。你还能看到来自不同地区和国家的传统风筝及现代风筝。有一天来这里放飞你的风筝吧!,More Activities,Luoyang,Peony Festival is held in,Luoyang,Henan,province, between April and May every year. Since the Tang Dynasty,Luoyang,has been known as the land of the peony, enjoying a reputation for having the countrys most beautiful peonies. During the festival, visitors appreciate beautiful peonies of different,colours,and shapes.,参考译文,Read and learn.,读下文,了解特色旅游项目。,1,洛阳牡丹节每年四到五月间在河南省洛阳市举办。从唐朝起,洛阳就被誉为,“,牡丹之乡,”,,那里盛产全国最漂亮的牡丹。在牡丹节期间,游客可以欣赏到各色各样的美丽的牡丹花。,More Activities,Fill and present.,介绍你家乡的特色旅游项目。,2,Around the World,参考译文,It is about visiting natural areasin remote wilderness or rural environment. People interested in ecotourism are supposed to respect the local cultures, protect the local environment and improve the well-being of the local people.,Ecotourism,生态游,这是一种到偏远的野外环境游览大自然的旅行方式。对生态游感兴趣的人们应当尊重当地文化,保护当地环境,同时改善当地人的福祉。,It is about either visiting a city to watch sports events or participating in them. Sports tourism has become increasingly popular nowadays. An example of this would be the Olympics. During that time, each Olympic host city receives a large number of visitors.,Around the World,参考译文,Sports tourism,运动游,这是一种到一个城市观看体育比赛或参加体育项目的旅行方式。如今,运动游已经变得越来越受欢迎了。一个典型的例子就是奥运会游。在奥运期间,每个主办城市都会迎来大量的游客。,It is about,travelling,to remote areas. Adventure tourism is rapidly growing in popularity as tourists seek unusual holidays. Mountaineering expeditions, trekking, bungee jumping, rafting and rock climbing are frequently cited as examples of this type of tourism.,Around the World,参考译文,Adventure tourism,探险游,这是一种到偏远地区旅行的方式。旅行者往往追求非比寻常的假日活动,因此探险游正在很快地博得大众的青睐。登山,徒步远足,蹦极,漂流和攀岩是这类旅行中的常见项目。,Fun Time,Proverbs,1,best,/t/,East or west, home is the best.,金窝银窝,不如自家的草窝。,speed,/d/,More haste, less speed.,欲速则不达。,floats,/,ts,/,When the river rises, the boat floats high.,水涨船高。,roads,/,dz,/,All roads lead to Rome.,条条大路通罗马。,Fun Time,A Joke,Tourist:,How old is this fossil?,Guide:,It is one million and three years old.,Tourist:,How could you be so accurate?,Guide:,Easy. The archaeologists said the fossil was one million,years old, and that was three years ago.,参考译文,2,游客:这块化石有多少年的历史了?,导游:它距今已有一百万零三年了。,游客:怎么会这么精确呢?,导游:很简单,有考古学家说它有一百万年的历,史,而那是三年以前的事情了。,笑话,My Progress Check,I can talk about travel plans with:,plan holiday weather report sunny trip schedule select partner freedom package tour DIY tour,Do you have any plan for the coming holiday?,What do I need to prepare for the trip?,A swimsuit is also necessary.,Great! I want to learn more!,


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