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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Grammar,Unit 5,Wild animals,1,单词回顾,学生早读时已预习过本单元单,词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。,2,closed,bat,bee,lost,get lost,the same as,save,adj. 关闭的,n. 蝙蝠,n. 蜜蜂,adj. 迷路的,迷失的,迷路,与同样,vt. & vi. 储存,节省,Words and expressions review,3,To learn to use,may,for possibility,To learn to use verbs + to-infinitives,Objectives,4,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语言规则和语法规律。,5,Look at the following sentences.,1. We may go abroad. Im not sure.,We may travel by sea.,It may be cheaper. (新概念1 L131),2. “The play may begin at any,moment,” I said., “It may have begun already,” Susan,answered. (新概念2 L19),6,3. Li Hua wants to play in the next World,Cup. (七年级上册 U2),4. I plan to eat more fruit and vegetables,every day. (七年级上册 U6),5. After dinner, we like to watch TV and chat,there. (七年级下册 U1),6. I love to sit there and look out at the beach,and the sea. (七年级下册 U1),7. I want to help sick people. (七年级下册 U1),8. I started to play the violin at the age of six.,(七年级下册 U7),7,Sentences from this unit:,1. I may die without them.,2. At four months old, she weighed about,eight kilograms and started to go,outside for the first time.,3. When she was six months old, she,began to eat bamboo.,8,4. When she was 20 months old, she,learnt to look after herself.,5. As a result, pandas may not have a,place to live or food to eat.,6. If we do nothing, soon there may be,none left!,9,Guessing Game,to test your sense of observation,to test your ability of short-term memory,to test your ability to highlight the language points,Guess,10,1. We _ go abroad. Im not sure.,We _ travel by sea.,It _ be cheaper.,2. “The play _ begin at any,moment,” I said., “It _ have begun already,” Susan,answered.,3. Li Hua _ in the next,World Cup.,wants to play,may,may,may,may,may,11,4. I _ more fruit and vegetables,every day.,5. After dinner, we _ TV and,chat there.,6. I _ there and look out at the,beach and the sea.,7. I _ sick people.,8. I _ the violin at the age of,six.,plan to eat,like to watch,love to sit,want to help,started to play,12,9. I _ die without them.,10. At four months old, she weighed about,eight kilograms and _,outside for the first time.,11. When she was six months old, she,_ bamboo.,12. When she was 20 months old, she,_ after herself.,13. As a result, pandas _ have a,place to live or food to eat.,14. If we do nothing, soon there _ be,none left!,may,started to go,began to eat,learnt to look,may not,may,13,Peter_ comewithustonight,butheisntverysureyet. A.must B.may C.can D.will, Are you ready for the trip to the,amusement park?, We decide _ to an amusement,park. We will go climbing.,A. to go B. not go,C. dont go D. not to go,14,以上我们已经通过归纳总结和练习对本课的语法内容有了一定的了解,下面就让我们根据,之前练习的考察情,况进一步选择讲解,该语法项的重难点。,15,may for possibility,16,may可用来表示猜测某件事发生的可能性,常译为“也许,可能”。may通常用于肯定句与否定句,一般不用于疑问句。,例如:,The news may or may not be true.,这消息也许是真的,也许不是真的。,At the moment she may be playing with her classmates.,此刻她可能正在和同学们玩。,17,verbs + to-infinitives,18,当我们要表示“想做某事、需要做某事,或决定做某事”时,就会出现,两个动词,连用的情况,,这时应如何表达呢?,同学们自然会想到,want to do sth.,need to do sth.,和,decide to do sth.,等表达方式。,Using verbs + to,-infinitives,19,Kitty is,preparing to go out,next,Sunday.,Kitty,plans to take,Linda out.,Linda,wanted to visit,the park.,Sandy,agrees to go,with them.,Millie,decided to stay,at home.,Please go on to look at the sentences below. Pay attention to the colored words.,20,上面例子中,主要行为动词后面的动词,都采用了,“,to + 动词原形,”的结构,我,们把这种结构称为,动词不定式,(有时,可以不带to)。,动词不定式没有人称,和数的变化,在句子中不能单独作谓,语,其否定形式是“,not to + 动词原形,”,。,什么是动词不定式(to-infinitives)?,21,We often use to-infinitives after these verbs.,agree choose decide hope,learn plan prepare want,like start begin fail,wish try remember forget,22,1. 当我们猜测某件事发生的可能性时,常,用may来表示“也许”、“可能”。,2. 当句子中已经有谓语动词,而我们又要,表达不止一个动作概念时,其余的动词,可以使用非谓语形式表达。动词不定式,就是动词的一种非谓语形式,其肯定形,式是“to + 动词原形”,其否定形式是,“not to + 动词原形”。无人称、数和时态,的变化。,Reflection,23,请点击,24,1. Dont forget _ your homework,John., Ok, Ill do it right now. 2011怀化,A. doing B. do C. to do,2. Have you decided which senior high,school to choose?, Not yet. I _ go to Moonlight,School. 2012江苏南京,A. must B. may,C. need D. should,I. 单项选择。,25,3. Excuse me, when are we going to,have a picnic?, Im not sure, Ask our monitor, please.,He _ know. 2012江苏扬州,A. need B. can C. may D. shall,4. Do you have any plans for this,weekend?, Im not sure. I _ go climbing,Mount Yuntai. 2012河南,A. must B. need C. may D. can,26,5. Is Jim coming by train?, Im not sure. He _ drive his car.,2012四川凉山,A. must B. may C. need,6. Drivers shouldnt be allowed _,after drinking, or they will break the,law. 2012湖北咸宁,A. drive B. driving,C. to drive D. to be driven,27,II. 完成句子。,1. 他可能认识你。,He _ you. 2. 他们可能下周去长城。,They _ the Great Wall next week.,3. 我们同意马上离开。,We agreed _ at once.,4. Laura计划到中国一些名胜之地旅游。,Laura _ some places of,interest in China.,5. 你愿意和他一起工作吗?,Would you _ with him?,like to work,plans to visit,to leave,may know,may go to,28,Preview,To preview,Integrated skills,on Pages,63 and 64,2. To learn to talk about how to protect,wild animals,29,1. Review the Grammar and make,some sentences with,may,and,verbs + to-infinitives,.,2. Finish the Exercises on Pages 61,and 62.,Homework,31,


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