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,Click to edit Master title style,*,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,STCN/MKT | 8/18/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,太古汇广播系统介绍,Bosch Security Systems,1,2,裙楼及办公楼广播系统结构图,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,2,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,Praesideo,全数字广播,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,3,全数字广播系统,基于,Web,技术,背景音乐及紧急广播系统共用一套系统;,符合,EVAC,紧急广播规范要求,通过,IEC 60849,标准认证;,系统主设备间采用专用光纤连接,数据传输采用数字信号,避免传输过程丢失,并可采用环形冗余连接,系统更稳定;,网络控制器(广播主机)能自动监测系统其他设备并报告工作状态,存储系统中最新的,200,条故障信息;,数字功放内置主备份功放切换功能,当主功放出现故障自动切换到备份功放,内置语音存储卡,用于预录制消防语音等信息;,控制和传送,28,路音频,并可任意分配到任意广播分区;,系统结构:支持分布式结构,系统灵活性强、扩展方便;,可由多套系统组成一个大系统,统一管理控制;,Praesideo,数字广播特性,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,4,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,4,采用,BOSCH,全数字广播系统,背景音乐及紧急广播系统共用一套系统;,该系统设置,135,个广播分区,设置,6,种音源,可实现同一时间不同分区播放不同音源;,通过呼叫站键盘实现区域选择、音源选择、音量调整、故障确认;,消防系统提供开关控制信号与广播系统连接,即可实现消防联动;,正常情况播放背景音乐,紧急状况自动切换到紧急状态播放消防广播;,系统启动消防广播时,相邻楼层同时播放消防语音,满足,N,、,N+1,、,N-1,紧急规范要求;,部分区域设置音量控制开关,实现本地音量调整,当紧急消防时,音控不管处于何种工作状态均自动强切转换到最大音量播放消防语音;,系统设置一套广播管理软件,出现故障除了在网络控制器,LCD,屏幕上显示状态信息外,同时在管理计算机故障显示屏上提示;,系统设备之间采用光纤环路冗余连接,避免传输过程信号丢失,保证系统稳定,采用,1*500W,、,2*250W,、,4*125W,、,8*60W,四种类型数字功放,每种类型功放各自配备份功放,当主功放出现故障自动切换到备份功放,太古汇裙楼及办公楼广播系统介绍,:,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,5,满足,IEC 60849/BS5839,标准的系统,(,2011,年将由,EN54-16,取代),1.,具有业务广播和应急广播的双重需要,广播系统选型的前提必须是满足应急广播规范,,EC60849/BS5839,作为国际上权威的应急广播规范,严格规定了广播系统在生产、安装、调试各个环节必须满足的条款,如:,A.,系统在任何时候应能通过监视系统接收应急系统中正常功能组件或相关部件的指示;,B.,预先录制的紧急讯息应以非易失的形式进行存储,不应有其它移动部件,如不应使用磁带播放机或磁盘驱动器,同时应对其可用进行连续监控;,C.,系统自动故障监测功能应包括:话筒(包括话筒电容线圈、前置放大器和其他系统的连接线)出现的故障;应急信号发生器(包括预先录制的应急讯息)出现的故障;任何扬声器回路出现或短路的故障;,D.,摸个覆盖区域内,所有地方的语音清晰度的通用清晰度等级,(CIS),应大于或等于,0.7,;,2.IEC60849/BS5839,权威规范认可的广播系统,才能保证系统在高使用频率下的安全、可靠。,6,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,6,环路冗余连接结构图,呼叫站,呼叫站,网络控制器(广播主机),功率放大器,Praesideo,简易图,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,7,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,8,功放,功放,网络控制器,呼叫站,呼叫站,冗余环路系统布线,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,9,功放,功放,网络控制器,呼叫站,呼叫站,冗余环路系统布线,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,10,功放,功放,网络控制器,呼叫站,呼叫站,冗余环路系统布线,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,11,为数不多的设备类型,网络控制器,音频扩展器,功率放大器,呼叫站及键盘,CobraNet,接口,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,12,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,12,Praesideo,数字广播部分功能简介,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,13,主功放与备用功放切换;,扬声器回路主干线检测;,功放与音量控制器接线方式;,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,13,系统安全性设计:功放热备份,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,14,系统安全性设计:,扬声器回路检测,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,15,3,线制音量强切,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,16,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,16,3,线制音量强切,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,17,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,17,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,18,功放与音控三线式接法,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,18,Praesideo,数字广播系统配置说明,BOSCH Praesideo,数字广播系统介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,19,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,基于,WEB,的设置界面,不需要专业的软件知识即可轻松完成系统设置,利于日后客户维护,Open Interface,开放式接口协议,利于集成商开发客户化图形界面,实现电子地图功能,以及与其它各个系统软件集成。,主要功能设计:软件设计界面,20,PRS-SW,广播软件安装,找到光盘里面,Praesideo,Core,,安装该软件包,其界面如下:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,21,网络控制器与管理计算机连接,配置,PRS-NCO-B,网络控制器:,网络控制器,LCD,屏幕,旋转到,2Ba,设置网络控制器,IP,地址;旋转到,2Bb,设置网络控制器子网掩码;旋转到,2Bc,设置网络控制器网关;,配置管理计算机网络:,计算机的,IP,地址、子网掩码、网关要与网络控制器的地址要同在同一个网段;,22,配置,PRS-SW,软件,点击“,Continue”,出现对话框,;,输入用户名:,Admin,密码:,Admin;,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,23,配置,PRS-SW,软件,管理计算机与网络控制连接后,软件配置界面如右图。主要是针对“,”配置进行用户设置、功放配置、区域配置、呼叫站设置、消防强切配置等等;,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,24,25,配置,PRS-SW,软件,:,固件版本升级,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,该界面显示连接到网络控制器(广播主机,PRS-NCO-B,)所有主设备的固件版本信息。,25,26,配置,PRS-SW,软件,:,固件版本升级,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,Total number of addressable units 21,表示该系统总共有,21,个设备;,Units with correct firmware version 21,表示这,21,设备固件版本已经是统一,Units needing firmware upgrade 0,表示与主机不同固件版本为,0,;,若设备固件版本与网络控制器版本不同,则点击“,Upgrade”,,统一后在“,Status”,显示,OK,。,26,27,配置,PRS-SW,软件,:,软件目录,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,27,28,配置,PRS-SW,软件:系统定义清单,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,28,29,配置,PRS-SW,软件:添加用户,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,29,30,配置,PRS-SW,软件:系统定义,在系统定义部分,我们针对系统包含的部分进行配置,如网络控制器、功率放大器、呼叫站、音频扩展器等设备进行注册或注销。上述部分设备都带有系统注册时所需要的,SN(,序列号),该号在设备标签上都可以找到。如下图所示:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,30,31,配置,PRS-SW,软件:系统定义,PRS-NCO-B,网络控制 注册:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,31,32,配置,PRS-SW,软件:系统定义,功率放大器 注册:,填上功放的名字、类型、序列号,并在启动打勾,提交配置,则该功放注册完成;,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,32,33,配置,PRS-SW,软件:系统定义,其他设备如:呼叫站、音频扩展器、,CobraNet,接口,同样按功率放大器和网络控制器注册方式,将该设备注册到系统中。,呼叫站 注册,音频扩展器 注册,CobraNet,接口 注册,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,33,34,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备配置清单,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,34,35,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备配置,网络控制器 配置,如下图,把音频输入全部打勾,表示系统音源输入通道开放。,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,35,36,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备配置,功率放大器 配置,音频输出配置:,控制输入配置:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,36,37,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备配置,呼叫站键盘键钮设置:,音频扩展器音频输入设置:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,37,38,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备配置,CobraNet,音频输入输出配置:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,38,39,配置,PRS-SW,软件:整个系统定义,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,39,40,配置,PRS-SW,软件:,整个系统定义,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,40,41,配置,PRS-SW,软件:消防语音信息,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,41,42,配置,PRS-SW,软件:区域及音源设置清单,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,42,43,配置,PRS-SW,软件:区域配置,2,、点击“,Add”,出现:,在空白处填上区域名字如:,Z1,,后点击“,OK”,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,43,44,配置,PRS-SW,软件:音源设置,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,44,45,配置,PRS-SW,软件:音源设置,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,45,46,配置,PRS-SW,软件:呼叫站特性定义清单,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,46,47,配置,PRS-SW,软件,呼叫站宏定义如图:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,47,48,配置,PRS-SW,软件:设备动作编程清单,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,48,49,配置,PRS-SW,软件:动作编程,功放控制输入定义:,控制输入具体参数介绍,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,49,50,配置,PRS-SW,软件:动作编程,呼叫站键盘编程:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,50,51,配置,PRS-SW,软件,系统配置完后,保存并重启系统,设置完毕:,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,51,谢谢您的参与,!,Bosch PA,S,olution for Nuclear Plant,STCN/MKT | 6/20/2009 | Robert Bosch GmbH 2009. All rights reserved, also regarding any disposal, exploitation, reproduction, editing, distribution, as well as in the event of applications for industrial property rights.,52,


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