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吻,亲吻;,卡利,n. 哥伦比亚,adj. 放松的;宽松的;轻松自在的,shake,shake hands,custom,bow,kiss,Cali,Colombia,relaxed,顺便或偶然拜访,瑞士西部城市洛桑,瑞士,n. 国家,国土,土地,毕竟;终究;究竟,prep.对于;关于,v.问候;向打招呼,drop by,Lausanne,Switzerland,land,after all,towards,greet,秘鲁,v.擦;揩;抹,n. 餐巾,发出令人不愉快的声音,v. 刺;插;,adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的,v.用.指指;指向,特地不怕麻烦地做某事,Peru,wipe,napkin,make a noise,stick,rude,point,go out of ones way to do sth.,使某人感到宾至如归,n. 常pl礼貌,礼仪,规矩,餐桌礼节,习惯于.,n. 叉;餐叉,adj.吃饱的;过饱的,n.大腿,n.肘;肘部,make sb. feel at home,manner,table manners,be/get used to,fork,full,lap,elbow,adv.逐渐地;渐渐地,adj. 特殊的;独特的,n. 称赞,恭维,n. v.敬酒;祝酒,adj.不熟悉的;陌生的,n. 匙,调羹;,n. 刀;餐刀,v.挤满;充满,gradually,particular,compliment,toast,unfamiliar,spoon,knife,crowd,n.垃圾;废物,v.寻找;探究,n.聊天热线(=chat line),adj.(计算机)联机的,在线的,v.(用打字机或计算机)打字,adv.多半;主要地;通常,n. 缩略词;缩写形式,v.构成;组成,rubbish,seek,chatline,online,type,mostly,abbreviation,form,n.短语;词组,n. 同音异形异义词,v结合;组合,n象征;标志;符号,n.标点符号,n. 记号;符号;,n. 情感,感情,n.由字符组成的图释,phrase,homophone,combine,symbol,punctuation,mark,emotion,emoticon,n. 冒号;,n. 括号,prep. 在.旁边;在.附近,n. 电子邮件(=email),v.发电子邮件,n. ,谜语;,自学,v. 实验,试验,adj. 适宜的,合宜的,适当的,colon,bracket,beside,e-mail,=email,riddle,learnby oneself,experiment,proper,adj.快乐的;满意的,n.(排队等候的)一队人,v.排队,adv通常;正常的,pron. 疑问代词谁的,pleased,queue,normally,whose,短语句型,九年级英语,1.握手,shake hands,2.顺便或偶然拜访,drop by,3.应该做某事,be supposed to do sth,4.特地不怕麻烦地做某事,go out of ones way to do sth,5.使某人感到宾至如归。,make sb feel at home,6.习惯于.,be/get used to,7.自学,learn.by oneself,Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.,Section A,1.你应该握手。,2.他们应该鞠躬。,3.我问候保罗母亲的方法不对。,4.我认为你本应该事先问一下你应该穿什么衣服。,5.你应该亲吻。,6.在我们那儿,对于时间相当宽松。,7.对于我们来说,和家人、朋友一起共度时光很重要。,8.我们经常直接到朋友家里去拜访。,9.我们经常只是在城镇的商业区四处走一走,尽可能多地拜访我们的朋友。,10.毕竟我们是钟表之国。,11.并且我们从来不会事先不打 就去拜访朋友。,12.我们通常方案做有趣的事情。,13.对于.的态度,1.你应该握手。,Youre supposed to shake hands.,2.他们应该鞠躬。,Theyre supposed to low.,3.我问候保罗母亲的方法不对。,I greeted Pauls mother the wrong way.,4.我认为你本应该事先问一下你应该穿什么衣服。,I guess you should have asked what you were supposed to wear.,5.你应该亲吻。,Youre supposed to kiss.,6.在我们那儿,对于时间相当宽松。,Where Im from,were pretty relaxed about time.,7.对于我们来说,和家人、朋友一起共度时光很重要。,Spending time with family and friends is very important to us.,8.我们经常直接到朋友家里去拜访。,We often just drop by our friends homes.,9.我们经常只是在城镇的商业区四处走一走,尽可能多地拜访我们的朋友。,Often we just walk around the town center,seeing as many of our friends as we can.,10.毕竟我们是钟表之国。,Were the land of watches,after all!,11.并且我们从来不会事先不打 就去拜访朋友。,Also,we never visit a friends house without calling first.,12.我们通常方案做有趣的事情。,We usually plan to do something interesting.,13.对于.的态度,Attitude towards.,1.风俗习惯,2.相反,你应该握手。,3.嗯,不错,但是我犯了一些错误。,4.我本应该7:00到。,5.即使晚到一会儿也没关系。,6.我们通常不必刻意安排与朋友见面。,7.在瑞士,守时是非常重要的。,8.第一件事情是问候老师。,1.风俗习惯,Customs,2.相反,你应该握手。,And you were supposed to shake hands instead.,3.嗯,不错,但是我犯了一些错误。,Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.,4.我本应该7:00到。,I was supposed to arrive at 7:00.,5.即使晚到一会儿也没关系。,.its okay if you arrive a bit late.,6.我们通常不必刻意安排与朋友见面。,We dont usually have to make plans to meet friends.,7.在瑞士,守时是非常重要的。,In Switzerland,its very important to be on time.,8.第一件事情是问候老师。,The first thing is to greet the teacher.,Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.,Section B,1.关于全世界的餐桌礼仪你知道多少?,2.你在餐桌不应交谈。,3.在中国,你不应端起你的碗吃饭。,4.在巴西,你应该用餐巾纸擦嘴。,5.把筷子插到食物中是粗鲁的行为。,6.你不应该用筷子指向人。,7.是粗鲁的。,8.甚至比我原来想象的要好得多。,9.他们努力使我感觉像在家里一样。,10.你都不敢相信我的法语进步有多快!,11.虽然我仍然犯许多错误.,12.另一件事情是你说吃饱了是非常无礼的。,13.我不得不说,我发现记住所有的事情是困难的.,14.在用餐时祝酒,1.关于全世界的餐桌礼仪你知道多少?,How much do you know about table manners around the world?,2.你在餐桌不应交谈。,You are no supposed to talk at the table.,3.在中国,你不应端起你的碗吃饭。,In China,youre not supposed to pick up your bow at the table.,4.在巴西,你应该用餐巾纸擦嘴。,In Brazil,you should wipe your mouth with your napkin.,5.把筷子插到食物中是粗鲁的行为。,Its rude to stick your chopsticks into your food.,6.你不应该用筷子指向人。,You shouldnt point at anyone with your chopsticks.,7.是粗鲁的。,Its rude.,8.甚至比我原来想象的要好得多。,Its even better than I thought it would be.,9.他们努力使我感觉像在家里一样。,They go out of their way to make me feel at home.,10.你都不敢相信我的法语进步有多快!,And you wouldnt believe how quickly my French has improved!,11.虽然我仍然犯许多错误.,Although I still make lots of mistakes.,12.另一件事情是你说吃饱了是非常无礼的。,Another thing is that it is very rude to say youre full.,13.我不得不说,我发现记住所有的事情是困难的.,I have to say,I find it difficult to remember everything.,14.在用餐时祝酒,making a toast at dinner,1.吃面条是发出响声是有礼貌的。,2.我最大的挑战是学习如何在餐桌上举止得体。,3.正如你想象的那样,这里的很多事情和在家时截然不同。,4.除了面包外,你不应该用手拿着吃任何东西,甚至水果也不能!,5.她为什么没有理由紧张?,1.吃面条是发出响声是有礼貌的。,Its polite to make noise while eating noodles.,2.我最大的挑战是学习如何在餐桌上举止得体。,My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner.,3.正如你想象的那样,这里的很多事情和在家时截然不同。,As you can imagine,things are really different from the way they are at home.,4.除了面包外,你不应该用手拿着吃任何东西,甚至水果也不能!,Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread,not even fruit!,5.她为什么没有理由紧张?,Why did she have no reason to be nervous?,Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.,Self Check,1.一切都是陌生的。,2.并且每种我不是只有一套,而是两三套。,3.问题集满了我的脑子。,4.我应该左手握汤匙还是右手握汤匙?,5.我最后决定做的是.,6.你可以想象这里的餐桌礼仪和我们的有多么不同。,7.周五晚上我通常在图书馆会见我的朋友们。,8.我应该从外面开始往里用,还是从里面开始往外用?,1.一切都是陌生的。,Everything was unfamiliar.,2.并且每种我不是只有一套,而是两三套。,And I had not just one set to use,but two or three of each.,3.问题集满了我的脑子。,Questions crowded my mind.,4.我应该左手握汤匙还是右手握汤匙?,Was I supposed to hold the spoon in my left hand or my right hand?,5.我最后决定做的是.,What I finally decided to do was.,6.你可以想象这里的餐桌礼仪和我们的有多么不同。,You can imagine how different the table manners here are from ours.,7.周五晚上我通常在图书馆会见我的朋友们。,I usually meet my friends in the library on Fridays nights.,8.我应该从外面开始往里用,还是从里面开始往外用?,Was I supposed to start at the outside and work in or the inside and work out?,Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.,Reading,1.这是因为它们来自一种叫做ICQ的电脑程序,意思是“我在寻找你。,2.你应该快速打字。,3.电子邮件英语主要有两种单词形式。,4.这是通过使用.而生成的。,5.CSL的意思是“忍不住大笑。,6.它是合并字母、符号.产生的。,7.你不像在传统写法中那样使用标点符号。,8.你很容易自学并且试验你自己的想法。,9.但重要的是只能在适宜的时候使用它。,10.记住,如果你在考试中用电子邮件英语,你的老师会不快乐的。,1.这是因为它们来自一种叫做ICQ的电脑程序,意思是“我在寻找你。,This is because they come from a computer program called ICQ,which means I seek you.,2.你应该快速打字。,You are supposed to type quickly.,3.电子邮件英语主要有两种单词形式。,E-mail English mostly uses two types of words.,4.这是通过使用.而生成的。,This is formed by using.,5.CSL的意思是“忍不住大笑。,.and CSL meanscant stop laughing.,6.它是合并字母、符号.产生的。,Its created by combining letters and symbols.,7.你不像在传统写法中那样使用标点符号。,.you do not use punctuation marks only in the traditional way.,8.你很容易自学并且试验你自己的想法。,You can learn it easily by yourseleves,and experiment with your own ideas.,9.但重要的是只能在适宜的时候使用它。,.but it is important to use it only at the proper time.,10.记住,如果你在考试中用电子邮件英语,你的老师会不快乐的。,.and remember your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail English in a test!,1.电子邮件英语是一种新型的、被用来节省时间的书面英语。,2.对我们来说,许多电子邮件英语单词可能看上去是陌生的许多看上去像垃圾!,3.你还可以使用它们来表达你的感情。,4.使用标点符号的优点是你可以用它们做鬼脸。,5.单独做这两项.,1.电子邮件英语是一种新型的、被用来节省时间的书面英语。,E-mail English is a new kind of written English that is being used to save time.,2.对我们来说,许多电子邮件英语单词可能看上去是陌生的许多看上去像垃圾!,A lot of e-amil English words might look unfamiliar to us-many look like runnish!,3.你还可以使用它们来表达你的感情。,You are also supposed to use them to show the emotion you are feeling.,4.使用标点符号的优点是你可以用它们做鬼脸。,The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you can make faces with them.,5.单独做这两项.,Do these two on your own.,Unit12Youre supposed to shake hands.,单元复习,广东省中考题,Wildwood School Library Guide,This will offer you some information about our school library.You can use this guide to help your kids use our library.,Service hours:,3:00 pm5:30 pm on school days;8:30 am11:00 am on weekends,On school days,your kids may borrow or return books during opening hours only when his classroom teacher allows him to.At the weekend,our library is open to both you and your kids.,Borrowing,Each student can borrow one or two books at a time:More books can be borrowed only for class reading activities and school research.,Returning:,Books borrowed from the library can be kept for 15 school days. The books must be returned before the due (到期的date or the kid can not borrow other books.,Damaged(受损的 or Lost Books,When a book is returned in a damaged condition,the kid will have to pay three dollars for the damage.Full price must be paid if a book is lost. We encourage students to carry their library books in plastic bags to protect them from rainy weather.,Please call us at 33621323 for more information.,习题,广东省中考题,56.Students can borrow more than two books at a time_.,A.for sending exams B.to do school research,C. for after-school activities D. to read together with their parents,57._must be paid when a student loses the book he borrows.,A.Three dollars B. Half the price of the book,C.Full price of the book D. Twice the price of the book,58.The students are advised to _to prevent rain.,A.carry their library books in plastic bags,B. cover their library books with raincoats,C. put their library books into their pockets,D. keep their library books in their classroom,59. This library guide is for_.,A.teachers from Wildwood B. workers in Wildwood School Library .,C. visitors to Wildwood School,D. parents of the Wildwood School students,60. Which of the following is NOT true?,A. The library is open for two and a half hours every day.,B. Students parents can go to the school library on weekends.,C. Students can go to the library during opening hours as they like.,D. Students can keep the books that they borrow for fifteen school days.,返回,1.应该做某事,2.握手,3.顺便或偶然拜访,4.毕竟,5.到达,6.有点儿晚,7.餐桌礼仪,8.指着,9.使某人感到宾至如归,10.没有理由,11.做鬼脸,12.自学,13.在适当的时间,14.以.开始,15.不再4,16.注意你的行为,17.制造噪音,1.应该做某事,2.握手,3.顺便或偶然拜访,4.毕竟,5.到达,6.有点儿晚,7.餐桌礼仪,8.指着,9.使某人感到宾至如归,10.没有理由,11.做鬼脸,12.自学,be supposed to do sth,shake hands,drop by,after all,arrive at,a bit late,table manners,point at,make sb feel at home,have no reason,make faces,learn.by oneself,13.在适当的时间,14.以.开始,15.不再4,16.注意你的行为,17.制造噪音,at the proper time,begin with,not.any more/no more;not.any longer/no longer,mind your manners,make (a) noise,1.应该做某事,2.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做,3.方案做某事,4.没有做某事,5.特地不怕麻烦地做某事,6.使某人做某事,7.习惯于做某事,过去常常做某事,被用来做某事,8.禁不住做某事2,1.应该做某事,be supposed to do sth,2.过去本应该做某事而实际上并没有做,should have done sth,3.方案做某事,plan to do sth,4.没有做某事,without doing sth,5.特地不怕麻烦地做某事,go out of ones way to do sth,6.使某人做某事,make sb do sth,7.习惯于做某事,be/get used to doing sth,过去常常做某事,used to do sth,被用来做某事,be used to do sth,8.禁不住做某事2,cant stop doing sth=cant help doing sth,


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