牛津英语模块10 Unit2 People on the move Reading Population mobility in the USA课件

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牛津英语模块10 Unit2 People on the move Reading Population mobility in the USA课件_第1页
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牛津英语模块10 Unit2 People on the move Reading Population mobility in the USA课件_第2页
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牛津英语模块10 Unit2 People on the move Reading Population mobility in the USA课件_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Population mobility in the USA,People on the move,for jobs,for study,to experience different cultures,for weather,to live with children,1,2,3,4,5,With the d_ of the global and local economy,population mobility,has become a new t_ in the world.,evelopment,rend,According to the subtitles, what do you think they are about?,Prediction,Aging in the sun,Bright lights, big city,1. Why are young people in the USA moving to cities?,Cities are more exciting and have more,job opportunities.,B. Cities are more beautiful than the countryside.,C. Young people dont like country life.,D. There are no job opportunities in the countryside.,A,Fast reading,2. Which of the following is,NOT,the reason for many people spending their later years in Florida?,A. Wanting better health care.,B. Looking for communities of older people.,C. They like the climate there.,D. They can get lots of money from the government.,D,3. With the number of older Americans moving to Florida, many changes are made to cater to them. Which of the following is not the change?,A. Ambulance response time has decreased,B. Many houses have bathrooms designed,for elderly homeowners,C. The communities that understand the,needs of people.,D. Big houses with lower price.,D,4. How many people are quoted in the article?,A. Three,B. Four,C. Five,D. Six,C,Detailed reading(1),Aging in the sun,Aging in the sun,The Midwest and the Northeast,Florida,better health care,communities of older people,pleasant climate,flat landscape,communities of older people,ambulance response time,cater to,walk-in bathtubs,Para 3,Para 5,Reasons,Detailed reading(2),Bright lights, big city,The movement of young adults,To the cities!,Bright lights, big city,Good jobs &,Excitement,Moving somewhere warmer makes sense,Go where the big companies are,I want to have fun,The community here understands the needs of older people,Reading strategy : matching,Name,Age,Sex,Move to,Reason,David,Angela,Daniel,Enda,Name,Age,Sex,Move to,Reasons,David,the community understands the needs of older people; to play bingo; to plant his herb garden; to watch seagulls at the beach; to meet friends of his own age; to get good medical care,68,Male,Florida,Name,Age,Sex,Move to,Reasons,Angela,to advance her career in a big company; to become a top accountant.,21,Female,Los Angeles,Name,Age,Sex,Move to,Reasons,Daniel,Enda,to meet people; to find entertain-,ment,; to go to the theatre; to have an exciting life,afraid of falling on ice and getting hurt,27,Male,A big city,78,Female,Florida,Consolidation,People are _. For some people, the move is permanent and _. For some, it is _.People give a _ of reasons. _ people want to move somewhere warm or where the weather is less _. They are tired of snow. Snow can turn into ice, which is easy to _ on. And _ can drive young adults to big cities, even abroad where good job opportunities are _.whats more, _ a new culture is another reason for their moving abroad.,variety; aged; slip; seasonal; on the move; ambition; changeable; year-round; experiencing; available,on the move,year-round,seasonal,variety,Aged,changeable,slip,ambition,available,experiencing,


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