牛津英语三下M1U1Seeing and hearing

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,M1U1 Seeing and hearing,Look and learn,What letter can you see?,What does it mean?,It means you can park here.,Its the,parking lot,.,停车场,What can you see in the parking lot?,I can see a _ in the parking lot.,Buses,mini-bus,迷你巴士,The bus is big.,But the mini-bus is small.,bicycle,(bike),motor-bike,The bicycle is _.,But the motor-bike is _.,slow,fast,摩托车,Bike,car,taxi,Cars,出租车,The car is free(,免费的),.,But the taxi is not _.,free,What can you see in the street?,I can see a _ in the street.,Listen. What can you hear?,hear,听见,I can hear a _.,bus,Listen. What can you hear?,I can hear a,ship,.,轮船,Where can you see the ship?,I can see the ship on the water,.,ship,ferry,渡轮,The ship is big.,But the ferry is small.,Listen. What,else,can you hear?,其它,I can hear,an,aeroplane,.,飞机,Aeroplane,aeroplane,.,Very, very high.,Aeroplane,aeroplane,.,So high in the sky.,Listen. What else can you hear?,I can hear a,train,.,火车,This is Ben. Listen !,What can Ben hear?,Ben can hear _ _.,a,ship,What else can Ben hear?,Ben can hear _ _.,an,aeroplane,This is Kitty. Look !,What can she see?,Kitty can see .,


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