主系表结构和There be句型

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,主系表结构,There be句型,一、主系表结构,主谓宾,=,主语,+,实义动词,+,宾语,,be,是系动词,不能用于主谓宾中。,主系表,=,主语,+,系动词,(,最常见的是,be,,还有“五感”,feel,、,look,、,sound,、,smell,、,taste,和其它动词如,become,、,grow,等),+,表语(名词、代词、形容词、时间地点副词、介词短语、表语从句,等)。,如,I am a boy,.,这句话中没有宾语,属于主系表,,I,是主语,系动词,am,是谓语动词,,a boy,是表语,系动词和表语合起来作谓语。由此可见在主系表中,谓语谓语动词;而在主谓宾中,谓语,=,谓语动词,如,I love my parents,.,总之,系动词和宾语是不共戴天的仇人,誓不两立。,系动词后面接的是表语,而宾语前面接的是谓语,。,所谓,主系表结构,就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语,。,主要用以说明,主语的特征,状态,身份,等。,定义,主系表(,S+V+P,):,1.,主语(,Subject,),2.,系动词(,Link verb,),3.,表语(,Predicative,),所谓主系表结构就是英语句子中的主要成分是主语、系动词和表语,。,主要用以说明主语的特征,状态,身份等。,1.,主语(,Subject,):,主语是一句话的中心,表示所说的是谁或是什么,其位置一般放在,句首,。英语中主语一般不省略。主语主要由,名词、动名词、代词,或,起名词作用的短语或从句,来充当。,例如:,Li Lei is a Chinese boy.,(,Li Lei,是名词,作主语。),He is from England.,(,He,是代词,作主语。),Feeding the birds is my hobby.,(“,Feeding the birds ”,是动名词短语,作主语。),What she said is right.,(“,What she said ”,是从句,作主语。,2.,系动词(,Link verb,):,系动词本身有一定的词义,但,不能独立作谓语,,必须和句子中的表语一起构成谓语。简单地说,将主语和表语联系在一起,并构成一个完整句子的动词就叫做系动词。目前学到的系动词有,be,,,feel,,,look,,,sound,,,taste,,,smell,等。,例如:,This flower is beautiful. I felt very tired. You look worried. It tastes delicious.,常见的系动词,(,1,)表示特征和存在状态的,be, feel, look, smell, taste, sound.,(,2,)表示状态延续的,keep,(,3,)表示状态变化的,become, get, turn, go, come,3.,表语(,Predicative,):,表语是用来说明主语的身份、特征或状态的。它又叫作,主语补足语,。表语位于系动词之后,主要由,名词、代词、形容词、数词、副词、介词短语、分词(短语)或动名词(短语),等来充当。例如:,I am fine .,(,fine,是形容词,作表语),He is a boy .,(,boy,是名词,作表语),Five plus two is seven .,(,seven,是数词,作表语),We are here .,(,here,是副词,作表语),He is not at home .,(“,at home ”,是介词短语,作表语),My hobby is reading .,(,reading,是动名词,作表语),二、,There be,句型,there be,:表示某地有某物,指,没有生命的物体,有。 例如:,There are many books in the schoolbag.,have/has,:,表示,有生命的人或者动物,有。 例如:,I have many books.,看名词,单数,is,复数,are,不可数的,用,is,There _ a doll in the toy box.,A. is B. are,There _ some bread on the plate.,A. is B. are,There _ a lot of green trees in the Park.,A. is B. are,There,is,a cat and two dogs under the tree.,There,are,two dogs and a cat under the tree.,就近原则,只要看到,be,动词后面的词,是复数名词,就用,are,,否则就用,is,。,当然还要注意时态哦!,There _ a desk and fifty-five chairs in the classroom.,A. are B. is,There _ fifty-five chairs and a desk in the classroom.,A. are B. is,There be-,的一般疑问句,There is,a radio on the desk,.,Is there,a radio on the desk,?,Yes, there,is,. / No, there,isnt,.,There are,some,shoes under the bed,.,Are there,any,shoes under the bed,?,Yes, there,are,. / No, there,arent,.,规则:,is/are,要提前, some,变,any,其他都不变,单选,1.-You dont look very _. Are you ill?,- No, Im just a bit tired.,A. good B. well C. strong D. healthy,2.What he said sounds _ .,A. nicely B. pleasantly,C. friendly D. wonderfully,3. These oranges taste _ .,A. good B. well,C. to be good D. to be well,1. The cotton fells _ .,( A. soft B. softly ),2. I felt _ sorry at his words.,( A. terrible B. terribly ),3. The little hero looked _ at the enemy.,( A. angry B. angrily ),4. Tasting _, the food was soon sold out.,( A. good B. well ),5. It is _ of you to act _ .,( A. bad B. badly ),6. Traveling is _, and I am _ in it.,( A. interesting B. interested ),7. After ten years hard work ,he _ writer.,( A. became B. turned ),翻译句子,1.,我的兄弟都是中学生。,2.,冬季白天短,夜晚长。,3.,布朗夫人看起来很健康。,4.,十五岁他就成为有名的钢琴家了。,5.,孩子们,请保持安静。,6.,树叶已经变黄了。,7.,这个报告听起来很有意思。,answers,1.My brothers,are,all middle school students.,2.In winter, the days,are,short and the nights are long.,3.Mrs Brown,looks,very healthy.,4.At the age of fifteen he,became,a famous pianist.,5.Children,keep,quiet please.,6. The leaves,have turned,yellow.,7.The report,sounds,interesting.,填空,The chic ken_. Would you like to have some.(,味道好),When they got home, they _.(,感到又饿又冷),单选,1. Are there any maps on the wall? _,A. There are some. B. Yes, there is.,C. Yes, there is one. D. No, there are.,2. How many _ are there in the picture?,A. woman B. women C. buy D. milk,3. There arent _ trees near the house. There is only one.,A. any B. some C. many D. much,4. There _ two bowls of rice on the table.,A. is B. have C. has D. are,5. Are there _ houses near the river? Yes, there are_.,A. some, some B. any, some,C. any, any D. some, any,用,be,动词,is / are,填空,1,、,There,a pencil in the pencil box.,2,、,There,some flowers on the desk.,3,、,There,four people in my family.,4,、,There,a picture and two maps on the wall.,5,、,A:,there a cat under the tree?,B: Yes, there,


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