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(一套)衣服,游泳衣;泳装,n.手巾;毛巾;,v.浇灌;浇水,n手册;指南,去除,把.清扫干净,n. 冰箱,bathing,suit,bathing suit,towel,water,guidebook,clean out,refrigerator,n. 汽车库,汽车间,n. 小提箱;衣箱,过一会再与某人通话,v.砍;劈;剁,n. 木材,木头,v. 点燃;点着,n. 井,水井;,n. 农场,农庄;,adv. 不管怎样,n. 奖赏;奖金;奖品,garage,suitcase,get back to sb.,chop,wood,light,well,farm,anyway,award,n.,波浪,波涛;,n. 舞台,成功且轰动一时的事物;打击;碰撞,v.打击;碰撞,v. 出现,露面;公开演出,n. 主角,主唱者,来日,将来某一日(=someday),离开,走开,wave,scene,hit,appear,lead,lead singer,some day,be off,n. 诗;韵文,n. 食橱;碗橱;衣橱,n.一次时机,n.邮件;邮包;邮政,n.祖先,祖宗,n. 根,根源;,adj. 海外的;国外的,n. 祖国;故土,poem,cupboard,turn,mail,ancestor,root,overseas,homeland,n. 政府,到目前为止,adj.在南方的;南方的,n. 村民;乡村居民,幸亏;由于;因为,adv. 坚决地,坚决地,n. 目的,意图,n. ,步,脚步;步骤,盼望,期待,government,so far,southern,villager,thanks to,strongly,purpose,step,look forward,短语句型,九年级英语,1.去除;把.清扫干净,clean up,2.口语过一会儿再与某人通话尤用于打 ,get back to sb,3.带.散步,take.for a walk,4.来日;将来某一日;有朝一日,some day,5.离开;走开,be off,6.到目前为止,so far,7.幸亏;由于;因为,thanks to,8.盼望;期待,look forward to,Unit14Have you packed yet?,Section A,1.游泳衣,2.你把沙滩浴巾装好了吗?,3.是的,我已经给它们浇水了。,4.我还没有把冰箱整理干净。,5.我马上就做。,6.你喂猫了吗?,7.你关收音机了吗?,8.我已经把它放在我的箱子里了。,9.很抱歉没能尽快给你回邮件。,10.今天我有太多的家务要做。,11.因为爷爷来与我聊天,这些事情我一件都没做。,12.他不得不在早上5点钟起床去劈柴,然后烧火做饭。,13.无论如何,我现在得忙去了。,1.游泳衣,bathing suit,2.你把沙滩浴巾装好了吗?,Have you packed the beach towels yet?,3.是的,我已经给它们浇水了。,Yes,I have already watered them.,4.我还没有把冰箱整理干净。,I havent cleaned out the refrigerator yet.,5.我马上就做。,Ill do it in a minute.,6.你喂猫了吗?,Have you fed the cat yet?,7.你关收音机了吗?,Have you turned off your radio?,8.我已经把它放在我的箱子里了。,Ive already put it in my suitcase.,9.很抱歉没能尽快给你回邮件。,Sorry I couldnt get back to your sooner.,10.今天我有太多的家务要做。,I have so many chores to do today.,11.因为爷爷来与我聊天,这些事情我一件都没做。,I havent done any of those things yet because my grandfather came to chat with me.,12.他不得不在早上5点钟起床去劈柴,然后烧火做饭。,He had to get up at 5 am to chop wood and light the fire for breakfast.,13.无论如何,我现在得忙去了。,Anyway,I have to run now.,1.给植物浇水,2.买一张街道地图,3.我已经把它放进车库里了。,4.我已经完成了我的大局部工作。,5.你准备好了吗,蒂娜?,6.然后我不得不去遛狗,给我妈妈养的植物浇水,再去购物。,7.他不得不到村子里的水井挑水。,1.给植物浇水,watered the plant,2.买一张街道地图,bought a street map,3.我已经把它放进车库里了。,Ive already put it in the garage.,4.我已经完成了我的大局部工作。,Ive already done most of my jobs.,5.你准备好了吗,蒂娜?,Are you ready,Tina?,6.然后我不得不去遛狗,给我妈妈养的植物浇水,再去购物。,Then I have to take the dog for a walk,water my moms plants and do some shopping.,7.他不得不到村子里的水井挑水。,Then he had to collect water from the village well.,Unit14Have you packed yet?,Section B,1.举办音乐会的次数,2.获奖,3.不要错过新海浪!,4.新海浪是乐坛里最好的乐队之一。,5.在过去的一年里,他们举行了三场大型的音乐会,并推出了一张很受欢送的专辑。,6.而且他们将在全世界十个不同的城市进行巡回演出。,7.如果他们来到你附近的城市.千万不要错过他们。,8.也就是说,如果你能弄到票的话.,9.“过去几年里,我们演唱别人的歌。主唱朱文说。,10.我们有几首歌进入了排行榜前十名,但是我们真的希望有一天能够拿到第一名。,11.他们将有一个全新的开始。,12.你知道吗?他们将他们收入的一半捐赠给帮助无家可归的儿童的慈善机构。,1.举办音乐会的次数,number of concerts theyve done,2.获奖,won an award,3.不要错过新海浪!,Dont miss the New Ocean Waves!,4.新海浪是乐坛里最好的乐队之一。,One of the best bands on the music scene is the New Ocean Waves.,5.在过去的一年里,他们举行了三场大型的音乐会,并推出了一张很受欢送的专辑。,In the last twelve months,theyve had three major concerts and made a hit CD.,6.而且他们将在全世界十个不同的城市进行巡回演出。,And then theyre going to go on a world tour in which they will perform in ten different cities.,7.如果他们来到你附近的城市.千万不要错过他们。,Be sure not to miss them if they come to a city near you.,8.也就是说,如果你能弄到票的话.,.if you can get tickets,that is.,9.“过去几年里,我们演唱别人的歌。主唱朱文说。,“For years,we played other peoples songs,:says lead singer Zhu Wen.,10.我们有几首歌进入了排行榜前十名,但是我们真的希望有一天能够拿到第一名。,Weve had a few songs in the top ten,but we really hope to have a number one hit some day.,11.他们将有一个全新的开始。,Theyre off to a great start.,12.你知道吗?他们将他们收入的一半捐赠给帮助无家可归的儿童的慈善机构。,Did you know that gave half of the money they made to a charity for homeless children?,1.你最喜欢哪支乐队?,2.你第一次听说他们是在什么时候?,3.是的,他们已经在电影上演出过屡次了。,4.下个月他们将在中央电视台亮相。,5.你去听过音乐会吗?,1.你最喜欢哪支乐队?,What is your favorite band?,2.你第一次听说他们是在什么时候?,When did you first hear them?,3.是的,他们已经在电影上演出过屡次了。,Yes,theyve been on TV lots of times.,4.下个月他们将在中央电视台亮相。,Theyre going to appear on CCTV next month.,5.你去听过音乐会吗?,Have you ever been to a concert?,Unit14Have you packed yet?,Self Check,1.我有必要吗?,2.不,这次轮到你了。,3.还有一件事。,4.如果你是最后一个离开的,不要忘记锁门。,5. 占线。,6.洗餐具是你的活儿。,7.你从邮箱里取出邮件吗?,1.我有必要吗?,Do I need to?,2.不,这次轮到你了。,No,its your turn.,3.还有一件事。,One more thing.,4.如果你是最后一个离开的,不要忘记锁门。,Dont forget to lock the door if you are the last person to leave.,5. 占线。,The telephone was busy.,6.洗餐具是你的活儿。,Its your job to wash the dishes.,7.你从邮箱里取出邮件吗?,Have you gotten the mail from the mail box?,Unit14Have you packed yet?,Reading,1.他已经参观了他的祖辈生活过的地方。,2.在中国,他发现他的家族就像一棵拥有深根的参天大树。,3.罗伯特仅是海外的年轻华人之一,他作为“寻根夏令营的一员,来到祖辈的故土。,4.并且到目前为止已经来了数千名海外华人学生来中国寻找他们的家族之根。,5.学生们感到他们就是村中的一局部,而且体验了乡村的生活。,6.他们饮用村里的井水,在乡村散步,并观察村民们的日常生活。,7.幸亏有了这次“寻根活动,我开始明白:我的根在中国,我是谁。,8.活动的领导对此很有信心.,9.我期望在这次旅行期间能找到更多的有关祖辈的事情。,10.以及参观中国带来的影响。,1.他已经参观了他的祖辈生活过的地方。,Hes already visited the place where his ancestors lived.,2.在中国,他发现他的家族就像一棵拥有深根的参天大树。,Now in China,he has found that his family is like a tall tree with long roots.,3.罗伯特仅是海外的年轻华人之一,他作为“寻根夏令营的一员,来到祖辈的故土。,Robert is just one young overseas Chinese who has come to visit his ancestors homeland,as part of the In Search of Roots summer camo problem.,4.并且到目前为止已经来了数千名海外华人学生来中国寻找他们的家族之根。,.and so far has brought thousands of overseas students to China to look for their families roots.,5.学生们感到他们就是村中的一局部,而且体验了乡村的生活。,The students feel that they are part of the village,and experience village life.,6.他们饮用村里的井水,在乡村散步,并观察村民们的日常生活。,They drink from the village well,go for walks through the countryside,and watch the villages do their daily activities.,7.幸亏有了这次“寻根活动,我开始明白:我的根在中国,我是谁。,Thanks to In Search of Roots,I am beginning to understand my Chinese roots and who I am.,8.活动的领导对此很有信心.,The program leaders believe strongly in the problem.,9.我期望在这次旅行期间能找到更多的有关祖辈的事情。,.and Im looking forward to finding out more about my roots during my time here.,10.以及参观中国带来的影响。,.and how visiting China has affected you.,1.这些学生主要游览了中国南部广东省的局部地区。,2.在为期两周的夏令营活动中,他们学习中国文化,目睹那个地区发生的变化,并游览有趣的风景区。,1.这些学生主要游览了中国南部广东省的局部地区。,The students mainly visit parts of Guangdong Province in southern China.,2.在为期两周的夏令营活动中,他们学习中国文化,目睹那个地区发生的变化,并游览有趣的风景区。,During the two-week camp,they study Chiaese culture,see changes that have happened in that area,and visit interesting sights.,Unit14Have you packed yet?,单元复习,广东省中考题,Fifty-three years ago Barbie Millicent Roberts first appeared in the world of toys.,Since then, Barbie doll, as everyone called her,has become the most successful toy doll in history. Her parent,the Mattel Company,said that 90% of all American girls between 3 and 10 have at least one Barbie at home.,However, Barbie is facing some trouble at present (现在). There are many similar dolls on the market in competiotion with her. Another doll named Bratz, for example, come to life thirteen years ago. She looked more like todays pop stars with heavy makeup(浓妆) and miniskirts. And her company offers more kind of clothes too.,It seems that Barbie has lost her magic among older girls. “ For younger girls, playing with a Barbie is much fun. But when you get older, you want something smarter and more modern, says Vera Shepherd, a shop assitant in a New York toy store.,It is good news that on the international market. Barbie is still No. 1. although Mttel is selling ferwer Barbies int the United States three years, sales in other countries are still going up.in January 2021, Mattel openee its first Barbie store in Shanghai, where girls can shop, eat, drink or even become fashion designers for their own Barbies.,Mattel is planning big celebration for Barbies 53rd birthday. Fashion designers from all over the world have been called to make new dresses for Barbie. How long will Barbie stay popuplar in the world of toy dolls? It is hard to say, but 53 is surely not the age to retire(退休)。,习题,广东省中考题,61. Barbies family name is_.,62.Barbies trouble is that_.,A.it wears heavy makeup and miniskirts.,B.other dolls are more popular with little girls.,C.other dolls are trying to beat her in the market.,D.it has become less popular in the international market.,63.Girls can do the following in the first Barbie shop in Shanghai except_.,A.going shopping,B.having food,C.drinking juice,D.taking photos,64. Whats the meaning of the underline words “fashion designers in the passage?,A.珠宝设计师B.发型设计师C.舞台设计师D.服装设计师,65. What is the best title of the passage?,A.First Barbie Shop in ShanghaiB.Barbies Past and present,C.Barbies 53rd Birthday PartyD.Barbie Lost Her Magic,返回,广东省中考题,Our English teacher is very nice.We,friends since three years ago.,A.were,B.became,C.have been,D.have made,1.游泳衣;泳装,2.去除;把.清扫干净,3.立刻;马上,4.旅行手册,5.离开;走开,6.口语过一会儿再与某人打,7.和某人聊天,8.劈柴,9.生火做早饭,10.在电视上演出,11.在乐坛上,12.主唱者,13.有朝一日,14.和某人道别,15.在前10名,16.到目前为止,17.在中国南部,18.幸亏,由于,19.华侨,20.当地政府,21.的目的,1.游泳衣;泳装,2.去除;把.清扫干净,3.立刻;马上,4.旅行手册,5.离开;走开,6.口语过一会儿再与某人打,7.和某人聊天,8.劈柴,9.生火做早饭,10.在电视上演出,bathing suit,clean out,in a minute,travel guidebook,be off,get back to sb,chat with sb,chop wood,light the fire for breakfast,be on TV,11.在乐坛上,12.主唱者,13.有朝一日,14.和某人道别,15.在前10名,16.到目前为止,17.在中国南部,18.幸亏,由于,19.华侨,20.当地政府,21.的目的,on the music scene,lead singer,some day,say goodbye to sb,in the top ten,so far,in southern China,thanks to,overseas Chinese,local government,the purpose of.,1.确保/一定不要做某事,2.希望做某事,3.去过某地,去了某地,4.看见某人做了某事,5.盼望/期待做,6.做某事是.,1.确保/一定不要做某事,be sure (not) to do sth,2.希望做某事,hope to do sth,3.去过某地,have/has been to,去了某地,have/has gone to.,4.看见某人做了某事,watch sb do sth,5.盼望/期待做,look forward to doing.,6.做某事是.,Its+n.+to do sth,


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