人教PEP(标准版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit3 Weather B Read and write

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人教PEP(标准版)四年级英语下册课件 Unit3 Weather B Read and write_第1页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit3 Weather,Part B Read and write,Part C Story time,台顺,河小学 王娜,教学内容:,制作思路:,1.通过四步学习指导,学习Read and,write局部的内容,并学习如何书写,明信片。,2.通过三个练习来稳固所学内容。,3.通过五步学习Story time.,Learning aims:,1,.能够理解、认读文中的,单词“swim”及,短语“,fly a kite,”,。,2.能够听说认读Read and write中的明信片内容。,3.了解一些有关明信片的书写知识。,4.能够简单的仿写一封写给朋友或亲人的明信片,并介绍自己的情况。,5.能够读懂Story time的内容。,Free talk:,T:Is it cold today?,Ss:No,it isnt.Its warm.,T:Is it sunny?,Ss:Yes,it is.,.,.,Guiding 1:,请同学们认真看图片,认读以下单词或短语,并记住他们的意思。然后,小组交流。,游泳,swim,放风筝,fly a kite,Guiding 2:,请同学们朗读课文 并答复以下问题,三分钟后,小组交流。,Guiding 3:,Read again and answer the question on Page 29.再次阅读对话,答复29页问题.,1.What is the weather like in Sydney?,No,it isnt.,Yes,he can.,2.Is the water cold in Sydney?,3.Can Johns dad swim outside?,It hot and sunny.,Guiding 4:,Listen to the tape and follow it. Then find out your questions.听录音跟读,找出你不理解的句子,Look carefully and find out:,1.明信片包括哪几局部,2.怎样书写明信片,Good to know:(明信片的书写格式,内容格式:,1.第一行开头顶格写问候语人名:Hi/Dear.,2.第二行空两格写正文。,3.署名:Love/Yours.正文的右下角,贴邮票,书写收件人,地址,书写收件人,画一张明信片,按其格式给你的好朋友写一写,,,尤,其要用到我们这节课所学到的重点句型。,Write and say:,Exercise,1,Exercise,2,Pair work,Dear_,How are you? Im in_,Primary School. Its great!,I like it. The weather is _ and _ here.I can _.Whats the weather like there? Can you _?Tell me something about you.,Yours,_,Exercise,3,Step 1:Just listen,Step 2:Listen and answer,Whats the weather like in Beijing?,Step 3:Read and find out your questions.快速默读课文,画出不理解的句子对画出的句子,进行小组讨论分享你们小组的讨论结果,Step 4:Listen and repeat.,Step 5:Act out in pairs.,Notes:,have a cold 感冒,Bless you! 保佑你!,Homework:,Listen and read“Read and write、“Story time,for two times.,2.Make a Post Card and write something to,your best friend or your parent.,3.Act out the“Story time with your partner,and show for us next class.,Thank You!,


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