钻井石油专业英语速成版drilling english training

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Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Drilling Engineering English,1,Introduction,Purpose & Scope,Enhance your English,communication,and,application,capabilities,Drilling Engineering English,Daily Drilling Report Analysis,Well Workover/Intervention Introduction,Practice & Evaluation,2,Lets begin!,Name:,Title/Position/Responsibilities:,Work Location:,English Level:,Other Information:,Anticipation of this course:,3,How to,MASTER,good drilling English?,Word,sentence,and a,little,grammar,.,Practice & Bold!,Enough?,NO!,4,Drilling Engineering,Drilling Rigs/History and Offshore Rigs,Useful Terms & Sentences,Routine Drilling Operations,Daily Drilling Report Analysis and Translation,Listening &Writing Test,5,Drilling Rigs,History and Offshore Rigs,6,Cable Tool Rig Old Style,Who drilled the first,successful well in the,states?,Colonel Drake drilled,to 69 feet in 1859.,7,Cable-tool Drilling - Old Style,Cable-tool Drilling: The drill bit hangs in a rope or cable. A powered walking beam raises and drops the cable; it hits the bottom of the hole with great force to pierce the rock.,Two disadvantages: driller must stop drilling frequently to remove pieces of rock or cuttings. The method can not drill soft-rock formations.,8,Rotary Rig,(Fluid Circulating),By itself, rotating a bit on pipe is no better,than dropping a bit on cable.,A fluid circulating rotary rig circulates,fluid while the bit drills.,Developed in the,1850s, gained,widespread acceptance,after the Spindletop,well was drilled in 1901.,9,Classification of rotary drilling rigs,10,Drilling Rigs,From Left to right,Land based oil exploration rig,Platform rig,Jack-up rig,Semi-submersible,Drill ship,and another deeper water,Semi-submersible,.,11,Drill at Sea,Drilling crews,have to operate through the depth of the sea water column.,Climates & Environments,Corrosive to machines,Limited Storage space,Vessel dynamic positioning,And, $,12,Drilling Crew,Company man:,Rep from oil company, Drilling Supervisor,Toolpusher:,The contractors top manger on the drill site.,Tourpusher: Work for toolpusher as team leader,Driller,: The one person who actually operates the rig.,Derrickman,: Two jobs: monitors and records the condition of the drilling mud, handles the top of the pipe.,Roughneck or Floorman,: handles pipe on the rig floor,Roustabouts,: Loading and unloading of the equipment and supplies.,13,Jack-up Unit,A jack-up unit,is a barge with legs that can be lowered or raised. The barge is towed to the drilling location with its legs in the raised position. Once in position, the legs are lowered. When they reach the sea-bed, the barges body is hoisted above the water, creating a stable drilling platform. The length of the legs determines the depth of water in which a jack-up barge can be used. They can generally be used in up to 100 meters of water. Jack-up barges are widely employed in the relatively shallow waters.,14,Semi-Submersible Drilling Rig,A semi-submersible drilling rig,is normally a self-propelled working platform supported by vertical columns on submerged pontoons. By varying the amount of ballast water in the pontoons, the unit can be raised or lowered in the water.,15,Semi-Submersible Drilling Rig,The lower the pontoons lie beneath the surface of the water, the less they are affected by wave action. This reduces vertical movement and allows drilling to continue in moderately rough seas. A semi-submersible vessel is normally held in position by up to eight very large anchors, or by dynamic positioning. Dynamic positioning systems use computer controlled directional propellers to keep the vessel stationary relative to the sea-bed, compensating for wind, wave or current. Semi-submersibles can drill in water depths to 300 meters or more all year round.,16,Drillship,17,Drillship,Drill ships,have a broadly conventional ships hull, but also feature a large aperture, known as a moon pool, through which drilling takes place. Either purpose built, or converted from some other use, drill ships can be moved easily between locations. They can carry large stocks of supplies, but are not as stable as semi-submersibles. Drill ships use either anchors or dynamic positioning to maintain station. The latest drill ships can operate in 1,500 meters of water.,18,Inland Waters,19,Land Rig,D-101-11,20,Work boat,”,Rigid-Jacket Platform”,21,“,Jack-up”,22,“,Semi-Submersible,(Floater),”,23,24,Summary,25,What are the major rig components?,1. Hoisting System,(Derrick, Crown,Drawworks),2. Drive Group,(Motors,Compounds,& Chains),3. Circulating System,(Pits, Pumps, Stand,Pipe, Swivel, Kelly, Drill,String and Return Lines),4. Well Control,Equipment (Bops,Choke Manifold),D-101-5,26,Hoisting System,D-101-6,27,Hoisting System,Tongs,Drawworks,Drillers,Console,D-101-6,28,Rotating System,Function: It makes the drill bit turn,Rotating Assembly:,Surface rotating system(top drive),downhole rotating system (drill stem),29,Circulating System,D-101-8,30,Circulating,System,31,2 Types of Roller Cone bit,Mill Tooth,Tungsten Carbide Inserts,32,Product Line,Matrix Body,Steel Body,Quad-D,Dual Diameter,Quad-D,Reamer,33,Circulating System - Drilling Fluid,Function: Remove drilling cuttings from the hole, cools and lubricates the bit, exerts pressure inside the hole for well control, forms mud cake to adhere to the sides of the hole.,Mud property: Mud weight, viscosity, solids content.,34,Pump Drives,Mechanical,(C,hain Drive,),Type Drilling Rig,Drive Group,35,Electrical (,SCR,) Type Rig Layout,Drive Group,D-101-7,36,Well Control Equipment,Bops,Choke Manifold,D-101-8,37,CWR BOP Stack,38,BOP Hyd Closing Unit,BOP Hyd Closing Unit,39,Rig Floor BOP Closing Unit,40,WORKOVER RIG,On location with Derrick,Raised,Moving to Location,41,Drilling Buzz Words,Monkey board, Cathead,Rat hole, Mouse hole,Dog house, catwalk,P/U, M/U, N/U, N/D,RIH, TIH,TOH, POOH,42,CWR,43,DCWR,44,CWR,45,CRI Pump,46,Rig Floor,47,Useful Terms and Sentences,48,Drilling Equipment,提升系统,lifting /hoisting system,天车,crownblock,天车滑轮,crown sheaves,防碰天车,crown block protector,游动滑车,travelling block,大钩,hook,卡瓦,slips,吊卡,elevator,内,/,外,/,液压钳,lead/back-up/hydraulic tong,大钳板牙,tong die,大钳吊绳拉力,tong line pull,49,Drilling Equipment,水龙头,swivel,鹅颈管,( swivel) gooseneck,水龙带,drilling/rotary / kelly hose,吊环,bail,冲管,wash pipe,盘根,swivel packing,50,Drilling Equipment,转盘,table,转盘,rotary table,转盘转速指示器,rotary speed indicator,转盘扭矩表,rotary torque indicator,转盘大方瓦,master bushing,方补心,kelly bushing,旋扣器,spinner,51,Drilling Equipment,Drilling string,方钻杆,kelly,钻杆,(heavy wall) drill pipe,钻杆架,pipe rack,钻铤,( spiral ) drill collar,线重,linear mass (kg/m),钻头,roller/drag/PDC (polycrystalline diamond compact) bit,滑动轴承,journal bearing,保径齿,gauge teeth,52,Drilling Equipment,Drilling string,扶正器,centralizer,稳定器,stabilizer,(,rubber sleeve, integral blade,),配合接头,(,粗细扣,) cross-over sub/adapter,回压阀,check valve,三通,/,四通,long sweep tee/ full flow cross,53,Drilling Equipment,Drilling string,减震器,bumpers ( shock absorber),随钻震击器,drilling jar,柔性短节,flex joint,回压凡尔,back pressure valve,正,/,反扣,right/left hand thread,公,/,母接头,tool joint pin/box,变径短接(大小头),swage/ adapter sub,打捞短接,junk sub,54,Drilling Equipment,井下钻具组合,bottom hole assembly,满眼钻具,packed hole assembly,钟摆钻具,/,效应,pendulum assembly / effect,中性点,neutral point,涡轮钻具,turbodrill (rotor, stator, bucket),螺杆钻具,positive displacement drill,取芯钻头,core bit,取芯工具,coring tool,55,Drilling Equipment,打捞工具,Fishing Tools,打捞矛,trip spear,公锥,pin/die tap,母锥,box tap,卡瓦打捞筒,overshot,随钻打捞杯,drilling junk basket,反循环打捞蓝,reverse circulating basket,铅印,impression block,强磁打捞器,fishing magnet,测卡仪,sticking point instrument,引鞋,guide shoe,56,Drilling Equipment,净化器,cleaner,振动筛,shaker,搅拌机,agitator /stirrer,除气器,degasser,去磁器,degausser,除泥器,desilter,除砂器,desander,57,泥浆泵,/,管线,mud pump /line,缸套,pump liner,柱塞,piston,皮带,belt,pulley,guard,蓄能器,accumulator,游码,sliding weight,漏斗,mud hopper/funnel (Marsh,),节流管汇,Choke manifold,压井管线,kill line,立管,standpipe,Drilling Equipment,58,59,Choke manifold,60,stands,61,shaker,62,Drilling Fluid,泥浆性能,mud property,粘度,viscosity,粘度计,indicator,密度,density,泥浆密度计,mud scale/mud balance,泥饼稠度,cake consistency,稳定性,stability,泥浆有进无出钻井,blind drilling,63,Chemical additives,碳酸钠,carbonate,烧碱,sodium hydroxide(,钠,sodium,钾,calium),氯化钙,/,氧化钙,calcium chloride/oxide,CMC carboxymethyl cellulose,聚丙烯酰胺,polyacrylamide,乳化剂,emulsifying agent,粉末,powder/flake,重晶石,barite,般土,bentonite,64,Hand tool,手钳,combination pliers,螺丝刀,(phillips) screwdriver,锉刀,file,钢锯,hacksaw,套筒,/,扭矩,/,开口扳手,box/torque/open-ended wrench,麻花钻,twist drill,65,Drilling operation,开钻,spud in,探井,exploration well,边探井,wildcat well,生产井,producing well,定向井,directional well,大位移井,extended reach well,水平井,horizontal well,分支井眼,branch hole,井身结构,casing program,66,Drilling operation,造斜点,kick-off point,增,/,降斜,build-up/drop off hole angle,鼠洞,mouse/rat hole,裸眼,open hole,井径(不),扩眼器,reamer,砂岩页岩夹层,Sand/shale/ alterating layer,油气显示,indication of oil and gas/hydrocarbon,67,Trouble and Accident,跳钻,rough drilling,憋钻,bit bouncing,溜钻,drilling string not well braked,顿钻,percussion drilling,打倒车,reverse rotation,井斜,hole deviation,纠斜,correct drift,井漏,lost circulation,井塌,slough,井涌,kick,井喷,blowout,68,Trouble and Accident,键槽,/,砂桥,/,沉砂卡钻,key-seating/ sand bridge/ sand settling sticking,钻头泥包,bit balling,侧钻,sidetracking,造扣,/,倒扣,thread making/ back-off,卡点,free point,69,Abbreviations,机械钻速,ROP/Rate of Penetration,底部钻具组合,BHA/Bottom Hole Assembly,防喷器,BOP/Blowout Preventer,钻压,WOB/Weight on Bit,70,Common Abbreviations,Run in hole (RIH),Pull out of hole (POOH),Nipple up (N/U),Rig up (R/U),Rig down (R/D),Make up (M/U),Pick up (P/U),Back off (B/O),Slack off (S/O),Crossover (X/O),Blockout preventer (BOP),Subsurface safety valve (SSSV),71,Common Abbreviations,Sliding side door (SSD) = Sliding sleeve,Plug back total depth (PBTD),Total vertical depth (TVD),Measured depth (MD),Measurements while drilling (MWD),Logging while drilling (LWD),Seismic while drilling (SWD),Drill collar (DC),Drill pipe (DP),High wall drill pipe (HWDP),Kick off point (KOP),Rotation kelly bushing (RKB),Wear bushing (WB),Casing (CSG),72,Common Abbreviations,Tubing (TBG),High rate water pack (HRWP),Wire line (W/L),Electrical submersible pump (ESP),Shut-in tree pressure (SITP),Emergency shut down (ESD),Outside diameter (OD),Inside diameter (ID),Expandable sand screen (ESS),Horse power (HP),Thru-tubing inflatable permanent cement retainers (TTIPCR),73,Other words,钻井日报表,daily drilling report,甲方、乙方,operator/ contractor,累计钻进小时,cumulative rotating HRS,组织停工小时,HRS. standby,一天工作摘要,day work summary,井队工资表,drilling crew payroll data,公制度量标准,metric expressions,74,Other words,安全阀,safety /pop-off/relief valve,指重表,weight indicator,栏杆,handrail,库房,warehouse,休息室,bunkhouse,75,Other words,顺,/,逆时针,Clockwise, anti-clockwise,(,adj, adv,),耐热,/,防水材料,heat-resistant/ water-proof material,辅助设备,auxiliary equipment,地锚,ground anchor (deadman=underground anchor),大绳,wire line,绷绳,guy wire (dead/fast line),交,/,直流电,alternating/direct current (AC/ DC),76,Other words,粘度,viscosity,浓度,concentration/thickness,密度,density,硬度,hardness,梯度,gradient,孔隙度,porosity,渗透率,permeability,支点,fulcrum /pivot,tensile/compression/bending/twisting/shearing /burst/yield strength,(强度),安全系数,safety factor,安全帽,hard hat,护目镜,goggles,77,Offshore Drilling Terms,PREPARE FOR,为,作准备,FIXED,固定,SKID DERRICK,移井架,UNLOAD,卸载,REMOVE WEDGES ON THE LEGS,拔桩腿楔块,WAIT ON WEATHER,等天气好转,TOWING,拖航,CONNECT BOAT,接拖轮,JACK DOWN RIG,降船,PULL OUT THE LEGS,拔桩,JET THE LEGS,冲桩,DROP ANCHOR(RETRIEVE ANCHOR),抛锚(收锚),POSITION,就位,78,Offshore Drilling Terms,LEADER DIR,艏向,EL(EAST LONGITUDE),东经,NL(NORTH LATITUDE),北纬,RIG POSITION,船位,PENETRATE THE LEGS,插桩,JACK UP RIG,压载,RELEASE BOAT,解拖,AIR GAP IS m,气隙,是,米,SET WEDGES ON THE LEGS,放楔块,TAKE SHELTER FROM THE TYPHOON,避台风,EVACUATE PLATFORM AT,撤离平台,HANGER,悬挂器,HANGER OF MUD LINE,泥线悬挂,79,Offshore Drilling Terms,MAKE UP,接、组合,BHA (BOTTOM HOLE ASSEMBLY),底部井眼钻具组合,D.C (DRILL COLLAR),钻铤,D.P (DRILL PIPE),钻杆,ADJUST ROTARY TABLE LEVEL,调平转盘,FEELING DEPTH PLATE,测深板,FEELING MUD LINE,探泥面,WAIT ON SMOOTH CURRENT,等平流,DROP TOTCO (SURVEY),投测,BIT,钻头,HWDP,加重钻杆,80,36” Hole Drilling,F/S (FLOAT SUB),浮阀接头,J/S (JOINT SUB),配合接头,MAKE UP 36BHA,组合,36,井眼钻具组合,RIH (RUN IN HOLE),下钻,DRILLING (DRILL TO),钻进(钻到,米),DISPLACE H.V(HIGH VISCOSITY)MUD,替高粘泥浆,SKS (STROKES),冲数,CIRC (CIRCULATE),循环,POOH (PULL OUT OF HOLE),起钻,SINGLE,单根,STAND,立柱,WAIT ON SINKING SAND,等沉砂,FEELING SAND LINE,探砂面,RUN IN 30CONDUCTOR,下入,30,隔水管,RUN IN 5INSIDE STRINGS,下,5,内管柱,RIG UP CMT HEAD AND LINE,接水泥头和管线,CEMENTING (CMT),固井(注水泥,81,36” Hole Drilling,DISPLACE MUD SKS,替泥浆,冲,RIG DOWN,卸掉、拆掉,INSTALL WELL HEAD ASSEMBLY,装井口,REAMER,扩眼器,CUT OFF,切割,WELD EAR ON 30CSG,焊,30,套管耳柄,W.O.C(WAIT ON CEMENT),候凝,DRILL CMT PLUG TO m,钻水泥塞到,米,INSTALL THE WELL-HEAD GUY-LINES,安装井口绷绳,RUNNING TOOL,送入工具,FEELING CMT LINE,探水泥面,CIRC-HEAD,循环头,82,26” Hole Drilling,CSG(CASING),套管,CSG SPOOL,套管四通,RIG UP BOPS,安装防喷器组,BOPS FUNCTION TEST,防喷器功能试验,BOPS PRESSURE TEST,防喷器压力试验,ANNULAR PREVENTER,万能防喷器,PIPE RAMS,钻杆闸板,BLIND RAMS,盲板,BLIND-SHEAR RAMS,剪切盲板,KILL MANIFOLD,压井管汇,CHOKE MANIFOLD,阻流管汇,STAND-PIPE MANIFOLD,立管管汇,PRESSURE TEST,试压,WEIGHT-SET TEST TOOL,重力试压工具,VALVE,阀门,HYDRAULIC VALVE,液压阀,83,17 ” Hole Drilling,DROP CATCH VALVE (SUB),投入式止回阀,JUNK BASKET (JUNK SUB),打捞篮(落物接头),STAB,扶正器,JAR,震击器,FLEXIBLE SUB,饶性接头,MAKE A SHORT TRIP,短途起下钻,TIGHT TRIP,有阻卡现象的起下钻,REAM,划眼,BUMPING PRESSURE,碰压,FORMATION LEAKING OFF TEST,地层破裂压力试验,DRILL STRINGS IS OBSTRUCTED AT,钻杆(下钻)遇阻在,米,TIGHT HOLE,缩径,TIGHT PULL,钻具(起钻)遇阻,STUCK,卡钻,DRILL STRING HAVE BEEN FREE,解卡,OVERPULL T,超提,吨,PUMP FREE AGENT m3,打解卡剂,方,84,17 ” Hole Drilling,KICK(DRILL),井涌(演习,BLOWOUT,井喷,HANDLE(DEAL WITH),处理,HOLE COMPLEX PROBLEM,钻进复杂情况,ACCIDENT,事故,KILL WELL,压井,BLOW OFF,泄压、放喷,WIPER TRIP,通井,DIESEL OIL,柴油,WORKING THE DRILL STRING,活动钻柱,FREE POINT IS AT m,卡点在,米,EXPLODE TO BACK OFF,爆破倒扣(爆破解卡),E-LOGGING,电测,CSG PRESSURE TEST,套管压力试验,PUMP,泵入(名词:泵),LOST CIRCULATION(WELL LOSS),井漏(井口不返泥浆),LCM(LOST CIRCULATION MATERIALS),堵漏材料,CUT DOWN THE FLOW RATE,降低排量,85,六、,12-1/4,和,8-1/2,井眼作业,LOW-FLOW TEST,低流量试验,GEOLOGICAL CIRC(CIRC BOTTOMS UP),地质循环(循环取样),OBSERVE HOLE,观察井眼,SET WEAR BUSHING,放置抗磨补芯,RECOVER WEAR BUSHING,回收抗磨补芯,FINISH DRILLING,完钻,7LINER,7,尾管,SET HANGER,座挂,RUN IN PACKER(BRIDGE PLUG),WITH E-LOG CABLE,用电测电缆送入派克(桥塞),SQUEEZE CEMENTING,挤水泥,SLUG THE PIPE,灌重泥浆,86,Special Operations,RUN IN 5 OPEN DP,下入,5,光钻杆,CSG CUTTER,套管割刀,CUT OFF CSG,切割,套管,CUTTER SPREADED TEST,割刀伸张试验,REVERSE CIRCULATION(LINE),反循环(管线),PULL OUT STAND,提出几根立柱,RIG DOWN WELLHEAD AND BOPS,拆井口和防喷器,LAY DOWN,甩下钻台,FISHING SPEAR,打捞矛,RETRIEVE CSG,回收,套管,87,Sentences in drilling operation,Please count these drill pipes.,Now circulate,Pull out of /run in hole.,Make up/break down a joint.,Pull out the impression block.,Rig up steering tools,88,Sentences in drilling operation,Please ream with 17,1/8,hole-opener.,Slug pipe and then trip out of hole.,Slip the drilling line.,The recorder has six hands, one shows pump strokes, one shows the rate of drilling.,89,Sentences in drilling operation,Use the handwheel to control the double ram blowout preventer.,Keep the pump on all the time.,Join the traveling system with drilling line.,90,Sentences in drilling operation,Please use the jar and flex-joint.,Lay down drill string.,Measure the length of those spiral collars.,Our work has not advanced much these days.,Change the shaker screen.,91,Sentences in drilling operation,Sticking pipe is a complicated problem.,Clean the casing threads.,Take new measures to prevent caving/loss of circulation/corrosion.,To get everything in order before 4 pm.,92,Sentences in drilling operation,Drill cement plug.,The two subs are not properly aligned.,Get me the tool please.,Let the motor run idle.,May I get a word in?,93,Sentences in drilling operation,We made a trip yesterday.,Make up a joint, please!,Make it up one more thread.,Make the kelly down.,How many meters did you make today?,Make the problem clear.,Can you make sure of these facts?,94,Routine Drilling Operations -1,Preparing the Drill Site,Rigging Up,Drilling the Surface Hole (Spudding In),Tripping Out,Running Surface Casing,Cementing the Casing,95,Routine Drilling Operations -2,Tripping In,Controlling Formation Pressure,Running and Cementing Intermediate Casing,Drilling to Final Depth/Total Depth/TD,Evaluating Formations,Setting Production Casing,96,Drilling the Surface Hole,Top hole is known as the surface hole,Drilling mud could contaminate shallow fresh water zones.,To protect such zones, runs steel pipe into the hole and cements it in place surface casing,97,Tripping Out,Pulling the drill stem and the bit out of the hole,98,Running Surface Casing,Surface casing is large-diameter steel pipe,The crew runs it into the hole using heavy-duty casing slips, tongs, and elevators.,Surface casing accessories include centralizers, scratchers, a casing or guide shoe, and a float collar.,99,Sand,Shale,Siltstone,Shale,Siltstone,Dolomite,Shale,H,eres an example of what a log looks like. Geologists look at logs to decide,whether or not to complete a well (if there is oil), or abandon it (if theres no oil).,Gamma,Radiation,200,500,3000,Electrical,Resistivity,Porosity,Looks,like,good,sand,quality,good,resistivity,may have oil or gas,poor resistivity,probably water,good,porosity,poor,porosity,good,porosity,poor resistivity,probably water,poor,porosity,good,porosity,Prepared by Tom Sheeran,100,Daily Sentences,钻前准备,/Prespud Preparation,LAST ANCHOR ON RACK AT 0600HR,在早上,6,点最后一个锚上架,START OF CONTRACT AT 1530HR,下午,3,点半合同开始,END OF CONTRACT AT 0530HR,早上五点半合同结束,RIG ON TOW,平台拖航,RIG ARRIVED WELL LOCATION AT 10:00HR,早上十点平台到达井位,FIRST ANCHOR ON BOTTOM AT 1100HR,在早上十一点第一个锚到底,BALLAST RIG TO 70 DRAFT,平台压载到,70,英尺,101,Daily Sentences,DEBALAST RIG,平台升船,ADJUST WELL LOCATION WITH PULL NO.1 AND NO.2 ANCHOR GAIN,拉一号和二号锚调整船位,ANCHOR TENSION TEST, NO.3 AND NO.4 OK,锚链张力试验,三号和四号锚,OK,WAIT SLACK TIDE,等待平潮,REPLACE UPPER KELLY COCK,更换上部方钻杆阀,102,Drilling,SPUD TIME,开钻时间,ARRIVED TIME,到达时间,DRILL 30” HOLE FROM 120M TO 200M & PUMP 50BBLS MUD,EACH CONNECTION AND REAM EACH CONNECTION ONCE,钻三十寸井眼从,120,米到,200,米, ,每钻完一柱泵,50,桶泥浆,而且化眼一次,OPEN 17 1/2” HOLE FROM 250M TO 500M,钻,17-1/2”,井眼从,250,米到,500,米,LEAK OFF TEST AT 5OOM. MW 1.2SG LEAK OFF 625psi,地层漏失试验在,500,米,当量泥浆比重为,1.2 SG,压力为,625psi,103,Drilling,REAM HOLE FROM 450M TO 500M,划眼从,450,米到,500,米,CORE DRILL FROM 1300M TO 1320M,取芯钻进从,1300,米到,1320,米,COLLECT/REMOVE CORE WITH SERVICE CORE EQUIPMENT,回收岩芯,SWEEPE HOLE WITH 100BBL HI VIS MUD,用,100,桶高粘度泥浆洗井,104,Drilling,Slug the hole with viscous mud,井眼内泵高粘度泥浆,Pump 6000 STKS HI-VIS mud,泵,6000,冲高粘度泥浆,Circulate and working on pipe,循环和活动钻具,Circulate and wash hole from 100m to 200m,循环冲洗井眼从,100,米到,200,米,Circulate bottoms up,循环井底返出,Circulate for sample,循环取样,Flow check at 2300m duo to drilling break,进尺加快,检查溢流,在井深,2300,米,Circulate for flow check,循环是为了进尺后效,Circulate and condition mud,循环和处理泥浆,Reverse circulate,返循环,105,Complex Situation,Attempt reclaim 9 5/8” wire bushing but fail,试图回收,9 5/8”,抗磨补心没成功,50 BBLS pit gain shut in well observe pressure 0-SIDPP 175psi SICP,泥浆池增量为,50,桶,关井,钻杆压力为,0,,套管压力为,175psi,Kill well as NHWOCs request,按西部公司压井程序压井,CIRC. and COND. Mud. CICR. out gas show from returns max gas 1700 units,循环处理泥浆,最大气测值为,1700,个单位,D.P hang off on L.


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