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It was so violent and sudden that 127 people died in the first three days.,The terrible cholera,Bacteria / germs,of cholera,Name of illness,cholera (,霍乱,),Symptom(,症状,),severe vomiting (,呕吐,) and diarrhoea (,腹泻,),Aftereffect(,后果,),die quickly from a loss of liquid,What is the problem?(Para1),The cholera was the most deadly disease,of its day. Neither its cause, nor its cure,was understood.,What caused cholera?,Read the passage quickly and find the,number,below and,the relevant happenings,in the passage.,(Para 2-4),Two theories,In 1854,500,10,Another,outbreak hit London.,More than,500,people died in,10,days.,The,first,suggested that .,The,second,suggested that .,Which theory to believe in?,Idea 1,Idea 2,Cholera multiplied in the air without reason. A cloud of dangerous gas would float around until it found its victims.,People absorbed it with their meals.,Which one do you believe more?,What about John Snow?,16, 37, 38 and 40,20, 21;,8, 9,7,These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths,20,and,21,Broad Street,and,8,and,9,Cambridge Street,had no deaths.,They didnt drink the water from the Broad Street pump.,These families worked in,the pub at,7 Cambridge Street,.,16,37,20,8,9,38,40,BROAD STREET,CAMBRIDGE STREET,21,John Snows Cholera Map,7,Pub,Many deaths happened here,.,No death happened here,.,pump,It seemed the water from the pump was,to blame. What did he do next?,(,Para 6) What was another supporting evidence?,(Para 5) He looked into the source of the water,John Snow was able to announce,with certainty that polluted water,carried the virus.,Read the passage and number these events,in the order that they happened.,John Snow began to test two theories.,An outbreak of cholera hit London in 1854.,He announced that the water carried,the disease.,John Snow marked the deaths on a map.,2,1,4,7,Comprehending,:(P 3),King Cholera was defeated.,He found that most of the deaths,were near a water pump.,He had the handle removed from,the water pump.,John Snow investigated two streets where,the outbreak was very severe.,3,8,5,6,draw a conclusion,find a problem,make a question,think of a method,collect results,analyse the results,find supporting evidence,Para 1,Para 2,Para 3,Para 4,Para 5,Para 6,Match them,Para 7,1,.,expert,adj.,熟练的;经验或知识丰富的,专家;行家,他擅长画风景画。,He _landscape painting.,他是心脏病的专家。,He,is an expert in,heart disease.,搭配:,be expert at/ in doing sth.,擅长做某事,is expert at drawing,be good,at,sth./,at,doing sth.,擅长做某事,be an expert,in/ at/ on,sth./doing sth.,be a specialist,in,sth,sb specialize,in,sth,某方面的专家,2.This was the,deadly,disease of its day.,die (v.) dead (adj.) death (n.) deadly adj.,(1).dangerous; likely to cause death,危险的,;,致命的,a deadly disease / weapon,(2).highly effective against sth. or someone,强有力的,;,致命的,a deadly remark,击中要害的评论,(3). aiming to kill or destroy,意在杀死的,;,不共戴天的,:,a deadly enemy,不共戴天的敌人,adv.,(1). Very,极度,;,非常,;,十分,: deadly serious,十分认真,(2). like death,死一般地,:,deadly pale,死一般苍白,3. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood.,neither,nor 既不也不,eitheror 或者或者,not onlybut also,notbut 不是而是,There be句型,连接并列主语时,谓动就近原则,You can either stay at home or go to cinema.,Not he but I _ your new English teacher.,There _ a pen and 2 pencils in the box.,am,is,4,.every/each time = conj. + 时状从句,Every time I come here , I find its different beauty.,last/next time,/,the first/second time,.,T,he+,moment/second/minute,.,一,就,The+,morning/day/week/month/summer/year 那天早上,.,的时候,Last time We visited the Great Wall, we took many photoes.,人们第一次看到念念时,人人以为他是个女孩。,The first time people saw Xuanxuan, everyone thought he was a girl.,The moment I got into the classroom as a headteacher,I felt very excited.,the first time for the first time,第一次,conj.+ 时状从 prep.单用做时状,The first time I met him,I felt very nervous. =,When I met him for the first time, I felt very nervous.,_,_ I spoke to you, I always forgot what to say.,A.For the first time B.The first time C.First time,B,这张地图提供了一条说明霍乱起因的很有价值的线索。,5. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease.,valuable,(1)adj. worth of a lot of money,值钱的,贵重的 如:,The watch is,valuable,.,这表很值钱。,a,valuable,diamond.,贵重的钻石。,(2) adj. having great usefulness or value,如,:,valuable,information,(3)n.,(,常用复数形式,),sth that worth a lot of money.,如,:,Cathy kept her,valuables,in a safe.,重大的消息,凯西把她的贵重物品藏在保险箱里,.,6,.look into 调查 研究,look after,look down upon 看不起,look forward,to,期望,look on,as 认为,是,look out (for sth.)当心,lok through 浏览 仔细阅读,look up 抬头看 查询(单词/信息),look up,to,尊重,It is good manners to look_the other,s eyes in a conversation.,我还从未见过比他更帅的男生呢。,我也是。我们都期望他来中国。,I_him as my idol and often_news about him .,Nobody likes _(look down upon),so learn _others.,into,-I have never seen a more handsome man than him.,-Neither have I .We all look forward to his coming to China.,look on,look through,to be looked down upon,to look up to,7.,pollute vt.,污染;弄脏,河流被工厂排放的垃圾污染了。,The river is,polluted,by the waste from the factories.,【拓展】,pollution n. 污染;污染物,polluted adj. 被污染的,8.,handle n.,柄;把手,vt.,处理;操纵,说出下列句中,handle,的词性和含义。,I turned the,handle,and opened the door.,Can you,handle,the problem?,handle = deal with,处理,9.,link vt.&n.,连接;联系,搭配:,link A to/with B,将,A,与,B,联系或连接起来,be linked to,与,.,有联系,/,有关,The railway,links Guilin to/with Yunnan,.,His disease,is linked to,drinking.,10,.,die of 死于内因(疾病/情感/冻饿),die from 死于外因(疾病/事故/灾害),die down/away (声音/光线/热)渐弱,die off 相继死去,die out 绝种 灭绝,1,1,. 阻止,做,prevent sb./sth. (from) doing,stop sb./sth. (from) doing,keep sb./sth. from doing,Nobody can prevent time from going by.,We should stop the enviroment from _(pollute),being polluted,12.suggest vt.暗示 表明 = show,建议(advise) +that,(should)do,They suggested that we (should) have a rest.,The dark clouds suggested that a storm was coming.,It is suggested that parents_(prevent)their children playing too many games.,(should) prevent,1. Dont _ (,暴露,)your skin to the sun for too long.,2. _ you _ (,既不,也不,) he is right.,3. _ (,每当,)I meet him, I always think of,the things having happened between us.,4. _ (,好像,) she was lying.,5. Who is _ (,责备,) for the mistake?,6. It _ (,暗示,) that it was going to rain.,7. I suggested that he _ (,戒烟,) smoking.,smoking.,expose,Neither,nor,Every time,It seemed that,to blame,(should) give up,suggested,Fill in the blanks.,


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