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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Time-Conscious Americans,Book 2,Unit 1,Pre-reading Tasks,Text Understanding,Notes to the Text,Fun Time,Exercise,Pre-reading tasks,Lets talk about,1. Time,2. Cultural Differences,1. Time,1) Americans have a saying “Time is money”. How do you understand it?,Time is a precious resource. Time can bring profits. If we make good use of time and work efficiently, we may expect good results and big profits.,On the,contrary, if we work with tardiness, well waste our precious time and gain less than we should gain. There fore, time is really money and saving time is just like saving money.,As individuals, we should treasure our limited time and let every minute count.,2) Collect the idioms about time in both Chinese and English,Time flies.,光阴似箭,岁月如梭。,Time and tide wait for no man.,时间不等人。,All time is no time when it is past.,Time lost cannot be recalled.,光阴一去不复返。,To save time is to lengthen life.,节省时间就是延长生命。,Time works wonders.,时间可以创造奇迹。,Time brings the truth to light.,时间一到,真理自明。,Book 2,Unit 1,Situation,1, an appointment,How to Manage the Following Situations?,Situation 2, home visit,Situation 3, to a party,Situation 4, being invited to dinner,Situation 5, an interview,2. Cultural Differences,Book 2,Unit 1,Situation 1: Dr. Tom McDivern from NY is practicing medicine in a rural area in Saudi Arabia. His opening day was booked fully a week ago. But half an hour passed, neitherof his first two patients arrived.,Book 2,Unit 1,Americans tend to be _.,To the Arabians,_,_,is acceptable.,half an hour,or 40 minutes late,punctual,Situation 2: On your way home, it occurred to you that your American friend Mary had invited you to visit her when you were free. Then you dropped in on her house.,But,when you knocked at the door ,Book 2,Unit 1,Mary felt surprised. Why?,In China, its OK,to visit friends,without calling,ahead of time.,While in the U.S.,its,impolite,to do,so.,Book 2,Unit 1,What is the,polite,way,in the U.S.?,Calling ahead of time.,Book 2,Unit 1,Situation 3: Your American friend invited you to her party tonight at 7:30. When are you supposed to get there? Why?,A. Before 7:00,to help her to prepare.,B. 5,10 late,not to be the first guest.,C. After 8:00, Im the VIP.,D. 5,10 earlier,its a polite way to show my respect for her.,Book 2,Unit 1,In the U.S.,people tend to be,_.,In China,close friends,tend to arrive _,,,but acquaintances tend to arrive _.,5,10 late (B),before 7:00 (A),5,10 earlier (D),Book 2,Unit 1,Situation 4: Your American friend invited you to her house for dinner at 6:30. When are you supposed to get there?,A. Right on time.,B. Be fashionably late.,C. Half an hour late.,D. About 5,10 earlier.,The Americans,The Chinese,Book 2,Unit 1,To Visit Friends in the U.S.,Listen to the recording,and,fill in the blanks,Before you go, its always best to,1. _,2. _,3. _,When you go to a party, youd be _.,When you go to somebodys house for dinner, youd,be _, i.e. not to be _, not to be _,just _.,Book 2,Unit 1,To Visit Friends in the U.S.,late,early,give them a phone.,send them a letter.,send them an e-mail.,fashionably late,punctual,right on time,Book 2,Unit 1,During an interview, the American,boss asks about your idea on salary,as a secretary, which answer will,be good for you?,Situation 5:,Book 2,Unit 1,1. Any sum of money is OK for me.,2. At least $2500,Im the best.,Book 2,Unit 1,4. Oh, money is not important to me.,I dont come here simply for money.,3. $1,000 a month.,I can make it.,Book 2,Unit 1,In America, a persons success is based on how much money he makes. And Americans are not afraid of showing their confidence.,To most Chinese, itd be the responsibility of the company to decide the salary according to the employees performance.,Tips,THIS MAY BE DUE TO CULTURAL DIFFERENCES,Book 2,Unit 1,1. greetings,2. thinking,3. expressing ideas,4. educating,5. parenting,Cultural differences,exist in the ways of ,Book 2,Unit 1,Learning a foreign,language well means more,than mastering the,pronunciation, grammar and expressions. It also,means learning its culture.,Suggestions,Book 2,Unit 1,Structure Analysis,Idea Catching,Text Understanding,Book 2,Unit 1,I. Idea Catching,Para. 1,What are the two things Americans try to save?,1. Question:,Time and labor.,Book 2,Unit 1,Way 1,Way 2,Way 3,Way 4,They treat time seriously.,They do everything in a hurry.,They start talking business quickly.,They use modern devices to communicate with each other efficiently.,Para. 2,7,2. The ways Americans save time include:,Book 2,Unit 1,To successfully solve a problem,and to fulfill a job with speed,is taken by _ as a sign of,Para. 8,3.Conclusion:,different ideas,skillfulness,being competent,The _ consider it,proper to _,foreigners,take time doing things.,Americans,Book 2,Unit 1,II. Structure Analysis,WHAT?,How?,By giving specific details, then telling the reasons.,Americans are time conscious.,What does the writer want to tell us?,How does he support his idea?,Book 2,Unit 1,A general point:,Americans are people,Reasons (R):,1.,2.,3.,4.,5. ,time-conscious,Specific Details (SD):,Topic of Para.1,Topic of Para.2,Topic of Para.3,Topic of Para.4,Topic of Para.5,7,Book 2,Unit 1,If youre not moving ahead,youre falling behind.,SD:,R:,Para.1,Americans believe no one,stands still.,SD:,R:,Time is treated as if it were something almost real.,Time is a precious resource,.,Para.2,Book 2,Unit 1,Para.3,SD:,Everyone in the U.S. is in a rush.,R:,They are often under pressure,.,Para.4,SD:,Americans quickly,start talking business.,R:,Time is always ticking in,their inner ear.,Book 2,Unit 1,Para.5,7,SD:,We work hard to save time. How?,R:,These devices can save the feet,and endless amounts of time.,We produce a steady flow of labor-saving devices.,Para. 8,Americans take it as a sign of,skillfulness to do things quickly.,The foreigners have different,ideas from those of Americans.,Notes to the Text,Book 2,Unit 1,Book 2,Unit 1,1. Americans believe no one,stands still,. If you are not moving ahead, you are,falling behind,. (L1),Americans think no one,keeps motionless, everyone moves and advances. If you are not moving ahead, you will,become further behind,.,Book 2,Unit 1,stand still,stand: keep or stay in a particular position or state,处于或保持某种状态,“,stand” is used as a linking verb, followed by adjectives or adjective-like phrases.,e. g:,The room,stands,idle,.,这房间闲置着。,Book 2,Unit 1,fall behind sb./sth.,(L1),become bit by bit further behind,Key,Hes been,falling behind,his group members in English.,Translation,他在英语方面一直落后于同组同学,。,e.g.,If youre not moving ahead, youre,falling behind,.,Book 2,Unit 1,fall behind with sth., fail to produce sth. at the proper time,Key,Im,falling behind with,my work; I must try to catch up.,Translation,我工作拖下来了,我得想办法赶上。,e.g.,fall behind,with the rent,Book 2,Unit 1,2. This attitude,results in,a nation of people,committed to,researching, experimenting and,exploring. (L2),后置定语,commit sb./sth. to (doing) sth.,commit oneself to sth.,devote to (doing) sth.,As a result of,this attitude, Americans tend to,devote their time and energy to,researching, experimenting and exploring.,Book 2,Unit 1,result in,cause, have as a result, lead to,Key,Acting before thinking always,results in,failing.,Translation,做事不先考虑总是会失败的。,e.g.,The accident,resulted in,the death of two people.,*result from ,be caused by, because of,Nothing has resulted from his efforts.,他的努力终成泡影。,Book 2,Unit 1,3. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being labor. (L3),Notice here in this sentence we have a special type of adverbial clause: “the other being labor.”,The structure is: subject+-ing (or:-ed) verb.,This type of clause can also be put at the beginning of the whole sentence.,Book 2,Unit 1,e.g.,No further discussions arising, the meeting was brought to an end. Lunch finished, all the guests returned to the sitting room.,This type of clause can be rewritten by adding the prep “with”.,e.g.,With lunch finished, with the other being labor.,Book 2,Unit 1,4. We are,slaves to,nothing but,the clock. (L5),译文,:,只有时间才能支配我们。,We are under the control of time only and nothing else.,or: We are only dominated by time.,Book 2,Unit 1,slave to,A person who is completely influenced or dominated by sth.,e.g.,a,slave,to drink,a,slave,to money,Book 2,Unit 1,nothing but,only,e.g.,Hes,nothing but,a criminal.,The report contains,nothing but,lies.,Book 2,Unit 1,5. We,budget,it, save it, waste it, steal it, kill it, cut it,account for,it; we also,charge for,it. (L6),译文:,我们安排时间、节约时间、浪费时间、挤抢时间、消磨时间、缩短时间,对时间的使用作出解释;我们还要因时间而收取费用。,Book 2,Unit 1,budget,vt. Plan the spending of or provide (money) in a plan,编制预算,e.g.,The government has,budgeted,10 million dollars for education spending.,vi. Save or spend money (for a particular purpose),节省或用钱,e.g.,She,budgeted,for buying a new car.,n.,e.g. a family/weeks,budget,Book 2,Unit 1,account for, give a satisfactory explanation for ,Key,Jenny had to,account,to her father,for,every penny she spent.,Translation,珍妮不得不向父亲说明每一个便士是怎么花的。,e.g.,The man couldnt,account for,the fact that the money was found in his house.,Book 2,Unit 1,account for,be a proportion of sth.,Translation,女生占我们班一半人数。,*phrases:,on account of,由于,; on no account,绝不;,take account of = take into account,考虑到,e.g.,North Sea oil,accounts for,a high proportion of our trade earning,.,Book 2,Unit 1,charge for,ask (an amount of money) as a price,e.g.,How much do you,charge for,washing a car?,We,charge,200 dollars,for,a single room one night.,Book 2,Unit 1,6. Once the sands have run out of a persons,hourglass, they cannot be replaced. (L8),The whole sentence is a metaphor, which means:,Once time has passed, it will not return.,Book 2,Unit 1,hourclass,It is a glass container holding fine sand for measuring time, which is narrow in the middle like a figure 8 so that the sand inside can run slowly from the top half to the bottom taking exactly one hour.,Book 2,Unit 1,7. We want every minute to,count,.(L9),We want every minute to be put into good use (since it is precious).,译文:,我们应当让每一分钟都过得有意义。,Book 2,Unit 1,count,vi.,If sth. counts, its important or valuable;,vt.,calculate,Translation,考试前,每一秒钟都很重要。,*phrases:,count in,把,算入,count on/upon = rely on,指望,count out,逐一数出,count up,总计,e.g.,We want every minute to,count,.,Key,Every minute,counts,before the exam.,Book 2,Unit 1,8. Dont,take,it,personally,. (L18),Dont let it upset you because they are treating everybody this way or because they are not doing this to you in particular.,译文:,不要觉得这是针对你个人的。,Book 2,Unit 1,take personally,If you take someones remarks personally, you are upset because you think that they are being critical about you in particular.,认为,是针对某人的,e.g.,You mustnt,take,her negative comments of your plan,personally,.,Book 2,Unit 1,9. Theyll miss the,ritual,interaction that,goes with,a welcoming cup of tea or coffee that may be a,convention,in their own country. (L23),译文:,它们也会怀念那种喝着茶或咖啡招待客人的礼节性交往,这也许是他们自己国家的一种习俗。,Theyll be sad because theyll not have,the usual exchanges,that go with a welcoming cup of tea or coffee. These exchanges may be,a common and regular practice,on similar occasions in their own country.,Book 2,Unit 1,ritual,a. of or done regularly followed in exactly the same way each time,例行的,惯常的,n.,固定程序,例行公事,e.g.,I start to read English aloud after I get up in the morning and that has become a,ritual,.,go with,a. exist or take place at the same time, be found together,同时发生,伴随,e.g.,Happiness doesnt necessarily,go with,money.,b.,与,相配,相协调,e.g.,The shoes doesnt,go with,the suit.,convention,n.,customary practice,习俗,惯例,e.g.,Convention,now allows women to smoke in public.,Key,Its the,convention,for men to wear suits on formal occasions.,Translation,男子在正式场合穿西装是一种惯例。,9. Normally, Americans do not,assess,their visitors in such relaxed surroundings over,extended,small,talk,;,much less,do they take them out for dinner, or around on the,golf course,while they develop a sense of trust. (L27),译文:,一般说来,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评估他们的客人的,更不用说他们会在增进相互间信任的过程中带他们出去吃饭,或带他们去高尔夫球场。,light conversation on unimportant or non-serious subjects,lasting for a long period of time,an area of grass which is designed for people to play golf on,assess,vt. judge or decide the amount, value, quality or importance of (as the ground for a decision),e.g.,They,assessed,the value of the house at $60,000.,They say they can,assess,intelligence from these tests.,much less,still less, let alone,and even less likely,更不用说,e.g.,Theyre always short of water to drink,much less,to,bathe in.,Key,The old man can hardly walk,much less,run.,Translation,这位老人几乎不能行走,更不用说跑了。,10. especially,given,our traffic-filled streets. (L34), especially when we take into account our busy streets that are often full of traffic.,given,prep. taking into account,e.g.,Given,their inexperience, theyve done a good job.,Given,that they are inexperienced, theyve done a good job.,Notice that “given” is followed by a noun phrase, while “given that” is followed by a finite clause.,11. To us the,impersonality,of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter,at hand,. (L37),译文:,就我们而言,电子交流缺乏人情味这点与我们手头上事情的重要性很少或完全没有关系。,not involving human feelings,at hand,a. under discussion or being considered,e.g.,Her question was not related to the matter,at hand.,b. near in time or place,e.g.,The new term is,at hand.,more:,close/near at hand,12. Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to,elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not,worthy of,proper respect. (L49),If a certain amount of time is not allowed to,pass, it will give the impression,in their opinion, that the task being considered is not important or not properly respected.,elapse,vi. (fml) (of time) pass,e.g.,Three months have,elapsed,since he left home.,be worthy of,deserving,值得,e.g.,It seems as if the task were not,worthy of,proper respect.,Key,He,is worthy of,our praise.,Translation,他值得我们表扬。,Question,What,is worthy of,your working hard?,worth, worthy,句型差别,be worth + n. = be worthy of +n.,be worth doing = be worthy of being done,cf.,of being done.,sth. is worthy,to be done.,13. In the U.S., however, its taken as a sign of skillfulness or,being competent to,solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed. (L51),In the U.S., however, if you,can,solve a problem or do a job quickly, you will be considered as a person having skill or ability.,be able to do,Fun Time,A SongToday,A HumorToo Much,1. Where were the travelers traveling?,A. In America. B. In Europe. C. In Asia.,2. What did the Cuban take out?,A. A large bottle of vodka.,B. Some Havana cigars.,C. A box of coffee.,3. What was too much in America?,A. Vodka. B. Money. C. Lawyer.,Too Much,Key:,B B C,Listen to the story and,do the exercise.,“Today is my moment and now is my story.”the song,Today,aims at urging young people to cherish the present day moment. Enjoy the song and think it over that how you enjoy “today”.,Today,Today while the blossoms,still cling to the vine,Ill taste your strawberries,Ill drink your sweet wine.,_,ere I forget all the joy that is mine today.,Ill be a dandy and Ill be a rover.,Youll know who I am by _.,Ill feast at your table;,Ill sleep in your clover.,A million tomorrows shall all pass away,the song that I sing,Fill in the blanks while,listening and then sing along.,_,Today while the blossoms,still cling to the vine,_,Ill drink your sweet wine.,I cant be contented with yesterdays glory.,I cant live on promises winter to spring.,_.,Ill laugh and Ill cry and Ill sing.,Today is my moment and now is my story,Ill taste your strawberries,Who cares what the morrow shall bring,Exercise,I. Matching Game,acute,impatiently,run out of,communication,replace,fine/sharp; severe/great,in a rush,only,restlessly,without hurry,race through,take the place of,interaction,use up/flow out of,nothing but,do sth. in a hurry,leisurely,in a hurry,go with,excellent,significance,physically present, by oneself,conduct,in contrast, while,be at hand,exist at the same time,in person,carry out,superb,be able to do sth.,whereas,bring sth. to a completion,satisfy,be competent to do,near in time/place,fulfill,meaning, importance,II. Chinese to English,停滞不前,pace of life,消磨时间,ritual interaction,要价,stand still,承受压力,opening exchanges,生活节奏,rather than,开场白,/,寒暄,slave to money,礼节性交往,kill time,而不是,be under pressure,金钱的奴隶,charge (money) for sth.,


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