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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Unit 5,Ballerinas are as graceful as swan.,blrin,举止端庄,姿态优美,graceful,a,. 1. showing a pleasing beauty of form, movement or manner,优美的,优雅的,She has,a graceful way of moving,.,她的动作十分优雅。,2. pleasing in both style and attitude,得体的,She finally apologized, but she,wasnt very graceful about it,.,她最后道了歉,但却不够有风度,grace,gracefu,l,gracious,优美的,优雅的,亲切的,和善的,优美,恩惠,reis,The prince fell in love with the,graceful,dancer.,She had,gracious,manners and made us feel at home.,亲切的,I am,grateful,to you for your kindness.,I wish to,express my gratitude,to you for your kindness.,grateful,gratitude,Grate,感恩,感激,爆炸性四级词汇,Ingrateful,Ungrateful,Ingratitude,ungratitude,忘恩负义,你猜猜哪个,对啦?,chart,n a visual display of information,图表,V,make a chart of,制成图表,chart,map,graph,这些名词均有“地图、图”之意。,chart,:,指航海地图,也指图表。,map,:,指标有国家大小、城市、铁路、河流、山脉、海洋等的地图。,graph,:,多指用纵横坐标之间关系的曲线表示两个量之间的图表,Huixing,chart of,low-rent housing,Sea chart,map,graph,preceding,a.,coming or going before in time, order, etc.,Compare:,previous,prior,preceding,former,指“时间上早于,的”,e.g. He cannot go for he has a previous appointment.,指“除时间外,还可在顺序、重要性等方面在前的”,e.g. This task is prior to all others.,指“在时间或位置上紧接于前的”,e.g. the preceding night,指“以前的”、“前任的”,e.g. the former president,cf. proceed:,to begin and continue,Tell us your name and then proceed with your story.,proceed,英,prsid,美,prosid,cf.,proceed,: to begin and continue,vi.,开始;继续进行;行进;发生,Tell us your name and then,proceed with,your story.,先把你的名字告诉我们,然后再开始叙述你的故事。,How would you like to,proceed with,the negotiations?,你想怎样来(继续)进行这轮谈判呢?,Proceed from,出于,P,roceed from Custom,出自传统习俗,Proceed from the reality,从实际出发,In the preceding years/chapters,在前几年,/,章,We went to see a film,in the preceding night,.,昨天晚上我们去看电影。,He had been in Cuba,the preceding summer,.,去年夏天他曾在古巴。,Last night,Yesterday evening,优先权,priority,Precedence,presidns,prisi,:-,A high/low priority,重点,/,非重点项目,Education is a top priority.,教育是当务之急。,You need to get your priorities right (=decide what is important to you.),你需要把你自己的事情分出轻重缓急。,It was not till evening that we,took,priority,over,them.,我们到晚上才比他们领先。,课文中重点词汇,shift,移动,转移,She always shifts the blame on to someone else.,他总是把一切错误都归于别人。,Vt.,重要词组,The day (night) shift,日夜班,轮班工作,Work by shifts,Make shift with,设法维持下去,He had to make shift with what was on hand.,他只好用现有的东西将就应付,。,flash,闪,Whats that-,Flashing on the sunlight?,那个在阳光下闪闪发光,的东西是什么?,The cars flashed past.,汽车飞驰而过。,An idea flashed into his mind.,一个念头突然闪过他的脑海。,闪光灯,闪电,Flashlight,Flash lamp,Flashing,lightning,昙花一现,A flash in the,pan(,平底锅),烂,!,decay,Stone does not decay, and so the tools of long ago have remained when even the bones of the men who made them have disappeared without trace.,试着翻译翻译,?,石头是不腐烂的,因此远古年代的工具至今尚存,即使,制造这些工具的人的骨头已经毫无痕迹地消失了。,糖能蛀牙。,Sugar can decay the teeth,.,蛀牙,Tooth decay,Decaying tooth,A decayed tooth,罗马帝国为何衰亡?,What made the Roman Empire,decay,?,decline,Fall into decay,declining,我对你的爱犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,直到地老天荒,海枯石烂。,My love to you is just like the surging river, stretching but never have ends. The time limit outlasts even the heaven and the earth, furthermore, the seas run dry and the rocks decay.,love,skeleton,A long illness made a,Skeleton out of him.,长期的生病使,他瘦骨如柴。,骨架结构,A skeleton of structure,Loose,a. 1. not tense; not tight,宽松的,不紧的,loose skin,松弛的皮肤,2.,free from control,自由的,散漫的,The animals,were loose,in the zoo.,这些动物在动物园里自由走动。,Come and see us if youre,at a loose end,.,闲著的时候到我们这儿来坐坐。,loosen,作动词,指“松开,解开”。,to loosen ones coat,解开外衣,The governments control over the newspaper,has loosened,in recent years.,近几年政府对报纸的控制放松了。,Relax,放松, 使松弛,Relax the muscles,松弛肌肉,A relaxing music,使人放松的音乐,09,年,12,月听力例句,Do you think what you do to,relax,is an _ way to beat stress?,Effective,你认为做什么来放松是战胜压力的有效方式呢?,secure,vt,. 1. make firm or tight; fasten,关紧,固定,Secure,all the doors and windows before leaving.,离开之前把所有的门窗关紧。,2. make safe; protect,使安全,保护,The wall was built to,secure the village,from,attack.,建造这堵墙是为了保护村庄不受攻击。,3,.,get, something,with difficulty,得到,获得,Theyve secured the governments support for the project.,他们已取得了政府对这一规划的支持。,a. 1.,safe,安全的,Are,we,secure from,attack here?,我们这里很安全,受不到攻击吧?,2.,firm or tight,enough for safety,牢固的,Make,the window,secure,before leaving the house.,Secure a position,获得一份工作,Be secure against/from fire,确实没有着火的危险,Security,安全,保障,听力例句,Once they feel that,sense of security, thats when they can be creative.,一旦他们有安全感的时候,他们就会有创意。,What does the speaker say about young children?,D They can be creative when they,feel secure,.,04,年,1,月四级真题,Refuge ,refju:d,Is there enough oil beneath the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (,保护区),to help secure Americas energy _ against _future?,北极国家野生保护区的地下有足够的石油以满足美国未来的能源需求吗?,05,年,6,月阅读例句,Secure oneself,against/from,danger,使自己免受危险,Secure the companys future,使公司前途得到保障,faint,Adj.,无力的,眩晕的,N.,晕厥,Feel faint through hunger,饿得头昏要花,完形填空,Most of them are not serious;,fainting and dizziness,are the most frequent complaints.,多数不是很严重,晕厥,目眩是常见情况。,05,年,12,月,A faint light,暗淡的光线,A faint sound,虚弱的声音,Faint possibility,极小的可能性,Thirst,These young children,thirst for,knowledge.,这些孩子们都渴求知识。,I,thirst for,steady love and happy family life.,我渴望稳定的爱情和幸福的家庭生活。,渴望,Water flowed into the,thirst fields,.,水缓缓地流进了干涸的土地。,Be thirsty for,渴望,hint,Drop/give a hint to,sb,.,暗示某人,take a hint:,接受暗示,Daphne: Okay. I can take a hint.,好吧,我明白你的暗示,。,Sometimes a guy just wont take a hint.,有时候男孩子就是不知道接受暗示,Imply,暗示,含有,的意思,Imply a low standard of living,表明生活水平很低,As its name,implies, descriptive writing simply describes, or provides an _image_ of, a piece of music, art, or literature.,正如名称所示,描述性文章只是进行描述,提供一段音乐,艺术或者文学作品的意象。,09,年,12,月四级真题(听力例句),Imply,意思是提出一个没有明确表示的想法或主意, 但可以从别的较明显的事物,如一声明中推断出来:,The effusive praise the professor heaped on one of the students seemed to imply indifference toward or disapproval of the rest.,教授堆在一个学生头上的热情的赞扬似乎让人感到他对其他学生的冷淡和否定。,Hint,指的是通常包含线索的间接的或较隐密的暗示:,He hinted that he would accept an invitation if it were extended.,他暗示如果邀请扩大的话他将会接受。,suggest,指有意或无意的,直接或间接暗示,强调事物的表征等使人引起联想。,Her expression suggested pleasure.,她面露喜色。,to injure ones health,损害某人的健康,to injure ones hand in a fire,在火灾中伤了手,to injure ones feelings,伤害某人的感情,to injure somebodys reputation,损害某人的名誉,injure,伤害,损害,The mad man was put in the soft-padded cell lest he injure himself.,这个疯子被关在一个软墙 的单人小屋里面,以免他伤害自己。,An injury to health and life,对健康和生命的损伤,Do,sb,. An injury/ do an injury to,sb,.,伤害某人,injury,Privilege,特权,优惠,Exclusive privilege,独有的特权,The privilege of doing,sth,.,做某事的特权,Withdraw,sb.s,privileges,取消某人的特权,Members of the city council and distinguished guests, it is my privilege to introduce to you today Mr. Robert Washington.,08,年,12,月听力例句,市议会的成员及尊贵的客人们, 我今天很荣幸地向大家介绍罗伯特,.,华盛顿先生。,Associate,联合,结合,Be associated with him in business,在生意上与他有来往,Associate with criminals,和罪犯交往,Still,,,there are certain conditions associated with rising crime; increasing heterogeneity (,混杂),of _populations_, greater cultural pluralism, higher immigration.,但是,犯罪率的上升与某些因素是相关联的,如,不同人口的混杂,文化多元化以及数量大的移民。,08,年,12,月的听力例句,heterogeneity,hetrudini:ti,Association,协会,联盟,社团,联合,结合,交往,She belongs to an,association,of photographers.,她是一家摄影师协会的会员。,Associate,An associate professor,一位副教授,drip,v. (cause to) fall in drops,滴,Can you hear the tap dripping?,你有没有听到水龙头滴水的声音?,n. 1. (sing.) series of drops of falling fluid (,连续落下的,),液滴,The patient is on a,drip,.,病人正在输液。,2. C any one of these drops,一滴,Theres a drip coming from the roof.,屋檐上有水滴下来。,faint,a. 1. lacking clearness, brightness, strength, etc.,微弱的,Tom seemed to hear some faint sound coming from the graveyard.,汤姆好像听见从坟场传来的微弱的声音。,I,havent the faintest idea of,what you mean.,我一点也不懂你的意思。,2. weak and about to lose consciousness,虚弱,He felt faint for lack of food.,由于没有进食,他感觉要昏倒了。,Slide,v. 1. (cause to) move smoothly,(使)滑动,The glasses slid off the table onto the floor.,玻璃杯子全都从桌上滑落到了地板上。,2. (cause to) move quietly,(使)悄悄地移动,to slide into the room,悄悄溜进了屋里,n. 1. C (usu. sing.) the act of sliding,滑,滑行,The car went into a slide on the ice.,汽车在冰上打滑。,2. C a small piece of photographic film in a frame which, when light is passed through it, shows a larger image on a screen,幻灯片,The lecture was illustrated with slides.,讲座通过幻灯片加以说明。,thirst,n. 1. U (usu. sing.) the feeling caused by a desire or need to drink,渴,口渴,The animals died of thirst.,这些动物因干渴而死。,2. (sing.) a strong desire,渴望,(,与,after,或,for),连用,),:,他极为贪财。,He has a burning thirst for wealth.,They thirsted for independence.,他们渴望独立,famine,n. U, C a very serious lack of food for a great number of people, causing illness and death,饥荒,War,famine,and flood are terrible evils.,战争、饥荒和洪水都是可怕的灾祸。,Under water,famine,; under snow, bread.,谚,洪水造饥馑,瑞雪兆丰年。,hurt,injure,wound,cut,这一组动词都有“受伤”的意思。,hurt,:,为普通用语,既可指肉体上的伤害(可被,badly, slightly, seriously,等修饰),也可指精神上、感情上的伤害(被,very much,rather,deeply,修饰),多指伤痛。,I hurt my leg badly in the football match.,在那场足球赛中,我的腿受了重伤。,He felt rather hurt at your words.,你的话使他很难过。,injure,:,比,hurt,正式,主要指意外事故中损害健康、容貌等,强调功能的损失。,A bullet injured his left eye.,一颗子弹伤了他的左眼。,wound,:,指枪伤、刀伤、刺伤等皮肉之伤,是出血的、严重的伤,尤其指用武器有意造成的伤口、伤疤或战场上受伤。也可指人们精神上的创伤。,The thief wounded him with a knife.,那小偷用刀刺伤了他。,You have wounded his pride.,你伤害了他的自尊心。,cut,:,指无意中造成的轻伤。,How did you get that cut on your hand?,你手上的伤口是怎么弄的?,hint,n. 1. C a slight indication,细微的迹象,They fled at the first hint of trouble.,他们一看苗头不对,就拔腿溜了。,2. C a subtle way of indicating to,sb,. what one is thinking or what one wants,暗示,提示,He received a broad hint,that they did not want him to call again.,他得到明白的示意,他们不希望他再去拜访。,v. suggest,sth,. slightly or indirectly,暗示,He hinted to us that an agreement had been reached.,他向我们暗示已达成了一项协议。,drop (,或,give, let fall) a hint,露口风,给人暗示,take a (,或,the) hint,领会别人的暗示,心领神会;理解,being,n. 1. C a person or thing that exists,生物,人,2. U the state of existing,存在,Being on sea, sail ; being on land, settle.,谚语,在海则扬帆,在陆则定居。,(,或:到什么山唱什么歌。,),bring (,或,call) into being,使存在;使形成;使产生,使成立,使出现;实现,come into being,出现,开始存在;形成;产生,for the time being,暂时;目前,interval,n. 1. C a period between two events or times, or the space between two points,间隔,间距,Tomorrow it will be mostly cloudy, with a few sunny intervals.,明天大部分时间是阴,有时转晴。,2. C a brief period between the parts of performance,幕间休息,中场休息,During the interval, we were taken to the coffee bar.,在幕间休息时,我们被领到咖啡厅。,at intervals,每隔一定的时间,(,或距离,),;不时;到处,in the intervals,不一会儿,不久,shallow,a. 1. (of breathing) not taking much air into the lungs (,呼吸,),浅的,弱的,shallow breathing,浅呼吸,2. not showing serious or careful thought,肤浅的,浅薄的,我对她了解得越深,就越认识到她的浅薄。,The better I got to know her, the more shallow I realized she was.,n. (pl.) the shallow part of an area of water,浅水处,浅滩,This type of fish lives in the shallows.,这种鱼生活在浅水处。,Privilege,n. C, U a special advantage, opportunity or honor possessed by a particular person or group,特权,优惠,She had led a life of luxury and,privilege,.,她过著养尊处优的生活,It was a,privilege,to work with him.,和他在一起工作是一项殊荣。,episode,n. 1. C a single event or group of related events,一个事件,一组事件,The latest episode has shocked a lot of people.,最近发生的事件令许多人震惊。,2. C one of the single parts into which a story is divided, esp. when it is broadcast on the television or radio (,尤指电视或无线电广播的,),一集,一出,一部分,This is the last episode of the serial.,这是这部连续剧的最后一集。,association,n. 1. C a group of people joined together for a common purpose; an organization,协会,社团,组织,He is a member of the,Association,of University Teachers.,他是大学教师联合会的一名成员。,2. U action of associating or being associated,联合,结交,结合,I benefited a lot from my,association,with him.,我与他交往获益良多。,in association with,与,.,联合,结交,有关联,of the stomach,the hollow place just below the bones of the chest, specially thought of as being the place where fear is felt,胸口,心窝,I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach when the news of the attack was announced.,当进攻的消息宣布时,我感到胸口很难受。,hang around,sth,.,(cause to) swing from or round,sth,. (,使,),在,上挂着, (使)围在,上,She has a strange object hanging around her waist.,她腰间挂着一件奇怪的物品。,He was so rich that he liked to hang half his fortune around his wifes neck.,他十分富有,所以喜欢把他的一半家财挂在妻子的脖子上。,so that,with the aim that; in order that,为的是,以便,她努力干,以便到六点时把一切都准备就绪。,She worked hard so that everything would be ready by 6 oclock.,把钥匙放在外面,以便我能记着随身携带,Leave the keys out so that I can remember to take them with me.,so that,引导目的状语从句时,表示“以便;为了”,从句中常使用,can /could /may /might /will /would /should,等情态动词或助动词;引导结果状语从句时,从句中一般不用,can,和,may,等词,在,so that,前可以用逗号,意思是“因此,;,所以”。如:,The little boy saved every coin so that he could buy his mother a present on Mothers day,so,形容词或副词,that,.,引导的结果状语从句,意思是“如此,以致于,”,。如:,When the football fans saw Beckham, they got so excited that they cried out.,reach for,stretch ones hand in order to touch or take,伸出手以触到或拿到,I reached across the table for the jam.,我伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱。,reach for the moon,想得到得不到的东西,reach for the roof,举手投降,feel for,search with the hands, the feet, a stick, etc.,(用手、足、棍等)摸索,寻找,She felt along the wall for the door.,她沿墙摸索着找门。,Blinded by the soap, he had to feel for his glasses.,他被肥皂弄得睁不开眼,只好摸索着找眼镜。,turn towards,change position or direction so as to face the particular direction,转向,Please turn towards me when you are speaking, so that I can hear what you are saying.,请你说话时转过来对着我,以便我能听清你说什么。,bend to,bow to a specific direction,俯向,Jim bent to the ground to pick up the pen.,吉姆弯腰从地上拾起钢笔。,He bent forward to the child to listen to what he was saying.,他弯下腰来听孩子在说什么。,make an attempt to do,sth,.,make an effort to do,sth,.,尝试,企图,They made no attempt to escape.,他们未曾企图逃跑。,在他们谈话时,她插了几次话。,She made a few attempts to join in their conversation.,go about doing,sth,.,start to work at,sth,.; set about doing,sth,.,着手处理,开始做,我应该怎样着手找工作?,How should I go about finding a job?,I wanted to make a dress, but I didnt know how to go about it.,我想做一条裙子,但不知怎么动手。,provide for,sth,.,make arrangements to deal with,sth,. that might happen in the future,为可能发生的事做安排,Provide for the worst, the best will save itself.,谚语,准备那最坏的,自有那最好的。,provide against,预防,防备:,It is necessary that a person should provide against a rainy day.,一个人应居安思危,未雨绸缪,pick up,1.take hold of and lift,sb,.,举起,抱起,He picked up the child and put her on his shoulders.,他把那女孩举起放在自己的肩上。,2.,. (,尤指偶然地、无意地、不费劲地,),得到;偶然获得,偶然找到;无意地学会,(,技术、语言、游戏等,),;无师自通地学会;理解;懂得;意识到;注意到:,She picks up a lot of information.,她偶然得到许多信息。,3.(,病后,),恢复健康、体力等;好转:,This tonic should pick you up .,这种补药会增强你的体质。,4.,恢复,的精神,振作,(,精神,),,鼓起,(,勇气,),:,A bite of something might pick you up.,吃一点东西也许能使你振作起来。,pull up,1.,把,. .,拉过来,把,. .,拉向前,Pull up the chair and join the conversation.,把椅子拉过来,跟我们一起谈谈。,2.,使停下来;,(,使,),停止;停住,(,车等,),;勒住马:,The policeman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his license.,警察让那个开车的人停下来,要求看他的执照。,3.,开,(,车,),到特定的地点;使,(,飞机,),急剧上升,As they pulled up at their hotel, the rain stopped.,他们的车在旅馆停下,雨不下了。,4.,制止;斥责,责备:,The director pulled Richard up for being late again today.,主任责备理查德今天又一次迟到。,


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