新视界综合教程2 Unit 1 Further reading

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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,Skimming & Scanning,Digging,Warming u,p,Further reading,Culture points,Warming up,High school students,I recite 100 words a day!,I forget 100 words a day!,I shoot at the basket 100 a day!,Aching for playing basketball!,I get thinner and thinner even though eating fish or fowl everyday!,I do running less than 100m/day!,Aching for playing computers!,I put on weight even though eating vegetables!,1. Listen to a conversation and try to understand the different life styles between high school students and college students.,College students,2. Group discussion and class report,Group 1: What is the hardest thing about moving from school to college,?,Group 2: What is the most enjoyable thing about college life,?,Group 3: What new skills do you have to learn as a college student,?,The whole class form 3 groups and each group will discuss the following three topics respectively and make a report.,What is the hardest thing about moving from school to college?,Hard to organize study and leisure time,Washing clothes and quilt by myself,Missing parents,Difficult to make good friends,Inconvenient to live with other roommates,Unable to be No.1 in learning,Unable to be popular among classmates,What is the most enjoyable thing about college life?,Getting to know more friends,Way of life changed,Enjoying independence and freedom,Loving campus atmosphere,Horizon broadened,Which skills are most difficult to acquire?,Thinking creatively,Organizing study and leisure time,Presenting opinions publicly,Communicating with others,Taking notes/grasping focuses of subjects,Doing research and writing essays,Check () the things you found hardest when you arrived at college,Warming up,Now read the passage and check your answer., 1 understanding lectures, 2 writing essays on time, 3 organizing your time, 4 doing all the reading, 5 discussing work with other students,Task,Browse the passage within,8,minutes to get a rough idea about it.,Answer the questions of Activity,2,and,3,on page,12,.,Skimming & Scanning,Decide in which section of the passage you can find the information about the following skills.,1 how to read,2 discovering what sort of learner you are,3 planning to write,4 how to listen and take notes,Answer: Doing research,Skimming & Scanning,Answer: Learning style,Answer: Writing essays,Answer: Lectures and note-taking,Choose the best answer to the questions.,1 What is one of the biggest problems facing new students?,(a) How to make new friends.,(b) The fact that they are not free to do what they want.,(c) The need to organize their time.,(d) The difficulty of subjects studied at university.,Answer: (c),Skimming & Scanning,2 What is the mark of a good lecturer?,(a) They include jokes in their lectures.,(b) They dont give you too much information.,(c) They encourage discussion and critical thinking.,(d) They give handouts so you dont need to take notes.,Answer: (c),Skimming & Scanning,3 Which learning type is likely to spend a lot of time discussing with other students?,(a) The activist.,(b) The reflector.,(c) The theorist.,(d) The pragmatist.,Answer: (a),Skimming & Scanning,4 Which learning type is likely to spend a lot of time in the library?,(a) The activist.,(b) The reflector.,(c) The theorist.,(d) The pragmatist.,Answer: (b),Skimming & Scanning,5 What advice does the writer give about doing successful research?,(a) Read everything very carefully.,(b) Dont worry about trying to remember everything you read.,(c) Read as many textbooks and articles as you can.,(d) Use different styles of reading for different types,of reading material.,Answer: (d),Skimming & Scanning,6 Whats the first thing you should do when writing an essay?,(a) Make sure you understand the title.,(b) Plan your writing.,(c) Think about the conclusion.,(d) List the main points you are going to develop.,Answer: (a),Skimming & Scanning,1,Like everyone else, students have their fair share of problems.,Getting to know a new environment, forming relationships with other students,and surviving on limited financial resources,are all typical problems. But one of the greatest challenges you may have to face at university is the direct result of a new-found freedom. Nobody is going to make you get up in the morning or force you to attend lectures. Your learning is your own responsibility, and you will have to organize your time and find the best way to study. Here are some tips which you might find useful to improve those skills.,Digging,译文,Improve your study skills!,Lectures and note-taking,2,It is easy to misunderstand the role of lectures. The standard joke is that it is a system for,transferring,notes from the lecturers,file,to the students notebook without passing through the mind of either.,译文,Digging,句子分析,3,But good lecturers will make a subject come alive for their students.,They will provide information, place the material of the course,in,context, and focus on difficult areas,in some detail,. The approach is to discuss and, where appropriate, be,critical,of the topic, rather than simply to describe it.,译文,Digging,4,Lecturers often distribute handouts that will give you an idea of what they are going to speak about, but you will need to integrate what they say with your own notes. A word of warning, though dont try to write down everything.,Try to,strike a balance,between listening and understanding the material which is being presented, and making notes.,译文,Digging,Learning styles,5,We dont all learn in the same way. Talk to some of your friends after a lecture or a seminar and you will probably find they remember different things about itwhich may be more or less,relevant,to the teachers aims. Rather than asking “What is the best way to study?” it is probably a good idea to think “What works best for me?” Honey and Mumford (1992) developed a questionnaire which identified four main learning types. Do you recognize yourself in one or more of these types?,译文,Digging,Activist,6,Activist learners learn best from new experiences, generating ideas and trying things out. Problem-solving, classroom,interaction,and discussion suit them better than more “passive” activities.,Reflector,7,Reflectors learn best from activities that allow them space to listen,observe,reflect, gather information and make a considered,judgment,in their own time.,译文,Digging,Theorist,8,Theorists like to,go through,things,logical,ly, step by step, and to absorb new information into a rational scheme or model. They can be less comfortable with personal opinion or,creative,thinking.,Pragmatist,9,Pragmatists learn best from activities that have a clear practical value, and prefer testing ideas in practical settings to open-ended discussion.,译文,Digging,Doing research,10,When you first come to university, you may be a little shocked at the amount of research that you have to do, usually in a short period of time. The important thing is not to get distracted by the research and become overwhelmed by the material. You can do this by,breaking up,the procedure into stages, and by,keeping your purpose in mind,as you read.,译文,Digging,11,A step-by-step approach to reading is useful. Start with any,available,general textbooks and review articles for the background facts and an,introduction,to the debates. Move on from these to the details contained in more specialized articles.,译文,Digging,12,Effective reading requires you to vary your rate and style of reading according both to the type of reading material and to your purpose in reading it. When reading for pleasure you may read quickly, with few breaks and without worrying about having to recall details later.,By contrast, when,consulting,a reference book you may read only one or two paragraphs, but you read them very carefully, making sure you understand the details.,译文,Digging,Writing essays,13,Essays need careful planning and structuring. Before starting to write, you should have a plan. You should know what the main thrust of your,argument,is going to be; and you should have ideas for a beginning, a development, and a conclusion for your work.,译文,Digging,14,When you have written the first,version, read it and make any changes, especially changes which will make it easier for the reader to understand the points you are trying to make.,15,But your first task is to,establish,the exact meaning of the title. If you,interpret,it wrongly, the essay could be a complete disaster.,译文,Digging,16,Spend some time thinking about the title; it may even be worth rewriting it in your own words if it is at all,complex,or confusing. Think also about any built-in assumptions it may contain.,For example, “To what extent did Parliament increase its power in the 16th century?” almost invites you to agree with the assumption that Parliament did increase its power,. You may think that it didnt. Remember that you can disagree with such assumptions, or,treat them critically,. But supporting your argument with,evidence,and logical reasoning is,indispensable,.,译文,Digging,End,Difficult sentences,Text,The idea of “fair share” here indicates that everyone has problems of some sort or other, in more or less equal shares. Thus students have problems just as other people do, for example, older people may have better finances but they lack the energy and health. Therefore, in ones lifetime, problems may change but not go away.,1.,Like everyone else, students have their fair share of problems. (Line 1, Para 1),2., and surviving on limited financial resources (Line 4, Para 1),Difficult sentences,It means students have to live on a low income.,Text,Difficult sentences,Text,3.,The standard joke is that it is a system for transferring notes from the lecturers file to the students notebook without passing through the mind of either. (Line 2, Para 2),The “joke” is intended to criticize the traditional lecturing style in which the lecturer in a fairly mindless way simply reads out lecture notes. Then students simply write the notes down without real thinking. The result is that the students notes may be similar to those of the lecturer, but the meaning of the lecture hasnt passed through the mind of either students or the lecturer.,Difficult sentences,4.,They will provide information, place the material of the course in context, (Line 2, Para 3),Text,If the material of the course, for example, is a book or theory, a good teacher will explain how it fits into its historical background, the philosophy which lies behind it and its relation to other works and ideas.,Difficult sentences,5.,Try to strike a balance between listening and understanding the material which is being presented, and making notes. (Line 6, Para 4,),Text,If you listen and think very carefully, you will not have time to take good notes, but if you write everything down, you will not take in the overall sense. You need to find a solution which produces both notes and understanding.,strike a balance:,The metaphor is of a pair of scales. If something happens to tip the balance, one thing outweighs the other, and you may need to restore the balance. Different circumstances may threaten to disturb the balance, so you may need to constantly adjust the balance.,Difficult sentences,6. For example, “To what extent did Parliament increase its power in the 16th century?” almost invites you to agree with the assumption that Parliament did increase its power. (Line 5, Para 16),Text,The wording of the question, as opposed to “Did Parliament increase its power in the 16th century?”, might lead a student to think about “to what extent” rather than first evaluate if Parliament did increase its power at all.,例句,翻译,释义1,vt.,to move something or someone from one place to another,移动,迁移,transfer,等到蛋糕凉了之后再放到盘子里。,Words,Wait until the cakes cool before transferring them to a plate.,例句,翻译,He transferred some money from one bank account to another.,他把一些钱从一个账户转到另一个账户上。,释义2,v.,to move from one job, office, or department to another in the same company or organization,(在同一公司或组织内)调动,transfer,Pennys applied for a transfer to another part of the company.,Words,例句,翻译,彭尼已申请调到公司的其他部门工作。,Text,He has transferred from the warehouse to the accounts office.,他已由仓库调到会计办公室任职。,例句,翻译,例句,翻译,释义1,n.,C,a set of papers, documents, or records that you keep because they contain information,档案;案卷;卷宗,file,The file on this case was closed five years ago.,人事档案存放在安全的地方。,Words,Personnel files are kept in secure storage.,例句,翻译,有关这起案件的资料档案已经封存了5年之久。,We want whatever we write to be read, from first word to last, not just thrown into some “letters-to-be-read”,file,or into a wastepaper basket.,(Jan. 1993, CET4, Reading Comprehension),真题,例句,翻译,释义2,n.,C,a set of information on a computer,(计算机的),文件,文档,file,保存修改过的文件务必要重新命名。,Words,Be sure to save the revised version of the file under a new filename.,要表达建立新文件,而非备份文件或拷贝文件时,用动词,create,。,When talking about a new file, not a back-up file or a copy, the correct verb is,create,.,例句,翻译,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,n.,C, u,the general situation in which something happens, which helps explain it,情景;背景,context,得结合具体情况来看这次降价。,Words,This fall in prices has to be seen in context.,These changes must be seen in their historical and social context.,例句,翻译,这些变化必须放在其历史和社会环境中来看待。,例句,翻译,释义2,n.,C, U the words surrounding a particular word that help to give it its meaning,上下文;语境,报纸对他的话完全断章取义,琼斯对此十分气愤。,Words,Jones was furious that the papers had quoted his remarks completely out of context.,context,例句,翻译,英语单词根据上下文可能有数种不同的意思。,English words can have several meanings depending on context.,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,adj.,expressing an opinion when you think something is wrong or bad,批判的;爱挑剔的;吹毛求疵的,critical,He has apologised for critical remarks he made about the referee.,她父亲是个非常挑剔的人。,Words,Her father was a very critical man.,例句,翻译,他为自己对裁判出言不逊而道歉。,The director was critical of the way we were doing the work.,(Jan. 2000, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,例句,翻译,释义2,adj.,very important,非常重要的;关键的,critical,今后几天发生的事将对我们取得成功非常关键。,Words,What happens in the next few days is critical to our success.,例句,翻译,我们需要立即就这个关键性的问题作出决定。,We need an immediate decision on this critical issue.,The early years of development are critical years for learning abut oneself.,(Jun. 2001, CET4, Reading Comprehension),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义,adj.,important and directly connected to what is being discussed or considered,重要的;有关的;(与主题) 相关的,relevant,These issues are directly relevant to the needs of slow learners.,这个问题和我的观点不相干。,Words,The question is not relevant to my point.,例句,翻译,这些问题与接受能力慢的学习者的需要有直接关系。,Color and sex are not relevant to whether a person is suitable for the job.,(Sep. 2003, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,n.,C, U the activity of being with and talking to other people, and the way that people react to each other,互动;交流,interaction,涉及一定的社会交往的工作通常更令人有满足感。,Words,Jobs that involve a degree of social interaction are usually more satisfying.,Families need to encourage activities that promote interaction between parent and child.,家庭里要鼓励进行能够增进家长和孩子之间交流的活动。,例句,翻译,例句,翻译,释义2,n.,C, U the process by which different things affect each other or change each other,相互影响;相互作用,interaction,This study focuses on the complex interaction between body and mind.,该结构似乎与其他蛋白质有相互作用。,Words,The mechanism seems to involve interactions with other proteins.,例句,翻译,这项研究的重点是身心之间复杂的相互影响。,Text,例句,翻译,释义,vt.,to watch or study someone or something with care and attention in order to discover something,观察;观测;监视,observe,The police have been observing his movements.,我观察了鸟儿怎样喂养它的后代。,Words,I observed how the bird fed its young.,例句,翻译,警方一直在监视着他的一举一动。,A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the differences between places.,(Jun. 1991, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,vi.,to think about something carefully and seriously,仔细思考,reflect,I reflected on possible reasons for my failure.,他坐在那里,思考着出了什么差错。,Words,He sat there reflecting on what had gone wrong.,例句,翻译,我反思了可能导致自己失败的原因。,例句,翻译,释义2,vt.,if a surface reflects something, you can see the image of that thing on the surface,映照;反射,reflect,She could see her face reflected in the water.,白色的衣服因为反射热量穿起来比较凉快。,Words,White clothes are cooler because they reflect the heat.,例句,翻译,她看见自己的脸倒映在水中。,Text,例句,翻译,释义,n.,C, U an opinion that you have after thinking carefully about something,判断;看法;评价,judgment,They basically made a judgment without knowing all the facts.,现在对此作出判断仍为时过早。,Words,It is still too soon to form a judgment about this.,例句,翻译,他们基本上是在不了解全部事实的情况下作出了判断。,If all drivers exercise good judgments at all times, there would be few accidents.,(Jan. 2000, CET4, Listening Comprehension),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义,a.,connecting ideas or reasons in a sensible way,合乎逻辑的;合理的,logical,A small apartment is a logical choice for a single person.,只有每一逻辑步骤都被其他数学家验证之后,证明才成立。,Words,Only when each logical step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted.,例句,翻译,对一个单身人士而言,小公寓是合理的选择。,In preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, a student should present his findings in logical order and clear language.,(Jan. 1995, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义,a.,involving a lot of new imagination and new ideas,创造的;有创造性的,creative,Her book is full of creative ways to decorate your home.,他想出了一个很有创造性的解决这个问题的方案。,Words,He came up with a really creative solution to the problem.,例句,翻译,她的书里充满了装点居室的创意。,Workers in the fine arts convey thoughts and feelings through their creative works.,(Sep. 2003, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义,a.,able to be obtained, taken, or used,可获得的;可利用的;现成的,available,这道菜是用在大多数超市内都能买到的原料做出来的。,Words,The dish is made with ingredients available in most supermarkets.,真题,这类信息在网上可以任意获取。,The information is freely available on the Internet.,翻译,There were no tickets available for Fridays performance.,(Jan. 1990, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,n.,C the part at the beginning of a book, report etc that gives a general idea of what it is about,序言;引言;内容介绍,introduction,序言里对劳伦斯的生平有一个简要的说明。,Words,In the introduction theres a brief account of Lawrences life.,例句,翻译,他的老师为他的新书作序。,His teacher wrote the introduction for his new book.,例句,翻译,释义2,n.,C the process of telling someone another persons name when they meet for the first time,介绍;引见,introduction,I can never remember names, so I dont like to make the introductions.,女主人在聚会上介绍大家认识。,Words,The hostess made the introductions at the party.,例句,翻译,我从来记不住人名,所以我不喜欢给人作介绍。,This programme will examine the writers books in detail, following an introduction to her life.,(Jan. 1994, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义1,vt.,to look in a book or at a map or list in order to find information,查阅;查找,查阅报纸的分类广告版寻找招聘信息。,Words,Consult the classified pages of any newspaper to find job offers.,consult,例句,翻译,我坚持在阅读小说时查词典。,I persisted in consulting the dictionary while reading novels.,例句,翻译,释义2,vt.,to ask for information or advice from someone who has special knowledge about a particular subject,向,咨询;求教,consult,An increasing number of clients are consulting them about Social Security changes.,她向律师咨询有关她离婚的事。,Words,She consulted a lawyer about her divorce.,例句,翻译,越来越多的客户向他们咨询有关社会保障制度的变化。,Text,例句,翻译,释义,n.,C, U a reason or set of reasons that you use for persuading other people to support your views, opinions etc,理由;论据;论点,argument,It is better to convince by argument than seduce by example.,有充分理由要求降低价格,。,Words,Theres a strong argument for lowering the price.,例句,翻译,以理服人强于以榜样诱导。,The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds on which to base his arguments in favour of the new theory.,(Jun. 2000, CET4, Vocabulary and Structure),真题,Text,例句,翻译,释义,n.,C a form of something that is different from other forms or from the original,版本;改编形式,version,The latest version of the film is more like the book.,这个作家写了一部现代版的罗密欧与


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