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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Infinitive (I),英语动词:限定动词和,非限定动词,,也叫动词的限定形式和非限定形式。两者间最重要的区别在于限定动词有时的标记,非限定动词没有。 例:,teach,限定形式:,teaches (,现在时,),teached,(,过去时,),非限定形式:,to teach(,不定式,) teaching (,ing,分词,),teached,(ed,分词,),1.,不定式的一般形式、进行体和完成体形式,不定式没有时的标记,但有体和态的变化,体:不定式一般形式,( to do ),进行体形式,( to be doing ),完成体形式,( to have done),完成进行体形式,(to have been doing),态:主动态,(to do),被动态,(to be done),完成被动态,(to have been done),2.,不定式的用法,1,) 作主语,To make transistor is not very difficult.,注:比较常见用,it,作形式主语,Its our duty to,take good care of the old.,How long did,it take you to,finish the work?,It is difficult for us to,finish writing the article in,an hour.,(,该句型中,常用表示客观情况的形容词,如:,difficult, easy, hard, important, impossible,necessary,等,),It is stupid of you to,write down everything the,teacher says.,(,该句型中,常用表示赞扬或批评及人物性格特征的词,如:,careless, clever, good, foolish, honest, kind, lazy, nice , right, silly , stupid, wise,等,并用,of +,sb,.,引出不定式的逻辑主语,),= You are stupid to write down ,It seemed (appeared) impossible to,save,money.,2,) 作宾语,I find it difficult to understand him.,(,后有补足语时,用形式宾语,it,代替不定式,),3,)作宾语补足语,The policeman,observed the man open,the,window.,(,有些动词后用不定式作宾语补足语时,必须省去,不定式符号,to,,这些动词有,make, let, see,watch, hear, have, feel.),(Help,后可省可不省,),4,)作定语,I write with a pen. I use a pen,to write with,.,The woman has three children,to look after,.,5,)动词,+,疑问词,+,不定式,I dont know,what to do,.,When to start,has not been decided.,The problem is,which to take first,.,6,)作状语,We went to the station,to welcome the,delegation,. (,表示目的,),We finished the experiment,to find that the,results were all the same,.(,表示结果,),I have enjoyed my visit here. Ill be very,sorry,to leave,. (,表示原因,),3.,不定式的逻辑主语,通常由,for +,名词或代词,It is easy,for you to teach,Mary.,Can you arrange for,a car to take,us there?,It was very nice,of you to think,so much of us.,4.,不定式的否定形式,在不定式符号,to,前加上,not,He asked us,not to be late,.,Their decision,not to go to school,is surprising.,5.,带,to,不定式与不带,to,不定式,不定式通常带,to,在某些固定搭配中不带,to,在另外一些搭配中带,to,不带,to,均可。,1,)在情态助动词之后,must, can, may, need, dare. +,动词原形,need, dare,作情态助动词跟不带,to,不定式;,作主动词跟带,to,不定式,我们必须更加努力学习。,We need work harder.,你不必这么大声讲话。,You neednt talk so loud.,你非得走这么快吗?,Need you walk so quickly?,We need to work harder.,You dont need to talk so loud.,Do you need to walk so quickly?,她不敢做那件事。,She dare not do it.,She doesnt dare to do it.,2,)在半助动词之后,半助动词:介于主动词和助动词,( can, may, must ,will ,should),之间的词类,本身带有词义,.,如, be about to, have to, had better,你肯定能成功。,You,are sure/ certain/ bound /likely to,succeed.,我在街上碰巧被老师碰到了。,I,happen to,be met in the street by my T.,3,)在情态成语之后,would rather/sooner/as soon (,宁愿,),;,may/ might as well (,不妨,可以,),;,cannot (help) but (,不能不,不由得不,),would rather/sooner/as soon do than/ as do ,他宁死不投降。,He,would rather,die,than,surrender.,他宁愿呆在家里,也不愿去看电影。,He,would sooner,stay at home,as,go to the cinema.,4,)在,rather than / sooner than,之后,“宁可,(,主句,),而不,(,从句,)”,rather than / sooner than,在句首时,带省,to,不定式,rather than / sooner than,在句中时,带或不带,to,均可,他宁愿写信,也不愿发电子邮件。,Rather than send an e-mail, he wrote a letter.,He wrote a letter rather than (to) send an,e-mail.,5,)在主动词,+,主动词 固定搭配的第一主动词之,后,即第二主动词不带,to,make believe (,假装,),;,hear tell of (,听说,),;,make do with/ on (,凑合,将就,),6,)在使役动词,+,宾语之后,用不带,to,不定式,let, make, have do ,但在被动态中,转为,带,to,不定式,我要他在公园门口等我。,I make him wait for me at the gate of the park.,He was made to wait for me at the gate of the,park.,7,)在感觉动词,+,宾语之后,不带,to,see/ look at/ hear/listen to/feel do,但在被,动态中,转为带,to,不定式,抢劫者注意,/,看到他进了银行。,The robber observed him enter the bank.,他被抢劫者注意到进了银行。,He was observed to enter the bank by ,8,)在,have known +,宾语之后,看过,听过,,带省,to,不定式,但在被动态中,转为带,to,不定式,我从未看到过她发脾气。,I have never known her lose her temper.,She has never been known to lose her,temper,9,)在,help,之后带或不带,to,均可,10,)在介词,except/ but,之后 前有,do,后省,to,前无,do,后加,do,注:,在,SVC,句型中,主语有,do,,主补不定式可带,to,也可不带,to,除了做饭之外她什么都会。,She can do everything but cook.,他什么都想过,唯独没考虑到天气。,He had considered everything except to,consider the weather.,11),在,why/ why not ?,之后,不带,to,Why blame her?,Why not tell her the truth?,12,)在其他一些习惯用法中,不带,to,Go post a letter for me. (= Go and post),Come have a chat with me. (= Come,and have),Exercise 19A,Rather than _ run the risk of losing every-,thing they accepted his term.,2. Did you feel the pickpocket _ snatch your,bracelet?,3. I could do nothing but _ pretend that I did,not know it.,4. Dont let there _ be any noise.,/,/,/,/,5. Hold it tight and dont let _ go.,6. Sooner than _ travel by airbus, Id prefer,a week on a big liner.,7. Don Jose had grown morose and rarely left,the house except _ attend Mass.,8. Why not _ urge him _ reconsider,his decision?,9. After he had finished speaking.,Mr,Jones was,made _ answer innumerable questions.,/,/,/,to,to,to,10. Why dont you get your wife _ explain it,to you?,11. Let things go _ hang.,12. We have never known him _ lose his,temper before.,13. The prisoners were let _ go.,14. I dont want here _ be any misunderstand-,ing,between us.,to,to,/,/,/,15. Help the girl in front of you _ carry the,baskets.,16. He resigned rather than _ stifle his,conscience.,17. All Im trying to do is _ try to get this thing,off the ground.,18. In the library I noticed Diana _ talk for a,moment with David alone.,19. Ive heard _ say that she has left.,(to),(to),(to),/,/,20. What he did was _ throw his arms around,the boy and embrace him.,21. The children are making _ believe that,theyre princes and princesses.,22. What Id like to do now is _ give you some,idea of how we actually went about making it.,23. He let _ drop the suggestion that we,should meet him in town.,(to),(to),/,/,24. I heard the car brakes _ screech, as the,driver braked _ turn the corner.,25. That man has never been known _ tell a lie.,26. Her whole life had been spent in listening to,other people _ talk.,27. Roger was looking for someone _ help him.,28. Daniel held out his arm to her. She had no,choice but _ obey.,/,to,to,to,to,/,29. What could I do then except _ watch them,_ carry you away?,30. There was nothing to do but _ escape.,/,/,/,


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