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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 2,Lets make a fruit salad,四年级上册,(Story time),1,Look and say,Do you like ,s,?,Happy Animal Family,2,Fruit,3,fruit,Lets say :,4,Lets learn:,a banana,banana,s,I like,.,5,Lets learn:,a grape,grape,s,I like,.,6,Lets learn:,a mango,mango,es,I like,.,7,Lets learn:,apple,pineapple,s,I like,.,a pine,8,Lets read :,a banana,banana,s,a grape,grape,s,a mango,mango,es,a pineapple,pineapple,s,9,fruit,Do you like ,s,?,Ask and answer:,10,Lets talk :,What can you see on the table?,Who are they ?,Where are they ?,What do they make ?,11,Lets talk :,What do they make ?,make,制作,c,ake,12,Lets watch :,What do they make ?,make,13,Lets talk :,Lets make a fruit salad.,Great!,幻灯片 13,14,Lets talk :,salad,.,幻灯片 13,a fruit,Lets make,我们来做,水果沙拉,吧。,15,Lets read :,Lets make a fruit salad.,Great!,幻灯片 13,16,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),Listen to the tape and tick what they are talking about.,听录音,勾出他们谈论的水果。,Lets listen :,17,Read the story, find out the fruit they have.,自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。,I have a pineapple,.,I have a mango and an orange.,Lets find :,have 有,18,Read the story, find out the fruit they have.,自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。,I have a pineapple,.,I have a mango and an orange.,I have some grape,s,.,Lets find :,19,Lets read :,幻灯片 13,我有,一些,葡萄。,20,Read the story, find out the fruit they have.,自读故事,找出他们各自带来的水果。,I have a pineapple,.,I have a mango and,an,orange.,I have,some,grape,s,.,I have two apple,s,.,Lets find :,21,Lets find :,幻灯片 13,?,22,Lets find :,幻灯片 13,No, I dont. I have some grapes.,杨玲,你有,一些,香蕉吗?,23,Lets find :,幻灯片 13,Yes, I do.,Wang Bing, do you have,a,banana?,24,Lets read :,幻灯片 13,25,Lets listen :,幻灯片 13,Liu Tao:,I have a pineapple.,Mike:,I have a mango and an orange.,Su Hai:,Do you have any bananas, Yang Ling?,Yang Ling:,No, I dont . I have some grapes.,Su Hai:,Wang Bing, do you have a banana?,Wang Bing:,Yes, I do . Here you are.,Su Hai:,Thanks.,Miss Li :,Lets make a fruit salad.,All:,Great!,Girls:,Look at our salad!,Boys:,How nice!,26,Lets read :,幻灯片 13,How nice!,看,我们的,水果沙拉!,27,I have a pineapple,.,I have a mango and,an,orange.,Lets read :,28,Lets read :,No, I dont. I have some grapes.,29,Lets read :,Yes, I do.,Wang Bing, do you have,a,banana?,30,Lets read :,幻灯片 13,31,Lets read :,Lets make a fruit salad.,Great!,32,Lets read :,幻灯片 13,How nice!,33,Lets read :,34,加上丰富的表情和动作,表演更生动!,I have,Do you have,Do you have?,Lets make,Read fluently,流利的朗读,Read fluently and beautifully,流利、优美的朗读,Act it out with emotions,有感情地表演,Lets act :,35,Lets dub :,36,Make a summary :,如果你要告诉别人你有某物,你会说:,如果你要告诉别人你有某些物品,你会说:,I have,a / an, .,I have,some,s,.,37,Make a summary :,如果你要询问别人是否有某物,你会问:,如果你要询问别人是否有某些物品,你会问:,Do you have,a / an, ?,Do you have,any,s,?,38,Lets enjoy :,39,Lets make :,Lets make a fruit salad.,40,Lets show :,Show your fruit and talk with your friends.,(和你的朋友展示并谈论各自的水果),I have a/an .,I have some s .,Do you have a/ an ?,Do you have any ?,41,Lets make and share :,Look at our fruit salad.,Its,nice,and,sweet,.,42,听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读课文并尝试背诵。,通过查资料的方式,学习更多课外的水果类单词,下节课向大家介绍。,和别人用英语交流你们喜欢与不喜欢的水果,并说说各自有什么。,根据Fun time ,制作卡片,为下一节课做准备。,Homework :,43,


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