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,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,*,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,Click to edit Master title style,Click to edit Master text styles,Second level,Third level,Fourth level,Fifth level,How to Use Online Video for Marketing,Mike Volpe,VP Marketing HubSpot,Twitter: mvolpe,Karen Rubin,Product Owner HubSpot,Twitter: karenrubin,Outbound Marketing,2,Outbound Marketing is Broken,800-555-1234,Annoying,Salesperson,3,Marketing Has Changed,1950 - 2000,2000 - 2050,4,Inbound Marketing,Blog,SEO,Social Media,5,Inbound Marketing,Convert,Get Found,Get Found,Publish,Promote,Optimize,Convert,Test,Target,Nurture,Process,Tools,Get Found,Content Mgmt,Blogging,Social Media,SEO,Analytics,Convert,Offers / CTAs,Landing Pages,Email,Lead Intelligence,Lead Mgmt,Analytics,6,Online Video Marketing,Publish,Optimize,Promote,Analyze,7,Online Video Marketing,Publish,Optimize,Promote,Analyze,8,What to Publish?,Blog,Podcast,Videos,Photos,Presentations,eBooks,News Releases,Anything,9,Where to Publish?,10,Video Content Trade-Off,Informative,Interviews,Webinars,Demos,Entertaining,Music videos,Spoof / comedy,Drama,11,Video Content Tips,Short is sweet,Focus on first 10 seconds,Live videos require no editing,Camera shy? Try screen recording,Be yourself, outline not script,Iterate,12,Short is Sweet,13,Focus on First 10 Seconds,14,Attention Declines Rapidly,Shorter almost always better,Command attention at start,Fast pace keeps attention,Data from EyeView Digital,(,),15,Live Video Requires No Editing,16,Camera Shy? Try Screen Recording,17,Be Yourself,18,Iterate,19,Camera,Cheap is fine (under $500),External microphone jack,HD is not required for web,Widescreen (16,:9),is a good idea,20,Other Gear,Lighting helps a lot,Target, Walmart or Craigslist,Cheaper microphones are ok,Tripod,Screen recording,Camtasia ($) or CamStudio (open source),21,Editing,Free software is fine,Mac iMovie or Windows Movie Maker,Time consuming,Allocate time to the right videos,22,Things to Avoid for Video,Backlight or window backgrounds,Expensive camera,Tile floors or empty rooms (echo!),Expensive editing software,23,Technical Video Formats,.WMV,Windows format for the web,.MOV,Apple format for iTunes and the web,.M4V,Apple format for iTunes, iPods and iPhones,Flash,Most compatible - use for all web posting!,24,Technical Video Formats - Shortcut,Record and edit video in any format,Use what works with your camera & software,Upload to video sharing sites,YouTube, Blip.tv, Vimeo, Viddler, Metacafe,They convert the you,They all use flash as their format,Embed from video sharing sites,Just cut and paste the HTML code,25,Publishing Everywhere Easily,If you are interested in testing Visible Measures upcoming product, email with subject “HubSpot”,26,Online Video Marketing,Publish,Optimize,Promote,Analyze,27,Video Optimization Trade-Off,Search (SEO),Descriptive,Straight- forward,Relevant keywords,Social / Viral,Enticing,Fun,Mysterious,28,Video Title Optimization Trade-Off,Search (SEO),Social / Viral,“Optimize LinkedIn Pro SEO”,“Dude, Cold Calling is for Losers”,29,Video SEO for Blogging,Embed video in blog,Add “show notes” or transcription,30,SEO for YouTube,Title & Description,Tags,Popularity / Views,Inbound Links / Embeds,Ratings & Comments,31,YouTube SEO Title & Description,Title,Description,Include a link,32,YouTube SEO Tags,Tags,Not visible on public video page,33,YouTube SEO Popularity / Views,Views,Not always real time,More popular = more promotion,34,YouTube SEO Links / Embeds,Better videos,Promote your videos,35,YouTube SEO Ratings & Comments,Controversial or shocking,Encourage people to rate,36,SEO for iTunes,Title, Artist, Description,Reviews,Subscribers / popularity,Appealing image,37,iTunes SEO Title, Artist, Description,Title,Artist,Description,38,iTunes SEO Reviews & Popularity,Reviews: Ask your viewers!,Subscribers / Popularity: Promotion!,39,iTunes SEO - Appealing Image,40,Online Video Marketing,Publish,Optimize,Promote,Analyze,41,Promote Everywhere,42,Twitter,Tweet about it (a couple times is OK),Use a URL shortener to track,Add a “Tweet This” button next to it,Ask your company to Tweet it,43,Facebook,Post the YouTube link in your status,Post the video to your business page and/or group,Encourage your company to post it,44,LinkedIn,Post a YouTube link in your status,Send it to your LinkedIn group,Encourage your company to post it,45,StumbleUpon,Submit the YouTube URL as video,Play with StumbleUpon a little bit first,46,Blog,Embed in your blog,Add text for SEO,Respond to comments,Encourage your company to blog it,47,Leverage Your Whole Company,48,Paid Promotion,Usually not worth the time,YouTube has PPC program,StumbleUpon is $0.05 per visitor,49,What is Viral?,Stalled: Never break 1 million views,Embraced: Around 4 million views,Break out: Long time, ultimately 10+ million views Rare,Data from Visible Measures,(),For B2B, HubSpot considers it a success if you get just 10,000 views on YouTube.,50,Online Video Marketing,Publish,Optimize,Promote,Analyze,51,YouTube Insights,Where did my views come from?,52,YouTube Insights,Who is watching my videos?,53,YouTube Insights,What is engaging in my videos?,54,Blip.tv Stats,55,Visible Measures / Tube Mogul,56,Try a Call to Action at the End,57,HubSpot: Traffic, Leads, Customers,Visitors from YouTube,58,Thank You!,Mike Volpe,VP Marketing HubSpot,Twitter: mvolpe,Karen Rubin,Product Owner HubSpot,Twitter: karenrubin,


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