公开课 英语写作课件

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,英语书面表达,English Composition Writing,开头句型:,1.As far as I am concerned,.,2.Just as an old saying goes,.,3.There is no denying the fact that.,4.Nothing is more important than the fact that.,5.has been a hot topic for years.,6.As we all know,sth.has advantages as well as disadvantages.,高频万能句型:,1.has been playing an increasingly important role in our daily life.It has brought us a lot of benefits but has created some serious problems as well.,2.Its urgent and necessary that.,3.As time goes by,4.Its said that.,5.Its important for sb. to do sth.,6.Its obvious/clear that.,7.Similarly, we should pay attention to.,结尾句型:,1.It is high time that we did sth.,是时候我们要做某事了。,2.Obviously,we can draw the conclusion that.显然,我们可以得到一个结论.,3.To sum up,/In a word,.总之.,4.Thus,it can be concluded that.因此,可以得到结论.,5.Therefore,we can find that.因此,我们可以发现.,6.Only in this way can we.只有这种方式我们才能.,As a junior student, I achieved considerable success in learning English through the combination of hard work and planning. I prepared good materials,with the help of my teacher, made plans for my daily study and self-monitored the whole process of my learning. I made rapid progress and became very confident. I think I couldnt have done it without a good plan.,Diligence is a key to success,but in my opinion, good plan is also essential.,Through planning, we can develop clear goals, find more efficient and effective methods and thus have more opportunities to reach our goals than through hardworking alone.,Appreciate and learn,the three well organized,compositions,from students,The Essay,What makes,a good essay?,Discussion,Content,Everything needed included which is related to your view.,(,内容要完整,),Structure,*Good beginning and ending,(,好的开头结尾,),* Well organized and smoothly developed,(,结构合理,行文流畅,),* Proper linking words between sentences,1. Based on this passage, _,making a plan before doing something is essential.,2. _,well complete our goal with a,reasonable plan.,3.,_,its important to have,a plan.,as far as I am concerned,On the contrary,as far as I am concerned,on the contrary,as a consequence,使用恰当的连接词,Use proper linking words,As a consequence,4. As an old saying goes, “no pains, no,gains”,_, I think, only by taking,pains to complete our goals with a plan,can we attain success.,5._, I have realized the,vital importance of a strong plan.,however,Since then,however,Since then,Language,* No Chinglish (,避免中文式英文,),* No Grammatical mistakes,(,没有语法错误,),* With exactly used words and relatively,changed sentence patterns,(,词语的准确运用和句式的富于变化,),Adopt a variety of sentence patterns,使用较丰富的句式,this passage,as far as I am concerned,Something is essential.,2.,Without a detailed plan, I couldnt even allocate my time sensible,making me idle away the entire vocation,1. Based on,making a plan before doing,Adopt a variety of sentence patterns,使用较丰富的句式,For my part, I think that,a detailed plan is to a person,what,a lighthouse is to a ship.,In a word,being a student, we should learn a rule,that is, a plan,of vital importance for us to,achieve success.,Adopt a variety of sentence patterns,使用较丰富的句式,5.,Although,beavers are always the symbol of working hard, their,unplanned,working are always useless,leading to the waste of both their time and superb ability,.,6. Therefore, the confinement to success,lies not only in,ones capacity for substantial actions,but also in,ones advanced planning,assess,Please learn to,Your composition,项目,自评,他评,1.,书写工整吗?有没有乱涂乱划,?,2.,句子开头注意大小写了吗,?,3.,有没有注意标点符号,?,4,将文章分段了吗,?,分成了几段,?,5,有单词拼写错误吗,?,几个,?,6.,有时态错误吗,?,误用了哪种时态,?,7.,注意主谓一致了吗,?,8.,有没有语态的错误,?,9.,有没有使用关联词,?,使用得当吗,?,10.,有没有词性的错误,?,哪一种,?,11.,简单句表达正确吗,?,12.,是否注意使用了复杂的句子结构,?,13.,表达方式是否多样化,?,注意长短句搭配了吗,?,14.,有没有用好词好句,?,用了哪些,?,书面表达评价表,


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