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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,Welcome to the unit,Unit 1,Know yourself,2,每课时,单词和短语,的预热温习环节,要求学生快速读出英文单词,说出汉语意思。,该环节可帮助学生在课初对早读时间已熟读记忆过的单词及短语进行快速温习回顾,巩固记忆,为接下来的学习做好词汇准备。研究表明,词汇的熟悉度越高,阅读的速度越快,理解力也越高。,3,eat up,creative,curious,energetic,modest,organized,order,keep . in order,吃光,吃完,adj. 有创造力的; 创造性的,adj. 好奇的,adj. 精力充沛的,adj. 谦虚的,adj. 有条理的; 有效率的,n. 顺序,使.保持井然有序,Words & phrases review,4,show off,grammar,come up with,neither,nor,neither . nor .,accountant,炫耀,n. 语法,想出(主意),conj. (否定句中)两者之一不,conj. 也不,既不.也不.,n. 会计,Words & phrases review,5,To understand the comic strip,To learn to describe peoples personalities,To learn to talk about your own personalities and the kind of job you like or dislike,To learn the new words and expressions,Objectives,6,Words:,creative, curious, energetic, modest,organized, order, grammar, neither,nor, accountant,Phrases:,eat up, keep . in order, show off, come up with, neither . nor .,7,Patterns:,It makes them feel good to share things with others.,What about you, Paul?,How about you, David?,Its terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.,8,Lead-in,Take a blank sheet of paper and draw a cat.,If the cat is drawn :,toward the top of the paper, you are a POSITIVE, OPTIMISTIC person;,toward the middle of the page, you are a REALIST;,toward the bottom of the page, you are PESSIMISTIC and have a tendency to BEHAVE NEGATIVELY;,facing left, you believe in TRADITION, are FRIENDLY, and remember DATES including birthdays;,facing forward,(looking toward you) you are DIRECT, neither FEAR nor AVOID DISCUSSIONS;,facing right, you are INNOVATIVE and ACTIVE with many details, you are ANALYTICAL and CAUTIOUS with few details, you are EMOTIONAL and care little for details and are a RISK-TAKER;,the size of the cats ears,indicate how GOOD A LISTENER the artist is the larger the ears the better.,So whats the result? Are these explanations true for you?,Personality test (For fun),Class activity,9,Listen and answer,Listen to the,conversation,between Eddie and Hobo and answer the following questions.,10,Whats the article about?,Personality.,What did Hobo do?,Hobo has eaten up Eddies breakfast.,Questions,11,Lets watch this video clip. They are talking about personalities.,12,Big Dragon: Im,intelligent,confident,creative, extremely,handsome,athletic,and very,modest,.,13,personalities,honest,creative,confident,organized,patient,modest,intelligent,active,curious,energetic,careless,handsome,athletic,What else?,.,14,organized,modest,curious,energetic,creative,有创造力的,好奇的,精力充沛的,谦虚的,15,Complete the following sentences with the words in the box.,Suzy is well _. She keeps all her things in good order.,(P7),A,Daniel is very clever, but he is _ and never shows off.,organized,modest,16,Mr Wu is _ enough to repeat grammar rules for us.,patient,Samuel is _. He often comes up with new ideas.,creative,Billy is _ about everything. He likes asking questions.,curious,Simon is very,_. He always plays football for hours.,energetic,17,Millie and her classmates are talking about their own personalities and the kind of job they like or dislike. Listen to their conversation and,fill in the blanks.,Millie is _ and she doesnt get angry easily. She thinks she can be a good _ or a good _.,doctor,patient,teacher,B,18,Paul is _ sometimes. His parents dont think he can be a good _.,Sandy often has _ ideas. She like _ jobs.,David is _ and he loves talking with people.,careless,accountant,creative,active,exciting,19,Read and try to recite the conversations in 5-10 minutes.,20,Role-play,1.,Role play the conversation,in groups;,2.,Role play the conversation,in front of the class.,Lets see which group does the best.,21,Language points 部分供教师根据学生学习理解的实际程度,穿插选择讲解,22,Language points,23,It makes them feel good to,share,things,with,others.,it makes sb. feel + adj. to do sth,做某事让某人觉得怎么样,share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物,回顾复习,I,share,a bedroom,with,my sister.,(七年级下册U1),You used to,share,food,with,me!,(八年级下册U1),24,看到如此多漂亮的鞋,让我感觉很好。,It makes me feel good to see,so many beautiful shoes.,你愿意和我分享你的食物吗?,Would you like to,share,your food,with,me?,Practise,25,Suzy is well organized. She,keeps,all her things,in good order,.,keep . in good order,使.保持井然有序,Rita likes to,keep,everything,in good order,.,丽塔喜欢把一切都弄得井井有条。,Practise,26,Daniel is very clever, but he is modest,and never,shows off,.,shows off: to behave in a way which is,intended to attract attention or,admiration, and which other people,often find annoying 炫耀,Practise,他老是在同学面前炫耀。,Hes always,showing off,to his classmates.,27,Samuel is creative. He often,comes up with,new ideas.,Practise,come up with: to suggest or think of,an idea or plan 想出(主意),我希望你能想出一个更好的计划。,I hope you can,come up with,a better plan.,28,Neither,my parents,nor,I think I can make a good accountant.,neither . nor .: used when you want,to say that two or more things are not,true 既不.也不,他们说的既不是法语也不是德语。,They speak,neither,French,nor,German.,Practise,29,Reflection,1. eat up 吃光,吃完,2. it makes sb. feel + adj. to do sth,做某事让某人觉得怎么样,3. share sth. with sb. 与某人合用/分享某物,4. keep . in good order 使.保持井然有序,5. shows off 炫耀,6.,come up with 想出(主意),7.,neither . nor . 既不.也不,30,Now two minutes to test your spelling.,Spelling Bee,1.,English-Chinese,order,grammar, accountant,2.,Chinese-English,有创造力的,好奇的,有条理的,也不,,精力充沛的,谦虚的,(否定句中)两者之一不,When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.,31,请点击,32,1. Its everyones duty to join the,Clean Your Plate Campaign., Sure. We should try to _ all,the food that weve ordered.,(2013湖北宜昌),A. give up B. eat up,C. turn up D. show up,I. 单项选择。,33,2. President Xi Jinping calls on Chinese,people to _ all the food each,meal. (2013四川宜宾),A. eat up B. use up,C. pick up D. cut up,3. Whos the most modest boy in,your class?, Daniel. He never _ in public.,(2013江苏扬州),A. gets off B. takes off,C. shows off D. turns off,34,4. He speaks _ English _,French. Instead, he speaks German.,(2013常州),A. either; or B. not only; but also,C. both; and D. neither; nor,5. Peter likes pop music, but _ his,father _ his mother likes it.,(2013梅州),A. both; and B. not only; but also,C. neither; nor D. either; or,35,6. Scientists are trying their best to,_ ways to treat the terrible,disease called H7N9. (2013浙江宁波),A. come up with B. look forward to,C. talk about D. give up,7. It is too noisy here. I cant stand it., Me, too. We have to _ new,ways to solve the problem.,(2013黑龙江绥化),A. catch up with B. keep up with,C. come up with,36,II. 根据提示,完成句子。,1. Be a good boy and _ (吃完) your,vegetables.,2. She only bought that sports car to _,_ (炫耀) and prove she could afford one.,3. Shes _ (想出) some amazing,ideas.,4. It was her job to _,(保持房间井然有序).,5. I _ (既不知道也不,关心) whats happened to him.,eat up,show,off,come up with,keep the room in order,neither know nor care,37,Homework,1. Describe your personality and,your ideal job.,2. To preview the Reading on P8-9.,3. To preview the new words and,expressions.,38,Thank you!,39,


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