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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,1,Would you like a pie?,Unit7,2,Hello, Im Mickey .,This is my friend, Minnie.,Nice to meet you.,3,你能跟新朋友,Minnie,打招呼吗,?,Hi! Nice to meet you.,4,Its my birthday. Please come to my home.,米奇的生日到了,他邀请了米妮一起去分享。,5,Welcome to Mickey house.,欢迎来到米奇妙妙屋。,6,Look at my cake.,a cake,7,No, thank you.,不,谢谢你,Would you like,a cake,?,8,小朋友们,即使不想接受别人的建议,也要说,”,Thank you”,,而且别忘了保持微笑哦!,9,What about,a pie,?,馅饼怎么样啊?,Yes,please,.,10,a pie,11,What about,。,?,。怎么样,?,表示建议别人做某事,12,a hot dog,Would you like a hot dog?,What about a hot dog?,13,a sweet,Would you like a sweet?,What about a sweet?,14,a pie,a cake,a sweet,a hot dog,play games: 1.magic eyes,(魔力眼),15,Lets chant.,A cake, a cake?,Would you like a cake?,No, no ,no ,thank you.,A pie , a pie?,What about a pie?,Yes, yes ,yes, please.,16,Pair work,A: Would you like ?,B: Yes, please. / No, thank you.,A: What about ?,B: Yes, please. / No, thank you.,用这些句子来和你的同桌分享吧。,17,story time,Would you like a pie?,Would you like a pie?,18,story time,Who is she ?,1,2,What do boys and girls,say to Helen?,孩子们是怎样和,Helen,打招呼的?,watch and answer,19,story time,20,story time,21,story time,22,1. Who is she ?,She is Mikes .,sis,t,er,Helen,story time,This is my sister, Helen.,23,story time,What do boys and girls say to Helen?,孩子们是怎样和,Helen,打招呼的?,Nice to meet you, Helen.,Hi!,24,3. Helen would like a _.,story time,3,25,story time,26,Would you like a pie?,No, thank you.,27,What about a cake?,Yes, please.,28,3. Helen would like a _.,cake,story time,29,lets read.,30,lets read.,Listen carefully and,try to imitate the,pronunciation and tone.,(仔细听,模仿录音中的语,音语调),31,lets read.,32,Act in roles,(角色扮演),Tips:,先分四人小组分别扮演,Mike,Helen,Su Hai,Yang Ling.,再精心准备一副图的对话来表演。,33,Mickey and Minnie go to the park. They meet Googy . Mickey shares the food to G. What do they say?,生日聚会后,米奇和米妮去公园,遇见了高飞,米奇想和他分享他的食物,他们会怎么说?,34,Would you like a?,邀请高飞分享你的食物吧。,You may use these sentences.,Nice to meet you./ Good morning./ Hello. Goofy,Yes, please./ No, thank you.,What about a?,Yes, please./ No, thank you.,Nice to meet you./ Good morning./ Hello. Mickey.,35,The more we share,the more we have.,我们分享的越多,,我们拥有的也越多。,The more we share,the more we have.,我们分享的越多,,我们拥有的也越多。,Enjoy share,36,Ticking time,I can read the new words .,我会读这些单词。,a cake,a pie,a hot dog,a sweet,I can read the sentences.,我会读这些句子,37,1. Read Story time on page 44.,2. Use the new words and sentence structures we learn today to make dialogues with your deskmate.,和你同桌一起运用今天学的新单词和句子结构来编对话。,3.At your birthday party, try to offer your friends some food.,试着在你的生日派对上给你的朋友提供食物。,38,a hot dog,a cake,a pie,a sweet,39,


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