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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 6 Food and lifestyle,Reading (1),What we eat,and,how we live,1,学习目标,2,A:I like What food do you like ?,B: I like,3,A: What do you often eat for breakfast?,B: ,A: What is your favourite food?,B: ,A: Do you like eating ?,B:,/e/ /,s,e,ld,o,m,4,Do you like having ?,Are they/ Is it healthy?,healthy,unhealthy,sugar,sweet,Coke,juice,bread,fruit,meat,5,Discussion:,Are they healthy?,6,healthy,/e/ /,I,/,food,lifestyle,If you are not, please change your,food,or your,lifestyle,and do more exercise.,7,a healthy lifestyle,how one lives,8,1. What does Kitty love doing,?,2. What food does Daniel love?,Watch and answer:,She loves dancing.,Hamburgers and cola .,dancer,9,What is important for Kitty ?,Does Daniel have,healthy,food,and,lifestyle,?,生活方式,Healthy food .,No , he doesnt .,Whos healthy, Kitty or Daniel?,10,Listen,11,Listen,12,Watch and listen,13,1.healthy,2.fit,3.hungry,4.seldom,5.exercise,6.lifestyle,not often,do sports,how one lives,good for ones health,needing food,strong and healthy,_,_,_,_,_,_,d,f,e,b,c,a,P 71 B,14,Kitty loves swimming.,Kitty often eats healthy food.,There is too much sugar in cakes and sweets.,4.Daniel seldom plays computer games.,5.Daniel does not like to play sports.,6. Kitty and Daniel healthy lifestyle.,True or false:,T,T,F,dancing,P72 B3,F,I like playing computer games.,T,F,Kitty has a healthy lifestyle, but Daniel doesnt.,15,Read and answer:,How long does Kitty dance every day,What does Kitty have for breakfast?,She dances for half an hour every day.,Milk and some bread.,16,Read and answer:,3. What does she have for lunch and dinner?,4. Why arent cakes and sweets healthy?,Fish and vegetables,Because there is too much sugar in them.,17,Read,milk,bread,fish,vegetables,apple,pear,cakes,sweets,hamburgers,cola,beef,fruit,vegetables,fish,18,every day,half an hour,keep feet,No,he doesnt,more fruit and vegetables,go swimming,19,Try to complete the passage:,for,to keep,for,feel,between,too,for,20,Name:,Age:,Hobbies:,Love eating and drinking:,Plan to do:,Daniel,12,playing computer games,cola and hamburgers,eat more fruit and vegetables, go swimming every week,21,You are Daniel, say something about your diet and lifestyle.,22,Daniel likes he seldom,He loves ,He needs to change,He plans to,Retell (复述)the passage about Daniel.,23,Giving advice(建议),Please give Daniel some advice about his food and lifestyle. You can work with your partner.,24,Discussion(讨论),1. As students, what should we eat to keep healthy? What shouldnt we eat too much?,2. What can we do to have a healthy lifestyle?,25,healthy diet,healthy lifestyle,happy every day,A healthy person,26,Report,(汇报),27,Can you help me ?,Mr. Wang,food,breakfast,no breakfast,lunch,meat, fish, rice,supper,hamburgers,lifestyle,never exercise, like watching TV,go to bed very late,advice,(,建议,),Eat breakfast, not eat too much meat or hamburgers;eat more vegetables; exercise every day; go to bed early,28,Homework:,1.Learn the new words by heart.,2.Read and retell the text.,3.Write a passage about your friends food and lifestyles,29,Thanks a lot!,30,


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