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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 3 Welcome to our school,Integrated skills,1,1. 看我朋友们的照片,2. 在墙上,3. 让我想想,4. 在一所新学校,5. 打电话,6. 告诉你关于我们学校的情况,7. 下课后,8. 在家,9. 向她问好,10. 不能听清你的话,Translate the phrases:,look at the pictures of my friends,on the wall,let me see,at a new school,be on the phone,tell you about our school,after class,be at home,say hello to her,cant hear you well,2,open time:,From,9:00,to,17:30.,镇 江 图 书 馆,健康路,58,号,be open,开放,3,You can,borrow,some books,from,the,library.,There are,all kinds of,book,s,in the library.,镇 江 图 书 馆,There are some,reading rooms,in,the,library.,4,school,library,Where can you borrow books at school?,5,Amys cousin Shirley wants to,know more about,Amys school .Listen to the conversation and talk about your school.,Use Shirley and Amys conversation as a model.,Shirley,Amy,6,True or False:,The library in Amys school is big.,It is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,The reading room is only open in the afternoon.,There are many books in the library.,Amy often borrows CDs from the library.,T,F,T,T,F,8:a.m. to 5:30 p.m.,books,7,Amys school,a _ library,opens at _,closes at _,a _,is only open,_,Amy likes reading.,There are _ books in the library.,Amy often _ books_ the library.,big,8 a.m.,5:30p.m.,reading room,in the afternoon,Fill in the blanks,place,time,activities,all kinds of,borrows,from,8,S: Do you have a library ,Amy?,A: Yes, we have a big library .,A: Really ? When is it open?,B: It,is open,from,8 a.m,. to,5:30 p.m., but,the,reading room,is only open in the afternoon.,A: Do you often read there?,B: Sure.There are,all kinds of,books in our library.,A: Do you,borrow,books,from,the library?,B: Yes. Look at this one .Its interesting.,Linking(,连读,),:,1,9,Work in pairs and make up a dialogue:,playground,computer room,7 a.m.- 6:30 p.m.,have some activities,9 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.,have an art lesson,art room,school hall,10,Sample conversation(,例子对话,),S1: Do you have a,hall,at your school?,S2: Yes , we have a big,hall,.,S1: Really,?,When is it open?,S2: It is open,when there are some activities,.,S1: What activities do you often do there?,S2:We often have meetings there.,Sometimes we have parties.,S1: Great !,11,Our school is really wonderful!,12,How do you,go,to school every day?,13,How do you,often,go to school ?,go to school,on foot,go to school,by bike,go to school,by bus,=,walk,to school,=,ride,a bike to school,=take a bus to school,go to school,by car,=drive a car to school,2,14,How many ways can you see on video?,A video,ride a horse,skate the board,drive the car,row the boat,by bike,on foot,by bus,by subway,What are they?,15,Mille and her friends are,talking about,how they get to school every day. Listen to their conversation and,match,each girl,with,the way she goes to school,.,How do you get to school,16,Millie Amy Sandy,Tips,:,1.Use your pencils,2.Take notes,3.Catch the key words (,关键词,),b,c,a,A: How doesget to school?,B: She get,s,to school / She,A: How long does it take?,B: It take,s,her,17,Name,How does she get to school?,How long does it take?,Millie,Amy,Sandy,Take,a,bus/By bus,About 0.5 h,Walk/ On foot,10 minutes,Ride a bike/By bike,20 minutes,Listen to the conversation again,and complete the table below.,How long does it take?,花费多少时间,18,Complete Millies notes below.,It is a long way,from,my home,to,the school. I(1) _,to,school every day. It takes me about (2) _. I often,get up,at (3) _. My friend Amy,lives near our school,. She (4) _ to school every morning. It takes her (5) _. She always,gets to school,(6) _. Sandy goes to school (7) _. It takes her about (8) _ to get to school.,take the bus,half an hour,six thirty,walks,ten minutes,early,by bike,twenty minutes,19,Millie: Morning, Amy.,Amy: Morning, Millie.,Millie: Amy, you always come to school early.,Amy: Yes, I live near the school. I_ to school,every day. It takes about_ _. How do you get to school?,Millie: It,s a long way from my home to the school. I take the_.,Amy: How long does it take?,Millie: About _ _ _.,Amy: Do you have to get up early?,Millie: Yes, I do. I have to get up at six thirty.,Amy: Here comes Sandy. How do you get to school, Sandy?,Sandy: I come to school by _. It takes me about _ _ to get to school.,walk,ten minutes,bus,half an hour,bike,twenty minutes,20,Important language points,21,1.take a bus,乘公共汽车,= go to by ,It takes sb some time to do sth,某人花费,(,时间,),做某事,take,意思是“花费”,一般指花时间,,it,是形式主语,真主语是动词不定式,to do,。,1.,我家离学校很远,我常常乘汽车上学。,My home is _ _ _ my school and I often _ _ _ _ school .,take a bus to,far away from,2.,我每天早晨读半小时英语。,It _ me half an hour _ _English every morning.,3.Sandy,每天看多长时间的电视?,How long _ it _ Sandy_ _ _ every day ?,4. It takes her,about 20 minutes,to get to school.,(提问),_ _ _ _ _ _ _get to school?,takes to read,does take to watch TV,How long,does it take her to,22,2.go to school on foot,步行上学,=walk to school,1.She walks to school every morning.,(同义句),2.I often go home on foot .(,同义句,),She _every morning.,goes to school on foot,I often _ _ .,walk home,23,3.by bus,与,on a bus,、,take a bus,都有“乘公共汽车”之意,,by bus,强调是方式,在句中一般做状语;,on a bus,也强调方式,在句中可做状语和后置定语;,take a bus,强调动作,在句中做谓语。,类似的结构有,by bike-on a bike-ride a bike, by car-in a car-drive a car,等。,1.,他常常乘公共汽车上学。,He often _ _ _ _ _ .,=He often _ _ _ _ _ _ .,=He often _ _ _ _ _.,takes a bus to school,goes to school by bus,goes to school on a bus,24,2.-,你常常怎么样回家?,-,步行。,-_ _ you often go home ?,-_ _.,3.,那个骑自行车的男孩是,Sam,的表哥。,The boy _ _ _ is Sams cousin.,4.,我喜欢乘公共汽车回家。,I like _ _ _ home.,taking a bus,How do,on a bike,On foot,25,4. be open /closed ,开,/,关着的(表状态),open /close ,开,/,关(表动作),1.,商店从上午,8,点开到下午,6,点。,The shop _ _ _8a.m. to 6 p.m.,2.,商店早上,8,点开门。,The shop _ _ 8a.m. .,3. _ (open) the door , please .,Open,is open from,opens at,26,5.kind,种类,(all) kinds of -,各种各样的,友好的,be kind /nice /friendly to sb,1.,商店里有各种各样的月饼。,There _ _ _ _,moon-cakes in the shop.,2.,我们的老师对我们都很好。,Our teachers _ _ _ _us.,3.,我喜欢各式各样的运动。,I like _ _ _ _ .,all kinds of sports,are all kinds of,are all kind to,27,6. borrow sth. from sb. (,借入,) -ed,lend sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.(,借出,) lent,1.,我可以借你的钢笔吗?,Can I _ _ _ _ _,?,Can I _ _ _ ?,2. Amy,向,Daniel,借了一本英语书。,Amy _ an English book _ Daniel.,=Daniel _ an English book _me.,borrowed from,borrow a pen from you,borrow your pen,lent to,28,1.,这家商店一天营业,8,小时。,The shop _ _ for _.,2.,图书馆里有各种各样的书。,There are _ in the library.,3.,我可以从朋友那借一些钱。,I can _ some money_ my friend.,4.,我每天花半小时读书。,It takes_ to read books.,根据句意,完成下列句子。,is open,8 hours a day,all kinds of books,borrow,from,me half an hour,29,句型转换。,1. I usually go to school by bike.,(提问),2. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to school.,(提问),3. My friend Andy lives near the school.,(提问),4. I often go to school by bus.,(同义句),How do you usually go to school?,How long does it take you to get to school?,Where does your friend Andy live?,I often take the bus to school.,_,_,_,30,1.,一段长路,2.,从我家到学校,3.,乘公交车到学校,(2),4.,半个小时,5.,在六点半起床,6.,住在我们学校附近,7.,早到学校,8.,骑自行车去学校,(2),9.,开放,/,关闭,10.,各种各样的书,11.,从图书馆借书,a long way,from my home to the school,take the bus to school,go to school by bus,half an hour,get up at six thirty,live near our school,get to school early,go to school by bike/on a bike,ride a bike to school,be open/ be closed,all kinds of books,borrow books from the library,31,Its important for us to live a low-carbon life to protect the environment.,32,33,Shopping mall,Yuhuatai,Supermarket,Fuzimiao,7a.m.-6p.m.,8a.m.-9p.m.,every day,10a.m.-9:30p.m.,I want to take Tom to,To be a guide,10 minutes,20 minutes,half an hour,15 minutes,34,


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