大学英语综合教程2u1 Active Reading 1

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Active reading 1,Mapping,Embarkation,Navigation,Destination,Resources,1,Finding out how college life has changed since the 1960s,Identifying supporting evidence for opinions,Active reading 1: Mapping,2,Survey,Background information,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Life in the sixties,Life today,Comparison,3,Survey,Work in pairs to check the statements which are true for you. Give a description of what you are doing now.,Example,A:,Do you need at least two alarm clocks to get you up in the morning,?,B:,No, I always get up early in the morning to practise my English in a corner on campus. What about you,?,A,: ,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,4,Survey,I need at least two alarm clocks to get me up in the morning.,I always leave writing essays until the last minute.,The best thing about my life as a student is the partying.,I take part in every protest on campus.,I think I may be studying the wrong subject.,I came to college to get an education, Im not thinking about what job Id like.,Im crazy about the Beatles.,I think no one has ever improved on the miniskirt.,Im not interested in politics.,I feel young people can change the world.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,5,Social affairs,Cultural affairs,Presentation,Life in the sixties,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,6,Social affairs,Read a passage about social affairs in the US during the 1960s. Take notes on the main points.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,7,Social affairs,The 1960s began with the election of the first president born in the 20th century - John Kennedy. For many Americans, the young president was the symbol of a spirit of hope for the nation. When Kennedy was murdered in 1963, many felt that their hopes died, too. This was especially true of young people, and members and supporters of minority groups.,A time of innocence and hope soon began to look like a time of anger and violence. More Americans protested to demand an end to the unfair treatment of black citizens. More protested to demand an end to the war in Vietnam. And more protested to demand full equality for women.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,8,Social affairs,By the middle of the 1960s, it had become almost impossible for President Lyndon Johnson to leave the White House without facing protesters against the war in Vietnam. In March of 1968, he announced that he would not run for another term.,In addition to President John Kennedy, two other influential leaders were murdered during the nineteen sixties. Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Junior was shot in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968. Several weeks later, Robert Kennedy - John Kennedys brother - was shot in Los Angeles, California. He was campaigning to win his partys nomination for president. Their deaths resulted in riots in cities across the country.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,9,Cultural affairs,Listen to a passage about cultural affairs in the US during the 1960s. Take notes on the main points.,Bob Dylan,鲍勃,迪伦(美国民谣歌手、作曲家、诗人),the Woodstock music festival,伍德斯托克摇滚音乐节,Jimi Hendrix,吉米,亨德里克斯(美国吉他手、歌手和作曲人),Joan Baez,琼贝兹,(美国民谣歌手),The Who,英国,“,谁人,”,乐队,Jefferson Airplane,美国“杰斐逊飞机”乐队,Allen Ginsberg,艾伦,金斯堡(美国先锋派诗人),Timothy Leary,蒂莫西,李瑞(美国心理学家),Active reading 1:,Embarkation,S,cript,10,Script,The unrest and violence affected many young Americans. The effect seemed especially bad because of the time in which they had grown up. By the middle 1950s, most of their parents had jobs that paid well. They expressed satisfaction with their lives. They taught their children what were called middle class values. These included a belief in God, hard work, and service to their country.,Later, many young Americans began to question these beliefs. They felt that their parents values were not enough to help them deal with the social and racial difficulties of the nineteen sixties. They rebelled by letting their hair grow long and by wearing strange clothes. Their dissatisfaction was strongly expressed in music.,Rock-and-roll music had become very popular in America in the 1950s. Some people, however, did not approve of it. They thought it was too sexual. These people disliked the rock-and-roll of the 1960s even more. They found the words especially unpleasant.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,11,Script,The musicians themselves thought the words were extremely important. As singer and song writer Bob Dylan said, There would be no music without the words, Bob Dylan produced many songs of social protest. He wrote anti-war songs before the war in Vietnam became a violent issue. One was called Blowin in the Wind.,In addition to songs of social protest, rock-and-roll music continued to be popular in America during the nineteen sixties. The most popular group, however, was not American. It was British - the Beatles - four rock-and-roll musicians from Liverpool.,Other songs, including some by the Beatles, sounded more revolutionary. They spoke about drugs and sex, although not always openly. Do your own thing became a common expression. It meant to do whatever you wanted, without feeling guilty.,Five hundred thousand young Americans did their own thing“ at the Woodstock music festival in 1969. They gathered at a farm in New York State.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,12,Script,They listened to musicians such as Jimi Hendrix and Joan Baez, and to groups such as The Who and Jefferson Airplane. Woodstock became a symbol of the young peoples rebellion against traditional values. The young people themselves were called hippies. Hippies believed there should be more love and personal freedom in America.,In 1967, poet Allen Ginsberg helped lead a gathering of hippies in San Francisco. No one knows exactly how many people considered themselves hippies. But 20,000 attended the gathering.,Another leader of the event was Timothy Leary. He was a former university professor and researcher. Leary urged the crowd in San Francisco to tune in and drop out. This meant they should use drugs and leave school or their job. One drug that was used in the 1960s was lysergic acid diethylamide, or L-S-D. L-S-D causes the brain to see strange, colorful images. It also can cause brain damage. Some people say the Beatles song Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds was about L-S-D.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,More,13,Script,As many Americans were listening to songs about drugs and sex, many others were watching television programs with traditional family values. These included The Andy Griffith Show and The Beverly Hillbillies. At the movies, some films captured the rebellious spirit of the times. These included Doctor Strangelove and The Graduate. Others offered escape through spy adventures, like the James Bond films.,Many Americans refused to tune in and drop out in the 1960s. They took no part in the social revolution. Instead, they continued leading normal lives of work, family, and home. Others, the activists of American society, were busy fighting for peace, and racial and social justice. Womens groups, for example, were seeking equality with men. They wanted the same chances as men to get a good education and a good job. They also demanded equal pay for equal work.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Back,14,Presentation,Give a presentation of American life in the 1960s.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Form a group of four.,Share the notes with each other.,Work together to make a new introduction to American life in the 1960s.,Choose one representative to report to the whole class.,15,Life today,Listen to a short passage about the life of a student in the UK and answer questions.,fit in with,和,一致,;,符合,tutorial,n.,有导师指导的 小型讨论课,seminar,n.,讨论课,a C.V.,一份简历,be targeted at,以,为目标,socialize,v.,交往,;,交际,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,16,Life today,1) What is a typical day for Sarah?,2) What does Sarah do after finishing her study?,3) Why is,Sarah fond of,debating,?,Listen to a short passage about the life of a student in the UK and answer questions.,Going out having fun, such as debating or going to the pub.,Going to lectures, tutorials or seminars and staying in the library.,It gives her a lot of fun and also makes her look great on the CV when she graduates.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,S,cript,17,Script,Im Sarah-Jane Smiles Im 21 Im a student at Kings college London studying law. Im in my final year. Its my third year the standard for an undergraduate degree generally in the UK is three years. There is no typical day in general your lectures are spread across the week, so you dont really have a school day you have time to plan and do your work, fitting in with your lectures so, for example, I may have about two or three hours of lectures or tutorials or seminars per day and then the rest of the time is then spent generally in the library.,I dont tend to work late into the evening just because I dont find it productive, so Ill stop, perhaps about 8, 9 oclock at night.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,18,Script,When I finish studying, to relax, I just do normal things a student does generally going out having fun. I do lots of debating for the university Ive been abroad to competitions in Europe. Its particular fun and obviously looks great on the CV for when you graduate. Theres a great student union within the college so theyll have certain club nights or certain nights basically targeted at interacting with other people and socialising, so it generally focuses around the pub environment. Being in my final year now, its becoming less and less, sadly, because obviously my final year counts much more than any other year. Now probably I certainly go out perhaps four or five nights a week.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Back,19,Comparison,Work in groups to discuss the topic.,In the 1960s, young people got themselves involved in seeking freedom and justice while young people today are mainly concerned about how to improve their chances of being competitive in the employment market.,Active reading 1:,Embarkation,Based on what youve got about the life in the 1960s and life today, how do you think the life of young people has changed,?,20,Text organisation,Text exploration,Text evaluation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Comprehending the text,Expressing contrasting information,21,Text organisation,Read the text quickly and fill in the flow chart to understand the structure of the text.,Active reading 1: Navigation,22,Text Organisation,Active reading 1: Navigation,Students in the 1960s,Topic,Students today,Conclusion,College: special?,College isnt special any more.,click,click,click,click,23,Text Organisation,College: a place to taste real freedom,Supporting idea 1,Supporting idea 2,College: a place to fight for freedom and justice,Active reading 1: Navigation,A general idea about college in the 1960s,a place to experience exciting and stimulating life,Back,24,Text Organisation,Supporting idea 1,Supporting idea 2,Active reading 1: Navigation,A general idea about college today,College: a mere place to increase chances of getting a good job,College: a place not different from the real world,a place which produces no passion,Back,25,Comprehending the text,Work in groups. Group 1 read Para. 1-4 to check the true statements about the 1960s. Group 2 read Para. 5-7 to check the true statements about the UK today.,Active reading 1: Navigation,26,Comprehending the text,Group 1 read Para. 1-4 to check the true statements about the 1960s.,students at the University of California, Berkeley did not protest.,students in Europe and the US spent a lot of time protesting.,there was violence on university campuses in Europe.,students and workers went on strike together in France.,the UK Prime Minister had to resign because of student protests.,students discovered a sense of freedom on campus.,Active reading 1: Navigation,27,Comprehending the text,Group,2,read,Para. 5-7,to check the true statements about the UK today.,more young people than ever go to university.,most students fail to complete their studies.,international students are more interested in lifestyle than quality of courses.,studentsneedtheir parents for financial help.,students dont contact their parents as often as they used to.,students dont enjoy university life as much as they used to.,Active reading 1: Navigation,28,Expressing contrasting information,Work in groups to find out examples of contrasting techniques in the text.,“College isnt special one” is an opinion piece of writing which discusses college life in the 60s and now. To express the idea that student life has changed, the author adopts the following 3 techniques:,Words suggesting the change,Questions,Comparative structure,Active reading 1: Navigation,29,Words suggesting the change:,These days,political, social and creative awakening seems to happen not because of college, but in spite of it.,Yet,college education is no longer a topic of great national importance.,Instead of,the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more serious.,Gone are the days,when a son or daughter rang home once or twice a term.,Active reading 1: Navigation,Expressing contrasting information,30,Questions:,Wheres,the passion today?,Whats,the matter with college?,So why,arent they true for the students of today?,Comparative structure:,Instead of the heady atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are,much more serious,.,In an uncertain world, many children rely on their parents support,much longer than,they used to.,Active reading 1: Navigation,Expressing contrasting information,31,What do you think is the purpose of a university,education?,Should it be an end in itself or a means to an end?,What factors influenced your choice of university and,the course you are doing?,If you had the chance to continue your studies abroad,what factors would influence your choice of destination?,Why do young people protest more than old people?,5.,Do you think todays young people in China are very different from the previous generations?,Text evaluation,Work in groups and discuss,the questions, each,group with one question only.,Active reading 1: Navigation,click,click,click,click,click,32,1.,What do you think is the purpose of a university,education?,Should it be an end in itself or a means to,an end?,Text evaluation,(1) to train people to create thinking and things,(2) to transmit theories, knowledge and skills,An end in itself,A means to an end,give Ss the necessary abilities to survive in the real world and to contribute to society,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,33,2.,What factors influenced your choice of university and,the course you are doing?,Text evaluation,factors,interests,tradition,quality of courses offered,teaching staff,learning environment,location,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,34,3.,If you had the chance to continue your studies,abroad, what factors would influence your choice of,destination?,Text evaluation,quality of coursesoffered,teaching staff,factors,how the universityand staff care about their students,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,35,4.,Why do young people protest more than old people?,Text evaluation,We can change the world!,strong energy,no fear,easilymanipulated,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,36,5.,Do you think todays young people in China are very,different from the previous generations?,Text evaluation,have great pressure,be spoilt,Active reading 1: Navigation,Back,37,Summarising,Talking point,Active reading 1: Destination,Employment opportunities,Student life,38,Summarising,What are the most important _ for students today? Is the university _ really such a different place compared to what it was 40 years ago?,For the students in the 1960s, going to college was the most _,_,experience of their life. They took part in _ and launched _ against the establishment with their new and _ commitment to freedom and justice. Going to college also meant their first _ of real freedom. They could discuss the meaning of life, read their first _ book and see their first indie film.,Summarise the text by filling the blanks.,exciting and stimulating,issues,campus,strikes,protests,passionate,forbidden,taste,Active reading 1: Destination,More,39,Summarising,In contrast, the students today dont have the _ for college life that they used to. Today, college is seen as a kind of small town from which people are _ to escape. Instead of the _ atmosphere of freedom which students in the 1960s discovered, students today are much more _. College has become _, an opportunity to improve their _ of being competitive in the _ market, and not an end _.,But in spite of all this, the role of the university is the same as it always has been. It is the place where students have the _ to learn to think for themselves.,passion,keen,heady,a means to an end,prospects,employment,in itself,opportunity,serious,Active reading 1: Destination,40,Employment opportunities,Look at the pictures,and discuss the changes presented by the pictures,.,Active reading 1: Destination,41,Form groups of four.,One student (Student A) in each group asks one question at a time to the group and other students in the group give their answers to the questions one at a time.,Student A summarizes the groups main ideas and reports the summary to the class.,Questions,What contributes to the changes?,What are the effects brought about by the changes?,What should be done to meet the changes?,Employment opportunities,Active reading 1: Destination,42,Student life,Work in groups. Choose one or two aspects of student life to talk about how student life is different from what you expected. These could include:,intellectual development,living conditions including food,the learning facilities such as libraries, labs and computer,centres,recreational and sports facilities,the roles of the student union and student societies,finance and work opportunities etc.,A:,One problem for some of us is the traveling: my home is many hours journey,B:,Yes, but we did expect that, didnt we? And Id rather be in a good university, even if I have to travel. And youve got a phone you can phone home,C:,Yes, but I cant get home cooking by phone. Sometimes I want to actually be there!,D:,Well, the facilities for eating here arent bad at all; theres plenty of choice. Shall we turn to the topic of teaching and the facilities for learning?,Active reading 1: Destination,click,43,Information related,Difficult sentences,Words to note,Language in use,Active reading 1: Resources,Preview,44,Difficult sentences,1. The liberals replied that,it was,the ability to tolerate noisy, dissident minorities,which,made universities great.,英语常用的强调结构是 “,It is (was) +,被强调部分,(,主语、宾语或状语,) + who (that).”,。一般说来,被强调部分指人时,用,who,;指事物时用,that,,但,that,也可以指人。在美国英语中指事物时常用,which,来代替,that,。,翻译:,自由派人士回答说,大学之所以伟大正是因为它们有能力容忍喧闹的、唱反调的少数人。,(1) It was Isadora Duncan who,responsible for many of the innovations that have made modern dance different from classical ballet.,A. is,B. was,C. has been,D. were,(2) More often it is the President,and not the members of his cabinet, to the populace.,A. which appeal,B. that appealC. who appeal,D. who appeals,(3) It _ I that _ against you.,A. am, is B. is,is C. is, am D. was, am,(4) _ that you left your coat,?,A. It was where B. Where was itC. Was it whereD. Was that wh


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