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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,挑选,Diction,选词用字,1,Tea- shop,墙报,2,1. 考虑上下文,Each word when used in a new context is a new word.,英国伦敦语言学派创始人弗思(Firth)语,No context, no text.,3,如:last,He is always the first to bear hardships and the last to enjoy comforts.,他总是吃苦在前,享受在,后,。,I wouldnt marry you if you were the last man on earth.,即使你是世上,仅有的,一个男人,我也不肯嫁给你。,4,This is a question of the,last,importance.,这是一个,极端,重要的问题。,This is the,last,thing in labor saving devices.,在节省劳力方面,这是最新的发明物。,5,Women always have the,last word,.,总是女的说了算。,I have said my,last word,on this question.,就此问题,我已,尽述,己见。,6,Last week 上周,Last January 今年一月,7,There is no,lady,about him. He was what the woman would call a manly man. That was why they liked him.,他这人可没有一点,女人气,,他正是女人们称之为男子汉的那种人,这正是她们喜欢他的原因所在。,8,“,You men perceive nothing. You silly, blind creature if,anything,happens to lady Crawley, Miss Sharp will be your mother-in-law; and thats what will happen.”,“你们这些男人什么都看不出来。你这糊涂瞎眼的人哪,克劳莱夫人要有什么三长两短,夏泼小姐就要做你的后娘了。你瞧着吧。”,9,2. 考虑词的搭配关系,It is a,wet,summer.,这是一个多雨的夏天。,He is wet through.,他浑身湿透了。,10,If you think I am for him, you are all wet.,你若认为我支持他,那你就大错特错了.,She had a wet nurse for the infant Eliot.,她雇佣了一名奶妈,为襁褓中的艾略特喂奶。,11,Good:,I respect them: they are good citizens, good husbands and good fathers.,我尊重他们:他们是守法的公民,尽职的丈夫,慈祥的父亲。,12,A good Christian,A good dinner,A good excuse,A good exercise,A good eyesight,In good spirits,Good gold,Good soil,Good advice,虔诚的基督徒,丰盛的晚餐,正当的理由,有益的运动,敏锐的目光,精神抖擞,真金,沃土,忠告,13,以汉语“界”字为例,商业界,学术界,外交界,宗教界,The business world,Academic circles,Diplomatic community,Religious societies,14,动物界,国界,眼界,各界人民,The animal kingdom,The boundary of a country,Field of vision,People of all walks of life,15,3. 考虑词类,英语中存在一词多义现象,一个词往往属于几个词类。首先要辨明有关此在句中的作用,应属于哪一类词,再根据词类选择确切的词义。,16,例如:,Dont waste this bag.,Bag that waste!,不要浪费这个袋子。,把那废物装起来!,17,You can happy your friend, malice or foot your enemy, or fall an axe on his neck.,malice n. 怨恨 axe n.斧,你能够使朋友高兴,也能痛恨或踢敌人,甚至把斧头架到敌人脖子上。,18,Dont trouble trouble till trouble troubles you.,麻烦不找你,别去找麻烦。,19,Like:,Like knows like.,Like cures like.,Like attracts like.,Hitler and his like.,英雄识英雄。,以毒攻毒。,物以类聚。,希特勒之流。,20,光:名词、形容词、副词等,爱克斯光,日光,春光,争光,X-ray,Sunlight,Spring scenery,To win honor,21,光头,两面光,(脸上)无光,Bare-headed,Smooth on both sides,To feel ashamed,22,墨水用光了。,把敌人消灭光,吃光喝光,The inks used up.,To wipe out the enemy.,To eat and drink up,23,光迟到,光凭热情,To be always late,To rely on enthusiasm alone,24,附: 定语、状语次序重新安排,25,1. 定语,1) I have something,important,to tell you.,我有,重要的,事情要告诉你,2) We have tried every way,possible,.,我们已经试过各种,可能的,办法了,3) The guests,present,included some foreign visitors.,到场的,来宾中还有一些外宾,独自在家 Home Alone(作表语的形容词作定语后置),3) 唯一,可利用的,材料是铁,The only material,available,is iron.,26,5) The largest cities of the world are Tokyo, Japan; New York, USA; Lodon, England; and Shanghai, PR China.,世界上最大的都市有日本的东京,美国的纽约,英国的伦敦和中国的上海。,地点名词:英(小-大),汉(大-小),27,6-1)That was the first newspaper that had been published in inland China.,那是中国内地出版的第一份报纸。,6-2)He is an outstanding contemporary Chinese writer.,他是一位中国现代优秀作家。,6-3)我们要把祖国建设成社会主义的现代化强国。,We will build our motherland into a modern powerful socialist country.,28,6:英语中有主观-客观两极性原则:,说话人对中心词的判断-中心词客观性质-中心词,a small round wooden table,( 一张 木制 小 圆 桌),a new international economic order,( 国际 经济 新 秩序),汉语看是否顺口。,29,2. 状语,1) 表时间、地点、方式,汉:大-小,宽-窄, 远-近,英:大致相反,(三者同现时,汉:时-地-方-动词;英反之),他家住在,浙江,杭州,西湖路,195号。,1 2 3 4,He lives,at 195,West Lake Road,Hangzhou,Zhejiang,.,30,He studies hard in the classroom every morning.,他,每天早晨,在教室里,认真地,学习。,3 2 1,31,2)汉:叙事部分(长)+表态部分(短),英:反,It would be highly appreciated,if you can reply early,.,如蒙早日回复,不胜感激。,驾车经过这一地区,真是太危险了!,It is dangerous to drive through this area!,32,Cold Mountain 冷山,寒山寺,33,篇章翻译,1. 实用文翻译,2. 散文翻译,34,1. 实用文翻译:,英译汉练习,(1)Thank you for sending us your reservation request. We appreciate your interest in the quality of hotel accommodation.,感谢您在我们的宾馆预约,以及您对我们的服务质量的肯定。,35,Early reservations for two large convention(会议)groups have left us with no free rooms for the week of March 15.由于两个大型会议团队已经提前预定,我们在3月15日那个星期就没有空房间了。,36,However, we will be happy to arrange an accommodation for you at Golden Dragon Hotel, a fine hotel, which is directly across the street from us. May we reserve two single rooms for you at that hotel for the week of March 15?,但是我们将很乐意为您预定金龙饭店的房间,也是一家很好的宾馆,就在我们宾馆对面。可以给您在那里预定3月15日那个星期的两个单人房间吗?,37,For fast service, please use our FAX number 86-10-52200012. Our machine will take your message at 24-hour service.为尽快得到您的回复,请发传真至86-10-52200012,24小时服务。,We are looking forward to your visit to Beijing,热切期待您的北京之行。,.,38,(2)Thank you very much four your invitation to attend the 2005 International Furniture Exhibition.,感谢邀请我公司参加2005年的国际家具展。,39,We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our newly designed furniture as we did last year.,我公司愉快地接受,并准备同去年一样在展会上展出我们最新设计的家具。,40,As requested, we will send you by air the illustrated catalogues and the latest price list of our products. Some of our engineers and our sales manager will be in your city from April 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would very much appreciate your help.按照要求,我公司将会寄去带插图的产品目录和最新的价目表。我们的一部分工程师和我们的销售经理将于4月2日至7日前往你市具体安排一切,如蒙予以协助,不胜感激,41,【解析】本题是对一封邀请信的回复。语言较为正式,翻译时选词用句要结合这种文体的语言特点和风格。注意以下关键词(组)的翻译:As requested“按照要求”;illustrated catalogues“带插图的产品目录”;latest price list“最新的价目表”;appreciate“感激”。,42,(3)Sunny Inn,(阳光饭店),Sunny Inn is to be your best home away from home. Nothing will trouble you on your trip because our services keep you feel at home. Our nice services and friendly smile make every guest feel comfortable. You will enjoy the well-equipped guest rooms, elegant dining halls, and also, a large and sweet-smelling garden with over one hundred kinds of flowers and trees!,43,None of our guests will forget the fresh air and the warm sunshine they experienced in Sunny Inn, just 10 miles away from the city of New York. Only when you come and stay at Sunny Inn can you discover how considerate we are!,44,Sunny Inn is to be your best home away from home. Nothing will trouble you on your trip because our services keep you feel at home. Our nice services and friendly smile make every guest feel comfortable.,阳光饭店将是出游人的安乐窝。您的旅行定将一帆风顺,这是因为,我们的服务将会使您感到宾至如归。,45,You will enjoy the well-equipped guest rooms, elegant dining halls, and also, a large and sweet-smelling garden with over one hundred kinds of flowers and trees!,您将会享受到设备良好的客房、雅致的餐厅带来的愉快,以及花木逾百种的大花园带来的芬芳。,46,None of our guests will forget the fresh air and the warm sunshine they experienced in Sunny Inn, just 10 miles away from the city of New York.,清新的空气和温暖的阳光,深深地留在了每一位在阳光饭店驻足过的贵宾的脑海中。,47,Only when you come and stay at Sunny Inn can you discover how considerate we are!,只有当您光临阳光饭店时您才会感觉到我们是多么的细致入微。,48,【解析】本题是一个旅馆的广告式的简介。要把握它的主题和语言风格,以及关键词语和长句的翻译。翻译时要注意体会广告用语的特点,如本题第一句中your best home away from home,通过重复home一词突出饭店带给人的“家”的感觉;随后第二句又有keep you feel at home,继续强调“宾至如归”,翻译选词时要尽量突出原文的感染力,但不能超出原文的信息量。还要注意本题第四句和第五句两个长句的翻译,在理解句意后准确地断句,合理地转换原文的双重否定,使译文合乎汉语的表达习惯。,49,(4)Notice to Tourists,According to the schedule, the touring party will visit the highest mountain of this county today. If you dont want to carry heavy baggage around with you, you can leave it in,the Left Baggage Office,(行李寄存处) and pick it up later. Please keep the receipt so that you can take your baggage back. As the sightseeing bus will go directly to the mountain, dont get off during the journey unless the driver says that there is a stop for toilets or food and drinks.,50,Notice to Tourists,According to the schedule, the touring party will visit the highest mountain of this county today.,根据日程安排,今日将游览本国最高的山。,51,If you dont want to carry heavy baggage around with you, you can leave it in,the Left Baggage Office,(行李寄存处) and pick it up later.,如不愿随身携带笨重物品,可存放在行李寄存处,过后再取。,52,Please keep the receipt so that you can take your baggage back.,请将收据保存好,凭收据才可取回存放物件。,53,As the sightseeing bus will go directly to the mountain, dont get off during the journey unless the driver says that there is a stop for toilets or food and drinks.,旅游车将直达该山,中途请不要下车,除非驾驶员宣告停车,让乘客上厕所或买饮料、食品。,54,【译文】 游客须知,根据日程安排,今日将游览本国最高的山。如不愿随身携带笨重物品,可存放在行李寄存处,过后再取。请将收据保存好,凭收据才可取回存放物件。旅游车将直达该山,中途请不要下车,除非驾驶员宣告停车,让乘客上厕所或买饮料、食品。,55,【解析】本题是一张旅行团张贴的布告,告知游客当天的活动以及注意事项。翻译时要把握好原文中复合句的逻辑关系和汉语的表达习惯:unless引导条件状语从句,译为“除非”;但so that引导目的状语从句,As引导原因状语从句,则没用“为了”、“因为”等词,逻辑关系却体现的同样很明显,使译文更为流畅。同时,注意以下词组的翻译:According to “根据”;pick it up“取回(存放物件)”;get off“下(车)”。,56,(5)We regret that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably. At first we thought this might be due to the general trend of market in this period, but on looking the matter more closely, we find it was not so. It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help. We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.,57,We regret that your sales in recent months have fallen considerably.,最近几个月来你处销量大为下降,我们感到很遗憾。,58,At first we thought this might be due to the general trend of market in this period, but on looking the matter more closely, we find it was not so.,起初我们认为可能是受到这段时期市场总的行情的影响,但经进一步研究后,发现并非如此。,59,It is possible that you are facing difficulties of which we are not aware. If so, we would like to know what we can do to help.,可能你公司正面临一些我们不了解的困难,如果是这样,我们想了解是否能予以协助。,60,We, therefore, look forward to receiving from you a detailed report on the situation and suggestions as to how we may help in restoring our sales to their former level.,因此,希能寄来一份关于现状的详细报告,以及我们如何协助恢复以前的销售水平的建议。,61,【译文】最近几个月来你处销量大为下降,我们感到很遗憾。起初我们认为可能是受到这段时期市场总的行情的影响,但经进一步研究后,发现并非如此。可能你公司正面临一些我们不了解的困难,如果是这样,我们想了解是否能予以协助。因此,希能寄来一份关于现状的详细报告,以及我们如何协助恢复以前的销售水平的建议。,62,【解析】本题是一封商业信件的正文部分,要求收信人提供情况或说明。翻译时注意对复合句的理解:of which we are not aware(我们不了解的)为定语从句,先行词是difficulties,which 前面的介词of是与由固定短语(be)aware of中提前的。此外,要注意一些关键词(组)和术语的翻译:fallen considerably“大为下降”;due to“由于”;the general trend of market“市场总的行情”;look forward to“希望”;as to“关于”。,63,In the international trade, once an order from the importer is accepted by the exporter, he should send a letter to the importer to confirm his acceptance of the order. If the exporter finds it difficult to accept the importers order because the goods ordered are not available or prices have changed, he should send a reply too. In this case, the exporter may recommend some substitutes, suggest other opportunities to do business together or just decline the order, but should never forget to show his regret and to give the reasons for refusal.,64,In the international trade, once an order from the importer is accepted by the exporter, he should send a letter to the importer to confirm his acceptance of the order.,在国际贸易中,出口商一旦接受了进口商的订单,就需要给进口商写信确认已接受其订单。,65,If the exporter finds it difficult to accept the importers order because the goods ordered are not available or prices have changed, he should send a reply too.,若对方所订购产品无货可供,或价格已变,出口商觉得无法接受对方的订单,也需要写回信。,66,In this case, the exporter may recommend some substitutes, suggest other opportunities to do business together or just decline the order, but should never forget to show his regret and to give the reasons for refusal.,在这种情况下,出口商可以向对方推荐其他替代产品,或提出其他合作机会,或只是拒绝,但绝不应忘记表示遗憾并说明拒绝的原因。,67,【译文】在国际贸易中,出口商一旦接受了进口商的订单,就需要给进口商写信确认已接受其订单。若对方所订购产品无货可供,或价格已变,出口商觉得无法接受对方的订单,也需要写回信。在这种情况下,出口商可以向对方推荐其他替代产品,或提出其他合作机会,或只是拒绝,但绝不应忘记表示遗憾并说明拒绝的原因。,68,【解析】本题对出口商如何答复进口商的订单做了说明。本题全段共三句,因此句子较长,要注意长句的理解,翻译时把握好逻辑关系和拆分、断句的变通之处,如第二句便有多层从句关系:第一层为If引导的条件状语从句;第二层为If从句中所含的由because引导的原因状语从句,而because引导从句本身又是由or连接的并列句。此外,注意以下词(组)或常用贸易术语的翻译:international trade “国际贸易”;order “订单”;acceptance “接受”;the goods ordered are not available“所订购产品无货可供”;recommend some substitutes“推荐其他替代产品”;decline“拒绝”;refusal“拒绝”。,69,伦敦大学外国学生入学须知,所有英语不是第一语言的申请人,必须证明自己在书面和口头英语上有足够的理解和表达能力,能够从所学课程中有所收获。外国学生必须知道,只有在正式得到我校录取通知书并且确认本人具有足够资金交付学费和生活费用时,才允许赴英。,70,The University of London,Notes for International Students,All applicants whose first language is not English are required to show that their ability to understand and express themselves in both written and spoken English is sufficiently high for them to benefit from their course of study. It is very important that international students do not make the journey to England until they have been formally notified that they will be admitted to the university, and until they are certain that they have sufficient funds to pay for their tuition fees and living expenses.,71,我写此信以应聘您于2005年6月8日在泰晤士报上招聘的汉语教师一职。我对争取这个职位很感兴趣。因为我本人是中国人,并且在英国一所学院中从事过5年的汉语教学,我认为我能胜任这一工作。随信寄去我的简历。如果您希望更多地了解我的情况,请来信联系。如果您能在您方便的时候安排面试,我将不胜感激。,72,I am writing to apply for the position of Chinese teacher that you advertised in,The Times,(泰晤士报) on June 8, 2005. I am very much interested in getting this job and I think that I am fully qualified for the position, considering Chinese as my native language and my 5-year experience of teaching Chinese in a British college. Enclosed is a copy of my resume. If you want to get more information about me, please contact me by E-mail. I would greatly appreciate it if you could arrange an interview for me at your convenience.,73,米德兰羊毛服装厂成立于1977年。该厂现有职工2,500人,年产优质羊毛服装50万套。产品全部采用国际标准。以传统工艺和现代技术相结合生产加工的各式高档羊毛服装饮誉国外,远销美国、日本、德国、意大利等36个国家和地区。米德兰羊毛服装厂竭诚欢迎各界朋友来厂洽谈业务。,74,Midland Woolen Garments Factory,Midland Woolen Garments Factory was founded in 1977. The factory now has more than 2, 500 workers and produces more than 500, 000 sets of high-quality woolen garments each year. All products, manufactured in accordance with and up to the international standards, are popular in the world market for the combination of modern technology with traditional,workmanship,(工艺). The various high-quality woolen garments sell well in 36 countries and regions, such as the United States, Japan, Germany, and Italy. Midland Woolen Garments Factory warmly welcomes friends from all over the world to visit our company for business.,75,


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