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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,U. 5 The Silver Screen,Language points,Main points,1.,双重疑问句,2.,graduate,3.,While still a student,4.,work as,5.,win / beat,6.,marry,7.,in the beginning,8.,real / true,9.,be to do,的用法,10.,keep,11.,go wrong,12.,in the end,13.,owe,14.,before,15.,cant help doing,16.,afford,17.,live / alive / living,1.,双重疑问句,What,do you think,is likely to happen?,在日常谈话中,常用一种以疑问词开头的复杂疑问句,,do you think,相当于一个插入语,除,think,外,还有,believe, imagine, propose, say, suppose, guess, consider, suggest,等。,How fast,would you say,he drove?,How high,do you think,those mountains are?,What,do you think,he had better do?,使用该句型应注意以下几个问题,1,、由于,do you think,是句中的插入语,前后均,可加逗号与主句隔开,写成下列句式:,What, do you think,is likely to happen?,2,、,do you think,也可移至句尾,用逗号与前面的,主句隔开。,What is likely to happen,do you think,?,3,、不能用,yes,或,no,来回答,应用完整的句子来,回答。,- Where,do you think,they had better go?,- I think he had better go to Shanghai.,考题点击:,- She is supposed to come at eight. Why hasnt she,turned up,yet?,- _.,A. What do you think may have happened to her,B. What do you think to happen to her,C. Do you think what have happened to her,D. Do you think what may happened to her,A,graduate,v.,毕业,n.,毕业生,graduation,n.,毕业,I,graduated in,Chinese.,中文系毕业,I am a,graduate,.,graduate from ,从,地方毕业,I,graduated from,university last year.,After,graduating from,middle school, he had to find a job to help support his family.,2.,graduate,3.,While still a student,While,still a student, she ,相当于,While,he was still a student, ,在英语中某些表示,时间,条件,方式或让步,等,的从句可以进行如下省略,:,从句主语,和,主句主语,一致时,(,或,从句主语,是,it,),而,谓语中又含有,be,那么,主语,和,be,都可以省略,.,eg,. 1. Dont talk while,(you are) eating,.,2. When,(he was ) asked,how he gained the,first place, he suddenly became cheerful.,3. If,(they are) operated,by the computer in the,future, many of the trains will have no drivers.,4. Although,(it was) sold,out, the book cant turn,out to be good.,5. They boys will go out to play football,whenever,(it is) possible,.,6. If,(it is) necessary, Ill bring my dictionary,here next time.,由,after,引导的时间状语从句可以简写成,after +,v-ing,形式,但主、从句的主语必须一致,.,eg,. 1.,After going,off that place, he chose another,style of life.,2.,After getting,to the station, he found he,didnt carry the most important thing.,3.,After going,to the high school, he must try,his best to study., when, while,连接句子,主、从句主语一致时,从句中动词和主句的主语是主动关系,用,现在分词,是,被动关系,,则用,过去分词,.,eg,. 1.,When going,out, I heard the phone ring.,2.,When heated, water can be changed into,steam.,3.,While doing,my work, I found some points,that I dont understand.,高考点击,_ with the size of the whole earth, the biggest ocean doesnt seem big at all.,A. Compare B. When comparing,C. ComparingD. When compared,D,4.,work as,work as,做,的工作,eg,. 1. His uncle,works as,a soldier.,2. In the past, his mother,worked as,a teacher;,now she is a businessman.,work on,忙于,从事于,eg,. 1. Green,is working on,a new novel.,2. He,has been working on,the painting for,days.,5.,win / beat,win,赢(战斗、比赛、竞选、荣誉),beat,击败、战胜(对手),;,连续击打;,(,心脏,),跳动,defeat,击败、 战胜(对手)、使,困惑、(希望、目的)不能实现,By not working hard enough you,defeat your own purpose.,Ive tried to solve this problem, but it,defeats me,.,He,beat me at chess,.,She was determined to,win the race,.,She,won the first prize,in the match,.,考题点击:,She had a nature that quickly _ her the friendship of her classmates.,A. defeated B. beat,C. struck D. won,解析:,A,、,B,、两项用法相同,其宾语都为对手,,win,表示“赢得奖项和荣誉”,同时它还可以接双宾语,表示“为某人赢得,”,。如:,By hard work she won herself a place at university.,D,6.,marry,a.,vt,: take as a husband or wife,John is going to,marry,Jane.,b. vi: Mary,married,young.,Harry,didnt marry,until he was over fifty.,c.,vt,. (,牧师,官员等,),主持,.,的婚礼,使,.,结为夫妇,Which priest(,牧师,) is going to,marry,them?,d.,vt,.,嫁,(,女,): He has,married,all her daughters.,注意:,marry,为短暂性动词,不能与表示一段时间的时间状语连用。,be married ( to );,表状态,get married (to);,表动作,marriage n.,1. She,married,a man with a lot of money.,(,错误,:,She,married with / to,a man with ),2. They,got married,a year ago.,3. They,have been married for,a year.,(,错误,:,They,got married for,a year.),4. The old man,married,his daughter to an engineer.,5. His,daughter was / got married,to an engineer.,7.,in the beginning,in the beginning,在开始,at the beginning of,在,的开始,eg,. 1.,In the beginning,I didnt know the,importance of the thing.,2.,At the beginning,of this term, we got many,new chances to exercise.,8.,real / true,real,所形容之物与实际存在和所感念的事物相符,并非假想,捏造,.,true,强调主观方面的现实性,即语言故事,品质非编造的、忠实。,.,eg,. 1. It is a,real,gold match.,2. These are the,real,facts.,3. Her dream has come,true,.,4. He who doesnt reach the Great Wall isnt a,true,man.,9.,be to do,的用法,be to do,结构常常表示,计划或安排,做某事。,如:,The train for Beijing is to start at 9:00.,去北京的火车,9,点开。,2,.,当对象为,第二人称,时,常表示,转述他人的指示、要求,。如:,Your mother says you are to wait till she comes,back.,你妈妈说让你一直等她回来。,3,.,当这种结构用于,第三人称,时,表示,命令或指示,。,如:,The door is to be closed.,门要关牢。,注意比较,be about to ,结构,:,be about to do,下一刻即将进行的动作,不与明显,的时间状语连用,通常与,when,引导的时间状语从句连用,表,示即将、突然发生某事,.,eg,. 1. I,was about to,go out,when,it began to rain.,2. I,am about,to,go out. Do you want anything?,10.,keep,用作使役动词,跟复合结构表示“使继续处于某种状态”,Dont,keep,your mother waiting.,The other students in the class,keep,their body healthy,.,用作联系动词,意思是 “保持”,“继续,(,处于某种状态,)”,Jim, you must look after yourself and,keep,healthy.,注, keep,后通常跟动作的动词,不跟表静态的动词,如通常说,keep running (talking, writing, reading),而不说,keep standing (sitting, sleeping, lying),等。,阻止,防止,(keepfrom),What,kept,you,from,joining us?,保管,保存,保留,Keep,the change!,零钱不用找了。,How to,keep,seeds is important in agriculture.,赡养,照顾,养护,Does he earn enough to,keep,himself and his family?,经营,He,kept,a shop in the town.,常见的,keep,短语,keep up,保持、维持,(,一种状态或进展情况,),keep back,不让他人知道、阻止,keep on,继续做,keep from,阻止、防止、不让,做,keep up with,赶上,keep out,不让入内,keep off,不让靠近、远离,keep to,遵守、履行,1. Youre keeping something _ from us. What is it?,2. The heavy rain kept us _ holding the sports meet.,3. He kept _ till the work was finished.,4. Would you please close the door to keep the noise _?,5. If the rain keeps _, all the crops will be ruined.,6. At first he couldnt keep up _ the class.,back,from,on,out,up,with,11.,go wrong,go,可以表示进入某种状态,变为,go bad , blind,mad, pale, bankrupt and so on,.,eg,Her hair,is going grey,.,Fish soon,goes bad,in hot weather.,The old man,has gone blind,.,I often,went hungry,as a young boy.,go wrong,走错路,出毛病,发生故障,eg,. Something,has gone wrong,with the car.,The machine,went wrong,.,“,go”,还可作“进行”、“进展”解,The interview with the boss,went well,.,Sales of the books,are going quite well,.,“go”,的过去分词,gone,常用作表语形容词,意思是“(人)不在”、“走了”、“(物)丢失了”、“用完了”等。,Liu,Mei,is already gone,.,When gas,is gone, everybody will be freezing cold.,12.,in the end,in the end,最终,at the end of,在,-,的末尾,eg,.,In the end,he got the first place.,At the end of,this term we will hold a party.,by the end of,到,-,末尾,eg,.,By the end of,last term, we had learned 300,words.,用,at / by / in the end,填空,_ the road, there used to be a hospital.,_ last month, they had finished 70 percent of the project.,_ this month, he will go to the United States.,They had a football match with Class 4 yesterday and _ they won.,At the end of,By the end of,At the end of,in the end,13.,owe,1),欠、欠(某人)债,He,owes,$50 to me. / He owes me $50.,He still,owes,for the goods he got last month.,他仍然欠上个月买东西的帐。,2),应该把归功于(,to,),I,owe it,to,you that Im still alive.,我现在还活着,真得感谢你。,He always,owes his achievements to,his friends.,他总是把自己的成就归功于他的朋友们。,3),owing to,由于,Owing to,the rain, the match was cancelled.,由于下雨,比赛取消了。,注意比较,own,v. (,拥有,),Many peasants now,own,cars in our country.,(= have their own cars ),She has a computer,of her,own,.,The clever boy worked out the problem,on his own,.,考题点击:,She _ to the headmaster that she has been accepted by this college.,A. owes it B. gives it C. owes this D. owed it,2. - We owe _.,- Yes, we should owe our success _ all our teachers.,A. our teachers a lot to,B. a lot to our teachers for,C. our teachers a lot from,D. a great deal for our teachers for,3. - How much did I _ you this month in all? - _.,A. owe None B. owe Nothing,C. lend Nothing D. borrow None,A,A,A,14.,before,(1) (,以后,),才,It was a long time,before,I got to sleep last night.,It will be 4 years,before,we meet again.,(2),不等,就,He left,before,I had a chance to tell him the good news.,(3),不多久,就,We hadnt waited long,before,the bus came.,(4),宁愿,也不,He will die of hunger,before,he will steal.,We will die,before,we will betray our country.,15.,cant help doing,cant help doing,与,cant help (to) do,cant help doing,(=,cant help but do,),忍不住,When I heard the news, I,couldnt help crying,.,= I,couldnt help but cry,.,cant help (to) do,不能帮助做,I am very busy washing now. I,cant help cook,.,help oneself to,(食物等)随便使用,- May I use your dictionary?,-,Help yourself,.,He,helped himself,to some money in the bank.,考题点击:,1. She cant help _ the house because shes busy.,A. to clean B. cleaning,C. cleaned D. being cleaned,2. - Do you think I could borrow your dictionary?,- _. (97. NMET),A. Yes, you may borrow B. Yes, you could,C. Yes, help yourself D. Yes, go on.,C,A,16.,afford,a.,常与,can, could, be able to,连用,有足够的时间,/,钱去做,We,cant afford,a holiday/cant afford to go away this summer.,b. (,与,can, could,连用,),冒,.,之险,I,cant afford,to neglect my work.,我不能疏忽我的工作,She,couldnt afford to,displease her boss.,她得罪不起她的上司,c.,供给,给与,: (,正式的用法,),The trees,afford,a pleasant shade.,It will,afford,me great pleasure to have dinner with you.,注意比较,supply; provide,supply,sb.,with,sth,.,=,supply,sth,.,to / for,sb.,provide,sb.,with,sth,.,=,provide,sth,.,for,sb.,17.,live,We watched a,live,television show.,我们观看了一场电视现场直播的表演。,The football game was televised,live,.,足球比赛由电视现场直播。,注意比较,alive / living / live,这三个词都有“活着的”意思。,alive,多用于人,或动物,在句中只作表语、宾补或后置定语;,live,只用于动物,作定语;,living,可指人或物,说明某,个时候是活着的。,Who is the greatest man _?, My brother bought a _ fish., The _ people are more important,than the dead., When we found him ten days later, he was,still _.,alive,live,living,living,1. determine 2. career,3. escape 4. degree,5. run after 6. since then,7. space 8. dream,9. take off 10. reason,11. attack 12. until / till,13. sick,和,ill 14. lock up,15. in the 1870s 16. take from,others,


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