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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Unit 7 lighten your load and save your life,overwhelm vt.,1) (of feelings) make (sb.) completely helpless,(,在精神和心理上)使某人受不了,不知所措,be overwhelmed with+,心情,(n.),充满某种感情,They,were overwhelmed with grief,at the news of their sons death in an accident.,She was,overwhelmed with joy,seeing him coming back.,2)defeat,击败,打败,They were overwhelmed by the enemy.,Our table tennis player overshelmed the players from Europe.,spin vt./n.,span/spun/spinning,1).cause to turn around very quick,使快速旋转,spin the ball / globe,Our washing machine is spinning the clothes.,n. C,旋转,a spinning top,There is sand on the,road which sent the,car into a spin.,title vt./n.C,V.,给(书,文章,图片等)命名,n.,(书,小说,图片的)名字,Shakespeare,titled his play,A Mid-Summer Nights Dream,.,What do you,title your novel,?,I can never remember,film titles,.,excess adj./n.,1). adj.,过量的,过多的(多于必须或所需的),Excess sleep,is not good for your health.,She is running everyday to get rid of the,excess fat.,2.)n.,只用单数 过量,an excess of,enthusiasm/optimism,eat,to excess,pump n./vt.,n. C (,用于将气体,液体从某处抽出的,),泵,a water/ oil pump,a electric/ bicycle pump,Vt.,将气体,液体从某处抽出,,使其沿特定方向流动,The heart,pumps blood round,the body.,Pump the oil/ gas from under the seabed.,exterior n./adj.,n.C,(,建筑,车辆等的,),外表,外部,The exterior of the wall need to be painted.,The exterior of the house are all trees.,He is a gentle man with a rough exterior.,on the exterior = on the surface,表面上,adj.,外部的,外表的,exterior walls/ door,interior n./adj.,n. C,内部,The,interior of his room,is filled with toys.,on the interior = in the essence,内心里,本质上,On the exterior, he is quite calm, on the interior, he is more than nervous.,adj.,内部的,Interior wall/ design,(,external,意义更广(外用的药,外国的,外部的,外表的等, internal,国内的,内在的等,,inside/outside),destructive adj.,破坏性的,Modern weapons have destructive force/power.,Violent films may have destructive effects on children.,destructively adv.,破坏性地,destroy v.,摧毁,破坏,perceive vt.,理解,认为,感知,v.,理解,认为,(相当于,think, think of , believe,),How do you,perceive the Japanese,?,I,perceive him to,be a shy person.,v.,感知,察觉 (某人或某物),I perceived some kind of unhappiness in her voice.,We all perceived that he was extremely excited at the news.,delegate vt./n.,v.,授权,委托(从而他可以拥有部分权利,承担责任),delegate reponsibility/ duty/power to sb.,He delegated his responsibilities to an assistant.,vt.,委派某人为代表 (意义同,represent,),The president,delegates him to,represent the school at the conference.,n.,代表 (,representative,),Many nations send,delegates,to the United States.,cycle n./vi.,n.,循环,周期(一系列的事情以相同的顺序循环),the cycle of,the season,the life cycle of,plants/ human/ dogs,4-year cycle,One week with seven days makes a cycle.,vi.,骑自行车,I,cycle(ride a bike) to,school everyday.,go cycling,circle n.,圆,圈,circus n.,马戏团,jam n.C/ vt.,jammed/jamming,n. C,堵塞,traffic jam / jam,交通堵塞,果酱,jam sandwiches,Vt.,把,塞进,The street,is jammed with,tourists.,He jammed many candies into his pockets.,stir vt. stirred/ stirring,(,使某人产生某种强烈的,感情或反应,),使激动,激起,,stir conflict/ stress/ dispute/ anger,Her words,stirred him to,study hard.,His encouragement stirred my confidence to life.,2.,搅拌,stir the soup/ milk,Mix the water and flour and,stir well.,outlet,n.,出气,通风口,发泄的方式,(专卖店,直销店),a waste water,outlet,an,outlet,pipe(,管子,),Eating is the only form,of,emtional outlet.,recommend vt., sth. To sb./ sb. Sth., doing sth., that,(,从句中的动词用,should +,动词原形,或直接,+,动词原形,),The doctor,recommended,a change of climate for her health.,Can you,recommend,me some famous films?,I wouldnt recommend,reading,in this light; it may affect your eyes.,I recommend that you,(should) have,another try.,stimulate,vt.,刺激,激励,激发,(,通常是激发其,更积极更好,), sb. to do sth., the economy/ your interest,She was,stimulated,into,new efforts.,Success will,stimulate,a person,into,further effort.,The book was trying to stimulate discussion of the problem of global warming.,temper n.,脾气,心情,lose ones temper,勃然大怒,keep ones temper,抑制不发火,adj - n-ed adj.,even-tempered,good- tempered,bad- tempered,kind-hearted,half-hearted,cold-hearted,warm-hearted,open-minded,well-educated,priority n.CU,n.C,优先处理的事情,His first priority is his family.,What are your priorities in marriage?,n.U,优先权,重要性,Women and children,have priority for,the lifeboat(,救生艇,).,Mother,take the priority over,the custory(,抚养权,) of the child when divorcing.,give to sb./sth.,重视某人某事,给予其优先权,viewpoint n.,观点,看法,(opinion ),This is only my,personal viewpoint/opinion.,He insisted on his viewpoint.,My viewpoint differs from yours completely.,在某人看来,From ones viewpoint,,,In ones opinion,In ones view,As far as I see,As far as I am concerned,troublesome,adj.,令人麻烦的,麻烦的,令人烦恼的,a troublesome job/ girl,n. some adj.,喜欢做,/,倾向于做,/,引起,/,产生,quarrelsome,喜好争吵的,burdensome,负担重的,tiresome,令人疲惫的,lonesome,孤独的,Policy n.,政策, 策略,economic/foreign/natioal ,Politic adj.,政治的, crisis/ power,Politics n.,政治学,Politician n.,政治家,政客,deadline n.,最后期限,截止日期,Our deadline was only two days away.,Tomorrow will be the,deadline for,handing in the book report.,set a deadline,meet the deadline,miss the deadline,Theres no way I can,meet that deadline,.,


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