仁爱版英语八年级下 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section CGrammar

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,Section C Grammar,Topic 2 How about exploring Tiananmen Square?,Task 1 Match the phrases with their Chinese meanings.,be full of,arrive at/in,be surprised at,be surprised to do sth.,take out,take pictures/photos,in all directions,in the direction of,in ones direction,step on ones feet,push ones way out,朝着某人的方向,四面八方,朝,方向,挤出去,踩,到,某人的脚,对,感到惊奇,拿出;取出,拍照片,对做某事感到惊奇,到达;抵达,被充满;被装满,It _ Kangkang, Michael and Darren one and a half hours to get to Tiananmen Square _ _. They found the parking lot _ _ _ tour buses, cars and bikes. They had to look for _ to park their bikes. After that, they walked to the square. They felt very _ to see the square.,More and more people came to the square and they _ Darren in all _. Someone _him on his feet then. Darren had _ looking for his friends and he _ _ because of the crowd of people. He was so worried that he didnt know what to do. So he sat on a step _ a tree sadly. But luckily, Kangkang and Michael found him at last. _ _ _ they saw each other, they jumped happily.,took,by bike,was full of,space,surprised,pushed,directions,stepped,trouble,was lost,beside,As soon as,as soon as, by bike, be full of, take, step, trouble, beside, direction, push, space, surprise, be lost,Task 2 Choose the words to complete the passage with,the proper forms.,Task 3 Read 1a again. Find out and learn the adverbial clauses of time.,After,they rode their bikes for one and a half hours, .,After,As,While,When,not,until,As soon as,1.,After,they rode their bicycles for one and a half hours, Kangkang, Michael and Darren arrived at a parking lot near Tiananmen Square.,2.,After,parking their bicycles, they walked to Tiananmen Square.,=,After,they parked their bicycles, they walked to Tiananmen Square.,3.,As,they were exploring happily, more and more,people came to the square.,4.,While,the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet.,5.,When,Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldnt find his friends.,6. He did,nt,raise his head,until,someone called him.,7.,As soon as,the three boys saw each other, they all jumped around happily.,I go to school,I have my breakfast,e.g.,I have my breakfast,before,I go to school.,= I have my breakfast,before,going to school.,1.,before,和,after,的用法:,(1) before,在,之前,(2) after,在,之后,_,after,_.,=,= I go to school,after,having my breakfast,Rules,before,和,after,+ clause,+ doing sth.,You can watch TV,after,_.,1.,完成你的作业之后,你可以看电视。,you finish your homework,You can watch TV,after,_.,finishing your homework,2.,去泰山之前他订好了火车票。,He books a train ticket,before,_.,He books a train ticket,before,_.,he goes to Mount Tai.,going to Mount Tai.,Exercises,2.,when, while,的用法:,When,Michael,came in,Darren was reading.,While,Jane was,running,Maria was swimming,.,_ Darren was,reading, Michael came in.,When,/,While,1.,正在他们谈话的时候,上课铃响了。,_they were talking, the bell rang.,2.,她走进我房间时,我正在看书。,_ she came into my room, I was reading a book.,_ the bell rang, they were talking.,_ I was reading a book, she came into my room.,When,When,When / While,When / While,Exercises,3.,as,的用法:,(1),当,的时候,As,my mother,sang,those old songs, tears ran down her cheeks.,(2),一边,一边,She danced,as,she,sang,.,(3),随着,As,children,get older, they become smarter and smarter.,(主从句的主语必须是同一个),as,引导的从句谓语动词是,延续性,动词,Exercises,1.,学生们,边,听课,边,做笔记。,The students took notes,as,they listened.,2.,随着,时间的推移,气候更加糟糕。,As,the time went on,,,the weather became worse.,3.,正当,我们出门,时,,,雨,开始下起来。,As,we were going out, it began to rain.,4.,when, while, as,的互换:,1.,When,/,While,/,As,we were,dancing, a stranger came in.,dance,为延续性动词,;主从句动作同时发生,2.,When,/,While,/,As,she,was,making,a phone call, I was writing a letter.,make,为延续性动词,;主从句动作同时发生,Rules,如果从句动作和主句动作,同时发生,,并且从句动作为,延续性动词,时,,when,,,while,,,as,可以互换使用。,5.,until,和,not,until,的用法比较:,I wo,nt,leave here,until,the rain stopped.,= I will stay here,until,the rain stopped.,我会等到雨停了才离开这里。,(1)notuntil,直到,.,才,.,(2)until/till,直到,.,为止,用,notbefore,和,after,写出上面句子的同义句。,I _,before,the rain stopped.,I _,after,the rain stopped.,wo,nt,leave here,will leave here,notuntil,(主句谓语动词常用,终结性动词,。,),until/till,(主句谓语动词常用,延续性动词,。,),Exercises,直到,他妈妈叫他去吃晚饭他,才,回家,。,He did,nt,go home,until,his mother asked him to have dinner.,(,写出三种同义句,),(2) He didnt _,before,his mother asked him to have dinner.,(1),He _,until,his mother asked him to have dinner.,(3) He _,after,his mother asked him to have dinner.,stayed out,go home,go home,as soon as “,一,就”,指主从句动作先后发生,.,e.g.,I will ring you up,as soon as,I see him.,6.,as soon as,的,用法:,As soon as,the bell rings,,,the students will go into the classroom,Exercises,As soon as,he finished his homework he turned on TV.,上课铃一响,学生们就进了教室。,I,will tell,her when she,comes,tomorrow.,7.,时间状语从句要注意的时态,:,当,主句,为,一般过去,时的时候,,从句,常用,过去的某种时态,。如:,While I was doing my homework, the telephone rang.,当,主句,为,一般将来时,的时候,,从句,用,一般现在时,。即,“,主将从现,”,原则,。如:,I,ll call,you as soon as I,get,to Beijing .,Exercises,1. Henry will give us a report as soon as he _,。,A. arrives B. arrived,C. is arriving D. will arrive,3. Mary _ a picture when Mr. Green came in,。,A. draw B. will draw,C. drew D. was drawing,4. When he got home, his family _ supper.,A. has B. was having,C. were having D. have,Kangkang, Michael and Darren rode to Tiananmen Square together. _ they parked their bikes, they walked to Tiananmen Square. _ they were enjoying exploring, the crowd of people became larger and larger. _ the crowd was pushing Darren in all directions, someone stepped on his feet. _ Darren finally pushed his way out, he couldnt find his two friends. He was frightened and sat down on a step. He didnt raise his head _ Kangkang called his name. _ they saw each other, they all jumped around happily.,Task 4 Fill in the blanks with the conjunctions in the box based on 1a.,afterasuntilwhenwhileas soon as,After,As,While/When,When,until,As soon as,Task 5 Choose proper conjunctions to fill in the blanks.,1,_ he was speaking, everybody listened carefully.,2. I saw her just _ she was getting off the train. 3. I was about to go out _ a visitor came. 4. He had learned Chinese _ he came to China. 5. _ the work was done, we sat down to sum up experience. 6. I waited _ he came back.,7. I didnt recognized(,认出,) him _ he took off his sunglasses.,8. The thieves ran away _ they found the police.,9. _ she grew older, she became more responsible.,when, while, as, before, after, until, notuntil, as soon as,While / When / As,as,when,before,After,until,until,as soon as,As,Homework,1. Review what we learnt today.,2. Finish the exercises on the exercise book.,Thank you!,


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