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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Charles Dickens,DIRECTORY,Brief Introduction,Writing Career,Literary Style,Question,Answer,Brief Introduction,CharlesDickens(18121870),a British novelist. At the age of 10 his families were forced to move into debtors prison. When 15 years old, Dickens became an apprentice in a law firm and later a civil court judge clerk and then a newspaper reporter stationed in parliament. He had only a few years school life .But thanks to assiduous self-study he became a famous writer,.,查尔斯,.,狄更斯(,18121870,),英国小说家,,10,岁时全家被迫迁入负债者监狱。狄更斯相继当过律师事务所学徒,民事诉讼法庭的记录员和驻议会的记者。他只上过几年学,全靠刻苦自学成为知名作家。,Brief Introduction,Dickens is a prolific writer and created a large number of classical works by his hard work and talent. He is a key representative of 19th century British literary realism.,“,the genius who most fully expressed his contemporaries in the common interest”-Stefan,Zweig,狄更斯是个高产作家,他凭着勤奋和天赋创作出一大批经典著作。他是,19,世纪英国现实主义文学的主要代表。,“,一个最充分地表达了他同时代人的共同趣味的天才,”,(斯蒂芬,-,茨威格语)。,Ordnance Terrace, Charles Dickenss home 18171822,BLEAK HOUSE,Poets Corner,Charles Dickens dies by stroke on June 9, 1870 and he was buried at Westminster Abbey in the Poets Corner.,“He was a,sympathiser,to the poor, the suffering, and the oppressed; and by his death, one of Englands greatest writers is lost to the world.”,1870,年,6,月,9,日狄更斯因脑溢血与世长辞,他去世后被安葬在西敏寺的诗人角。他的墓碑上如此写道:“他是贫穷、受苦与被压迫人民的同情者;他的去世令世界失去了一位伟大的英国作家。,”,Writing Career,(,early years,),In 1833 Dickenss first story,A Dinner at Poplar Walk,was published in London periodical,Monthly Magazine,. His first novel,The Pickwick Papers,get a great success in March 1836.,1833,年,狄更斯的第一个故事,在白杨城共进晚餐,在伦敦的期刊,月刊,上发表。,1836,年,3,月,他的第一部小说,匹克威克外传,获得巨大成功,。,In November 1836 As a novelist, Charles Dickenss success continued. He created,Oliver Twist,(18739),Nicholas,Nickleby,(183839),The Old Curiosity Shop,and so on.,1836,年,11,月,作为小说家的狄更斯的成功继续着,他创作出了,雾都孤儿,(,183739),、,尼古拉斯,.,尼克贝尔,(,183839,)、,老古玩店,等作品。,Writing Career,(,later years,),In late November 1851, Dickens moved into,Tavistock,House where he would write,Bleak house,(,185253,),,Hard Times,(,1854,),and,Little,Dorrit,(1857). It was here he indulged in the amateur theatricals which are described in Forsters “Life”.,狄更斯在,1851,年,11,月下旬搬进塔维斯托克楼,在那里他将写出,荒凉山庄,(,185253,)、,艰难时世,(,1853,)和,小杜丽,(,1857,)。正是在这里,他沉迷于业余戏剧演出,这是他的福斯特“生命”。,A Tale of Two Cities,(1859)and,Great Expectations,(1861) soon followed and would prove resounding successes. During this time, he was also the publisher and editor of and a major contributor to the,Household Word,and,All the Year Round .,双城记,(,1859,)和,远大前程,(,1861,)紧随其后被证明是响亮的成功。这期间,他既是,家常话,和,常年,的出版商又是编辑,并作出重大贡献。,A Tale of Two Cities,It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity,it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness,it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair,we had everything before us, we had nothing before us,we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way,Charles Dickens,双城记,“那是最昌明的时世,那是最衰微的时世;,那是睿智开化的岁月,那是混沌蒙昧的岁月;,那是信仰笃诚的年代,那是疑云重重的年代;,那是阳光灿烂的季节,那是长夜晦暗的季节;,那是欣欣向荣的春天,那是死气沉沉的冬天;,我们眼前无所不有,我们眼前一无所有;,我们都径直奔向天堂,我们都径直奔向另一条路。”,查尔斯,.,狄更斯,Literary Style,Fantastic optimism,充满幻想的乐观精神,N,ovela picaresca,“流浪汉小说”的结构模式,Exaggeration,夸张的艺术手法,Gentle Reformism and Strong humanitarian,温和的改良主义和强烈的人道主义,He,criticise bourgeois and,their m,orality,对资产者及其道德的辛辣批判,Exploration of mans inner conflicts,尖锐的矛盾冲突主导情节设计,Humor and satire Social Criticism,幽默、尖锐的社会批判,Others,Question,Where is Dickens buried?,Please speak out at least three novels of Dickens.,Answer,At Westminster Abbey in the Poets Corner.,略,


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