lecture 11典故(一)

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,Allusions,1,Outline,I. Introduction,II. The Origins of Allusions in English,III. The Origins of Allusions in Chinese,IV. The Suggested Practice on Interpretation of Allusions,2,I. Introduction,Definition,: According to,Websters New Collegiate Dictionary, allusion is defined as “,an implied or indirect reference, esp. when used in literature,”. In some Chinese dictionaries, allusions is defined as “,some expressions used in poems which are quoted from the ancient stories or have some origins,”. As it is rich in cultural meanings, its application can add splendor to the writings, and its translation thus has attracted much attention from the scholars.,3,And.,Functions of allusions: not only,enrich,language, but also,vivify and easy,the communication. Besides, allusions also reflect the,rich cultural heritage,of the people who speak the language.,4,More,Literature review,: many papers concerning the allusions are produced, for example, Lie (2008) explored the origins of English allusions from several aspects. Chen (2006) invested the translation of the allusions in Chinese poem “Moored on Qinhuai River ” from Relevance theory. Wang (2005) dealt with the transplant and compensation of Chinese allusions to English. All the research has enriched our understanding to allusions.,5,II. The Origins of English Allusions,2.1 some involve,events or characters,from the treasure house of English literature, especially from,Shakespeare,. The following examples fall into this category.,A Shylock, Romeo, Juliet, Sherlock Holmes, Frankenstein, Uncle Tom, Waterloo,.,6,7,More,2.2 Another common source of allusions of English is,legends and mythology, mostly from Greek and Roman mythology. For example,a Herculean task, an Achilles heel, a Pandoras box, a Damocles sword,and so on.,2.3 Religion is another source of allusions.,For examples ,a Solomon, a Judas, thirty pieces of silver, a kiss of death,.,8,Damocles sword,Pandoras box,9,More.,2.4 some other allusion are from the,sports, the most troublesome are those that involve recent or contemporary events, personalities, products, etc.,For instance,to not get to the first base, to carry the ball, to be down and out, to hit below the belt, play ones trump card (s), squeeze play, to swallow the bait, an Ivy Leaguer, as American as apple pie,.,10,III. The Origins of Allusions in Chinese,3.1 From,literature, especially the four master pieces.,刘姥姥进大观园; 智多星;林妹妹;阿Q,3.2 From,historical figures,or events.,四面楚歌;围魏救赵;完璧归赵,3.3 From Chinese,fables and myths,.,画蛇添足;守株待兔;对牛弹琴;牛郎织女;嫦娥奔月,3.4 From,religions,八仙过海,各显神通; 临时抱佛脚; 做一天和尚撞一天钟; 一人得道,仙及鸡犬; 放下屠刀,立地成佛,3.5 From,sports and recreation,马后炮, 异曲同工,一唱一和,跑龙套,唱红脸,唱白脸,粉墨登场,11,Literature,刘姥姥进大观园-Granny Liu entering a palatial mansion-a country persons awe at the splendor of the environment.,万事俱备,只久东风Everything is ready, all thats needed is an east wind- all is ready except what is crucial.,猪八戒倒打一耙Zhubajie (the pig in Journey to the West) puts the blame on his innocent victim-make unfounded countercharges.,12,13,History,四面楚歌-hear the sounds of the Chu all around be besieged on all sides.,身在曹营心在汉body in Cao, but heart in Han-in one place physically but another in mind and heart.,围魏救赵-besiege Wei to rescue Zhao relieve the besieged by besieging the base of the besiegers.,14,Fables or myths,守株待兔-stand by a stump waiting for hares to come and dash themselves against it-trust to chance and windfalls.,八仙过海,各显神通like the Eight Immortals crossing the sea, each showing his or her special powerspeople doing the same job, but each in his own special way, and each doing it well.,做一天和尚,撞一天钟go on tolling the bell as long as one is a monkdo the least that is expected of one.,15,16,Sports or recreation,舍车马,保将帅-give up a chariot to save the marshal (Chinese chess).make minor sacrifice to safeguard major interests.,一唱一和-one sings, the other harmonizes-sing the same tune.,跑龙套-run through the steps of the dragon danceplay a bit role.,粉墨登场-make oneself up and go on stage-embark upon a venture,17,IV. The Suggested Practice on Interpretation of Allusions,The suggested practice for Chinese interpreters or people conversing with English-speaking visitors is to give a rough equivalent or a brief explanation without going into details, so as not to distract from the main thread of the idea being discussed.,18,Exercises,1.这项任务非常艰巨,但他还是设法完成了.,2.他原本是这一职位最佳侯选人,他有能力,有经验,但他有个致命弱点,就是他的坏脾气.,3. 本拉登依然在逃,这一事实让布什政府如头悬利剑,坐立不安.,4. 他对她一见钟情,制定了一个追求她的周密计划,不过他第一回合就败了下来,5.The project needs powerful leadership, wed better ask Michael to carry the ball .,6. He tried every means to save his shop from closing, yet he was down and out .,19,Suggested translations,1.Though it was,a Herculean task, he still managed to finish it.,2. With his good ability and rich experience, he could have been the best candidate for this post but for his bad temper,an Achilles heel for him.,3. The fact that Bin Laden was still at large was,a Damocles sword to Bush government,.,4. Falling in love with her at the first sight, he made a thorough plan to woo her but he didnt even,get to the first base,.,20,


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