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,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,My name is,Allan,Green,.,First name,Family name,His,Chinese,name is,Zhang,Mingming.,First name,Last name=,Unit 1,telephone number=phone number,What,s your telephone number?,My telephone number,is,856-6581,It,is,/It,s,856-6581,it is = it,s,What,s =what is,I am= I,m,What,s,his,name?,His name,is,Alan Green.,What,s his,family/last,name?,His,family/last,name is Green,What,s his,first,name ?,His,first,name is Alan.,Alan Green,1.My names Gina.(,同义句),2.Her name is Jane.,(同义句),3.My name is,Alice,.,(提问),4.Her name is,Mary,(提问),5.His name is,Alan,.,(提问),6.His telephone number is,555-8039,(提问),6.She is Alice,(改成一般疑问句),7.He is Bob,(改成一般疑问句),My family,grandmother,grandfather,grandfather,grandmother,aunt,aunt,uncle,uncle,father,mother,I(sister),brother,cousin,cousin,cousin,Unit 2,Is,this / that,your sister?,Yes,it,is.,Are,these,your sister,s,?,Yes,they,are.,Are,those,his brother,and,sister?,Yes,they,are.,Grammar Focus,This is my cousin.,That is his friend.,These are my parents,Those are her grandparents.,Here is,my family photo.,my family photo = the photo,of,my family,全家福,Is,this / that,your sister? ,这,/,那位是你的姐姐吗?,this,、,that,为指示代词,当涉及辨认近处和远处的人或物体时,近处用,this,远处用,that,。,对于“,Is this / that .”,的提问,指照片上的人物或其他不知性别的人物时,可用,it,来指代。,this,和,that,的复数形式分别为,these,和,those,。,B.,把某人介绍给他人时,常用 “,This is .”,句型,其中,this,不能,换成,he,或,she,。介绍多个人物时要用,These are,。,1.She is,my sister,.,(提问),2.He is,my friend,.,(提问),3.They are,my grandparents,.,(提问),4.These are,my brothers,.,(提问),5.This is my brother.,(改为复句),6.That is her parent.,(改为复句),7.Is that your sister?,(改为复句),8.This is a photo of my family.,(改为复句),9.Those are my pens.,(改一般疑问句,做肯定回答),10.These are his jackets.,改一般疑问句,做否定回答),Unit 3,指示代词,:,This,(这个),- These,That,(那个),- Those,This is his pencil box.,That is her English dictionary.,Is,this,your pencil?,Yes,it,is.,No,it,isn,t.,Is,that,her eraser?,Yes,it,is.,No,it,isn,t.,Lost and Found:,失物招领,-,How,do you,spell,“,watch,”,?,-W-A-T-C-H,Please,call,John,at,035-7328.,请打,0357328,找约翰。,They call me Tina.,他们叫我蒂娜。,在,be,动词引起的一般疑问句中,,be,动词的形式由,主语,决定。,当主语为,第三人称单数,时,谓语用单数,is,;,当主语为,第二人称或其他复数人称,时,,be,动词用,are,;,当主语为,I,时,,be,动词用,am,。,注意,:,am,和,not,不能缩写,。,1.This is my eraser.,(改为一般疑问句,做否定,2.That is his green pen.,(改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答),3.Those are my dictionaries.,改为一般疑问句,做否定回答),4.This is my book.,(同义句),5.Those are my books.,(同义句),The alarm clock,is,under,the,table.,The books,are,behind,the,sofa.,The girl,is,between,the,basketballs.,on,the,desk.,in,the,computer.,The CDs,are,The schoolbags,are,Unit 4,Where,s,the,baseball?,It,s,in,the schoolbag.,Where,re,my,keys?,They,re,under,the chair.,本单元我们学习了介词:,in, on, under,。,这些表示处所或者位置的介词常和名词搭配构成短语。需要特别注意的是:,on,表示“在,上面”,通常两个物体表面,有接触,;,under,表示“在,正下方”,通常这两个物体表面,不接触,;,in,表示“在(一个场所、位置或空间的)里面”。,1.My schoolbag is,under the table,.(,提问),2.My books are,on the sofa.,.(,提问),3.My keys are,in grandparents room,. .(,提问),4.Franks tape is,in the tape player,. .(,提问),5.The pencil boxes are in the bag.,(改为一般疑问句,做否定回答),6.The keys are on the sofa.,(改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答),7.The notebook is under the model plane,。改为否定句)。,soccer,英式足球,(,运动,),soccer ball,英式足球,tennis,网球,(,运动,),tennis ball,网球,ping-pong,乒乓球,(,运动,),ping-pong ball,乒乓球,ping-pong bat,乒乓球拍,volleyball,排球,basketball,篮球,baseball,棒球,baseball bat,棒球拍,Unit 5,Do you have,a ping-pong ball?,Yes, I do.,Do,they,have,a computer? ,No,they,dont.,Do,es,he,have,a soccer ball? Yes, he,does,. ,Do,es,Alice,have,a video tape?,No, she,doesnt,.,I,have,eight basketballs.,he,has,three ping-pong bats.,That,sounds,interesting.,那听起来很有趣。,sound,意为,“,听起来,”,时,后面常,接形容词,。,此外,sound,后还可接名词短语。,That sounds a good idea.,那听起来是个好主意。,A:,Lets,play baseball,.,B: I dont,have a baseball,.,A:,Lets,play soccer.,B: That sound,s,good/interesting/fun/boring/relaxing/difficult,play sports,watch them on TV,play computer games,play,玩;打,(,球,),Do you play volleyball?,你打排球吗?,I can play the piano.,我会弹钢琴。,play,和,球类运动,的名称连用时,球类运动的名称前,不用冠词,。,链接,:,play computer games,玩电脑游戏,play sports,参加体育运动或比赛,Language points,句型转换,1. He has a tennis ball. (,一般疑问句,),he,a tennis ball?,2. She has a computer game. (,否定句,),She,a computer game.,3. Do you have a baseball? (,否定回答,),No,.,4. The balls are,under the chair,. (,划线提问,),the balls?,5. Does he play sports every day? (,肯定回答,), he,.,Does have,doesnt have,I dont,Where are,Yes does,单项选择,( )1. Can Mary play soccer? ,.,A. Yes, she is B. No, she doesnt,C. Yes, she does D. No, she cant,( )2. I dont,a tennis ball, but Kate,one.,A. has,;,have B. have,;,have,C. have,;,has D. has,;,has,( )3. Do you have a baseball? , I,.,A. Yes,;,dont B. No,;,dont,C. Yes,;,doesnt D. No,;,does,( )4. ,Peter,a volleyball? Yes, he does.,A. Do,;,have B. Does,;,have,C. Do,;,has D. Does,;,has,D,C,B,B,( )5. Susan likes baseball, but she,a baseball bat.,A. dont have B. arent have,C. doesnt D. doesnt have,( )6. Lets go and play,basketball.,A. the B. a C. / D. an,( )7. Alan likes football very much. Renaldo is,_,favorite football player.,A. his B. her C. them D. their,( )8. I like ping-pong. Its very easy_me,A.to B. of C. for D.at,( B,) 9.I love sports, but I dont play _,A.it B. them C.they D.its,D,C,A,C,1.Bob and Paul have many soccer balls(,改为一般疑问句,做否定回答)。,2.Alice doesnt have many soccer balls.(,改为肯定句)。,3.He doesnt love sports. His sister does.(,用,but,连为一句)。,4.Basketball is difficult for me.(,改为同义句),可数名词复数形式的构成,1,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,一般情况下,加,-s,1. -s,在清辅音后读,s,2. -s,在浊辅音后读,z,3. -s,在元音后读,z,4.,以音素, s , z ,结尾的,读,iz,desk,s,apple,s,tree,s,orange,s,以,-s, -x, -sh, -ch,结尾的,加,-es,-es,读,iz,box,es,watch,es,以,f,或,fe,结尾的,改,f,或,fe,为,v,再加,-es,-ves,读,vz,kni,ves,wi,ves,Unit 6,可数名词复数形式的构成,2,名词特点,词尾加法,词尾读音方法,例词,改,y,为,i,再加,-es,-ies,读,iz,famil,ies,dictionar,ies,以元音字母加,y,结尾的,加,-s,-s,读,z,boy,s,key,s,以,o,结尾的,有生命的事物加,-es,-es,读,z,tomato,es,potato,es,以,辅音,字母加,y,结尾的,无生命的事物加,-s,-s,读,z,photo,s,radio,s,可数名词和不可数名词,可数名词,(,1,),(,2,),(,3,),(,4,),定义:是,可以,计数的名词。,可数名词前,可以,用,a , an,限定,表一个。,可数名词前,可以,用,one, two , three,限定。,可数名词,有,复数形式,。,-Do you like pear,s,?,-Yes, I do.,-,Does,he like bread?,-No, he,doesn,t,.,-I like strawberrie,s,.,-I don,t like ice cream.,-She like,s,hamburger,s,.,-She,doesn,t,like chicken.,可数名词,apple ,pear ,hamburger ,banana ,orange ,strawberry ,tomato ,apple,s,pear,s,hamburger,s,banana,s,orange,s,strawberr,ies,tomato,es,不可数名词,bread,milk,rice,ice cream,salad,Do you like hamburgers?,Yes, _ _. But I _ _apple,s,.,2. Im Mary. I like ice cream. I dont like salad., Hi, Mary. _?, Yes, I do., Do you like salad?, _.,Exercise,I,do,dont,like,Do you like ice cream,No, I dont, Does Tom like chicken?, _, _ _. But Rose does.,2. My mother _salad. But I dont like. (like),3. Do you like _? (strawberry),4. She _ like ice cream.,5. They like hamburgers.,(一般疑问句),No,he,doesnt,likes,strawberries,doesnt,Do,they,like,hamburgers,?,have,和,eat,作动词时,都有“,吃,”的意思。,have,除表示“,吃,”以外,还可以表示“,喝,;,吸,”,而,eat,只表示“吃”。,eat breakfast = have breakfast,注意,: have,的单三形式为,has,; eat,的单三形式为,eats,。,Language points,I have carrots, oranges and chicken,for,lunch/breakfast/dinner.,For,lunch/breakfast/dinner,I,like,(,have,),salad, tomatoes and chicken.,1.My cousins like strawberries.(,改为否定句)。,2.Tom likes ice-cream.(,改为一般疑问句,做肯定回答),3.Bob and Bill like hamburgers.(,改为否定句)。,4.Linda likes,oranges(,提问)。,5. They dont like vegetables.(,用,she,改写句子),6.Tony likes rice and salad. (,用,my grandparents,改写句子)。,7.What about some vegetables?(,改为同义句)。,8.He has a blue box.(,改为复数句)。,Unit 7,How much,is,this white T-shirt?,It is seven dollar,s,.,Clothes,:,单数:,T-shirt, sweater, bag, hat skirt,复数:,sock,s,short,s,pant,s,shoe,s,(,a pair of,socks, ),How much,are,those blue socks?,They are two Yuan.,long / short big/small,a long black T-shirt,a big green sweater,大小,长短,颜色,Can I help you?,Yes, please,. I want a ./ a pair of .,No, thanks,Ill take it/ them,: 我要买下它。,-Thanks/ thank you.,.-You re welcome.,汉翻英,11,个足球,14,个西红柿,23,件衬衫,28,只红袜子,35,顶帽子,eleven soccer balls,fourteen tomatoes,twenty-three shirts,twenty-eight red socks,thirty-five hats,1. 112,: (,记住每个单词,),2. 1319:,-teen,(thir-, fif-, eigh-),3. 2090:,-ty,(twen-, thir-,for,-, fif-, eigh-),4. 2199:,十位,_,个位,5. 100900:,_ hundre,d,6. 101999:,_,hundred,and,_,个位,十位,_,_,个位,Summary,33,个乒乓拍,45,支笔,48,件毛衣,57,个学生,55,个钟,thirty-three ping-pong bats,forty-five pens,forty-eight sweaters,fifty-seven students,fifty-five clocks,按要求写出各词的适当形式。,1. short (,反义词,) _ 2. black (,反义词,)_,3. this (,复数,),4. shoe(,复数,),_,5. small(,反义词,),6. dollars(,单数,),_,7. have(,三单,),8. those(,单数,)_,9. does not (,缩写,),_,10. isnt(,复数,)_,long,white,these,shoes,big,dollar,has,that,doesnt,arent,Exercises,at,a very good price:,以低廉的价格,bags for sports = sports bags,We have for only 5 dollars.,The are 5 dollars,We sell for 7 dollars,You can buy for,T-shirts,in,green = green T-shirts,表达价格的方法:,sale,n.,卖,出售,销售,on sale,廉价出售,This ten-dollar hat is now,on sale,for five.,sell,v.,出售,The clothes store sells the sweater for 8 Yuan.,Language points,buy,v,.,购买,买,What do you want to buy,?,你想要买什么?,扩展:,buy sb. sth.=buy sth. for sb.,He buys a new hat,for,me.,他给我买了一顶新帽子。,表达价格的方法:,The short blue sweater is 31 dollars.,The yellow shorts are 12 dollars.,The green shorts are,on sale,for 25 dollars.,1.How much is the book?(,同义句),2.Can I help you?(,同义句),3.I need a white sweater.,(改为一般疑问句)。,4.My red dress is,20 dollars.(,提问)。,5.She wants,a skirt. (,提问)。,6.Bills shorts are,green,.,提问,Unit 8,A: When is your birthday, Linda ?,B: My birthday is on October tenth.,When is Tina,s,birthday?,Its on June 3rd.,How old,is,she?,Shes seventeen,.,When is your birthday?,Its on March 21st.,How old,are,you?,Im fifteen,.,名词所有格,名词的所有格 :表示,所属关系,,即表示某物是“谁的”。,名词所有格常见的结构有两种:,一、,s,所有格,表示,有生命,的人或动物的名词所有格,单数名词和不以,s,结尾的复数名词一般在词尾加“ ,s”,。,Kates cat,凯特的猫,Childrens Day,儿童节,二、,of,所有格,无生命,事物名词的所属关系,一般常用“,of, 名词,”来表示,即,of,所有格。,a map of China,一幅中国地图,a photo of my family,一张全家福,January,Jan.,February,Feb.,March,Mar.,April,Apr.,May,May,June,Jun.,July,Jul.,September,Sept.,October,Oct.,August,Aug.,November,Nov.,December,Dec.,twelve months,1a,足球比赛,学校郊游,英语测验,英语晚会,排球比赛,学校开放日,艺术节,运动日,售书活动,soccer game,school,trip,English test,English party,volleyball game,School Day,art festival,Sports Day,book sale,序数词的变化方法,基变序,有规律,词尾加上,th.,1 2 3,特殊记,词尾字母,t,,,d,,,d,。,8,少,t, 9,去,e, f,来把,v e,替。 整十变,y,为,ie,后跟,th,莫迟疑。 若想表示几十几,只变,个位,就可以。,one-first,two-second,threethird,eight-eighth,nine-ninth,five-fifth,twenty-twentieth,forty-fortieth,twenty-fivetwenty-fifth,forty-seven-forty-seventh,National Day,October 1st,Childrens Day,June 1st,Teachers Day,September 10th,May 1st,Womens Day,Christmas Day,December 25th,When is National Day?,It is October 1st.,New Years Day,January 1st,When,is,Sallys,birthday party?,Its on October the fifth.,When,is,the,English test?,Its on September the seventh.,1.Hes,fourteen years old.,(,提问),2.My birthday is,on June 4,th,. (,提问),3.Her birthday party is,on January twentieth.,(,提问),4.His grandfather is,seventy,. (,提问),5.He has a birthday party,on May 16,th,. (,提问),6.Is your mothers birthday on February 21,st,.(,做肯定回答)。,7.Marys birthday is on August 17,th,(,改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)。,8.Whats her age?(,同义句)。,Grammar Focus,Who,is your art teacher?,- My art teacher is Mr. Mrs. Miss,What,s your favorite subject?,- My favorite subject is Chinese,-It is science/English,Unit 9,When do you have math,?,-I have math on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.,-I have Chinese,every day,.,-I have art,from Monday to Friday.,-,My last class,is from 2:00 to 4:00.,Why,do you like math?,-,Because,its interesting.,-,Because,I think its interesting.,When,is your last class?,- My last class is at 2:00.,When,is your favorite day?,- My favorite day is Friday.,Why,do you like Friday?,- Because I have art. I like art because its fun.,选词完成句子。,When, Who, How much, Why, Where, How old, What,1. _ is your science teacher, Henry? Miss Li.,2. _ is my dictionary? I cant find it. Oh, its in your schoolbag.,3. _ is your geography class? Its on Monday and Friday?,Who,Where,When,4. _ is your favorite subject, Kate? Its history.,5. _ do you like P.E.?Because its fun.,6. _ are the black shorts? Theyre 15 dollars.,7. _ are those boys? Theyre eleven.,What,Why,How much,How old,选择填空:,1. Ben _ P.E. He thinks its boring.,A. likes B. dont like C. doesnt like D. isnt like,2. _ does he like art? Because its fun.,A. When B. How C. Who D. Why,3. - Do you like orange?,-No, I dont. My favorite _ is blue.,A. subject B. color C. fruit D. movie,C,D,B,4. In the morning we have four _.,A. class B. subject C. classes D. teacher,5. Today is _.,A. Wednesday, October 2nd,B. October 2nd , Wednesday,C. wednesday , October 2nd,D. october 2nd , Wednesday,C,A,按要求完成句子。,1. His favorite subject is English.,(改为一般疑问句,?,),2,Her mothers favorite color is,blue,.,(对划线部分提问),Is his favorite subject English?,Whats her mothers favorite color?,3,He likes art,because its fun,.,(对划线部分提问),4,My brother plays computer games in the evening.,(改否定句),5. My teacher is,Mr. Li,.,(对划线部分提问),Why does he like art?,My brother doesnt play computer games in,the evening.,Who is your teacher?,1.She likes white best (,同义句)。,2.What about you? (,同义句),3.Whats his favorite subject? (,同义句)。,4.My first day of school is,good.,(提问),5. I think history is interesting (,改为否定句)。,6.Our math teacher is,Mr Sun,.,(提问),7.She likes chinese,because its relaxing,.,(提问),8.Her favorite subject is,art.,(提问),9.Jim has some interesting books. (,改为一般疑问句)。,


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