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,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2. Important Concepts-Original Sin,What is original sin?, An explanation for the evils of the world, A condition you are in, not something you do, The sin of Adam,What are the Effects of original sin?, Separation from God, Dissatisfaction and guilt in mens lives,How to cure original sin?,2. Important Concepts-Life after death,Christians believe that there is a life after earthly death.,Heaven/Hell,While the actual nature of this life is not known, Christians believe that many spiritual experiences in this life help to give them some idea of what eternal life will be like.,2. Important Concepts-Justification by Faith,Justification,Christians believe in justification by faith - that through their belief in Jesus as the Son of God, and in his death and resurrection, they can have a right relationship with God whose forgiveness was made once and for all through the death of Jesus Christ.,“,from faith to faith”,2. Important Concepts-Prayer,Prayer is the means by which Christians communicate with their God.,The New Testament records that Jesus taught his disciples how to pray and that he encouraged them to address God as Father. Christians believe that they continue this tradition.,Sometimes the prayers are formal and part of a ritual laid down for hundreds of years.,Others are personal and spontaneous, and come from personal or group need.,Jesus teaches his disciples to pray:,Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us today our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.,When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.,-Gospel of Mathew, 6: 5-13,2. Important Concepts-The Church,The Christian church is fundamental to believers. Although it has many faults it is recognized as Gods body on earth.,The church is the place where the Christian faith is nurtured and where the Holy Spirit is manifest on earth.,It is where Christians are received into the faith and where they are brought together into one body through the Eucharist.,2. Important Concepts-The Church,The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. For we were all,baptised,by one spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free-and we were all given the one spirit to drink.Now you are the body of Christ, and each of you is a part of it.,I Corinthians 12: 12-13; 27,2.Important Concepts-,Baptism& Eucharist,Baptism,The Christian church believes in one baptism into the Christian church, whether this be as an infant or as an adult, as an outward sign of an inward commitment to the teachings of Jesus.,Eucharist,Eucharist is a Greek word for thanksgiving. Its celebration is to commemorate the final meal that Jesus took with his disciples before his death (the Last Supper).,This rite comes from the actions of Jesus who, at that meal, took bread and wine and asked his disciples to consume them and continue to do so in memory of him.,2. Important Concepts-,The Holy Bible,How do we evaluate the Bible?, a fantastic historical treasure ?, a fantastic story woven over time ?, a book to live by ?, the worlds best-selling book,vs,the worlds most misunderstood book,The word Bible comes from the Greek word ,biblia, which means little books. The Bible is actually a library of 66 books written by a least 40 different authors over a period of at least 1500 years. The oldest book was written about 1500 B.C. or earlier. The last was written about A.D. 100.,The Bible was originally written in the Hebrew and Greek languages.,The Uniqueness of the Bible,Composition,Thematic unity,Relevance,Circulation,Survival,Literary character,Moral character,Accuracy,2. Main contents of the Holy Bible,The Bible is divided into two main sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament has 39 books. The New Testament has 27 books.,A testament is another word for covenant, an agreement established by God setting out the relationship between God and human beings. In the Old Testament, the relationship was based on law. God chose a people for Himself and gave them His law. The people he chose was the nation of Israel, named for one of their ancestors. The history books in the Old Testament show that the relationship based on law failed because people always sin and disobey Gods law.,In the New Testament, the relationship between God and human beings is based on grace (Gods free acceptance of us) and peace. Grace and peace come through Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God himself come to live among men. Jesus died in our place to pay the penalty required for breaking Gods law. After three days, he rose up from the dead to give us eternal life.,Old Testament Books,Law-five,Historical-Twelve,Poetical-Five,Prophetical-Seventeen,New Testament Books:,Gospels-four,History-one,Epistles-twenty-one,Pauline, thirteen; General, eight,Prophecy-one,“,Behind and Beneath the Bible, above and beyond the Bible, is the God of the Bible.”,The Bible tries to answer lifes ultimate questions:,Where did I come from?,Why am I here?,Where am I going?,What is the purpose of my existence?,“I thoroughly believe in a university education for both men and women; but I believe a knowledge of the Bible without a college course is more valuable than a college course without the Bible.”,-William Lyon Phelps, called the most beloved professor in America, former president of Yale University,Differences between the Old and New Testament,Old Testament,New Testament,Covenant of law,(justification by,behaviour,),Covenant of grace (justification by grace),Covenant with the Israelites,Covenant with the humankind,Covenant of fire (father),Covenant of water (mother),Failed,Ever-lasting,Unity between the Old Testament and New Testament,The Old Testament begins with God.,The New Testament begins with Christ.,From Adam to Abraham we have the history of the human race.,From Abraham to Christ we have the history of the chosen people.,From Christ on we have the history of the church.,The Old Testament is the foundation; the New Testament is the supra-structure. The Old and New are essential to each other.,The New is in the Old contained,The Old is in the New explained,The New is in the Old latent,The Old is in the New patent.,-Augustine,English Versions of the Bible:,Dynamic Equivalent-New International Version (NIV),Literal -New King James Version (NKJV),Strictly Literal -New American Standard Bible (NASB),Literal with Freedom to be idiomatic -New Revised Standard Version (NRSV),Dynamic Equivalent with Modern Speech -Todays English Version (TEV),Paraphrastic,-New Living Translation (NLT),3.,History of Christianity,Early Church-AD. 700,Paul and the early church,Persecution, Constantine turns the tide (A.D. 312), The Church in union with the Roman Empire, Beginning of monasticism,History of Christianity,The Middle Age: A.D. 700-1500,Fall of Roman,The Great Schism-1054,The Reformation: A.D. 1500-1750,Martin Luther: 1517, The Authority of the Scriptures, Justification by Faith, The Priesthood of the Laity,History of Christianity,Modern Christianity (1750-now),Degeneration in Europe,Great Awakening in America,Christianity in other countries,Subdivisions of Christianity,Protestantism,Roman Catholicism,Eastern Orthodox,4.,Introduction to Christianity-Subdivisions,新教,天主教,东正教,上帝论,三位一体,圣灵发自圣父和圣子,三位一体,圣灵发自圣父和圣子,三位一体,圣灵发自圣父,圣经论,唯独圣经,圣经传统,教皇无误论,圣经传统,基督论,唯独基督,圣徒和神甫是基督和人之间的中保,圣母马利亚是合作救主,神甫是基督和人之间的中保,救赎论,唯独本于恩典,唯独借着信心,唯独彰显荣耀,凭借圣礼得救成圣;,根据行为多次得救;,少数信徒死后封圣;,炼狱说、无玷圣母说,凭借圣像前的忏悔成圣,根据行为多次得救,教会论,众教会互为肢体,基督为元首,梵帝冈为众教会之母;教皇是基督在人间的代表,众教会互为肢体,,拜占廷主教为牧人之首(土耳其立国前),Pope Benedict XVI, formerly Cardinal,Paul II, former pope,Cathedral of St Basil, Moscow The Vatican, Rome,We will study the following characters:,Old Testament:,Early Ancestors:,Adam and Eve, Abel and Cain,Noahs Ark,Abraham,Jacob,Joseph,Moses,Joshua,Job,Prophets:,Samuel,Jeremy,Daniel,We will study the following characters:,Kings and Judges:,Saul,David,Solomon,Women:,Ruth,Esther,Mary,New Testament:,Jesus Christ,The Twelve Disciples,Others,


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