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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,How to Introduce a Festival,The Dragon Boat Festival, an annual traditional Chinese festival,is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month,according to the Chinese calendar.,It dates from over 2000 years ago,which falls on June 8th this year. On this day, Chinese people,prepare,Zongzi, glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves.,As the festival name shows,people have dragon boat races to celebrate it,especially in the southern places where there are many rivers and lakes.,The Dragon Boat Festival is for,Qu,Yuan, a great poet of ancient China.,What should be included in a festival?,festival,name & celebrating time,origin &,history,Customs and ways,of celebration,Meaning and significance,Some Famous Festivals & Their Celebration Time,Origin & History,Customs and ways of Celebration,Meaning and Significance,How to introduce a festival?,Chinese Festivals,1,春节,(,农历一月一日,),the Spring Festival,(,the first day of the Chinese lunar year),2,元宵节,(,农历一月十五日,),the Lantern Festival,(the fifteenth day of the Chinese lunar year),3,端午节,(,农历五月初五,),the Dragon Boat Festival,(the fifth day of the fifth Chinese lunar month),4,中秋节(农历八月十五),the Mid-autumn Festival,(the fifteenth day of the eighth Chinese lunar month),5,清明节,(4,月,5,日,),the Tomb-sweeping Day,(between April 4th and 6th),1,圣诞节,(12,月,25,日,),Christmas Day,(December 25th).,2.,感恩节(,9,月第四个星期四),Thanksgiving Day,(the fourth Thursday of November),3.,情人节(,2,月,14,号),Valentines Day,(February 14th),4.,万圣节(,10,月,31,号),Halloween,(October 31st),5.,愚人节(,4,月,1,号),April Fools Day,(April 1st),Western Festivals,Origin & History,起源于,originate from / date from,根据一个传说,according to a legend,追溯到,date back to,在古代,once in ancient time,很神奇,quite fantastical,和,相关,be related to,一个传统的中国节日,an annual traditional Chinese festival,在某天庆祝,be celebrated on,是正月的第十五天,on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month,的起源,the origins of,有一个很长的历史,has / with a long history,关于,的传说,legends about the evolution of the festival,1,)关于元宵节的来历有很多传说。(,concern,),There are many legends,concerning,the origins of Lantern Festival.,元宵节我国一年一度的传统节日,可以追溯到,2000,多年前。(同位语),The Lantern Festival,an annual traditional Chinese festival, dates from over 2000 years ago.,3,)元宵节是农历正月的第十五天。,Lantern Festival falls on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.,Customs and ways of Celebration,这个节日的必需部分,an essential part of the Festival,放烟花,play fireworks/ let off fireworks,盛装打扮,dress up,为,做祈祷,pray for,依照不同的传统,follow various of traditions,自从那以后,since then,驱赶鬼怪,drive away evils,拜祖先,worship the ancestors,拜祭,offer sacrifice to,团聚,get together,送上祝给长辈,extend greetings to their elders,在这场合,on this occasion,买年货,purchases necessities for the family,认为,很重要,attach great importance to,1),吃汤圆是元宵节的一个特别传统。(动名词做主语,,one of ,),Eating sweet,dumplings,is one of,the special traditions on Lantern Festival.,2),小孩会收到大人用红纸包成的红包作为礼物。(,wrap up,非谓语表被动),Each child will get money as a New Year gift,wrapped up,in red paper.,在每年清明节,所有的墓园都挤满了前来扫墓拜祭祖先的人们。(定语从句),On each,Qingming,Festival, all cemeteries are crowded with people,who came to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices,.,4,)各式各样的灯笼挂在街上,吸引了无数的行人。(,of various,,,attract,非谓语表主动,),Lanterns,of various shapes and sizes,are hung in the streets,attracting,countless visitors.,5),新年醒来,每个人都打扮得漂漂亮亮,互送祝福。(,wake up, extend,非谓语表主动),Waking up,on New Year, everybody dresses up,extending,greetings to each other.,Meaning and Significance,为了纪念,In order to memorize/ in memory of,象征着和睦和团圆,stand for / symbolize unity and perfection,列入国家传统节日,list into the traditional festivals,团圆,reunion,喜气洋洋的氛围,the lively atmosphere,庆祝节日,celebrate festivals,逃避灾难,avert disaster,是团圆、运气、财富的象征,a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune,1),人们吃汤圆是为了表示家庭和睦幸福。(不定式表目的,,denote,),People,eat sweet dumplings to,denote union, harmony and happiness for the family.,2,)这种喜气洋洋的氛围不仅充满了整个家庭,还洋溢在大街小巷。,(permeate,洋溢,),The lively atmosphere not only fills every household, but,permeates to,streets and lanes.,3,)春节是中国最重要的节日,正如西方的圣诞节。,The spring festival is the most important festival in China,just like,Christmas in the west.,4),可以确定的是元宵节的起源跟古代人们使用火来庆祝节日、躲避灾难有关。,(,主语从句,),It is sure that,the origins of Lantern Festival are related to ancient humanitys use of fire to celebrate festivals and avert disaster.,5,),12,月,25,日是圣诞节,圣诞节是重大节日之一。西方人每年都期待圣诞节。(非限制性定语从句),Christmas,which takes place on December 25, is one of the most important festivals and people in western countries look forward to it every year.,基础写作(,1,),Abby,是美籍华人,最近常听到同学们提起清明节(,Tomb Sweeping Day,),她对此非常感兴趣。作为她的朋友,请你以清明节为题,向,Abby,介绍一些清明节的活动,内容包括:,1,、时间:通常是每年的,4,月,4 6,号;,2,、清明节是我国传统节日,也是人们拜祭(扫墓)时候;,3,、按照旧的习俗,人们要携带酒、食品、纸钱、花等物品到墓地。对墓地进行简单清理之后,人们将食物供祭在亲人墓前,再将香和纸钱焚化,然后叩头行礼祭拜;,4,、这是我们悼念先人,缅怀他们丰功伟绩的日子。,参考词汇: 墓,cemetery,香,incense,Tomb Sweeping Day usually,falls on,April 46 every year. Its one of the Chinese traditional festivals,in which people offer sacrifices to their ancestors,. According to the Chinese customs, people will bring along some food, wine, paper money, and some flowers to the cemetery of their ancestors.,After slightly sweeping the tombs,people offer food, then burn the incense and paper money, and bow before the memorial tablet.,Its,in this special day,that,people mourn over their ancestors and remember their great contribution to the development of our society.,基础写作(,2,),中国的传统节日中秋节马上就要到了,你的美国笔友,Mike,请你在他们的校报上介绍一下中秋节的情况,请你根据下表写一篇,120,字的短文。,时间,每年阴历八月十五日,是中国最重要的传统节日之一。,范围,中国及亚洲其它一些国家都会庆祝。,象征,人们认为月亮是团圆、运气、财富的象征,在那天会互相表达祝福。,方式,在那一天,人们通常回家与家人团聚,共聚晚餐。人们还会吃月饼,那是一种圆圆的饼,里面有肉、果仁、鸡蛋等。,The Mid-autumn Festival,which is one of the most important traditional festivals in China, falls on August 15th of the Lunar calendar every year.,Not only is it,popular in China,but,it is also celebrated in many other Asian countries. People believe that the moon is a symbol of reunion, luck and fortune, and it is a custom to express best wishes to the beloved ones at this particular time. On that day people usually go back home to have family reunion,enjoying a large meal with their family,. They will also eat moon cakes,which are round cakes with meat, eggs, nuts and other things inside,.,基础写作(,3,),圣诞节是西方人每年所期盼的最重大的节日之一。请根据下列表格用英语写一篇,120,字左右的短文,对圣诞节做一个简单的介绍。,【,写作内容,】,节日名称,:,圣诞节,庆祝日期,:,12,月,25,日,节日来由,:,曾经有个富裕人家的男孩,想帮助穷人但又不想让人知道,所以便在晚上趁人睡觉时爬上别人的屋顶,从烟囱扔钱下去。,庆祝活动,:,亲友间互送圣诞卡;布置房子;举办圣诞晚会;唱歌,跳舞,狂欢;父母在小孩睡着后在小孩床头的袜子里放礼物等。,Christmas,which takes place,on December 25th every year, is always one of the most important festivals people in western countries look forward to. The origin of it comes from a boy from a rich family,who wanted to help the poor without wanting to be known,. He threw the money from the chimney at night,when,everybody else was asleep,so that,nobody would recognize him. Now, people celebrate it,by sending Christmas cards to each other, decorating the house with Christmas trees, holding a Christmas party when theyll dance to Christmas songs and have a lot of fun,. Children will find a present the next morning from Father Christmas,who in fact is their parents,.,Enjoy your weekend!,


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