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单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,*,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,The Course of Comprehensive Skills (2),Unit 4,Section One,Tactics for Listening,Make the right choice.,Has finished,Hasnt finished,1,2,3,4,5,6,Part 1 PhoneticsStress, Intonation and Accent,Part 2 Listen and Note-taking,Frog Legs,Game vs. Thought,If frogs could make 4 wishes, what would they be?,1.,跳出枯井;,2.,吃天鹅肉;,3.,保全四腿,;,4.,变王子,.,Discussion:,Do you think is it moral for human beings to eat some environment-friendly or humanfriendly animals for mans food?,Frog Legs,Notes,Amphibian:,两栖动物,Scarcity:,n.,缺乏;不足;稀少,Ban:,officially forbid (,sth,),明令禁止(某事物),Fancier:,person with a special interest in and love for,sth,对某事物有特殊兴趣和爱好的人,Devour:,vt,.,吞食;,(,热切地,),读,Frog Legs,A: Fill in the missing information.,1. Many Asian _ have included _ in their _ for centuries.,2. By 1977 the French government _ commercial _ of its own _.,3. Indian scientists have described as _ the _ at which frogs are _ from the _ fields and _.,4. The United States _ more than _ of frozen _ each year between _ and _.,5. One of the _ of _ frogs was the _.,cultures,frog legs,diets,banned,hunting,amphibians,“disastrous”,rate,disappearing,rice,wetlands,imported,6.5 million pounds,frog meat,1981,1984,attractions,Indian,price,Frog Legs,People want,_,mostly for,_,. Many Asian cultures have included,_,_,in their,_,for,_, The most famous frog-eaters, and the people who,_,frog-eating in Europe and the United States are the,_,. By 1977 the French government banned,_,of its own amphibians. So the French turned to,_,and,_,for flogs. And the United States imported more than,_,_,each year between 1981 and 1984. One of the attractions of Indian frogs was the,_,.,Indian scientists have described as “,_”,the,_,at which frogs are,_,from the,_,and,_, where they,_,crops by,_,.,Since the India and Bangladesh frog-export,_,_,has become the major,_,of frog legs to the United States and Europe. But no matter what,_,the legs come from, one thing is usually constant:,_ _,frogs,food,frog legs,diets,centuries,inspired,French,commercial hunting,India,Bangladesh,6.5 million pounds,of frozen frog meat,price,disastrous,rate,disappearing,rice fields,wetlands,protect,devouring damaging insects,bans,Indonesia,exporter,country,The legs once belonged to frogs,are taken from the,wild, not,from farms.,Section Two,Listening Comprehension,Dialogue 1 Health Club,Notes,Fitness class:,健身课,Refreshments:,n. pl.,snacks and drinks served as a light meal,茶点,点心,Facilities,Gym 2.,_ for an hour,Sunbed,3.,_ for _,1._ 4.,_ for _,Jauzzi,5.,_ for half an hour,Other facilities:,Wholefood,bar,Membership Fee: 6. _,People who join the health club,Age group,Proportion,Facilities they use,Usual visiting time,7. _,_,8. _,gym,Lunch hour or after work,Youngsters,After school,Children,Jacuzzi,Old age pensioners,5%,9. _,Special offer: 10. _,Sauna,2.50,2.50,half an hour,1.50,half an hour,1.50,Young people in their 20s & 30s, 30 a year,75%,morning,reduced rate for old pensioners,Dialogue 2 Ski,A: Listen to the rest part of the survey and answer the questions.,1. What are the speakers doing?,_,2. What kind of class is mentioned in the conversation?,_,3. How many of the speakers have been taking the class?,_,They are looking at some pictures.,A ski class for beginners.,Two.,Dialogue 2 Ski,B: Summary of the dialogue.,Everyday the coach took them to a _. They got to the _ on a _. In their class, there was one woman who could _. She couldnt _ and whenever she started _ she would stick her skis out _. People always tried to _.,One day as she was getting to the top, she _ and started _the slope. Everyone _ and tried to _ the ski lift to _ of the way and they all ended up in _ at the bottom of the slope.,nursery slope,top,ski lift,never learn how to ski,control her skis,sliding,in front of her,avoid her,slipped,let go,sliding down,jump off,get out,a pile,Passage The Truth about the French!,Notes,Resorts:,popular holiday centre,度假胜地,: seaside, skiing, health, etc resorts,海滨,滑雪,休养等度假胜地,State-of-the art:,using the most modern and recently developed methods, materials, or knowledge,Fractious:,a.,irritable; bad-tempered a.,乖张的,Pickpocket:,someone who steals things from peoples pockets, especially in a crowd,扒手,Theft:,n.,偷窃,失窃,Secure:,make,sth,safe; protect,使某事物安全,;,保护,Passage The Truth about the French!,A: Pre-listening question.,What do you think of skiing as a sport?,Skiing can be divided into cross-country skiing and alpine skiing. Cross-country skiing is a low-impact, aerobic activity. It is becoming increasingly popular. It can be enjoyed even if you have a relatively low skill level. It does not require exorbitant lift fees, and it has a relatively low injury rate (cross-country skiing has an injury rate about 10 times less than alpine skiing). Skiing uses more muscles than running and is less stressful on the legs.,Alpine or downhill skiing is a popular family sport shared by people of all ages and athletic abilities. It has fewer benefits for aerobic fitness than cross-country skiing because activity is usually in short bursts, but it is good for strengthening muscles particularly those in the upper leg. Alpine skiing is also a tough sport, particularly demanding on the legs.,Passage The Truth about the French!,B: Choose the best answer.,1.,_,2.,_,3.,_,4.,_,5.,_,6.,_,7.,_,8.,_,C: Answer the questions.,1. Why is it heaven on Earth for a dedicated skier in France?,Because there are resorts where you can access skiing terrain that is larger than all the ski resorts in Utah and Colorado combined.,2. Why is it a good place for an intermediate skier?,Because an intermediate skier who can read a lift map will easily be able to ski all day avoiding lift lines and crowds, even during the busiest season.,C,A,A,A,B,C,D,D,Passage The Truth about the French!,3. What does this staggered two-week winter vacation period cover?,This staggered two-week winter vacation period usually covers the last two weeks of February and the first week of March.,4. What is the character of the French?,The French are not generally arrogant and rude. They are as kind as you wish.,5. Which precautions will a visitor take against theft in large cities in France?,In large cities in France, always secure your vehicles, leave nothing of value visible and dont carry your wallet in your back pocket. Beware of begging children!,Part 3 news,Focus,1. Accidents,2. News summary,3. Specific information,News Item 1,Notes,Masonry:,砖石,Terminal:,building at an airport or in a town where air passengers arrive and depart,(机场或城市中的)航站楼,Segment:,n.,部分,断片,Futuristic:,adj.,未来的,未来派,(,艺术,),的,未来主义的,Vaulted roof:,拱形屋顶,News Item 1,Charles de Gaulle airport,In,Paris, is one of,Europe,s principal aviation centers, as well as,France,s main international,airport,. It is 25 km to the north-east of Paris. The construction of this airport lasted about 10 years.,A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.,This news item is about,_,_,_,the new information of France,Charles de Gaulle airport where a segment of the,roof collapsed in May .,B: Listen and look at the chart. Tick the appropriate box.,1. Frances busiest airport will open,The whole terminal,Part of a terminal,2. A segment of the roof collapse in,May,July,3. A segment of the three-building 2E terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport would,Return to service delay on July 15,4. In the disaster falling stone,kill four travelers,falling steel,It is already clear,It is still uncertain,What exactly caused the roof to collapse.,News Item 1,News Item 1,Frances busiest airport will reopen part of a terminal that was not damaged when a segment of the roof collapsed in May, killing four people.,The Transport Minister Gilles de,Robien,said a segment of the three-building 2E terminal at Charles de Gaulle airport would return to service on July 15. In the May 23 disaster, failing glass, steel and masonry* killed four travelers - two Chinese,one Czech* and one Lebanese*. Three others were injured.,A preliminary report by experts said Tuesday that a weakness in the concrete that formed the futuristic terminals vaulted roof may have contributed to the collapse.,Officials are still unsure about what exactly caused it to collapse.,News Item 2,Notes,parlous:,adj.,危险的,不易对付的,Infrastructure:,n.,物质基础设施,Ferry:,n.,渡船,Brake:,n.,闸,刹车,A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.,This news item is about,_,a string of accidents this week in Congo.,News Item 2,B: Fill in the missing information,A String of Accidents This Week,Type of accident,Time,Place,Casualties,Cause of the accident,a ferry sink,Tues.,on Lake Mai-,Ndombe, Northeast of,Kinshasha,More than 160 people,storm,a truck crash,Sat.,Near the eastern town of,Goma,18 people were killed or injured,brake trouble,an air crash,Sat.,Near the town of,Boende, in northwestern,COngo,all 22 Congolese passengers and the crew,unknown,News Item 2,An,Antonov,26 plane crashed in northwestern Congo shortly after take-off on Saturday, killing all 22 Congolese passengers and the crew.,It was not known how many crew members were on the plane when it crashed near the town of,Boende, more than 600 km northeast of the capital Kinshasa. The cause of the crash was unknown.,A string of accidents this week has underlined the parlous* state of Democratic Republic of Congos transport infrastructure* after five years of war and decades of misrule.,More than 160 people drowned when a ferry sank during a storm on Lake Mai-,Ndombe, north east of Kinshasa, on Tuesday.,On Saturday, 18 people were killed or injured when a small truck experienced brake trouble and crashed near the eastern town of,Goma,.,News Item 3,Notes,Script:,笔迹,手迹,Payout:,a large sum of money paid to someone (here, as compensation) n.,支出,花费,the practice of racial profiling:,forming opinions on people, or holding stereotypes of them based on their ethnic backgrounds,歧视性种族评判,News Item 3,A: Listen to the news item and complete the summary.,This news item is about,_.,B: Listen and fill in the blanks with what you hear.,Raed,Jarrar, an airline passenger, has recently been awarded a total of,_,in compensation.,Back in 2006,Mr,Jarrar,was waiting to board a flight at New Yorks JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read,_,in English,and Arabic. Later he was ordered to remove the printed words on his T-shirt by staff who said other passengers,_,with the Arabic slogan. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but says he was made to _. Lawyers representing,Raed,Jarrar,say the payout is a _ for free speech and a _ to the practice of racial profiling.,the practice of racial profiling in the United States,240,000,We Will Not Be Silent,felt uncomfortable,sit at the back,victory,blow,News Item 3,In the United States lawyers for,Raed,Jarrar, an airline passenger forced to cover his T-shirt because it displayed an Arabic script, say he has been awarded almost a quarter of a million dollars in compensation.,Lawyers representing,Raed,Jarrar,say the,payout,is a victory for free speech and a blow to,the practice of racial profiling,. Back in 2006,Mr,Jarrar,was waiting to board a flight at New Yorks JFK airport wearing a T-shirt that read We Will Not Be Silent in English and Arabic.,His lawyers claim he was ordered to remove the item of clothing by staff who said other passengers felt uncomfortable with the Arabic,slogan,. He eventually agreed to cover the shirt and boarded the plane, but says he was made to sit at the back.,Section Three,Oral Work,Focus,Retelling,The Strand,Galveston,Oral work,Oral work,There is a street called The Strand in Galveston, where hundreds of thousands of tourists,visit today. This street was Mamas stomping* ground as a kid. Before Mama died, we took a streetcar around Galveston to see all the lovely, restored homes. What a great day. She knew more,than the tour guide. As we sat enjoying the sights, Mama said, Liz, do you know why my nose is a little crooked*? (I thought, Where did that come from?) No, Mama, you havent ever mentioned it, I replied.,Well, said mother, one day I followed my brothers to The Strand, and a streetcar ran over,me. I put myself flat down between the rails and pushed my face in the ground so hard, I broke my,nose! It sure caused a lot of chaos*. People screamed, the police came, and I just crawled out,brushed myself off and went home. The only thing 1 ever noticed different about me was a crooked,I just looked at her nose and looked at Mama in utter disbelief!,Section Four,Supplementary Work,Passage 1 Babies and Intelligence,A: Listen and answer the questions.,1. Some people thought babies were able to learn things when they were five or six months old.,2. Doctors think babies begin learning things on their first day of life.,3. Babies communicate with other people by smiling.,4. They can recognize and understand sounds they heard while they were still developing inside their mothers.,5. Babies can learn while asleep.,6. They are important for a childs all later development.,Study 1,Objective,Mothers influence on their children in terms of social development and language skills,People involved,More than 1,200 mothers and children,Length of the study,Almost three years,Activity,Mothers play with their children,Method used,Observation,Findings,1. The children of sensitive woman did well on,tests of language skills and understanding what,they hear. They were cooperative and had no,problems dealing with other people.,2. The children of depressed women did poorly,on tests of language skills and understanding,what they hear. These children also were less,cooperative and had more problems dealing,with other people.,Study 2,Objective,Birth weight and intelligence,Number of children involved,Almost 3,500 children,Method used,Traditional tests,Findings,Babies who are bigger at birth generally are more intelligent later in life.,2. The link between birth weight and intelligence later in life was a stronger for boys than for girls.,Passage 2 Fatigue,A: Pre-listening question,What is fatigue? Whats the difference between fatigue and drowsiness?,Fatigue is a feeling of weariness, tiredness, or lack of energy. Fatigue is different from drowsiness. In general, drowsiness is feeling the need to sleep, while fatigue is a lack of energy and motivation. Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.,B: Choose the best answer.,1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. C,Passage 2 Fatigue,C: Listen and discuss the questions.,1. When do people feel fatigued?,Fatigue is a normal and important response to physical exertion, emotional stress, boredom, or lack of sleep.,2. What can also be symptoms of fatigue?,Drowsiness and apathy can be symptoms of fatigue.,3. What can usually relieve fatigue?,Enough exercise, good nutrition, or low-stress environment can usually relieve fatigue.,4. What treatment can also help deal with fatigue?,Treatment for chronic pain or depression often helps address fatigue.,5. What is the side effect of some antidepressant medication?,They may cause or worsen fatigue.,Thank you!,


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