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Reading Fun,Sub topics go here,*,Reading Fun,Sub topics go here,*,名词性从句,主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,判断,1. It is probable that,some time in the tenth century, black powder was first compounded from its basic ingredients of saltpetre, charcoal and sulphur.,(,剑,3,T1,R),2. One advantage of being an only child is that there is less arguing within the family.,3. A simple analogy can help us to understand how a rocket operates.,(,剑,3,T1,R),4. There is no doubt that “crimes against the person” rise in the summer, when the weather is hotter and fall in the winter, when the weather is colder.,(,剑,3,T3,R,),名词性从句的引导词,从句是否完整,是否有汉语意义,1,,,that,2,,,whether/if,3,,连接代词(,who, whom, what, which,),4,连接副词(,when, where, why, how,),(只缺状语),(缺基本结构:主,宾,表,定),(“是否”),一,,that,【,句式1,】,it is important that,提分点:,1,,内容 2,,词汇 3,,句式,词汇:,important= significant; essential, crucial, vital, pivotal,句式:it is of the utmost importance that,of + n. = adj.,【,句式2,】,不言而喻的是,毫无疑问的是,无可厚非的,是,”,There is no doubt,that,=,There is no denying,that,=,I,t,is,undeniable that,=,It goes without saying,that,prevention is better than cure.,【,句式3,】,同位语从句,:,(,绝大多数是,that,引导),常接同位语从句的概括性的,抽象名词,有:,fact doubt idea evidence problem news opinion saying thought sign,【,练,】,有这样的可能性:,所有会计人员将趋于雷同,或全部的金发碧眼女郎都彼此相似。(剑,3,T2,R,),There is some,possibility/likelihood that,.,二,,whether / if,Its a mass extinction, and,whether we will ever rebound from the loss,is difficult to know.,(剑,4,,,T2,,,R,),这是一种大规模的消失,我们能否挽回这种局面现在很难知道。,【,练,1/2】,一个笑话会引起愉悦还是痛苦取决于个人的见解。,(剑,5,T2,R,),Whether,a joke gives pleasure or pain depends on a persons outlook.,【,练,2/2】,一直以来有这样的讨论:到底人们是受天生特质的影响大,还是受后天培养的影响更大。,(剑,5,T4,W,),There has been an ongoing discussion,whether,a person is more influenced by,nature or by nurture,.,注意,:,If,还是,whether,?,1,),if,只用于宾语从句,2,),if,不可以和,or not,直接连用。,正确使用:,ifor not,whether or not,whether or not,练习: 他来不来无关紧要。,Key:,whether he comes or not makes no difference.,三,,who, whom, whose, what, which,结构,:,连接词,+,从句,(,正常语序,),从句缺基本成分(主,宾,表,定),今日事今日毕,Never put off till tomorrow,what,can be done today.,Several days ago, a Beijing-based IT company fired about 400 people overnight. The act startled the fired employees and at the same time worried the rest. Moreover,what was special about this case,was that the day before the 400 were fired, they all received from their boss a gift the book,Who Moved My Cheese?,句型:,what/who +,主语从句,+ is +,强调部分,强调部分:,原句中的,主语或宾语,。,【,练,1/5】,从火山口喷发出来的大部分是气体。,(,剑,4,T3,R),_ comes out of volcanic craters is mostly gas.,【,练,2/5】,After you reach a certain point, money becomes unimportant. _.,(真正重要的是成功),What matters is success.,【,练,3/5】,上图描述的是,。,【,基本表达,】The above chart shows that,【,强调表达,】,What,the above chart shows,is .,【,练,4/5】,我想要谈论的是,。,【,基本表达,】I would like to talk about.,【,强调表达,】,what/who,I would like to talk about,is .,【,练,5/5】,使语言濒临灭绝的,不仅是使用人数,还有它们的历史。 (剑,4,T2,R),What makes a language endangered,is not just the number of speakers, but how old they are.,4, when, where, why, how,结构,:,连接词,+,从句,(,正常语序,),从句不缺基本成分,只缺状语(时间,地点,原因,方式),【,练,1/4】,这意味着孩子在成长过程中从不为他人着想,也不明白,他们的幸福生活来自何处,。,(,剑,4,T4,W,),This means that the children grow up,without consideration,for others and,without any understanding,of,where their standard of living comes from.,【,练,2/4】,我们的外表,有意无意地向其他人传递各种强烈的潜意识信息。,(剑,3,G,TB,R,),Wittingly or unwittingly,how we look,sends all sorts of powerful subliminal messages to other people.,【,练,3/4】,在这篇文章中,我将提出,这个问题出现的原因,,以及,政府使问题得到控制的方法。,(剑,5,G,TB,W),In this essay, I would like to suggest,why,this problem has arisen and,how,a government could bring the problem under control.,【,练,4/4】,该图表明在,1900,到,2000,年间世界范围用水量的变化情况。,(剑,6,,,T1,,,W,),The graph shows,how,the amount of water,used worldwide,changed between 1900 and 2000.,练习,1. No one knows exactly _ the pyramids were built.,(,剑,7,T4,R),2. For this form I dont know _ it would count as professional or business or what.,(,剑,2,T3,L),多重名词性从句的判断,1. It is said that the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, that the blood poison is, so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula.,据说,神经毒液是两者中较为原始的一种,而血液毒液不妨说是经过改进配方制成的较新产品。,主语从句,-that ,that,.,并列主语从句,2. How it came about that snakes manufactured poison is a mystery.,蛇是怎样产生毒液的现在还是一个谜,.,主语从句,-howthat,双重主语从句,3. There is evidence that these materials work, and that schools can achieve something.,(,剑,6,T4,R),有证据表明,这些材料行之有效,而且学校能够取得效果,.,同位语从句,-that, that -,同时修饰,evidentce.,4. Many believe that the story first began in America in 1877, when two friends were arguing over whether a horse ever had all four feet or hooves off the ground when it galloped.,(,剑,6,T2,L),许多人认为这个故事在,1877,年起源于美国,当时有两个朋友争论马在奔跑的时候是否四个蹄子同时全部离开地面,.,That(,宾语从句,)-when(,定语从句,)-whether(,宾语从句,)-when(,状语从句,),THE END,复习,Bonus: “that”,That: 1,,定语从句,2,,名词性从句,3,,强调句,1, It was quite strange that he became bi-sexual as he grow up.,2, It was last summer that I graduated from the university.,3, I saw the handbag that John gave Mike at Christmas.,分析,He said that that that that that boy was writing is misspelling.,KEY:,“,他说,那个男孩正在写的,that,这个单词拼写错误。”,He said that,(宾语从句),that,(“那个”),that,(单词,that) that(,定语从句),that,(“那个”),boy was writing is misspelling.,back,复习:,1.,概念,2.,引导词(,4,类),3.,多重名词性从句,【,课后练习,】,:,P144,,二,,1-6,16-18,23-25,P147,五,1-6,11,14,17,25,高分作文句子,那些反对,男女同校,的人认为这样会导致,早恋,,对他们的学习,有害,。,(,教育话题),co-education / mixed sex school,puppy love,Harmful/detrimental,Those,against co-education,hold,that,the environment will probably lead children to,puppy love,which will then,serve as an obstacle to,their academic achievement.,BONUS:,negative problems in teenagers,suicide,violence,depression,意志消沉,school failure,学业不成功,substance abuse,滥用毒品,juvenile delinquency,青少年犯罪,unintentional injuries,非故意伤害,teenager pregnancy,早孕,


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