九年级Unit 14 Section B第二课时

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Is it a story, a speech or a notice?,Who do you think wrote it?,Who is it for?,It is a speech.,The,headmaster of,the school is probably the person who wrote it.,It is for the graduating students of the school.,Read the passage and match the following items.,learn to be thankful,changes in the students,hope for the students,Para. 1,Para. 2,Para. 3,Task,1:,Task 2,仔细阅读课文,回答,2c,的问题,What were the students like in Grade 7?,How have the students changed?,Who should the students thank and why?,4. What will senior high school be like?,5. How should the students deal with the future?,They were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge.,They are now talented young adults who are full of,hope for the future.,They should thank the important people in their,lives their parents, teachers and friends.,Life in senior high will be harder and they will have,many difficult tasks ahead of them.,They should learn from their mistakes and never give up,choose wisely and be responsible for their own decisions and actions, and not forget where they came from.,Task 3:,Fill the column.,Para.,Key sentence,Key words or phrases,1,2,3,Youve all grown up so much and Im so proud of you.,graduation ceremony, congratulate, talented, full of hope, grow up, proud of,Never fail to be thankful to the people around you.,remember the important people who helped and supported you,The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life.,difficult tasks, make mistakes, learn from mistakes, never give up, make your own choices, be responsible for your decisions,=,be thirsty for.,渴望,.,处理;应付,What do with?,怎样处理,.?,How deal with?,怎样处理,.?,be proud of ,为,而自豪,/,骄傲,=,take pride in ,over=during,在,.,期间,现在完成时标志,(,三者及以上范围,)一个也没有,life,生活;生命,考虑,consider do,ing,sth,.,fail to do,sth,.,未能做某事,be thankful to,sb,.,对某人感激的,不必,犯错,沿途,关键,伴随着,.,各自的;分离的,=when,set up,建立,1,出席毕业庆,2.,与,分别,3.,充满活力,4.,渴求知识,5.,对未来的希望,6,,一定要向某人表达感激,7.,给某人飞翔的翅膀,8.,开始你的新旅程,9.,对自己的决定和行为负责,10.,走自己的路,1 attend the graduation ceremony,2. separate from,sb,3. full of energy,4. thirsty of knowledge,5. hope for the future,6. never fail to be thankful to,sb,7. give wings to fly,8. set out on your new journey,9. be responsible for your decision action,10. go your separate ways,1.,首先我要向今天到这儿所有的学生表示祝贺。,2.,我希望你们记住那些在你的生活中帮助你,支持你的重要的人。,3.,关键是要从错误中学习并永不放弃。,4.,伴随着困难,一路上也会有许多令人兴奋的事在等着你。,5.,当你出发踏上你的新的旅程时,不要望了你来自哪里。,First of all, Id like to congratulate all the students who are here today.,I hope youll remember the important people in your lives who helped and supported you.,The key is to learn from mistakes and never gave up.,Along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.,As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from.,Ladies and gentleman,Thank you for _(come) today _(attend),the graduation ceremony at No.3 Junior High School. First of,all.Id,like _(congratulate),All the students,who_(be,) here,today.I,remember _ (meet) all of you when,you_(be,),just_(start,) Grade 7 at this,school. You _(be) all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. And,yes,some,of you were,a little difficult _(deal) with! But today I see a,Room full of _(talent) young adults who are,full of hope for the future. Youve all _(grow),up so much and Im so proud of you.,coming,to attend,to congratulate,are,meeting,were,starting,talented,were,grown,to deal,Although youve all _(work) very hard over the last three,years,none,of you _(do) it alone. I hope youll _(remember) the _(important) people in your _(life),Who helped and _(support) you your parents, your teachers and your friends. Please,_(consider) what they _(do) for you and what they mean to,you.Never,fail_,(be) thankful to the people around you.,Lastly, the end of junior high school is the _(begin) of a new,life.I,dont need _,(tell) you that life in senior high school _(be),_(hard) and that you have many difficult,_(task) ahead of you. You ,ll,_(make),mistakes and never give up. But along with,worked,did,remember,importance,lives,consider,supported,beginning,have done,to tell,to be,will be,harder,to tell,make,difficulties, there will also be many exciting things _(wait) for you. Behind each door you open,are chances _(learn) new,things,and,you have the ability _(make) choices. Choose widely and responsible for our _(decide),And actions. Although you have _(go) your,separate ways now, I hope that in a few _(year),time,youll come back _(,visit)our,school. As you set out on your new journey, you shouldnt forget where you _(come),from.The,future is _(you),Good luck and hope _(see) you again sometime soon.,waiting,to learn,to make,decisions,years,to go,came,to visit,to see,yours,Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in the box.,2d,attend be thirsty for none,set out be proud of,It is time to say goodbye, but _ of us want to leave.,It is always hard to separate from those whom you have spent so much time with for the past three years. However, we are still excited to _ on a new journey when we enter senior high school.,none,set out,3. The teacher can see in our eyes that we _ knowledge. She tells us that knowledge will give us wings to fly.,4. We will _ the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us.,5. Our teachers and parents will _ us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves.,are thirsty for,attend,be proud of,Underline the sentences you like in the passage.,Tell your partner what they mean and why you like them.,2e,1.,Never fail,to be thankful to the people around you.,*,此句为否定结构的祈使句。祈使句否定结构大多由助动词,dont,承担。,* 但若要加强语气,英语课用,never,替代,dont,,表达汉语“千万不要,;一定别,”,的意思。,*若要进一步强调,表达语气更强的禁止,则可使用“,Never, ever”,结构。,Language points,别来迟了。,(,不要迟到。,),Dont,come late.,对人一定不要讲脏话。,Never,use dirty words on others.,这是一把装有子弹的枪,千万、千万不要碰他!,This is a loaded gun.,Never, ever,touch it!,一定、一定不要把秘密泄露出去,你能够做到吗?,Never, ever,let anyone know the secret. Can you promise?,2. As you,set out on,your new,journey, you shouldnt forget where you came from.,set out on something,开始进行新的或重要的事情,set out,出发,我们开始着手这个项目时就知道它的难处。,When we,set out on,this project, we knew it would be difficult.,这些旅行者休息三天后又出发了。,After a three-day rest, the travelers,set out,again.,journey,本义为 “旅程”,此句中用的是它的引申义,即它的隐喻用法,意思是“,(,人生的,),阶段或行程”。,隐喻在英语中很常见,如:,学习是终身旅程。,Learning is a life-long,journey,.,时间就是金钱。,Time is,money,.,这本书是这对夫妇辛苦付出的成果。,The book is the,fruit,of the couples hard work.,Quiz,注,:,另附,word,文档。,点击此处链接,I.,根据汉语提示填空。,She could not but _ (,祝贺,) him.,Mark was out of earshot, walking _ (,在,前面,) them.,A young man of his years needed to have a _ (,单独的,) room.,If a baby is _ (,口渴的,), it feeds more often.,Most of the time Im just _ (,感激,) that Ive got a job.,congratulate,ahead of,separate,thirsty,thankful,Translate and write them down.,首先,让我来介绍一下我自己。,2.,除酒以外,烟草在多数国家都要征税。,3.,我们正要动身去北京。,First of all, let me introduce myself.,Tobacco is taxed in most countries, along with alcohol.,We are going to set out for Beijing.,4.,奶奶对于我们是一种恩惠,我们很感激有她在身边。,5.,他渴望拥有权力。,6.,学校对你的孩子负有法律上的安全责任。,Grandma was a blessing and we were thankful to have her.,He was thirsty for power.,The school is legally responsible for your childs safety.,Review,set out (on something),journey,first of all,be thirsty for,ahead of,be thankful to sb.,along with,be responsible for,separate from,1. Review the new words,and,expressions youve learned today.,2. Finish the exercises in,Learning English,.,3. Preview 3a-3b on page 111-112.,Homework,


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