广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下册 unit 7 poems period 2 reading课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

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广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下册 unit 7 poems period 2 reading课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第1页
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广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下册 unit 7 poems period 2 reading课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第2页
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广东省深圳市文汇中学七年级英语下册 unit 7 poems period 2 reading课件 (新版)牛津深圳版_第3页
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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,*,*,*,Unit 7 Poems,1.We only use difficult,words in poems.,2.All poems must have,rhymes,,3.Poems are not only,for children.,agree,disagree,agree,disagree,4.Poems can tell stories.,5.All poems use complete sentences.,6.We can write poems about our feelings and ideas,Water has no taste at,all,Waters in the,waterfall,The tap,And the well.,Waters everywhere around us.,Waters in the rain,In the pond,And in the sea again.,Water all around us,My Dad,He comes home, has a shower,And eat dinner, every day.,Now hes sitting in his favourite chair,Too tired to laugh or play.,He reads his book or newspaper,To learn whats new today.,Soon hell go to bed.,Hes a boring man, my dad.,Then I see him working,On the building site.,Hes high up in the clouds,Higher than a kite.,Hes walking on a narrow piece of wood,Not worried about the height,Not afraid, not afraid like me.,Hes superman, my dad.,1.Now hes sitting,in,his favourite chair.,sit,in,the chair 坐在椅子上,in,the tree 在树上,in,the sun 在太阳下,There is a bird,in,the tree.,It is bad for your eyes to read,in,the sun.,2.,Too,tired,to,laugh or play., .太.以致于不能做.,He is,too,full,to,eat a little.,The house is,too,small,to,live in.,3.Hes a,boring,man, my dad.,boring 令人厌烦的,bored 感 到厌烦的,-ing,令人.,-ed,感到.,excit,ing,excit,ed,interest,ing,interest,ed,frighten,ing,frighten,ed,amaz,ing,amaz,ed,surpris,ing,surpri,ed,4.Then I,see,him,working,.,see sb,doing,看见某人,正在做,某事,see sb,do,看见某要,做了,某事(全过程),类似的:,hear sb doing sth /hear sb do sth,There are no apples.I saw him,eat,all apples.,C Vocabulary,1.When you have a,shower,_,_,2.When two large people try to walk through,narrow,door,_,_,you wash your body while standing.,they cannot go,through it at the same time.,3.If you are,worried about something,_,_,4.When some people,rush out,from a bus,_,5.When we say,a crowd of,people,_,you are thinking about something and you feel unhappy about it.,They get out very quickly.,we mean a large group of people.,crowd heights shower smiles,I take a _every day.,There is a _ of people at the train station.,shower,crowd,crowd heights shower smiles,If you are afraid of _,you should not work on a building site.,I buy my breakfast from this,woman every day. She always _and saysGood morning.,heights,smiles,David: The first poem is interesting.,The boy changed his idea about,_when he saw him,working on the building site.,Ann: That s true. The boy thought his,father was a _ at home,but he found out that his father,was _at work.,his dad,boring man,superman,David: I also like The old newspaper,seller.It gives good advice to,people.,Ann: What advice does it give?,David:Everyone should_.,Ann: I agree.Its good for people to,_more often.,David: Yes,just like _.Hes,happy all the time!,smile,smile,the old newspaper seller,D2 Write one word in each blank.,My dad,How many verses does this poem have?_.,What is it about?,Verse1: The writer says that at _ his father,is _because he does the same,things every evening.,Verse2: The Writer sees his father at _,high in the air, and now he thinks that,his dad is a _.,I think this poem is _.(use an adj.),two,home,boring,work,superman,interesting,The old newspaper seller,How many verses does this poem have?_.,What is it about?,Verses 1&2: The writer tells us the man,works at a newspaper,_.It is a _day.,Verses 3-5: The writer says that the people are,_to work. They look,_.,Verse 6: The writer wants everyone to,_and be happy.,I think this poem is _.,six,stand,sunny,hurrying,unhappy,smile,helpful,Hes a superman, my dad.,Lets make a million smiles!,语法填空,Here are two articles about two ordinary (普通的) men.,My dad comes home, has a shower and has dinner every day. Now he (1)_(sit) in his favourite chair. He is too tired to laugh (2)_ play. He reads his book or newspaper to learn what is new today. Soon he will go to bed. He is a (3) _(bore) man. Then I see him working on the building site. He is high up in the clouds, (4)_ (high) than a kite.,is sitting,or,boring,higher,语法填空,He is walking on a narrow piece of wood, not wonied about the height, not afraid like me. He is a superman.,An old newspaper (5) _(sell) is sitting at the newspaper stand near the bus stop, and he is smiling. The Sun is shining. Its very hot but he is smiling. A bus stops, and the people rush out. They are hurrying to work. They dont have much time (6) _(smile).,seller,to smile,语法填空,They take their papers (7) _(quick), and put down some money. But he is patient (8) _everyone and he is still smiling. A crowd of people are very busy with (9) _(tire) faces and just one of (10) _smiles. Is there just one smile in this city? Or will you make it two? Lets make a million smilesl,quickly,with,tired,them,The end,


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