中职英语基础模块下册unit 2shopping单词对话语法.ppt.

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单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,#,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,#,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,单击此处编辑母版标题样式,单击此处编辑母版文本样式,第二级,第三级,第四级,第五级,2018/4/9,#,What is your favorite activity at the weekend?,Unit 2 Shopping,/:/,nurse/n,:,s/,护士,bird/b,:,d/,鸟,burn/b,:,n/,烧灼,turn/t,:,n/,转向,girl/g,:,l/,女孩,/ /,better/bet,/,更好的,never/nev,/,从不,worker/w:k,/,工人,welcome/welk,m/,欢迎,plaza/pla:z,/,广,场,/ /,better/bet,/,更好的,never/nev,/,从不,worker/w:k,/,工人,welcome/welk,m/,欢迎,plaza/pla:z,/,广场,/ /,must/m,st/,必须,does/d,z/,做,money/m,ni/,金钱,ugly/,gli/,丑陋的,come/k,m/,过来,worry/w,ry/,担心,lovely/l,vli/,可爱的,Warm-up,Where do you usually shop?,department store,百货公司,mall,商业街,shopping plaza,购物广场,shopping center,购物中心,supermarket,超级市场,green grocery,蔬菜水果店,Questions:,1:Where would you like to go shopping?,你平时喜欢去哪里购,物,I would like go to the Forest Shopping Center,?,2:Whom,would you like to go shopping with?,你都是和谁一起购物,?,I ususlly go with my friends.,3:Do you usually do some shopping on weekends,?,周末你出去购物吗?,Yes,of course./No,not ususlly.,New words,in style潮流,out of style落伍过时,silk blouse,真丝罩衫,husband & wife,Rainbow,has,seven,colors,Which one do you,prefer,?你更喜欢哪一个?,wash 洗,fade easily,容易褪色,yuan 元,dollar 美元,pound 英镑,pay in cash,现金支付,Here is the change.,这是您的零钱。,credit card,信用卡,sign,签名,receipt,收据,selection,选择,cashier,收银员,cotton,棉花,panda熊猫,I,用,am,you,用,are,,,is,用在他(,he),她,(she),它,(it).,单数名词用,is,复数名词才用,are,。,What,什么,Why,为什么,How,怎么样,Where,在哪里,Would,会,情态动词,Shall,会,情态动词,Will,会,将会情态动词,May,会,可以情态动词,Going Shopping,购物,Mr Wallace is a tourist from Australia. Zhang Ling is his tour guide. Today they are going shopping in Beijing.沃勒斯先生是来自澳大利亚的一名游客。张玲是他的导游。今天他们在北京购物。,Mr Wallace: Hi! Zhang Ling. I want to do some shopping before I leave Beijing for home.,Where shall we go?,你好,张玲。我想在离开北京前买点东西。我们该去哪里好呢?,Zhang:,What would you like to buy?,你想买什么呢?,Mr Wallace: A,silk blouse,for my wife, some,souvenirs,and some gifts for my friends.,我想给我太太买一件真丝女衫,为朋友买些纪念品和礼物。,Zhang: Lets go to Xiushui Market first, and then go to Wangfujing Street.,那我们先去秀水市场再去王府井大街。,Salesgirl: Hello! Welcome to our shop! May I help you, sir?,店员:你好!欢迎光临!你想买点什么呢,先生?,Mr Wallace: Hello! Would you please show me a silk blouse? I want to buy one for my wife.,沃勒斯先生:你好,我可以看看真丝女衫吗?我想为我太太买一件。,Salesgirl: Certainly. Chinese silk blouses are in style now.,店员:当然可以。中国的真丝女衫现在非常流行。,店员提问:,Good morning/Good afternoon.,May i help you,sir?,顾客回答:,Yes,of course.Would you please show me a T-shirt?,是的,你可以拿件,T,恤给我看看吗?,I want to buy one for my mom/friend?,我想买一件给我的母亲,/,朋友。,Salesgirl: What,size,does your wife,/mom/friend,wear?你太太,/,母亲,/,朋友穿多大码的呢?,Mr Wallace: Extra large.特大号的。(,Extra small,Small,Medium Large,Extra large,),Zhang:what,color,does,your wife,/mom/friend,prefer,?,你的太太,/,母亲,/,朋友,更喜欢,哪种颜色呢?,Mr Wallace: Purple,/pink/green/red/black,紫 粉 绿 红 黑,Mr Wallace: How much is it? 那是多少钱呢?,Salesgirl:,Its quite,cheap,.It only,costs,o,ne hundred and ten yuan RMB.这非常便宜。只需要花费,110,元人名币。,expensive,昂贵的,顾客提问:,But will the color fade?,衣服的颜色会掉吗?,店员回答:,Dont worry.The color will not,fade easily.,不用担心。不会那么容易褪色的。,Just tell your wife to,wash,them gently in cold water.,告诉你的妻子冷水轻洗就好。,店员,:,How would you like to pay?In cash or by credit card?,你想怎么付款呢?现金还是刷卡?,顾客:,Are the credit card accepted here?/Can i pay by the credit card?,这里能刷信用卡吗?,/,我可以用信用卡支付吗?,店员:,Yes,its available.,是的,可以用。,顾客:,Here is my card.,这是我的卡。,店员:,Ok.Please,sign,here.,好的,请在这里签名。,And here are your blouses, your,card and the receipt.Thank you for shopping with us.,这是您的罩衫,还有卡和收据。谢谢您的惠顾。,顾客:,Thank you.I like this shop.,谢谢。我很喜欢这家商店。,L,anguage points语法点,1. do some shopping 购物,do some reading 阅读,do some washing 洗洗衣服,do some waliking 散散步,2. be,in,style=be,in,fashion在流行中,out of,style=,out of,fashion 过时,eg. The extra large sunglasses are in fashion now,3.,extra,adv. 特别的;额外的,extra large,加肥加大,eg. My son is very tall and strong now, so I want to buy an extra large jacket for him,.,4.,prefer,v. 宁愿;更喜欢,prefer A to B 喜欢A而不喜欢B,prefer to do rather than do,eg. The girl prefers dancing to singing.,He liked to drive to the city, but I prefered to walk.,-Which one do you prefer, tea or coffee?,-Either. Thank you.,5.,in total = in all,加起来;总共,eg. There are 12 people in the room now,.,6.,by + 交通工具,乘交通工具去某地,by bus 乘公交车,by train 乘火车,by plane/by air 乘飞机,by ship/by boat/ by sea 乘船,on foot 步行,eg. How are you going to Gunagzhou, by train or by plane?,Reading Comprehension,1. Who is Mr Wallace?,沃勒斯先生是谁?,Mr Wallace is,2. What does,Mr Wallace want to buy in Beijing?,沃勒斯先生想在北京买点啥?,a tourist,from Australia,.,a silk blouse for his wife, souvenirs, some gifts for his friends.,太太的丝绸罩衫,纪念品,朋友的礼物。,沃勒斯先生是一个来自澳大利亚的游客。,3. What size blouse does Mr Wallaces wife wear?,沃勒斯先生的太太穿多大码的衣服?,She usually wear the,4. Why does the salesgirl thinks Mr Wallace is right to buy his wife a silk blouse?,为什么售货员认为沃勒斯先生给他太太买罩衫是对的。,Beacuse Chinese silk blouse,extra large ones.,她通常穿加大的。,are in style now .,因为中国丝绸罩衫非常流行。,5.What will Mr Wallace tell his wife about the silk blouse when washing?,沃勒斯先生应该在他太太洗丝绸罩衫是告诉她注意什么?,Mr Wallace has to tell his wife to wash the silk blouse gently in cold water.,沃勒斯先生应该告诉他太太用冷水轻洗丝绸罩衫。,Language Study,1. in style 9. by taxi,2. size 10. am sure,3. prefer,4. worry,5. (to) wash,6. cheap,7. in total,8. available,动词不定式,To do that sort of thing,is foolish,。,I want,to see you this evening.,All you have to do is,to finish it quickly.,We found a house,to live in,.,She came here,to study English,.,I warned the patient not,to eat cold water,after the operation.,主语,宾语,表语,定语,状语,宾补,英语博客网,作主语,To say,is,one thing,。,主语 谓语 宾语,说 是 一回事。,注意:当不定式短语较长时,常用,it,作形式主语,,放在谓语之前的主语位置,将真正的主语放在谓语之后。,It,is important,to learn English well,.,(形式主语) (真正的主语),学好英语是非常重要的。,作主语,To master a foreign language,is really important nowadays.,To give up smoking,is right.,1.,当今掌握一门外语真的很重要。,2.,放弃吸烟是对的。,英语博客网,作表语,My job is,to teach English,.,To see is,to believe.,1.,我的工作是教英语。,2.,眼见为实。,英语博客网,作宾语,Fred didnt have any money, so he,decided,to look for a job,.,He,promised,not,to tell anyone about it.,1. Fred,没有钱,所以他决定找一份工作。,2.,他答应不告述任何人这事。,作宾补,She asked me,to stay there,.,1.,她叫我呆在这儿。,2.,请允许我介绍,Mr. White,给你们。,Please allow me,to introduce Mr. White to you.,英语博客网,注意,A,.,有些动词后面的不定式,不带,to,,如,feel,(一感),hear,listen to,(二听),make, have, let,(三让),see, watch, notice, observe,(四看),.,I,heard,them,sing,a pop song .,The teacher,made,me,answer,the question.,We,watched,them,play,football .,英语博客网,作定语,Do you have anything,to say,?,1.,你有什么要说的吗,?,2. Betty,是第一个知道这真相的人,Betty was the first,to know the truth,英语博客网,作状语,He spoke loudly,(so as / in order) to be heard,.,They jumped with joy,to hear the news,.,Im too tired,to walk,any further tonight.,目的状语,.,原因状语,.,结果状语,英语博客网,注意,B,.,动词不定式的否定式只须在,to,前加,not,.,My father decided,not,to take up,the job.,The teacher told us,not,to be late,again.,英语博客网,注意,C,.,带疑问词的动词不定式在,to,前加疑问词,。,Mr.Lin will teach us,how to use,the computer.,Can you tell me,where to get,the book?,英语博客网,注意,D,.,作简短回答或避免不必要的重复时,动词不定式常常省去,to,后面,的动词,只,保留,to,。,A:Would you like to come to my party?,Mary wanted to use my bike, but I asked her not,to,( use my bike).,B: Yes , Id love,to,( come to your party).,Mary,想用我的自行车,但我叫她别用。,英语博客网,1.answer the question,回答这个问题,2.clean the classroom,清扫教室,3.open the door,把门打开,4.play the basketball with us,和我们一起打篮球,5.buy new bicycle,买新的自行车,6.work 12 hours a day,一天工作,12,小时,e in this room,进入这个房间,8.a room,一个房间,9.lose weight,减肥,10.have a rest/take a break,休息一下,Grammer Focus,1. To answer the question (,主语),2. to clean the classroom(,表语,),3.,(,to,),open the door(,宾补,),4. to play the basketball with us(,宾语,),5. not to buy a new bike (,宾补,),6. were made to work 12 hours a day (,宾语,),7. enter the room (,宾补,),8. a room to live in(,定语,),9. to lose weight (,状语,) 10. to have a rest (,状语,),


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